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Froncek • 8 years ago

Looks like they're going to roll out the old..."He's a rebel and a 'hard' guy; but he's got a heart of gold" defense.

LOL. Where do they find these guys? Honestly. Some of them are great guys but there's an awful lot of them that put their uniforms on and think they're owed something. As usual, the bad ones ruin it for the good ones

Alex Rock • 8 years ago

stupid cops... they only have to graduate high school to get into the academy smh

Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

Too funny, like a college education from a bunch of dope smoking hippies and radical liberals, would help them on the job later. LMAO
I graduated college prior to going on the force and I can tell you this.............after 30 years , the best overall education is on the street, not in a book....and certainly not from liberals.

Bill Brasskey • 8 years ago

I thought high school was the academy.

Alex Rock • 8 years ago

I wish a cop would say that to me lol

Neoconhater • 8 years ago

He said he was going to put a hole in his head....just that alone he should never be allowed to be a LE officer anywhere.
He needs some serious help for his mental illness and he needs to be kept out of uniform.

pvd64 • 8 years ago

The City of Medford is sleazy and will never take action against this cop. They failed to do anything the last two instances he behaved in an unprofessional, hostile manner. He is unstable and a liability, a murderer waiting to happen. The question is what has he previously gotten away with in the last 30 years? I was thinking about getting a dash cam before this and now I am sure that I will. I have seen this unprofessional behavior from the police before. The bottom line is that they are not held accountable and I fear them and no longer respect them.

dluch • 8 years ago

this happened to a white guy?! now that's UNACCEPTABLE!

cj620 • 8 years ago

That cop is a raging psycopath..

An officer has sworn 'to protect and serve and uphold the law in a professional manner".

I believe what this country needs is a 'National Bill of Rights when Interacting with law Enforcement'. There could also be a 'National Code of Ethical Conduct' for law enforcement officials. There's too much confusion out there and mobile technology and the Internet will eventually create a very bad atmosphere and a potentially dangerous and explosive situation for beat cops in particular, not just in minority neighborhoods anymore, but now everywhere.

I believe it would behooves this line of profession to clean their acts, self-regulate with strictly enforced 'Code of Conduct', weed out the bad apples and destroy the 'blue wall of silence' by making it a punishable ethic violation for not reporting violations and abuse. For instance the insurance industry used to be a mess - a bunch of thieves. Since long ago this industry has clean it's act and self-regulate.

Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

Ain't gonna happen. There already is a Code of Conduct and many cops adhere to it. Many don't.
You must live in a high population area. I don't. There are many square miles in my state, and other states, where you don't see another human for hours. Black people in those areas, normally aren't seen at all. When a cop makes a stop in those areas, anything can happen....to anyone. It goes both ways.
In addition to that.....doctors, nurses, lawyers, judges and scientists, normally cover each others butt as well. It's not exclusive to cops.

Could have been a great 'Stand your ground' case. But shooting a police officer even off-duty would be anathema for law-enforcement and the justice system. Even you're perfectly justified, they would brutally retaliate. While they play a vital role in crime fighting, they also have became a new sort of state sanctioned mafia or gang of thugs, to minorities. Even the well behaved ones (which is most), are guilty as accessories to crimes of police abuse, assault and murder, especially with minorities. When you allow them wantonly abuse Hispanics and Blacks, be certain that emboldened now, soon they'll come also after you and your kids.

Tyranny and abuse of liberty of the weaker groups ends in tyranny for all!

Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

Yes it does.
But, don't forget..........doctors and hospitals kill more people annually, than all the traffic accidents combined.
And....judges and shyster attorneys, get more criminals released daily... to prey on society.
The incident in Montana is a great case in point.

Mickey, I follow what you're saying, but you're comparing apples with bananas here. Let's not get things all bungled up. One issue at the time, please.

