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Ohio_patriot31 • 7 years ago

Taqiyya... she's just practicing.

Surprise, surprise, surprise. Another SJW snowflake fabricating a hate crime to fight the very hate they claim exists.

Pro-tip snowflakes: If you have to actually commit the hate you claim to be against because it doesn't really exist, then you are the hater.

Let that sink for a bit.

EjB • 7 years ago

They are all haters. We didn't protest and shut down a major California highway when our candidate lost. We just got up the next day and trudged to work. Now there is a no fly zone over trump tower? How bad does this have to get before anyone with functioning braincells sees who the problem is in this country?

Libs R Nuts • 7 years ago

looks like left wants war with the right. They better think twice cause that will not end well for libs...

Line em up. I don't own any firearms and too busy working and $30,000 under in student loans wrapping up my masters in teaching. That's why I have good friends who ARE armed and will be patient instructors should the need arise.

RegT • 7 years ago

Glad to hear about at least _one_ conservative (or at least non-progressive) teacher-in-the-making. It will be tough for you unless you get hired by some school or university where it isn't a hate crime to be conservative. If any still exist.

Very new conservative here, considered myself a moderate until this election. Supported Bush (now regret - have mixed feelings) and opposed Obama (don't regret it). Suppose that made me right-leaning. I wish candidates I liked came along more often.

roger owens • 7 years ago

When has a “diversity activist” ever campaigned to bring
white people to any global place or institution that is non-white?

When has a “diversity activist” ever campaigned to bring
foreign people to places where THEIR OWN ethnic group is the majority?

”Diversity” is entirely one-way: taking white institutions
and populations and turning them non white.

Anti whites demand No-White-Anything-Anywhere.

Its Geno Cide

Loon • 7 years ago

This is an important look into the psychology of victimhood. If the aggrieved minorities really believed that they were the equals of their perceived oppressors, they would not need to ASK for special treatment, they would just work hard and prosper (or not) like everyone else, according to their INDIVIDUAL abilities. They imprison themselves with their own beliefs of inferiority. This nonsense has been fed to them by liberals and grievance mongers for over a century.

The logical fallacy is to think of people classed into any group at all. Classifying people based on color only returns one piece of information: the variations in color of those people. Nothing more can be derived from that classification. Thinking of people in groups is nonsensical. What is the favorite ice cream flavor of Blondes? What kind of music do tall people like? See, doesn't do anything for you, its a fake way to think.

Testa Sterone • 7 years ago

As do we all!!! The problem is that the left only likes those who are as corrupt and unethical as they are. Good luck in you latest endeavors! Never give up.

IMPACT1 • 7 years ago

You made a great choice!

IMPACT1 • 7 years ago

There are st least 25 conservative colleges in the US...we need to make that grow.

Samuel A. Hinson • 7 years ago

Putin Panic This Tiny Army Could Defeat Russia, United states of america, In New Globe War


It's the best threat global stability has ever confronted.
All the weapons in the globe won't issue after this small army kick into equipment.
It's presently confirmed its really worth when it demolished an army nearly 40x their size in battlefield.
Find out how they did it listed here.It was not their outstanding instruction, or elite skills that served them.
Eyewitnesses claim customers of this military act like males possessed, as if they had been under a Devilish spell.
But here's the backbone-chilling lower: an ancient "end of the planet" prophecy talks about the coming of an unstoppable army led by an unholy drive, that will fight and ruin eighty armies.

GlobalistSaboteur • 7 years ago

Sketchy link. Don't click.

Guest • 7 years ago

You should be ready by now. Self defense is not something you can learn in a couple of days.

Wish I had the time because I agree. Not going to damage my current life to prepare for a potential one. Keeping informed though, events might change my priorities.

Guest • 7 years ago

That's a cop out. You are dodging your responsibility to be able to defend yourself. Why are you taking advantage of your friends that way?

Doom On You • 7 years ago

Don't worry, most of us have enough to share.

ninetyninepct • 7 years ago

Good luck finding a College or university that allows you to work rather than hide in a safe space all day.

craig732 • 7 years ago

Now may be the time. The Democrats seem hell-bent on revolution, violence, hatred. Don't wait until it is too late.

Benmaxcon • 7 years ago

300 million firearms in America today...I bet most belong to the 60 million who voted for Trump...not very good for the snowflakes if they want to start a civil war.

Auntie Falafel • 7 years ago

Ever watch the first wpisode of Walking Dead? When faced with hordes of zombies, a single man with a lot of firepower is limited.
Need to pay attention of your environment.
If the rioters leave their cities and head to the 'burbs, people need to be ready to assemble and protect each other's families and properties.
Fortunately, many veterans can be organized quickly due to their previous training

GlobalistSaboteur • 7 years ago

Soros can't hire enough protesters to reach the suburbs.

