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Richard Whitten • 8 years ago

Back in the 1940s I used to stay with my Great Grandparents in their very rural cottage in Norfolk, UK. We had warm raw milk daily; water from the well; transport was a pony and trap; and a privy up the garden path. Raw milk never harmed me and they lived into their nineties.

Dantco • 8 years ago

"Raw milk never harmed me and they lived into their nineties."

You have just put light on the real motivation of this whole push behind corporate ownership of food supply! Yes, it's money also, but first and foremost is to control longevity of life. The Bill-Gates-types (elitists) can't bear the thought of so many common people breathing their air, so they set about to manage people as herds. They own the drug companies which churn out only those remedies that seem to work, usually with benefits offset with risks added in.

The old folks may have had shorter appearing life spans, but look deeper into the numbers and you'll see the physical risks to life and limb were greater. Those older folks had a much better diet than we have, and that is by design.

rjoguillory • 8 years ago

...you got that right....

back in the sixties, I went to a rural Virginia school... We got fresh raw milk at lunch every day, from my cousin's grandfather's farm.....

Oldvet • 7 years ago

The feds have to live in someones back yard, they are like flies.

SupportMcCarthyism • 8 years ago

I was in Welling Kent in '69 and I will never forget the mule and buggy they use to bring the milk to individual's homes. That was "so cool"! It really made old school so personal!

trooper seven • 7 years ago

You were lucky. Raw milk can be a carrier of TB. My father lost one lung and spent time in a TB sanitarium. Drinking raw milk per se is not a recipe for a long life.

Joseph Edward Bodden • 7 years ago

yes AND THERE WAS A TIME when TB was incurable... but that is ancient history now.

benjclarke • 7 years ago

Pasteurized milk is largely responsible for the "lactose intolerance" epidemic, as pasteurization kills the live enzymes that are vital in digesting (and absorbing as nutrients) the components of milk.

NerdGirl • 7 years ago

lactose intollerance is also hereditary...

PN8891 • 7 years ago

I've come to believe that lactose intolerance is frequently caused not by pasteurization (which kills off any living germs found in the milk itself), but rather by the use of antibiotics or foods that kill the naturally-occurring gut bacteria that are responsible for digesting lactose.

trooper seven • 7 years ago

better lactose intolerant than TB positive. I question the use of the word "epidemic." http://medical-dictionary.t... There are genetic components in some types of lactose intolerance which clearly rule out the concept epidemic. This site has some good information: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/h...

Kathleen Taylor • 7 years ago

I ended up with TB from working at a daycare center with a large number of clients who were recently from foreign countries. Should we ban daycare centers or immigrants? If we ban everything that causes any type of illness to someone, we will have nothing (I personally can eat no pork products, no glutinous grains, no artificial sweeteners, etc).

Deb Schroeder • 7 years ago

That is true, however if you vaccinate your cows, it is now an issue. With proper handling and vaccination, I see no reason to fear raw milk. I too grew up on it. I happen to prefer pasteurized milks taste. Raw milk has different tastes according to the feed cows are fed or if there is a sick cow in the herd.

etexfisherman48 • 8 years ago

Thank God for men like this with the backbone to stand up to the Globalists who are making a concerted effort to push the U.N. Agenda 21 over all of America. The U.N. and Globalists in general to include the Democrat Party do not believe an individual has the right to own property. It is an impingement against their goal of a total dictatorship.

An example would be the leftist liberals demand that no one in America has a right to own property. Amendment 5 of the Constitution says private property can’t be taken for public use without just compensation, and yet (without compensation) we see story after story where the government (unchecked or unregulated agencies run amuck) goes in someone’s backyard and finds a mud puddle and declares it a wetland or finds a plant, that they think might be extinct and seize the people’s property in the so-called interest of preserving natural resources, again without just compensation.

To sum up the liberal’s feelings concerning property rights, Peter Berle (president of National Audubon Society; board member Sierra Club) a well-known (Democrat) liberal leader said, “We liberals reject the idea of private property.” Put that in your pipe and smoke it Democrats! Are you starting to see where your Party has gone?

That is the main purpose behind this and all the land grabs taking place by the Communist in the White House. After he is out of office I fully expect him to be charged with treason and/or high crimes and misdemeanors so it might be a good thing he has bought a residence in Qatar. He will no longer have the protection to keep his college records private either if the case against him requires these records for evidence or discovery.

