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awesome • 9 years ago

My world is calm and peaceful, created from the heart of pure Love, a love that radiates outwards to those in need, a healing light that surrounds us all. A world of peace in which all live free, free to express who they were born to be. A world where children do not understand hate. As the world is changing each and every day, humanity is awakening and demanding to be free. I see my world changing before me, it wont be long until we are all set free!

Trisha • 8 years ago

In my world there is no money. There is only peace and love. There are no cars, tall buildings or cities nothing harmful to our environment. People live in small socialist communities and everyone shares their skills and knowledge of how to survive. Everyone lives off the land and lives 100% sustainably.

honeyjarsforall • 8 years ago

How do you access the internet?

Amor Lucis • 8 years ago

What's clearly missing from this list (and shockingly so) is "pornography destroys sexuality."

Oldman • 7 years ago

When wife's refuse to sleep with their men and the only recourse is cheating or losing half or more of your wealth or pornhub.com most choose pornhub.com hence the billion dollar industry.

Egregore • 8 years ago

Even worse the "facts" that children memorize are lies. They are just wrong theories that have been put forth to keep us in lockstep with this alternative reality. None of this happened by mistake. I hate when people say something bad happened and it was unfortunate. No these things were purposely caused by the global elite, a disproportionate amount of whom are British Jewry. Divide and conquer. Death. Disease. War. Famine. They love it. Why? Because we are in one of the higher realms of hell. If you aren't in heaven then you are in a type of hell because everything that emanates from source is going to include some type of suffering.

Juan • 8 years ago

I think its inevitable that the human condition, in the short or long run, will stabilize itself and we will become true Masters and Guardians of the Universe/Life etc...

At this point we are going to be a super advanced society, where technology and nature blend into one, the era of biotechnology. Every harm we've done to the earth previous to this day, will be restored and healed by this new technology. The day in which we 'awaken' will be known as the 'singularity'.

We are going to live in societys that will look like they were taken straight out of a sci fi movie.

The world as we know it will stop, dead on its tracks, and we will reevaluate and reorganize our society in such a perfect way, that we will work in synchronicity with nature, in a precise and perfect way that mimics the way in which nature works, a circular process were everything is recycled into the process. Just like a biotechnologically advanced human bee hive that achieved harmony.

This will happen alongside with our advances in technology. In one way technology ruined this present society, but it will also save it.

It will be a sort of "Aha!" moment in which everything will click, and we will understand the connection between everything.

This will happen thanks to internet, the instrument that connects us all, this complex and huge societies in which we live, are like a gigantic heard of animals of all sorts, scattered and disorganized. Internet and technology advance at a rapid rate, we are becoming more interconected... This network werves like a connection between each and every human, we are like a network of neurons that are connecting and accepting themselves as One Whole. Some people wont be able to keep up with the pace of this new civilization that will take place, but its inevitable that it will happen. But dont worry, because this new society makes no judgement, and if you feel like you are being left out, this society will draw you in, and take care of you. The opposite of what an old limited society would do, that would be to exclude the ones that dont fit. This new society will care for all things, and treat the world as one whole.

If you are a person of self interest, You wont be hated by this society. What will happen is that you wont bare yourself. But the new society will drain those negative feelings from your heart, they will fill your belly with nutrituos food and debilitate your ambitions and strengthen your bones. Then you will feel like a newborn child, and you will accept this new order as a natural process, and this new order will understand you, be compassionate, and take care of you until you return to the source of all things. Returning to the source is stillness, eternity. From there you will discover the truth about consciousness and the hollow concept it is, and how everything is in reality 1 sentient being that englobes every single thing that exists within itself.

Welcome to The Unnamed Future of Us.

DeepThought • 8 years ago

Is the author of this book out of touch with reality? As an immigrant, from a country who went from socialism to democracy and capitalism, I have seen my homeland almost completely modernize. People are living longer and healthier lives!

And life expectancy is still increasing in the west and the rest of the world. The Average American is living to almost 80 years old!

I would argue that coloring the world in absolutes can be very harmful. One may argue against patent and copyright law, but the lack thereof would also permit the theft of ideas for monetary gain. Arguing that the meat production industry is entirely "needlessly" established is another problem, though the argument is still one I agree with.
Additionally, regarding the education system, I would argue that how much those students "use" their knowledge is at least partially their decision. We choose what to do with the information we are given.

That being said, the education system in this country still needs massive reforms. However, anarchism is not the be-all and end-all to all societal problems.