Concerned Citizen • 8 years ago

This is a cop that can't control his emotions. A case of road rage!! He maybe among thousands of cops that are out of control due to circumstances in their lives. He doesn't need to be a detective or a police officer because he is so out of control. This kind of incident happens all over the US. These actions insight rage and mistrust of any police officer. Thank goodness for the cameras. The question is if the out of control cop had been left alone with the citizen while he was on-duty what would have happened?? He wanted to take the camera and destroy the evidence, after the evidence is gone the cop could have arrested him with any trumped up charge that he wanted too. There is no "protect and serve" with cops that don't have any respect for anyone expect themselves and in their mind the badge gives them the right to treat good people like their a violent criminal. When is it going to end???

Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

I've worked with many badge heavy cops and many who were drunk everyday.
I had a graveyard watch commander who would show up at midnight, driving his pickup to work and give us a briefing,
He was red faced, slurred his words at times, and you could smell the booze on his breath. 5 nights a week.
I was a rookie and not about to say a word against him. The other guys would just roll their eyes and snicker and mostly ignore him. If he mentioned something at briefing that was notable, we would go find the paper that confirmed the info.
He would often times get into a patrol unit, drive somewhere quiet and sleep it off. Or sometimes, do it in his truck in the parking lot.
We operated w/o him 99% of the time, because calling him would be useless. We went out, did our jobs and handled it.
His name was Frank and he was a Sgt. who always worked graveyard when it was pretty quiet. He had started on the force with the Chief and Captain back in 1934.........when I was there in 1968, they were all still working. I don't know if he was always a drunk, or if it came with seeing too many kids abused and killed, too many women beaten by their men, too much carnage on the highway, too many house fires where whole families were toast. We all see it, and some are affected more than others.
In those years....there was no "go to" Dept. therapist .....and even if there was, most guys wouldn't go unless ordered.

jcbaez hilton • 8 years ago

You still don't want to believe in God and the devil? Hush your mouth,you breathe because of Him .... the only chance we stand is with Him peace

We are blinded by the devil, saved by Jesus, and on earth for God's purpose only.

Google the truth about the rainbow by Street tip with JC from Beantown


Rick Jawsome • 8 years ago

... lol

Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

But, don't use Jesus as a crutch to get thru life. God helps them who help themselves.
Too many religious dopes, use Jesus as a welfare plan, not as guidance.

Cube4hire • 8 years ago

Dose this article actually identify which
rotary it was were this incident occurred?

cicil the lion • 8 years ago

just kill the cop. It would have been fun and you would have been justified.

Mike Dowd • 8 years ago

Someone threaten me like that...and stand in front of me...is getting run over. I just hope he doesn't dent my truck.

Jeff Backlund • 8 years ago

He is f-ing lucky his punk ass didn't get shot or run over. Take his badge and pension away.

stew913 • 8 years ago

He should be fired this is unacceptable. That just being a bully he is showing he is a big bad cop. I hate when i see things like this. This kind of treatment of civilians has to stop.

Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

My friend from Boston told me this is typical Boston cop attitude and behavior.
Where I worked on the West coast, it occurs in some areas. But, not where I was employed.

hang3xc • 8 years ago

It's typical cop behavior. It doesn't matter where

Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

Not true at all.

It's not behavior that I ever displayed in my career, nor behavior I have ever witnessed from any officer that I worked with or around.

hang3xc • 8 years ago

Well weren't you the lucky one. One of the only cops in the country who worked with a wonderful group of guys who never beat anyone more than was absolutely necessary to get cuffs on them, never bullied or intimidated anyone who ticked you off, never even had to look the other way well one of your brothers beat someone senseless, lie on a report, to a superior, or on the stand. Boy you are lucky enough to probably never have beaten your wife, kids, or developed an alcohol problem. What a blessed life you have had, too bad there are SOOOOOO many other cops who aren't anything like you at all

Guest • 8 years ago
hang3xc • 8 years ago

Meds aren't an answer to corrupt, militarized PDs nationwide. THe answer is no more qualified immunity. Make bad cops PAY... PERSONALLY. That'll fix things in a hurry

Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

Yes, I was very lucky to work for two, first class departments, in two states, where we only had to use as much force as it took to take a person into custody.
I'm not a bully and despise bully cops. I'm a really nice guy that didn't have to intimidate anyone. Never witnessed anyone beaten senseless....Ever!
No need to lie on a report or while testifying in court.
Never beat my wife, kids or anyone else. Don't drink, don't smoke, don't gamble, never used an illegal drug in my entire life. Don't believe in tats or body piercings, other than a nice pair of earrings on a lady.
I know there are soooo many cops not like me....but then, there are many cops just like me.
When you work in an area of mostly white folks, class happens.

wilsmif • 8 years ago

If the roles were reversed, and it was the citizen who was charging toward an officer, most likely it would have been justifiable homicide, cop doing his job.

