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Michael • 9 years ago

I hope she doesn't apologize for writing this. I can't get behind it, because it isn't a very good feminist stance (as she basically admits), i.e. if the point is to be free from male oppression, giving in to intense amounts of hate for it seems to be incompatible with that goal. But I respect this viewpoint, because it shows a lack of respect for male privilege and it gets to the heart of the problem unlike equality feminism.

Jon Jackson • 9 years ago

one final thing you feminists...it is called "personal responsibility" google it, as I am sure none of you feminists have a faintest idea what it means. crybabies. Can you imagine where technology, science and medicine would be today...if it were a bunch of feminists left to do the job, instead of hard working accountable women and men.

Anonymous • 9 years ago

All they would do is whine about how unfair everything is. They should try living in 3rd world countries and then they can bitch about it being unfair.

Jon Jackson • 9 years ago

there is a need for more male-female equality in third world countries. you don't see feminists in the countries they could do the most good(if any good could come out of their movement) however the men in these countries dont take this crap, and would burn them alive if they tried to mouth their hated in the third world. modern feminism is not about social change...it's about soothing the butt hurt of the biggest bitches in the entire world. they wonder why they cant get a husband(a real one...not some strawman husband...who is her slave)...
And they wonder why I don't call them for a second date?

Jon Jackson • 9 years ago

Samuel allen is not a woman...its a cornered little wounded abomination of nature. No wonder it spews out hate.

Jon Jackson • 9 years ago

this Samuel Allen is one messed up individual. Grew up with so much self loathing and condemnation from his overbearing mother, that he grew to hate his penis. So he had the damn thing whacked off(and not in a fun way). Then realizes that men will never take an abomination of human form like himherself, so decides to go on a crusade to force all other men to feel as if they made the same unhuman decision heshe did. Spreads the hate everywhere shehe can. He's lucky he don't live in my town...or i'd go over there and give the little fancy boy a good sh!tkicking.

Anonymous • 9 years ago


Anonymous • 9 years ago

Wow someone is obviously jealous of men.. Go les out then you dumb bimbo if you hate men so much, no one cares about you're ignorant opinion!

Rachelle Kebaili • 9 years ago

A perfect example of a rude man being himself calling a woman a bimbo simply because she doesn't like men....wow you're so mature....loser...why you on here trolling? Go away dickbag!!!

Guest • 9 years ago
Rayrayk • 9 years ago

You have got to be kidding me. So what if she hates men. There are tons of people that hate a lot of people. There are reasons for her hatred. It's not like she woke up and said "hey, I think I'll hate men today." There are reasons behind this so do us all a favor and stop crying about it with your male privilege. Women can hate men as much as they hate us and they do. So shut up about it and stop trying to control her mind by calling her a bigot and trying to shame her.

Guest • 9 years ago
Rayrayk • 9 years ago

Fuck off moron. And learn how to spell.

Anonymous • 9 years ago

LOL.. Look at the article.. It's called "why I hate men", and it's written based off of hate and ignorance and doesn't contribute to anything as far as im concerned. Writing this dumb ass article isn't going to help advance women in society. Yes, I may be trolling slightly, but the article is written based off of jealousy, immaturity, and discriminates against my sex, and I feel that I have a right to voice my opinion like all the other comments that say similar stuff to what I said . You're entitled to your opinion too, so go ahead and call me whatever you want, it just makes you look as mature as the woman who wrote this hateful article. People that have opinions like this woman, should keep them to themselves because the only purpose of this article is to spread hate and that's flat out wrong. It's almost as bad a white person writing an article about how they hate black people.

Suzy McCarley • 9 years ago

You have been banned because of a serious and direct violation of Comment Policy (trolling). [Ref: 4433]

none • 9 years ago

This is beautiful. "I hate men because men hate me and the burden to take the high road should not fall on my shoulders." Yes, a thousand times, yes.

If you consider this the epitome of misandry, then that speaks volumes. There is no appeal to gender essentialism here, none of the appeals to the opposite sex's innate inferiority that we see in misogynist rhetoric. Just an honest declaration of hurt, and a loss of faith in the goodness of those who do or condone the hurting.


