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All I want for Christmas is to witness CNN and The NY Times file for bankruptcy. Is that too much to ask for? And it looks like I just might get it.

Churchillis1 • 7 years ago

But if that happens, who will we have to tell us that Islam is the Religion of Peace?


WJ_texas • 7 years ago

Nothing But Crap aka NBC and Propaganda BS aka PBS are Government funded. They can do it.

American Freeman • 7 years ago

Funded for now.

Guest • 7 years ago
JohnEngelman • 7 years ago

The media is perhaps the single most influential and powerful institution in America today, which spent decades promoting the worst and most destructive trends in American life.

It pushes interracial sex. It pushes the lie most interracial crime is White on Black and suppresses any news to the contrary. It propagandizes for multiculturalism and for more diversity, for keeping our borders open to the Third World and for scrapping the Second Amendment.

The media promotes everything destructive to White nations and societies. So the question begs itself - who is behind the media? Why is pretty much every major media company, major newspaper and weekly news magazine either owned or controlled by Jews and staffed by Jews from top to bottom?

According to Google, 96% of our media is run by Jews - it's publicly verifiable major media companies in the US such as Facebook, Comcast, Youtube, Google, CBS, MGM, Disney, Viacom and Paramount etc. all have Jewish CEOs and other management. Same goes for other media such as newspaper, magazine and book publishing companies.


GeeBee36_6 • 7 years ago

As the saying goes: 'the rabbit hole goes very deep'.

I am no fan of conspiracy theories, and take care never to alight at Tinfoil Central, but the evidence for the European nations - and by that I include America, as an outpost of European stock - having been subject to a crippling parasitic growth, whereby the noble olive tree is dying under the weight of the ivy that is killing it, is now too obvious to ignore.

It is all around us, and its effects are manifold. Yet who amongst us can see the truth? How many have joined up the dots? The answer is: depressingly few.

We still labour under the crippling weight of Pavlovian reaction to the all too successful propaganda, whose aim is to prevent us from even contemplating the last and indeed only social and political phenomenon that both identified the true source of our ills, and then made a valiant attempt to cauterize the cancer.

So all pervading is this baseless and toxic propaganda, that even to utter the dread taboos is tantamount to career or social suicide. Who, then, dare speak the name of our only salvation, in a climate where even to produce an advertisement that is 'too idyllic' is construed (inevitably by Jews and their lick-spittle White enablers) as invoking the unmentionable political philosophy that damned nearly swept these parasites, together with all their foul usury and conniving and exploitation and lies and plotting and creeping genocide of our noble White race away?

Who indeed. And so it continues on its relentless path to our ultimate doom. The wholly owned, or wholly 'on message' mouth-piece of Jewry that we call the Mainstream Media. But even to draw attention to this is to be guilty of the unpardonable sin of 'anti-Semitism'.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark alright. And of Britain, and France, and Sweden, and Belgium, and Germany. Yes, naturally; especially of poor, destroyed, brainwashed Germany.

Coudenhove • 7 years ago

The Original Deplorable,

If only they would publish in yiddish after the synagogue on a Saturday, we would know more easily how and what to think.

That's for sure. Yet another example is the limited availability of their "got to" book AKA "The Talmud". This is the paramount religious text for modern Jewry and EVERYTHING in the Talmud "trumps" the OT. In my entire county library system of several hundred thousand books, there are hundreds of bibles, Korans and the equivalents for Hinduism, Shintoism etc. But there is only ONE copy of the Talmud. And its been sanitized. In other words, they removed all the "interesting parts". Following are some of those....

Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.
Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.
Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals.
Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.
Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).
Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.
Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."
Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.
And here's my personal favorite....
Sanhedrin 59. "Kill the best gentiles". (Tob shebbe goyim harog.)
Insanity pervades Jewish law. If this so called "religion" appeared today out of thin air, it would be outlawed in every nation as an insane cult.

Texana • 7 years ago

Garbage. Hurtful and horrible garbage. There has been one Holocaust and it was started with this kind of terrible nonsense. Do you know that Andrew Breitbart was Jewish?

Guest • 7 years ago
Texana • 7 years ago

Andrew Breitbart was Jewish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

Best that you not comment if you know nothing. Here is a hint: There is something called "punctuation" and there is grammar. Your comment is as illiterate as it is inaccurate.

Texana • 7 years ago

Andrew Breitbart was Jewish. He attended Tulane University with my daughter. It's well-known that he was Jewish and that Breitbart has a diverse staff made up of all nationalities and religions--and that Breitbart promotes the well-being of all races and people from diverse backgrounds. You know nothing about Breitbart; I think that you are a paid Clinton troll.
Definitely a paid troll.