Skyrim4Ever • 7 years ago

very true. I was hoping this was the case though. Because this would've been the quickest way to bring instant closure to the snowflake's moon driven lunacy

Skyrim4Ever • 7 years ago

This is a no brainer. Take another look at the global area of the electoral map. By default, I'm willing to bet that more than 60% of the population in the reddest areas of the country have at least ONE 2nd Amendment pet.....

Patrick Cooper • 7 years ago

Lock and load baby...

James Kettering • 7 years ago

Not any more. No more turning the other cheek when some clown says something while I wear a MAGA cap.

Libs R Nuts • 7 years ago

I wear Border Wall T-Shirt to work that I bought at Breitbart
I work in NYC,
Thank God im pretty big dude cause they would want to jump me lololol

MsAnnThropee • 7 years ago

Yes, and I am thinking that fact alone is another 'silver-lining' (heheh...whatever) for the Libtards, and the powers they cannot exist without. Imagine if Hilldog won?

Yeah...Peaceful protests would not be how things would have been, don't they know the alt-right/conservative/ patriots really mean it when we say: "Only when you pry it from my cold, dead, hands..." ???.
Sheesh...I have seen more active and resolute Hippies than these bunch of snowflakes.

Yeah, Revolution is a-coming, just on OUR terms, finally.

Areminder • 7 years ago

But they have u.n. peace stoppers that our miltary budget has paid to train on how to do urban warfare in our cities. (And don't think all those DHS arms and ammo went to the law enforcement branch of each agency of the govt ONLY!

Auntie Falafel • 7 years ago

Urban warfare? Thats not where the real American population lives that would put up the fight.
Scrub the cities

MsAnnThropee • 7 years ago

Jade Helm, if I am correct, seems to be part of your concern, along with--and with a damned fine good reason to--be at arms over any psycho-martial rule that, indeed, we had...Okay, 'have' good reason to be frosty about. I am confident, since POTUSE Trump won't continue that line of 'control'...At LEAST not to any Citizen that respects The Rule of Law.
That is what separates people...those that don't mess with it, or...those that think they are 'special', and reasonable law is no longer something adhered to.
Same reason another faction of thinkers, have stockpiled ammo, assuring that our years of forced 'paranoia',, or just good ol Military nurturing feeding that instinct to horde ammo, is no longer on red alert, so to speak.

I would be a fool to believe that just because my candidate won, that life was going to suddenly be peaches & cream all around, universally. However, it sure doesn't hurt, and I found myself smiling on that very thought Tuesday night.

The UN? Yeah...they have, I think, much bigger--now, if ever, to worry about. Let's call a spade a spade, until we see different, cause change is inevitable,and we are part of it.

Pay no mind to the butthurt, they are loving it.

Loon • 7 years ago

Maybe they forgot that we are the 'gun crazies'. There are more guns than legal citizens in this country, very few owned by progressives, I'm guessing. If they truly felt that we gun owners were that unstable they would just STFU. If we were that bad, every day would be like Mogadishu, a running gun battle every time you went for milk and bread at the store, but somehow that only happens in Chicago and LA. Hmmmmm, now what do those places have in common? Let me think...

Skyrim4Ever • 7 years ago

ESPECIALLY because they've spent the last 8 years living in an idyllic safe gun free zone cocoon---while we on the right have remained rooted in a taxpaying reality, and maintained an intimate relationship with our 2nd Amendment Right pets.....

Iconoclysm • 7 years ago

But I thought those guns were only for use against the government? If someone wants to overthrow the government that you elected, they're now for defending the government?

Libs R Nuts • 7 years ago

no,it's against enemies,foreign and domestic

Mr Smith • 7 years ago

My armory is stocked. +1000 rounds .22 long, +/- 400 5.56, and +300 7.62

George Lortz • 7 years ago

Sorry, that is NOT stocked.

Libs R Nuts • 7 years ago

you need to have 4 times as much

Mr Smith • 7 years ago

I'm working on it. I didn't list small arms amunitions. 22 long in Minnesota there's been a shortage Same for 5.56 and 7.62. I hope the prices would go down too being Trump is elected. Stocks in gun manufacturers and ammo dropped but stocks in prisons, and bonds whent up. If energy stocks go up prison stocks go up bonds go up that's when you know the market is unstable.

lb--PROUD DEPLORABLE • 7 years ago

The problem is they GET AWAY WITH IT. Instead of IMMEDIATELY, as soon as they move onto a road, come with overwhelming force and start arresting them and carting them away, THEN it will end, not before

Shaupeen • 7 years ago

I think our new AG Mr Giuliani will quickly put an end to this crap. It's time to turn up the heat on these snowflakes.