Well I live in Oklahoma and it's the Republicans doing all the land grabbing here. Let's face it, politicians are dishonest no matter what the party.

1bobolds2 • 7 years ago

TOO MANY damnlawyer career politicians in DC - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!------------SEND them home - - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

James F • 7 years ago

Name a republican that has participated in a land grab situation in oklahoma, i am really wanting to hear this.

RK • 7 years ago

Ask any Native American from Oklahoma.

manyhorses • 7 years ago

Communist in the White House, don't you mean Black man? Liberals do not reject the idea of Public Property, you must listen to Fox News. It's the Corporations that want control of your food supply, and the natural resources left standing. The Bundy's are Mormon, which explains some of their problems with paying their bills like everyone else does.

MaryMacMaster • 7 years ago

A Communist can be off any race .... bigot! Just ask those who lived under Stalin, the people living under Fidel Castro's Communism regime and the people residing in the Communist nation of China.
We have plenty of deleterious Communist Caucasians residing in the U.S. I would not doubt that there could be a few Native Americans who adhere to the witless Communist ideology.

Mark • 7 years ago

Food corporations that are controlled by govt.From inside the UN it has been admitted this is there objective .Every loan to a 3rd world country from the WB has stipulations that requires the turning over of land to corporations. The govt cannot be allowed to take property illegally. I would think the Indian Nation above all would understand this. If they deem the reservation something they want and can take it without justification they will. If there is no legal requirement to take land, than a treaty is worthless.

vmjnnah111 • 7 years ago

Applause Applause, but let's not forget that Clinton and GW are real good buddies. Do you have any idea who owns most of Yellowstone National Park now? That's right your good republican King George the second, sold it to the Canadian company which goes by (nonetheless) New World Order Gold Mining "Ltd"(Limited) which means it falls under Canadian law. In other words we can't even sue them to get it back. I hope and pray for Trump, he may have had his bad times, but I firmly believe that he sees the error of our ways. I just wish he wasn't thinking about cutting taxes. The burden it puts on the middle class is too great.

Dan Hennen • 8 years ago

true hero and patriot. Thank you sir.

Dantco • 8 years ago

I sure hope my Sheriff has this kind of intestinal fortitude...

Bruce Eisermann • 8 years ago

Los Angeles sure could use such a high caliber Sherriff.

Davey Sel • 8 years ago

Just as explained in the article, consuming raw milk can cause illness if milk is not properly stored and used within a short period.
However the key here is 'could' and 'if', Not 'will' and 'always'!
The term "Bureaucratic Automotons" is very fitting since they will blindly follow instructions without common sense!
The Sheriff did good protecting his constituents from harassment!

RONGIL • 8 years ago

Your first sentence describes fully what government officials have been banking on when it comes to aiding their big business partners in the dairy market. Pasteurized and homogenized milk can and will become dangerous to consume if improperly stored and not used within the right period of time. The government used an incident way back in the first half of the 20th century where spoiled milk was fed to children in a school and several lost their lives. They made it sound as if their new process would have prevented that. The big dairy industry had been lobbying to make their methods the only methods that milk could be sold. What they did not know was that raw milk carries within it a certain enzyme that aids in staving off respiratory problems in children. Their processes killed that enzyme and we started seeing a huge rise in asthma and other illnesses. It sickens me what monopolies do in a country where that is supposed to be illegal.

Heather James • 7 years ago

At one point, I ran across the text of the Sherman Anti-trust Act and read the whole thing. We were taught in school that it prevents monopolies, but, from my reading, it actually makes them easier to set up and protects them!

Todd • 7 years ago

You can't make a law to keep monopolies from happening and in a free market monopolies never last.

