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ode chan • 7 years ago

Carville is an alien. The MIB know that. They are working on sending him back to his original galaxy. The klingon's are hot under the collar with him,

Guest • 7 years ago
Frederikahere • 7 years ago

My thought exactly.

Bob • 7 years ago

Probably over 90% of ALL "Americans' regardless of political affiliation or religious belief are clueless to the truth, and support a lie which rests in one form or another of humanistic reason opposed to a fruitful system resting in Jesus.

Kingdom Ambassador • 7 years ago

And what about the Republicans???

When most people think of cults, they think of religions. But there's no more brain-dead cults than the Republican and Democratic Parties. Don't believe me, just watch the crowds in the Republican and Democratic Conventions for five minutes.

The Republicans and Democrats are also two different denominations of the religion of secular humanism, aka We the Peopleism--the cult with the largest membership, at any given time in history:

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many [the majority] there be which go in thereat. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few [the remnant] there be that find it." (Matthew 7:13-14)

For an alternative to this constitutional cult, see free online book "A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement to Secular Government" at http://www.bibleversusconst....

Then, find out how much you REALLY know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey at http://www.bibleversusconst... and receive a complimentary copy of a book that EXAMINES the Constitution by the Bible.

Grundune • 7 years ago

Hey Clown, it is "We the People of the United States of America". Better be careful who you are calling cultists.

Well, I'll be sheep-dipped! I guess Carville is so convinced of the stupidity of Democrap voters that he can state it publicly without repercussions! Now, that's confidence!

klystron525 • 7 years ago

Uh, people, this is a hoax, there is zero evidence Carville ever said this. This was anonymously posted to a blog and attributed to Carville, but there is no reference where or when (or IF) he ever said it. That is the basis of good satire, take a premise where the "truth" sounds plausible, spread it around where numerous other blogs and web sites repeat it, and it becomes believable. This is Joseph Goebbels in the 21st century, the method still works.

Oh! I see! It's OK when democraps use this tactic but when it's turned against them it's unfair! Quit blubbering, it's unseemly!

TinStarred • 7 years ago

............well, ..... Carville correct, but I wouldn't limit it to just politics, ......it goes way beyond that.

James Carville Says 80% Of Democrats Are Politically Clueless,... that's generous, I'd say that number is much higher !!!

OrlandoRican • 8 years ago

I knew this before Carville said it.

Surly Curmudgen • 8 years ago

The vociferous denial from the left on this approaches nuclear detonation. They insist snake head Carville never said this. I heard him when he said this! If I remember correctly it was a late night talk show.

BP • 8 years ago

This was put out 3+ years ago. Good to see it's coming around again. Just wish he would update it to 95% now

bet1125 • 8 years ago

80% are politically clueless? I never knew the number was that low.

Babayaga1114 • 8 years ago

I can't stand that alien looking Carville, but in this case I have to agree with him...

Mobetta Jenkem • 8 years ago

This just in: Scientists have also proven that 100% of all Dhimmicraps have their heads stuck inextricably up their posteriors.

More at 11...

AZComicGeek • 8 years ago

80% of democrats and 99.9% of republicans. Moreover, 100%of republicans seem to be morally clueless.

Gib74 • 8 years ago

Said the 80%.....

Babayaga1114 • 8 years ago

Republicans are morally clueless? You don't see them supporting abortion and illegal immigration do you? You better take your foot out of your mouth before you choke...

debra mulgrew • 7 years ago

what i do see is democrats all want freebies on someone else s hard earn money

Eric • 7 years ago

Republicans made abortion legal. In the Row vs Wade case 5 out of the 7 supreme court justices that voted to make it legal were republicans.

desert • 8 years ago

No shyt!! and this pathetic looking freak is one of them,he spent his time sucking up to the clintons and telling everyone that knew better what jewels they were in the crown! Now tell us again a.h. WHO IS CLUELESS? We all knew it!!!

Gradivus • 8 years ago

This "quotation" sent my BS detector ringing off the hook. No way Carville said this.

wmkabrich • 7 years ago

Re-Read the FULL STORY in the book he wrote. They might let you as a Lib-A-Tard pay TWICE the price for it SPECIAL SALE just for you.

Omar Josef • 8 years ago

It does not seem like he would cut of the hand the feed his face. It is called you good ole bovine scatology pontificator detector.
His lovely wife could have said this and someone missed up the gender. And Gradivus, welcome to the Clash

Read more at http://www.snopes.com/politics... [ I found tis below ]

Enough's Enough • 8 years ago

Wow! Did Carville actually have a “Jonathan Gruber moment?”

4arrows • 8 years ago

While I have no doubt that Carville and many other leading democrats may believe this, I find it hard to believe that he would actually admit it outside of a small inner circle. It would be nice if this had a reliable source listed. I did a quick search and found nothing from any recognizable source.