Jon Jackson • 9 years ago

So even a woman's hate is superior to that of a man....perfect hypocrisy and typical feminist bullsh!t. All you feminists can go F yourselves.

Destiny • 9 years ago

THIS IS NOT FEMINISM. This is a hateful woman who doesn't seem to realize that everyone is capable of bad things, regardless of sex. It bothers me that "this is what a feminist looks like" is a featured comment. Feminism is both sexes are equal and should be treated as such... Some people call themselves feminists but they don't want the sexes to be equal they want women to be treated as superior. If one white guy (just an example, i'm not targeting white men lol) acts like a douche bag does that mean all white guys are douche bags? Of course not! Not all feminists (or people who claim to be feminists) are douche bags or man haters and not all men are sex crazed, evil, disrespectful, or anything of that sort. WE ARE ALL JUST PEOPLE. WE'RE ALL JUST CREATURES TRYING TO HAVE HAPPY LIVES AND COEXIST PEACEFULLY. I do somewhat understand her hatred of men. Women have been treated unjustly until just decades ago and there's still women being treated horribly in other countries. Most sex crimes are committed by men. Men (not all of them of course) use women for sex while it's very rare for a woman to do this. My older brother would break girls' hearts left and right without a care (he cheated on them, slept with their sister/best friend, etc.), I have no father (I don't even know what he looks like, he's just a name to me), and most guys I have encountered... well they make not like male companionship very much... but there's many many guys living on this planet. Not all of them or even most of them, are jerks. I have met really sweet awesome respectful guys. Both men and women can be sexist, abusive, cheaters, etc. EVERYONE should be treated equally and you should never hate someone because of their gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, etc. In other words, you shouldn't hate someone you don't even know. THERE'S NO WAY TO JUSTIFY HATING SOMEONE BECAUSE OF WHAT'S BETWEEN THEIR LEGS. Are women treated unjustly in some ways? Yes but so are men! Both men and women are mistreated in some way or another... Let's just all treat each other with respect and not try to make life any harder than it is on fellow humans. Have an amazing day everyone :)

Suzy McCarley • 9 years ago

You have been banned because of a serious and direct violation of Comment Policy (trolling). [Ref: 3686]

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Feminist indoctrination.

Suzy McCarley • 9 years ago

Your ignorance is staggering. Since your email implies you like books, may I suggest you read s few books written by Erin Pizzey and Warren Farrell. You might actually discover the difference between what feminism is, and what feminism says it is. Until then, take your Gender Studies 101 intellect elsewhere.

Guest • 9 years ago
Rachelle Kebaili • 9 years ago

Calling a woman i C*nt is pure mysogyny at it's best....thanks for proving the article to be accurate...douchebag!

Jon Jackson • 9 years ago

if it is pure misogyny(learn to spell please) at best...what is it at worst..world poverty...world starvation...wow the C word really gets you women worked up. it is just the same word as calling a male a d!ck. But you women have taken that word to a new high religious standard. the female reaction to the C word is very analogous to the muslim reaction to a picture of mohamed. both are at the very center of your respective religions and both are held up as religious artifacts.
All bow down before the vagina, and worship. and if you call it a C3nt we'll declare a jihad on you.

Anonymous • 9 years ago

Watch out! The moderator will ban you if you say anything mildly offensive even though this whole article is offensive.

Suzy McCarley • 9 years ago

You have been banned because of a serious and direct violation of Comment Policy (trolling). [Ref: 4430]

Guest • 9 years ago
Suzy McCarley • 9 years ago

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MadMen • 9 years ago

women like her, couldn't hit water if they fell out of a boat.

Les • 9 years ago

Is this the same Samantha Allen who was born a man?

bellaboone • 9 years ago

Great for Samantha! She's my new hero. You're all just a bunch of entitled whiners who don't know how good you have it and want to do everything you can to make sure we women DON'T take it away from you. I was going to give this site a chance until I read the line "feminism is hateful". After that, I knew I'd be on Samantha's side. You go, girl!

