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Jason Johnson • 8 years ago

Combat racial fakery by dumping affirmative action.

Buck Ofama • 8 years ago

The obvious answer, which is why I think Williams wrote this article as satire and sarcasm.

Benedictine • 8 years ago

Obvious to whom, though? We can't seem to get rid of it, in fact, we keep inventing new races that have grievances.

Buck Ofama • 8 years ago

Obvious to right thinkers. To delusional leftists, not so much...

Poor Wilber • 8 years ago

New races, new genders, new disabilities and more Government handouts. We have everything we need except new jobs and new industry.

BTW, some of the "old" races have more than a few grievances as well :-).

Perdido • 8 years ago

We need lots and lots of races whining about poor treatment. We don't have half enough whiners yet.

Poor Wilber • 8 years ago

I agree, because its becoming a stigma, the racism of low expectations.
What is puzzling to me in the meantime, is why the majority of blacks have meekly accepted the Democrat Party's initiatives to provide affirmative action privileges to foreign nationals from other parts of the World that were never subjected to so-called Jim Crow laws. Mexicans or Haitian's coming into the US today were never subjected to any of this, and in my opinion are owed nothing. If I were black, whose heritage fell under slavery or Jim Crow.....I would be boiling mad at Democrats giving benefits away to Mexican nationals that were specifically designed for them (affected blacks and their progeny).

Jason Johnson • 8 years ago

Men like Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, and Clarence Thomas are the black community's prophets. The question is, "Will those prophets be heeded?"

Perdido • 8 years ago

Historically, they usual outcome is getting burned at a stake.

Ddenney1 • 8 years ago

It because the Demon Rats have slowly over the last 50 YEARS RE-RIGHTEN THEIR HISTORY AND BOUGHT THEIR HEARTS WITH PROGRAMS THEY HAVE US PAY FOR!!! See LBJ quotes on his welfare programs of the 64 "rights" act!! Never equality only purchased elections!!!

Andre Bonds • 8 years ago

How would that keep blacks from pretending to be white when they are light enough to do so?

Martin_Galts_Gulch • 8 years ago

Why would it need to?
What in hell are you yapping about?
You get rid of Affirmative Action and
there's no incentive to fake your race
for opportunities based on merit. If
you want to pretend you're white go
right ahead, but why would you?

Concerned4America • 8 years ago

I can see two ways to go. Ignore race and judge everyone by the same standards or use the South African standard: if it looks white, it is and if it doesn't it isn't. I guess that would make John Beohner a person of color but so it goes.

Brice • 8 years ago

Is there an "Orange" race?

Poor Wilber • 8 years ago

There was a blue race of people in Kentucky, but not enough of them to start a grievance industry to extort businesses for money. Come to find out it was a genetic blood disorder and was successfully treated. Too bad, as they really missed out on what could have been.

Ddenney1 • 8 years ago

Only in a can!!!

Perdido • 8 years ago

Not yet.

Lowell • 8 years ago

That ought to apply to gender fluidity as well!!

JohnH • 8 years ago

People must in their daily business judge others based on group action and affiliation. The problem is when such judging is done before the law. Equality before the law and equality of government action is the requirement. The Civil Rights laws are definitely bad.

Poor Wilber • 8 years ago

If Jim Crow and racism is wrong, so is affirmative action. All we are obligated to do is provide equal opportunity and access, not equal result.

I agree Dr. Williams, through humor you've gotten to the heart of how stupid all this is. Perhaps we should all be required to wear our racial pedigree on our chest, so no mistakes can be made in terms of the giving of or the denying of any bennies ;-).

Perdido • 8 years ago

My heritage is kinda mixed, so my pedigree is going to be in really small print. ...

Poor Wilber • 8 years ago

I've got a brother in law that's "Hispanic", but he's whiter than I am. Who can make sense of any of this racial insanity? Juan Williams said he was part Irish, which should disqualify him by whatever percentage his "Irish" is up, or Barack Obama is 50% white, but somehow got 100% of the benefits. That ain't right ;-). Following this rationale, I should be able to change my surname to Mandela, and get at least 10 percent of something.....at least a free toothbrush, haircut, or hotdog at Arlington stadium ????

Perdido • 8 years ago

You should 10% off your free ObamaPhone.

Poor Wilber • 8 years ago

Call me Mandela.... I'll take it!!!

Andre Bonds • 8 years ago

Wilber. When do you believe that black people started getting equal opportunities and treatment int his country?

Poor Wilber • 8 years ago

I know you won't like my answer, but I don't think your definition of equal opportunity is the same as mine. Affirmative action provides advantage based on race. That is not equal opportunity, but racial preference. As was Jim Crow, or other discriminators were based on innate racial characteristics. The truth is nothing is completely fair, anywhere. I can see you've likely never lived anywhere else in the world to give you some perspective.

Andre Bonds • 8 years ago

I have never lived anywhere else, but I have visited Sweden, Canada, and Panama where I was treated like a rock star. I have a number of family members who live abroad who swear they will never return to America to live because of how much better they are treated in their respective countries.