Demon Two-Six • 8 years ago

Note that this is not being covered in liberal media.... Not that it would matter. Carville, knowing which side of the bread his butter rests on, would step out of the shadows again, issue a suitable "mea culpa" and explain why it is such a very good thing that the cattle enjoy the hay...

VictorLandry • 8 years ago

Has anyone noticed how much Carville looks like Golum in The Lord of the Rings? Even some of the facial expressions are the same. One would think Golum was based on Carville.

ImOffendedTreatMeSpecial • 8 years ago

Would have thought it was more like 99%

Heywood Yabuzzoff • 8 years ago

80%?...I'd say he's being kind.

mtman2 • 8 years ago

I'll have to make this one exception for Carville here and now !
I've always said- "if they're a (D) and their lips are moving they're lying".........not this time ~!

disqus_OkzgrOSTfg • 9 years ago


David Lango • 9 years ago

Goyim have trusting gullibility bubbling from their loving hearts. The Jewish owned media media says 'collapse' and we loosen a belt buckle and burp.

Question everything.

desert • 9 years ago

And that coming from another clueless freaking dumocrat!

libertyluvur • 9 years ago

that needs to be on billboards all over this country.

TXPatriot • 9 years ago

This may be the most honest thing I've ever heard the "forehead" utter.

ode chan • 7 years ago

Haha! The forehead utter. To funny

Daniel Gray • 9 years ago

Finally. This bald headed human tampon speaks the truth.

mtman2 • 8 years ago

Careful now Dan:
This is a great tool to keep for reposting, Jim may even switch parties.
His wife Mary Matalin is a Conservative class act and even the forehead
has said he's a lucky man that she loves him and puts up with his party stand.
He doesn't believe 1/2 the Lib-blab he puts out, he admits being a Dem for the money ~!

Daniel Gray • 8 years ago

So I shouldnt speak the truth? LOL

mtman2 • 8 years ago

Having heard him over the years(and shocked at his (R) wife) seems he's getting worked up to something with this admission, he just might be jumping parties.
Mary Matalin is one smart gal and he may just be doing it- because everything he said is true and can be used against him and the Dum-b party.
Or he's senile now and can hide the truth of the lie he's pretended all these years.
Either way this is friendly-fire that can be used over and over ~!

Daniel Gray • 8 years ago

probably. the hildabeasts top moneyman for her campaign just quit because he says he cannot deal with her lies on the contributions and the emails and other questions swirling around her. Whoops there goes her money for her campaign. now whats she going to do?


mtman2 • 8 years ago

You know Dan I figure MAO'bama can't be seen to not support the Clinton machine! And he has other replacements in mind and is working behind the scene to set up a take down that won't directly go on him.
Meanwhile if she drops out she has to give up that campaign cash to her choice of a candidate, like that creep John Edwards had to. I think their just using her and honestly I don't think she really wants it or the hassle getting there, maybe ~!

Daniel Gray • 8 years ago

does anyone think for one second that with all her problems and troubles and Billy Boy being associated with a convicted pedophile, that she is going to actually be elected to anything?

mtman2 • 8 years ago

"Well", the "CLINTON CHRONICLES" can be googled for the many mysterious deaths and 'suicides' from during the their governorship in Arkansas thru the WH. Now Benghazi etc.
They've gotten away with murder so what more can stop them(Clinton-Machine) ?
And still their supporters are like Alice the Goon following them no matter what!

MAO'bama has done worse, as well as creating Benghazi; Christians are dying every single day directly because of his policies overseas and here as well. Baltimore is burning as WE speak.

People are now hardened to it all as- "just normal daily news" -and they figure on just sliding thru in the confusion of the fools, useful-idiots and lo-info sheeple.

Who'd of thought this level of stupidity would be the norm in the USA for so many.
The silence of wisdom in OUR town square is deafening in these socialist day's.
The Founders would be ashamed and outraged as how low things have gotten ~!

Daniel Gray • 8 years ago

yea, BUT when you start hanging around with a convicted child molester...the "ewwwwww" factor shoots up to an astoundingly high level and will cause anyone with children to back away from you. Just like the hildabeasts top moneyman who quit her campaign just recently

mtman2 • 8 years ago

Of course these scum for leadership are thieves and liars.
But still it is amazing that it just keeps going on like it does.

Any person that keeps a (D) after their name and does nothing to stand against these criminals are guilty of treason and sedition. OUR Founders would have had them horse-whipped if not shot as an example of what happens to traitors to the Constitution and the American people ~!!

Daniel Gray • 8 years ago

exactly. maybe we should bring back public horsewhipping, and start with the Congress. Then maybe the rest would fall in line.