Fred Marsico • 7 years ago

When government regulates the market it is no longer free.

rjoguillory • 8 years ago

...I was a very aware, mid level executive within a twelve-billion-dollar a year retailer for US DoD. I could never fathom how such unethical, low-IQ, sociopaths would rise to the top of the organization, and then wreak havoc on lower-level employees? For the most part, they are really just dumb bullies, who when called on their actions, quiver like babies in a stroller and run for cover. If I was charged with running such a company...ethics would be my top priority, as it is the basis for any long term, successful relationship. Anyone who wants to cut corners on product or employee safety would be terminated or severely disciplined and demoted...( if that is all that can be accomplished). If investors want someone who will cut corners...and in turn...run a great organization into the ground...(i.e...McDonald's)...so that their stock will go up every quarter and make them wealthy in the short term, then they would have to fire me.
RJ O'Guillory

RONGIL • 8 years ago

"I could never fathom how such unethical, low-IQ, sociopaths would rise
to the top of the organization, and then wreak havoc on lower-level

It seems that is always the case with many of our big corporations (especially government). During the time I was growing up, my dad would always warn me about how the inept always seemed to get promoted. During my own rise within my field (Medical Laboratory Technician), I have seen the same over and over again. The unethical would lie, cheat, and swindle their way into power while the good workers were left to pick up after them. So sad....

SusieQZee • 8 years ago

Wasn't there a book written about that years ago? "The Peter Principle"? Having to do with people rising to the level of their incompetence....

RONGIL • 8 years ago

Could be but I have never read it. It seems that this is prevalent within our government and many of our major corporations. So sad.....

Sid Paul • 7 years ago

Yep- Been my motto for a long time.

Demo Man • 8 years ago

actually the real problem with raw milk startd from not cleaning the cows well enough before milking. giant dairy farms didnt seem able to keep things clean and with lots of cows walking in their own manure, it gets in the mild, so cooking the life out of it was the easy solution. most that have or do drink raw mild more then likely got it from small farms of one of their own cows.

Jarred L. Mitchell • 8 years ago

I lived and worked on a dairy farm. The milk was tested each day for bacteria, etc. We would fill a jug up right from the holding tank. I had no illnesses whatsoever. That was just over twenty years ago. I'm sure that the farmer had the milk tested just as the farm I worked on did.

Simple harassment by the FDA and DOJ.

This is called "nullification" see how easily it is done at the local level? Time to put the Feds back in their box, folks......Thank you, Sheriff Brad Rogers

Denis C. Flaherty • 8 years ago


TopCatsRoar • 8 years ago

This is great reporting! How about looking into the Not for Profit scams that are popping up everywhere taking animals from longstanding, rightful owners under the claim of abuse where abuse didn't exist; followed by soliciting for the immediate sale of the animals taken under 'color of law' and the fundraising to pay for their newly acquired merchandise.

Improper warrants are served with judges that are blind and deaf to the fact that people have a right to their property and fear doing the right thing to dismiss these cases and the return of the animals. Never before in any type of case, including murder, are people considered guilty before the first hearing. We're not seeing citations for people to make corrections to an existing problem that may or may not exist and instead the animals (property) are seized and often held improperly or given away on the taking.

Warrant-less searches, warrants lacking probable cause, jail for non jail-able offenses, loss of property and the list goes on and on.

Look at this one-on-going case in your area: https://topcatsroar.wordpre...
Such a nice zoo-NOT!!! https://topcatsroar.wordpre...
How about the animal sanctuary that took the monkey and the coadimundi, Black Pines?!?
The A/C officer literally gave away animals on the taking-Innocent until proved guilty TG they have hired an attorney and proceeding to fight the charges and for the return of their animals (Prelim today) I suggest looking into this matter!!!

ZeroArguments • 8 years ago

What a great Sheriff ..

Jeff • 8 years ago

What is going on in this country . The Federal government refuses to enforce the border , they allow illegal sanctuary cities , Then they harass farmers because of raw milk ! No wonder the Libs want to take your guns , just how the Nazi's started !

NJK • 8 years ago


Jeff • 8 years ago

Almost forgot thank God for people like Sheriff Rodgers , standing with the people against government harassment ! Where is our liberal media now .. busy covering the Kardashians no doubt .

Greg Tarpley • 8 years ago

Dam fine job sheriff! We need more Oathkeepers like you to protect our citizens.

minute-man • 8 years ago

Ohhhhh-Rah on the Sheriff ! STAND BEHIND your Sheriff People.
He IS your -real- "BBF" 'Best Friend Forever'. BELIEVE IT.

gcfortruth • 8 years ago

Way to go , Sheriff, good man.

SusieQZee • 8 years ago

What, we let people drink themselves to death every day, AND the government sells them the liquor, but someone can't drink raw milk if they choose? This is such a screwed up system!

john • 8 years ago

As long as the cows are vaccinated The milk is safe. Thumbs up to Sheriff Rogers.