Areminder • 7 years ago

Rudy needs to be the guy in charge of RICO per the clinton/obama/bush crime ring. Sheriff Joe needs to take over the rest as AG with Rudy as Assistant AG in charge of organized crime. (I'll bet the NYPD is as chomping at the bit as he for it to happen.)

Skyrim4Ever • 7 years ago

I was thinking:

1. Chris Christie for Atty Gen or DOJ. But that's now Trey
2. Rudy as Sec Treasury AND for special prosecutor for the Clinton Crime Family Foundation <--unraveling & draining the swamp on this could take at least a year given depth Clinton Crime Family Foundation corruption.
3. Newt for SOS!
4. Alan West for NSA if the FBI nominee doesn't work out
5. Sheriff Joe for Homeland Security
6. Carly Figuerina for Sec. Commerce
7. Those top 4 retired military generals are obviously going to be the CINC/JAFACC etc. in Pentagon
8. Carson for Surgeon Gen (because who else is as highly qualified?)
9. Ted Cruz for SCOTUS <--take Ginsburg seat as she vowed she was leaving for Kiwiland when Trump won. Wonder when her flight leaves the US? Maybe she's hitching a ride on that Delta IV rocket which will be taking Cher to Jupiter.....

Need to add Rush & Savage to an exclusive list of advisers Trump needs to call upon from time to time as well.

Savage might do an excellent job with Planned Parenthood which Barry is now desperately moving to protect IMO. lol

Shaupeen • 7 years ago

GREAT idea!

lb--PROUD DEPLORABLE • 7 years ago

I go back and forth because I really also wanted him at the DOJ but you are right, AG is the right office for him

Drexxler 1 • 7 years ago

It was just announced that Trey gowdey is going to be the AG!

Skyrim4Ever • 7 years ago

NO. Because in going Spartan 300 Alpha Male on delicate & nasty little snowflakes like that, Trump will play right into the hands and trap the DNC insurrectionists are trying to set for him. Some of the most obnoxious of the drive by media (YES CLINTON NEWS NETWORK JUANITO I'M LOOKING DIRECTLY AT YOU) are already demaning Trump APOLOGIZE to these criminal rugrats--for inciting them to riot from sheer fear of his being the racist, alpha Neo Nazi white male. This is EXACTLY the story the news media is hungrily aniticipating.

So all Trump needs do now is to LIE LOW --i.e. STAY OFF TWITTER WITH THE POLARIZING COMMENTS, and take this interval to plan & transition his new cabinet for Jan 20th--and let BARRY/DNC take the heat for all this sh*te creation of his.

Because as sure as Jan 20th is inbound less than 70 days from now, Barry/DNC & Soros will insist on secretly instigating this state promoted internal terrorism. They've already introduced a formal petition which has sufficient signatures to sway the electoral college to vote HRC in December!

But I believe this will ultimately backfire and eventually blow up in their faces. Especially since Barry won't lift a finger to stop or mitigate this officially. He'll only pay lip service to it as he's currently doing now. In hopes Trump will revert to his primaries version of Trump and self destruct.

IMO, the rioting will be left unchecked, allowing these very feral and rabid Millennial children to become increasingly emboldened. And eventually cause irreversible damage to public property (and god forbid innocent citizen lives). But this is what it's going to take to show our nation and the world the depths of depravity on the side of the DNC. You'll see an incumbent POTUS who can't effectively influence world affairs--let alone govern/control the rabid Millennial snowflakes in his own country....

At which point after Jan 20th, Trump will have clear and undisputed evidence to DEPORT & IMPRISON all of these little bastards for criminal mischief, wanton public property destruction, and disturbing the peace....

And it wouldn't surprise me if many of these rioters were undocumented. Because I've seen at least one on the local news stating this. Makes it that much easier to deport the overly entitled rugrat.

MsAnnThropee • 7 years ago

Let them get it out of their system...they are all whiny sissies, and they chose a traitorous candidate and party. If all they do is hold up handmade signs while being basically just a noisy nuisance, or..? They are setting fires while looting their own neighborhoods, what else is new...Let em get arrested, as again, everyone knows that only people who need the attention, or think it is a martyrs move to get arrested for civil disobedience.

It shall pass soon enough...and with any 'luck', so will Hilldog.

lb--PROUD DEPLORABLE • 7 years ago

That is just it, they arent out there just for that reason. They are leftyfunded and this is their JOB, not because of any real idealism. They are being paid to do this, the lines of buses from multiple areas that are cropping up on the blogs prove this was already planned and funded. So ARREST THEM NOW , they have lawyers and bail money readily available, what they arent factoring in is that THEY will have the record, not the groups that paid them