Jon Jackson • 9 years ago

If I said the same things about women as a group, or muslims, or blacks...I would be a supremacist. But because it is said about men, it's OK? bellaboone i bet you don't have a boyfriend or husband and if you do...the "man" who has the unfortunate task of being you significant other is a mike-toast with mommy issues.

Suzy McCarley • 9 years ago

You have been banned because of a serious and direct violation of Comment Policy (trolling). [Ref: 3546]

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Seagull. Don't look up; you'll get an eye full of shit.

Suzy McCarley • 9 years ago

Hush Dear. The grownups are talking. Run along now.

VictorWhisky • 9 years ago

if you only knew how infantile you sound

seth • 9 years ago

I have a wife that I truly love and consider to be my equal in life. I grew up with a mother who sexually abused me and allowed others to do so in exchange for money or drugs. So for feminist to say such generalized statements such as men are the only ones capable of violence or sexual assault is not only absurd but insulting.I am a man I am NOT meant to be a woman. nor should I have to men and women are different for reasons look at nature every mammal who comes in sets of boys and girls have different characteristics that set them apart from the opposite sex. A never ending cycle of hate between men and women will never accomplish anything in order to achieve actual equality we must have understanding and compassion. But to degrade generations of men whom you've never meant simply because of your past experience with certain metals is ridiculous. I also hear a lot of feminist comparing slavery to being a woman in America if you make that comparison you have absolutely no idea what it is to be a slave the two worlds are completely separate. And yet the sermon this talk about how men are the only ones capable of hate and yet all the papers they write seem to contain an awful lot of hate towards men. I have never once in my entire life mistreated a woman for simply being a woman I have been rude and even come close to getting into fights with Them but it is based upon their character and my individual experience and interaction with that person.

Jon Jackson • 9 years ago

Seth I was abused as well, feminism is simply a religion of pure hate and supremacy.
The feminists would like to make all men slaves.
A person I knew had a wife who was a feminist...she screwed around with him every chance she got with literally hundreds of other men...she had him working two jobs and ran up almost $100000 of credit cards flying in her lovers from other cities, and when he divorced her...she took custody of his kid and indoctrinated the kid completely against him...the kid won't even talk to him on the phone now.
This is the typical fascist feminist.

John • 9 years ago

It's impossible to get raped/sexually abused by a woman! So this is bs.

Suzy McCarley • 9 years ago

Banned for trolling

seth • 9 years ago

I have a wife that I truly love and consider to be my equal in life. I grew up with a mother who sexually abused me and allowed others to do so in exchange for money.for feminist to say generalized statements that men are the only ones capable of violence or sexual assault is absurd and insulting.hate beginning hate

gothamette • 9 years ago

"welcome her to write a followup piece explaining herself and apologizing to men, to boys, and to the women who love them, and hope she comes to realize that feminism is, indeed, a hate movement.—"

She's already explained herself. Why don't you just hate her back?

Nova • 9 years ago

I can't believe they let a hateful sexist pig and proud of it like her wrote numerous men-hating articles on wordpress and tumblr for so long, and she's still free, writing sickening articles,spreading her hateful lifestyle like cancer and teen pop songs.

I love freedom of speech, but the way people like her use that freedom makes me question if it truly is a good thing to be used by certain people.

gothamette • 9 years ago

"and she's still free, "

What do you expect to happen, for someone to put her in jail?

Why all the whining?

As I already said, expose her and hate her back. Don't bitch and piss and moan about how awful she is.

Nova • 9 years ago

You're gonna tell the others to... "Hate her back" too Right? I don't really get your point there, You want me to...stop whining and... hate her back... If I don't hate her back then I wouldn't be whining in the first place.

CTD • 9 years ago

Samantha Allen is a hateful bigot.

John • 9 years ago

No she is not! She's just speaking the truth!

Suzy McCarley • 9 years ago

Seagull. Banned.

Guest • 9 years ago

She is a pig

John • 9 years ago

You're a pig!

Guest • 9 years ago
Suzy McCarley • 9 years ago

You have been banned because of a serious and direct violation of Comment Policy (trolling). [Ref: 3740]

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