He would have been fearful for his life.

FakeRadar • 8 years ago

another case of cop covering for cop. If there was no dash camera no one would be on "leave" and Mike might be in jail. The cops make stuff up and turn little things into big things to further their side of what ever it is. They needed to do a breathalyzer on the Detective

Guest • 8 years ago
Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

You should apply for a position of a psychologist.

relkin43 • 8 years ago

This psychopath is allowed to carry concealed firearms and has a badge? F-this corrupt country that protects these psychotic power tripping freaks.

Sun Ol • 8 years ago

Classic case of 'road rage'. The officer should be fired and prosecuted for felonious assault.

Douglas • 8 years ago

There are a lot of good cops, but there are a few that think they wear a crown instead of a badge. I see them speeding, turning improperly, doing a lot of stuff that you and I would be ticketed for.

JDC • 8 years ago

So does an off duty cop even have the authority to demand your license and make a traffic stop? My understanding, which may be incorrect, is that an off duty cop is a citizen just like you or me.

Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

Where I worked, you were a cop 24 hours a day and had the authority and power to arrest anytime and any place in your state. I was empowered by the state, to uphold the law, anywhere in that state..
If you are out of your "normal" jurisdiction, it is wise to try and contact the local guys...easier now with cell phones. When I was cop, cell phones didn't exist.

JDC • 8 years ago

Were you a State Trooper or local? Seems odd that a local officer would have statewide authority but I'm no expert....obviously.

Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

City cop....
When we received our Commission in Calif., after attending the police academy .....It read your "name" and stated a "duly sworn police officer 'in and for' the State of Calif."
That was underlined by department training and we were told to respect all other jurisdictions, but also had the authority to arrest......not issue traffic tickets.
Usually, the perp was turned over to the local jurisdiction for booking.

Mark • 8 years ago

I wish I could have seen the "Violation" that the not in uniform officer made the stop!
and I would NEVER have hung around if that "officer" even holding ID would have tried to stop me - sorry but he looked like a "bad person" and I would have been dialing 911 to report him!

ehprof • 8 years ago

Get rid of the cop, fire him. No they won't they will keep him.

mac • 8 years ago

Number one Lebert should have his license to carry a firearm revoked. Number two should be relieved from police duties. Evidently similar deliberate infractions of the law have been occurring over a period of time.

4aCo-operationation • 8 years ago

Need to take his badge away immediately so the next time he runs his mouth to someone he can't hide behind the badge to disarm them. He is the worse kind of coward; a public servant using the power of law to abuse the same people who pay his salary

Little c • 8 years ago

Maybe somebody should look into the police HR departments hiring criteria.

Mickey Walker • 8 years ago

After 30 years on the job, they might not have had much of a hiring criteria when he was hired. Possibly, this man became jaded, or a drunk, in the meantime.
In the old days, before I started in police work, if you could walk and talk and made sense, they gave you a gun and a badge and a ticket book and sent you out into the public. There was little to no training in firearms, public relations, report writing or anything.
Many cops had no backup and your authority was right on the spot with a baton or sap ....or maybe a gun.
Many cops, then and now, are not great shots, and can be easily outdone by a civilian shooter.
Police protection is an oxymoron.

Little c • 8 years ago

What your telling me (or what I'm getting from what your telling me) is 30 years ago cops got better results and were respected (and they could tell the difference between a citizen and a criminal.) That training them to turn against their own kind (unable to tell the difference between a college student and a criminal) through higher education is failing their own citizens. What a shame the police are the proof of their own failure.