It is easy to say let's just ignore injustice when the injustice is rarely visited upon you or your family and friends. You have the privilege of saying lets take away all mandated racial preferences and let the chips fall where they may because you get the benefit of the doubt. There has been a 250 year indoctrination in this country that advances that black people are savages, inferior, and second class citizens not worthy of equal consideration. The group of people who felt this way in the 60's ARE STILL ALIVE. These people will discriminate every chance they get if their aren't laws in place to curb their racism. Affirmative Action is a terrible way to fight such immorality, but not fighting at all is even worse.

What is your suggestion in fighting this injustice if AA is taken off of the table?

Martin_Galts_Gulch • 8 years ago

False argument (a lie).
Nobody is saying "lets take away all mandated racial preferences and let the chips fall where they may". The chips don't fall, you perpetual grifter. "Chips" are earned and non-blacks are not "given the benefit of the doubt".

AA is injustice. You can't fight injustice with injustice.
Oh, and answer to your latest lies about Asians and Affirmative Action.

Steve Tanton • 8 years ago

Thanks for the sarcasm Walter - hilarious:) You're the one!!!

Andrew Interrupted • 8 years ago

The big, fat lie--that stinking elephant always standing in the room that no one dare talk about--is that demographic preference based hiring, promotion, etc. exists.

Or why would it matter if Elizabeth Warren, Andrea Smith, or Rachel Dolezal faked minority status? It matters because people are indeed ...judged by the color of their skin and not the content of their character.

eagle keeper • 8 years ago

Back about 20 years ago while working for the Department of Defense, a friend was working in electronics repair and modification. He is a Navy veteran. While in the Navy he was certified to calibrate electronic test equipment. The person in the testing lab had to retire. So they needed another person to replace him. The office of personnel went looking for a qualified replacement. My friend had the prior experience on his records. They found out and interviewed him for the job. Since they couldn't find any other qualified person for the job, he pretty much had the job. But wait just a minute !!! The OPM came back to the person on base doing the hiring. They asked how many minorities are in your shop? The answer was none. Everything got put on hold. A week later they came back and said in order to meet federal minority hiring practices, they would have to put a minority in that position. Needless to say, my friend did not get the job. When asked how the position was to be filled by a minority, the answer was to search local technical schools, and veterans backgrounds. Finding no qualified persons for the position, it was made clear they had to hire a minority at any cost. They hired a young gentleman off the street and sent him TDY to a two year school. He lasted almost one month. He showed up at the shop one morning. When he was asked why he was there, he said he was home sick, and wouldn't be returning to school. They called the affirmative action folks. Their response was, well just don't let him touch anything. Let him report to "work" with full benefits and pay. That is just one example of affirmative action. Don't we live in a great country ???

Gonzo55 • 8 years ago

25 years ago I took a test to be hired as a Probation Officer in.. I placed first on the list, in both written testing and the oral exam by supervisors. I also am a veteran. Suffice to say I didn't get the job, I received an interoffice memo stating that they were going below the 75% cut off to hire for the 5 open slots. I got hired in another county. I had a friend that worked for that county and after 3 years, only one person was still there.. oh and did I mention the five that were hired were minorities. Just another example of hiring unqualified people... I'm sure there are and were qualified minorities to fill the slots, but when you hire someone not qualified for the job what do you expect them to do....would you want a mechanic working on your car that doesn't know the first thing about fixing your car?

Andrew Interrupted • 8 years ago

I worked for a prominent defense contractor for 10 years, before I was purged by the Marxists for having "...no diversity value". I know exactly where you're coming from.

At least 20 years ago they admitted to demographic preference behavior. Now they just lie out their collective arses.

It's the new "Don't ask. Don't tell" = "Don't ask us if they're qualified--and we won't tell you if they aren't" (Nicholas Stix over at vdare[dot]com).

Perdido • 8 years ago

Money and Privilege.

Lowell • 8 years ago

By you, maybe!!

Sofa-king sick of it • 8 years ago

No special laws for any one. Enforce all laws equally and eliminate any law that places one group over, above or outside the law.

JohnH • 8 years ago

Repeal Civil Rights and all the other Rights Revolution laws.

Perdido • 8 years ago

Yes, do. But enforce the equal treatment clauses in the Constitution. The Civil Rights Acts didn't spring up in a vacuum. But they never would have come up had everyone been guaranteed a fair shot at the prize.

JohnH • 8 years ago

I'm unsure how "...fair shot..." is implemented or what it really means. "fair" is usually a word associated with Equality of Outcome" which is a basis for the creation of the Civil Rights laws. A person's heritage is always part of the mix. Even Equality of Opportunity is difficult.
Remember how the slaves became slaves. Their ancestors lost wars with neighbors. Rather than killing the losers, the winners sold them to slavers (thus saving their lives). So What can people do? After many failed experiments, the only thing that a person can do is allow others to seek their own life results. Hopefully, each family can have the kids be better than the parents.

Perdido • 8 years ago

The Civil Rights Act was to prevent the nonsense that was going on in certain voting districts.
Poll taxes, poll tests, and the like. Equality of Outcome had nothing to do with it.
Republicans were the force that got it passed.

