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LulzSquad • 9 years ago


That is a government study saying what you're telling me is wrong because vapor from PG is antibacterial against gram-positive bacteria like MRSA

Here's one says it's antifungal too


Do your research BEFORE you write an article and look daft.

Captain Curmudgeon • 9 years ago

This is the same point I was going to bring up. Propylene glycol is used in the ventilation system of every hospital/clinic/nursing home in the civilized world because it mitigates the transmission of airborne viruses and pathogens. Why would its properties be any different when delivered as a constituent of e-cig vapor?
I'm consistently amazed by how little research seems to go into these anti-vaping hit pieces.

Matt • 9 years ago

Its really easy to find articles that support any outcome. finding good ones is harder. One of the articles you cited is over 20 years old and comes from a journal with an impact factor 8 points lower than the one cited by the author. The other one you used comes from a decent journal but was published in the 1940's I'm sure that who ever wrote it wasn't an expert on the effects of e-cigs in the 40's we weren't even aware of the dangers of normal cigs. Learn how to critique a journal article BEFORE you comment and look like an idiot.

LulzSquad • 9 years ago

Yeah, because PG modifies over time? 1940s PG isn't the same as now?

That's like saying you are not the same person you were in 1940 because your cells reproduce and you are a different person every 7 years or whatever. A lot of things discovered hundreds of years ago are still true, are they not?

It's funny because you're trying to tear apart science because it doesn't fit what you want it to fit. Should I keep digging on pubmed and ebsco and link you to hundreds of these studies?

Matt • 9 years ago

No PG hasn't changed but the microorganisms that were tested on have changed immensely. Plus PG isn't the only compound in e-cigs. The study you cited was on the effects of a single substance on bacteria that have been adapting and evolving for over 100 years. When it come to medical science unless it's a landmark study after 5 years its out of date.
Besides the effects of PG weren't even the issue that the authors mentioned but it was the change in pH caused by the e-cigs resulting in an adverse reaction of the microorganisms.
Finally my point wasn't to tear apart science only your argument. You tried to refute the authors point by giving examples that were of lower quality than the one he was writing about. There is evidence out there for anyone to support their own beliefs. You can dig up a hundred articles if you want, but if they aren't of good quality they won't add up to much.

Captain Curmudgeon • 9 years ago

You're correct that PG isn't the only constituent of e-liquid, but the fact remains that it and all the other ingredients have been extensively studied for the better part of a century, and none is positively associated with the onset of any acute or chronic health condition. Mixing four benign ingredients together does not magically make the resulting solution harmful. To argue otherwise is, for all intents and purposes, to express a belief in alchemy.

LulzSquad • 9 years ago

I would guess the older articles have less of a bias than the new ones, as seen here. Did they test an ecig liquid or just straight PG? Did they try a PG/VG mix which is what 99% of the market is? It's flawed research touted as science. and anyone who puts "till now" in the abstract obviously isn't an award winning scientist.

Thanks for your comments, they're proving how ignorant one can be by having a bias. You see things subjectively instead of objectively. This was a study to go after e-cigs, just look at who funded the study.

Captain Curmudgeon • 9 years ago

Federal and state governments, the tobacco industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the cancer industry, the addiction industry, and the "public health" industry all have a vested financial interest in keeping people hooked on cigarettes and buying tobacco. The last thing any of them want is for millions of people to quit smoking all at once. That's why we're seeing such a well-organized, well-financed campaign of fear-mongering and public hysteria being directed at e-cigs, which, if left to their own devices in a free and open market, would make cigarette smoking a thing of the past within the next 15-20 years.

icecoldbuttermilk • 9 years ago

Where do you think the nicotine from e-cigs comes from? Magic? If you think that switching from cigarettes to e-cigs changes where the money goes you must not be familiar with what the "addiction industry" really is.

FergusReturns • 9 years ago

"If you think that switching from cigarettes to e-cigs changes where the money goes you must not be familiar with what the "addiction industry" really is."

But why do you think we care?

Brendan Thompson • 9 years ago

the click baity title to this article should be amended with the words "but not as big a fans as they are of regular cigarettes"

FergusReturns • 9 years ago

"Never doubt that the industry wants new customers, not just its old customers switching to a new product."

Oh dear. Another fool who thinks that e-cigs and tobacco come from the same industry.

The tobacco companies are a late entrant to the e-cig scene and their products are, without exception, low-grade "cigalikes". The growth sector is in refillable Gen 2 devices and advanced personal vaporisers. The dreaded "Big Tobacco" isn't a major player in vaping. On the other hand, if you want to hand them the whole market on a plate then sure, go ahead with expensive, complex (and unnecessary) regulations that small to medium companies can never afford to comply with.

asdf • 9 years ago

So the same goes for "e-cigs" like shisha pens? (don't get mad I put " " around e-cigs)
It uses Propylene Glycerol and Glycerine

jtronicus • 9 years ago

Candida infections don't usually happen in immuno-competent people, even when they're sick. Most people are colonized with MRSA, you're right, but spontaneous infections are rare. Your best bet is to keep your e-cig to yourself and not be scared of your own germs... your face obviously isn't.

Chadbrochills4 • 9 years ago

" While the answer isn't black and white, our study suggests a response: even if e-cigarettes may not be as bad as tobacco, they still have measurable detrimental effects on health."

So instead of just saying e-cigs have "detrimental effects" how about saying what they actually are, according to the study? I have a feeling this is just more bullshit propaganda by Big Tobacco.

Steve Grant • 9 years ago

stay away from soap too.

Marq Diulaylomo • 9 years ago

especially antibacterial soap, because the bacteria will build an immunity to it!!!

Bacterial infection is caused by use something like towel, raiser, comb and anything from other infected person. Try to avoid these things. Use best antibacterial body and foot soap for keep your bacteria free and healthy.

Kevin Buttrum • 9 years ago

Many manufacturers put citric acid in their liquid. I had concerns about my teeth and the fuming acid, so I only buy liquids without acids. I will tell you this I have been vaping for 2.5 yrs and haven't had the flu or a cold since I quit smoking. This study might be true for some liquids but maybe not all of them.

That Guy • 9 years ago

This may be a coincidence, but I have a good friend who recently started vaping mech mods. The massive clouds. He is 19 and he got shingles from an immune problem. He had chicken pox as a kid already. Was weird he got it so young right after he started sub ohm vaping.

Captain Curmudgeon • 9 years ago

I think cloud chasing is generally the province of stupid, attention-seeking post-adolescents. But the fact remains: correlation is not causation.

That Guy • 9 years ago

That's weird you replied. The dudes name is nate, ha. It is dumb and dangerous. It's cool as hell though to watch human size vapor come out small lungs.
Just weird this article came out right when my friend got shingles not long after he started mech mod vaping. And the doctor had no explanation and said was crazy such a young kid got shingles. Than you reply to my comment and you got the same name. Coincidence? I'm not sure lol.
But in the end no one knows but those pesky viruses.