Guest • 7 years ago
ABRONYC • 7 years ago

I'm fluent in Russian

Texana • 7 years ago

You are mentally ill. Blocking you and your worthless Nazi comments.

Run along to your safe space, Snowflake.

ABRONYC • 7 years ago

This is called slander

Slander is the making of "false and malicious statements". There are plenty of malicious statements in my comments but they're all direct quotes from the book of Jewish law, the Talmud. There's nothing false about them as they're represented. Give up ((())). You're grasping at straws.

ABRONYC • 7 years ago

Your whole life if full of fictitious blatant lies and deceit at this level it's a good time for you to smoke crack and jump off a tall bldg ;-)

ABRONYC • 7 years ago

Blatant slander

Guest • 7 years ago

Private profile. Typical. As is the ad hominem attack. That's the best you can do ((())). Of course it is. Can't criticize the comment, attack the one that made it. We're wise to you ((())) boy. Best get on back to your own neighborhood. You're not welcome in civilized society.

ABRONYC • 7 years ago

I'm A ultra educated bboy that wouldn't hesitate to plunge a ice pick into your neck.

No. You're a typical douche bag ((())) with a private profile about to explode with arrogance, hypocrisy and probably just old fashioned evil. Only a psychotic would make the statement you just did. I'd advise you to seek help but since I could care less about you, just keep right on as you are.

ABRONYC • 7 years ago

I'm also charming dashing and rental car bashing !!!

Guest • 7 years ago
ABRONYC • 7 years ago

In a millisecond and w/o hesitation.

Guest • 7 years ago
ABRONYC • 7 years ago

Im chillin in my million $ brownstone and far from unhinged just having some fun this rainy NYC evening

Guest • 7 years ago
ABRONYC • 7 years ago

Chillin hard, ultra rugged xdriver out front, Brooklyn heights status, Persian princess who also happens cuddle on contact right next to me.

ABRONYC • 7 years ago

I have absolutely no reason to lie.

Guest • 7 years ago
Guest • 7 years ago
Guest • 7 years ago
ABRONYC • 7 years ago

Breitfart is my new thing thing. I'm gonna be on here constantly schooling all you punyetas

ABRONYC • 7 years ago

I'm supereducated I'm smarter than Spock

ABRONYC • 7 years ago

I'm not an an - I'm an A - a capital A

AZ Desert Dweller • 7 years ago

Media is biggest Swamp Monster... needs to go down the Donald's Swamp Drain... glug... glug... glug.... good times

Hadassah Weinstein • 7 years ago

I am an Orthodox Jew and I am just as outraged as all of you on what the Liberals are doing to society, esp. abortion, gay marriage. Virtually all Non-Orthodox Jews are staunch Liberals. I don't think they are evil - they are truly brainwashed into believing they are being compassionate to the "victims" (minorities, homosexuals). BTW, Orthodox Jews voted overwhelmingly for Trump

JohnEngelman • 7 years ago

That may be, yet ultimately there's not one single Jewish organisation fighting to close our borders and stop mass Muslim immigration.

In fact Jewish groups are spearheading the push to speed up the acceptance process for Syrians and streamline security checks:


Hadassah Weinstein • 7 years ago

So no White Christian liberals fighting for illegal immigration? It's only Jews? Come on. Stop with the anti-semitism. Obama isn't Jewish. Neither are the Bushes, the Rockerfellers or the majority of Bilderberg mafia. I can make the same claim that it is White Christians who are destroying the world because that who the Billionaires are.

Guest • 7 years ago
ABRONYC • 7 years ago

The bank of Hawaii !!!!! a major well known and recognized financial institution that rivals who exactly ?!?!?!

davideisenstadt • 7 years ago

sorry. youre simply incorrect.
Other than that, youre right.

Texana • 7 years ago

Thank you for your reasonable comment. I'm Jewish as well and I voted for Donald Trump.

Israeliminx • 7 years ago

I'm calling you out as an anti-Semitic liberal troll. Are you paid by Hillary and her cronies? I'm an American-Israeli Jew and Israel's Prime Minister is more conservative than Trump ever dreamed of being. Twelve years ago In Israel we had a large lefty percent of the population until reality hit us straight between the eyes --now, you have to go to the very fringes to find the spacey, starry-eyed, idealistic and not in reality-land liberals that you find running amok here in the U.S., regardless of their religion or ethnicity.

JohnEngelman • 7 years ago

The Times of Israel ran the headline Jews DO Control The Media.

Is the Times of Israel "anti-Semitic"?


ABRONYC • 7 years ago

Nobody is denying that they (Jews) are heads of a lot of major organizations. Education is a cornerstone of Judaism and an integral component to it. There's a reason you're a brokester and a washed up nobody .