It has to do with more than ex-slaves. Lots of immigrant groups have suffered the shenanighans of the Democrat party.

The idea is to get the playing field level. Nothing more- nothing less.

JohnH • 8 years ago

The slave heritage was explored. Other groups have a different heritage that involves some reason they had lesser advantage. We all have to overcome our heritage.

The Fed gov trying to correct issues of "..that nonsense..." has failed. I suggest the problem is the idea of the fed interfering in individual relationships. There may not be a short term solution. All that I can think is that if a person doesn't like the state they are in they should move.

Equality of Outcome has everything to do with it. It is the reason the Fed interferes.
I think the playing field will never be level. The only freedom is the freedom to move.

Poor Wilber • 8 years ago

My observation is that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) struggled with these same issues...the search for equal outcome.....until their empire collapsed around them. All the diversity of the Soviet Union broke away into separate Republics of dominate cultures when it collapsed. The Middle East is on fire because of competing Sunni (Arab) and Shite (Persian) cultures.
I think the lesson learned from the USSR and the US meddling with social reengineering of their respective societies..... is that culture means something. Unless various people accept, uphold, and defend the same values, it doesn't work. Cultures do not work well with other cultures with competing value systems, norms, and customs.
Some cultural values/norms are successful, others not. In 2015, there are cultures that haven't reached the technological level of the bronze age, while Egyptians, Syrians, Greeks, and Romans were building magnificent cities over 2000 years ago using engineering techniques we still marvel upon...and copy today. You cannot mix failed and successful cultures together and expect equal outcomes, or even equal opportunity to naturally develop in competitive economies. The lowest common denominator will always pull a nation down, or apart into chaos or revolution. Assimilation into the successful culture is the only way to get anywhere close to equal opportunity (or just peace and civility). But that's a dirty word today, replaced by multiculturalism which is a pipe dream.

JohnH • 8 years ago

We are close to something I’ve thought about or a while. This link Scalar
Theory of Everything model for steering humanity's growth
suggests the real object for going forward is to stop war. It suggest different views may be
organized together - very much like the Constitution without any amendments.

Poor Wilber • 8 years ago

One bad effect of the 1964 Civil Rights law was the concept of public accommodation...restrictions applying to private business enterprises. This clause in particular worried Barry Goldwater, and one of the reasons he stood against it. This is the same law that now has put bakers and florists in the crosshairs of the homosexual agenda..... to force them to participate in ceremonies that are contrary to their religious faith. Barry Goldwater was almost a prophet when he predicted where governments and courts would take all this in 1964. In the public square, freedom of association is not permitted. This of course is unconstitutional. Under the Constitution, freedom of association is guaranteed.

Perdido • 8 years ago

This business of using the courts to force people to make cakes, arrange flowers and perform ceremonies is an affront to the 13th Amendments prohibition of indentured servitude and slavery.

Nobody knows what the Constitution says, so nobody knows how to use it to stop these insane leftist bullies.

Every answer to these outrages is in the Constitution.

Buck Ofama • 8 years ago

I hope Professor Williams wrote this article with tongue in cheek, because the last thing we need is a "Race Classification Appeal Board." Of course, there would be some advantage to rooting out racial fakers. We could ban race fakes like Andre Bombs, for example.

rightmostofthetime • 8 years ago

I don't think Andre is a race fake. He lies when claiming to be conservative, but there's too much evidence (Facebook, for example) that he's not faking anything about the color of his skin.

Buck Ofama • 8 years ago

You may be right, but sometimes these people go to great lengths to propagate their fake online personas.

Griffonn • 8 years ago

How bout we not give special treatment to people based on skin color in the first place?

You could fix the "gap" by actually DOING something about the rotten schools that inner city blacks are stuck with, instead of raising illiterates and then giving them preferential treatment when they apply to a college they can't actually do well at.

You could maybe do something to protect the kids who do achieve - and are tagged and bullied as "acting white".

I stopped believing in the Democratic party when I volunteered at an inner city school and I saw that one teacher (every school has *one*) singlehandedy trying to teach all the third graders their alphabet before that deadly fourth grade "culling" hit....while the rest of those oh so caring teachers taught them to march around the parking lot singing "We Shall Overcome" and the guy with the fez taught them that learning about what George Wallace did is so much more important than learning to read.

Affirmative action is just how rich whites keep ethnic minorities and poor whites in conflict with each other, so that rich whites can steal from *everyone*.

timpclimber • 8 years ago

Years ago I taught at an inner city H.S. that had an optional IB program. Our students were being accepted at prestigious colleges through out the world. We encouraged every student to try at least one IB course. All students were held to the same standards of performance and behavior. Halls and restrooms were spotless. Then a bunch of liberal race oriented organizations began to complain we should allow students to wear their gang colors and change standards based on so called social-ethnic grouping. Soon our halls were filled with the social-ethnic groups hanging out and not going to class. Gang fights became common and we were spending our IB money on remedial and make-up classes. Now? No more honors or IB classes, good tough teachers retired or transferred and the inside of the school is scared and outside grounds a dump. When standards and expectations are reduced the quality of education quickly plummets.