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Jeff • 10 years ago

I won't be wearing my Tigger costume to the zoo.

I regret that I have but one like to give. This is glorious.

bandermoose • 10 years ago

I would pay good money to see a video recording of one of these drills set to Inner Circle's 1987 classic, "Bad Boys".

sgtbilko • 10 years ago

I see FurryCon Beijing is off to a rousing start.

Joel Peterson • 10 years ago

Alternate title: Furry Survival Training

Martin_vanburen • 10 years ago

Furrys go on rampage in Tokyo. Fail to achieve Godzilla levels of anything...
Japanese school girls stop them in their tracks.

Jacob Blues • 10 years ago

Awesome. Or they could get other Zoo keepers to dress up as life-sized Powerpuff Girls to save the day.

bs • 10 years ago

PLEASE put the explanation at the end so I can link to this without context. You know you put this up here for the amusing qualities that would be enhanced by not knowing what was going on.

Jackoff Lantern • 10 years ago

This is so hilariously ridiculous.

Jericho_very_stable_genius • 10 years ago

Never, ever let a preschooler see these photos.

stevlich • 10 years ago

They look like mascots opening a new fast food place.

Zk10 • 10 years ago

Hilarious, What a gallery! #2 : I am curious, what must real Tiger in cage be thinking.

Dread Pirate Neckbeard • 10 years ago

"Hey, there goes my wife!"

qcp • 10 years ago

Something like this I assume: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

BigOnion • 10 years ago

I'm sorry, but this photo spread is hilarious, like something out of Wonkette. Atlantic, I didn't know you had it in you!

sammybaker • 10 years ago

They should be forced to do this every day to entertain the imprisoned zoo animals, who have to be so freakin' bored they'd gnaw a paw.

TR Altizer • 10 years ago

Oh man, thanks for that. That made my day...still laughing

Jackoff Lantern • 10 years ago

Disclaimer: no real animals or fake animals were hurt during this mock security drill.

Brasidas44 • 10 years ago

Several people were killed by an escaped tiger a while back in San Francisco. Some of the media blamed the victims. One editor had been bitten previously at the last zoo run by the same director He was furious at the negligence, and puiblished lots of details..

The reality is that failing to plan for escapes risks lives. Also, regular planning for escapes encourages the staff to think about weaknesses that might make escapes possible.

Khandrola • 10 years ago

You mean the three drunk 19 year olds who broke in and taunted the tiger with throwing things at it?

Jacob Blues • 10 years ago

I'm thinking Jurassic Park right now and the line of "What do you mean where's the goat?"

qcp • 10 years ago

I guess shotguns and submachine guns can tranquilize, but they tend to do it rather permanently.

phoenixkevin • 10 years ago

#13 a shotgun/tranquilizer has a safety "a pin" in the end of the barrel. Makes sense, it's a drill. I can't see a real shotgun having a hole in the barrel like that.

cotak • 10 years ago

So there's no invasion of Disneyland by China and Japan?

mike dodge • 10 years ago

Zoo animals do escape from their enclosures. Having trained personel to respond is good. http://www.kansascity.com/n...

Eric Harris Robinson • 10 years ago

What the hell is going on here?

Devo Youst • 10 years ago

Where's the Kim Jong-un costume?

Sheetz • 10 years ago

The first photo is showing a Type 79 submachine gun not a tranquilizer gun

Dread Pirate Neckbeard • 10 years ago

What, China overreact?

BigOnion • 10 years ago

... pointed at Tigger! Talk about LOLcats!

andrewq • 10 years ago

Leave it to China and Japan! I'd love to see videos of this. And I wonder what a drill like this would look like in the US. Not nearly as funny or cute, I'm sure...

Obvious Troll • 9 years ago

Probably ends up with a hedgehog shot 12 times for shoplifting wild strawberries and refusing to put down his spines when ordered by an officer.

Bubby Kulkarni • 7 years ago

I think it is best to let animals live in the wild and we go and visit them. Like how in a zoo in China people visit animals in their natural habitat on a caged vehicle. Why should animals spend a life less exciting when they can live in the wild? One day they might retaliate. We should take progressive steps to do that. Even though they might be baby steps, we should take them. One day I hope we live in a world where all living creatures are able to grow and live with freedom.

Rizky Muzakir • 10 years ago

Sugoi desu ne~

phoenixkevin • 10 years ago

That looks like a fun way to hold a drill. Sure beats the fire drills in our building - They always seem to be on a 100F+ day (Phoenix).

bobby digital • 10 years ago

Wouldn't hurt to practice actually firing the tranquilizer rounds at targets to get real experience in their use. Interesting photos, nevertheless.