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Thank you for your important observation.
Thanks Michael ! I have been looking for this comment.
Faith in humanity restored \m/
Exactly! Thanks Michael!
That was some very basic info they failed to include. Ftlog, hah ;'D
Cool, thanks for the info!
I'm looking for a illustrator script developer. I need an specific script that allow me to distribute symbols over a path and align (rotate) each symbol following the path.
Attached you can find an approximation of what I'm looking for.
If anyone is interested please, contact me and tell me about the cost of development. Any help will be appreciated.
u can manage with blend tool.
I might be wrong, but isn't that similar to what the FilteriT MetaBrush Tool can do?
Very useful collection. I especially like the "Round Any Corner". Thanks!
Thank you for posting this collection of helpful Ai scripts. I really appreciate it. :)
Wow, amazing collection of scripts. Big shoutout to Hiroyuki, who's the author of most of them.
Sprite CSS Generator – A sustainable method for creating CSS Sprites.
Great collection of scripts!
I use Magic Eraser script for automatically cropping vector artwork http://youtu.be/T5LwsJhcQM8
And ProSpirograph action for creating round ornaments http://youtu.be/EW4wmW8zVJQ
don't forget this one http://hellowoo.com/illustr... :)
This link is dead, so would you so kind to point out another valid link. Google search for 'Illustrator script to clean empty text boxes' shows results for InDesign but not for Illustrator. I appreciate your kind response in advance. My e-mail: digbooker@gmail.com
why the fuk aren't those in Illustrator by default ? now I'm thinking that adobe Illustrator is just a peace of sh!t for lackin those small but very important features
shame on you adobe
These scripts are really nice but what about grommet and hemlines scripts
While scouring the internet I found this website called www.illustrator-script.com they have a very nice collection of scripts as well.
Very good
Wow! Great.........
I hate this, this sux
Here is the fastest Tap a Color you want to change Go to Menu
Select>Same>Fill Color
Go to swatches choose the color of your choice :)
Nice Plugins
very helpful. thanks
need collect for output for CS6
Very informative and very helpful on doing graphic in Adobe Illustrator. Thank you very much
Ovae anything my dear friend this scripts mean lot of time expended on work, thank you for sharing... from MX
thankyou.......................for whole team,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I hope this work with CS6
drawscript the best ever!
I never know that javaScript able to run this things :o
Ohhh Great! Thanks for these tips! It helps me here, no doubt.
So True Dave. I use merge overlapping daily. Round any corner is also a great script and works much better than Illy's built in round corners effect, I just wish it had a preview option.
One I felt was missing that I find useful is the CMYK to PMS script from http://wundes.com/JS4AI/
Save this link to download:
Just wanted to take up a few words on the web to say a grateful 'thank you' to Hiroyuki Sato for his script 'Merge overlapping anchors'. If you regularly use Pathfinder in Illustrator, it saves vast amounts of time in removing redundant (but invisible) anchors.
its scripts are save my time and its very helpful to work,thanks
The merge overlapped anchors will save me HOURS of work in prepping artwork for our vinyl plotter and CNC router. Those pesky points can cause the plotter to do strange things. Picking through points is a huge time consuming process. You may have just changed my life!
I just discovered those scripts and they're awesome.
Thanks to this site for having selected them, and also a huge thanks to Hiroyuki Sato.
To all who said it changed their lives and saved them hours of work, you can donate to Sato here:
Well deserved.
Thank you very much! This will make life a lot easier.
Perfect! I was searching for something to speed up my design process & some of these will do the trick perfectly!
Thank you.
Very usefull scripts! :)
Is there a script to export layers to seperate pdf files? (Illustrator CS3)
Really nice collection of script LOVE THIS.
Very USEFUL, Thanks!!!
Dear all,
It's excellent and amazing scripts. Many many thanks for the brain worked behind this and this kind of contribution is very hightly appreciated.
Wow! nice.
Question...Export to PDF script, it there way to make final PDF files smaller?
When I manually make PDF files out of Illustrator layers, I use "Print to PDF" which makes files aprox 600 kb...when I use this script it makes 6, 300 kb pdfs.
Print to PDF uses a different form of conversion, which what I've been told (when I worked at a PSD software company) is far superior to the make PDF you get in the Adobe Creative Suite.
thanks for this, i have been scouring the net for just one of these scripts, and the whole post has broadened my mind - excellent
I didn't even know that IIlustrator has scripts on them. Glad to have found your site and of course, thanks for sharing! Great site!
For the love of god Tuts, you could at least include the proper paths for adding scrips so you don't have to click "other scripts" and browse your HD every time you want to use one of these. The point (of many of these at least) is to save time, right?
To have scripts appear in the scripts menu drop your script file(s) into the following directories, adjusting for CS3/CS4/CS5 and localization (e.g., "en_US") when appropriate.
On Windows:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CS4\Presets\en_US\Scripts
On Mac:
/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS4/Presets/en_US/Scripts
BAM! No more browsing your hard drive.