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djjreading • 8 years ago

"Woodward truly thinks that Ryan wants to 'fix the government' by reforming entitlement spending. "

Woodward is one sick old man who is trying to make himself seem relevant in these times. Or are we seeing he is really a bigot for the first time?

TremoluxMan • 8 years ago

I wonder what Bernstein thinks of his former partner.

d-Democrat • 8 years ago

WOODWARD: " . . . those people are true conservatives in their own eyes."
My eyes see a bunch of destructive, know-nothing, ultra right-wing asshōles.

miss_kitty • 8 years ago

shameful POS bob, you are.

Wayne Smyer • 8 years ago


RGKahn • 8 years ago

The Freedom Caucus... "and remember, those people are true conservatives in their own eyes." In their "own eyes" that says it all.

surfjac • 8 years ago

" He talks about big ideas, he talks about things that are deep
change, deep reform, and so, you know, it's a moment to be optimistic,
if that's possible."
mr. woodward, please, please tell us one big idea the conservatives ever had that actually worked in the last three decades, no wait, make it four decades. What the hell have the conservatives done that was positive for America in the years since 1975?
Listen mr. woodward, I don't want you to go poopy in your pants but you really should have an answer to that question now shouldn't you? But you don't 'cause "something positive" from a conservative never happened. Never, not at all, ever. They are good at being petulant children, cowards, sexual deviates and traitors but not much else.

negoldie • 8 years ago

A few words about Paul Ryan I must get out: when specifically has Ryan said anything of true intellectual value? Name One? Like others on the far right I question whether they have the intellectual heft to balance their own checkbooks, much less the giant budget put forth every year.
One more question: where is this intellectual giant's budget and does it conform to what the American people need? Does it help the oligarchs; yes. Does it show any empathy or help for those most in need? no. Actually Ryan's budget beats the poor down to the point where the rich will live in guarded palaces (I lived in Panama for three months following Noriega's fall, saw it first hand, and it's true everywhere in Central America, you will see the peasants riot over food!) while we peasants will be rushing the gates for the last scrap of food thrown out for garbage.........long sigh......

Shalimar • 8 years ago
steve stanley • 8 years ago

Why can't republicans and their lackys just openly hate FDR and the new deal like the good old days....why do they pretend to want to fix it?

Jack Millwater • 8 years ago
And remember, those people are true conservatives in their own eyes.

Islamic jihadists don't think they're doing anything wrong, in their eyes, or the eyes of Allah. Be careful when reminding people about the eyes of Tea Partier's Bob.

albabe • 8 years ago

Actually, what Cross-eyed Dipshit's so-called Solution creates, is Robbery and such.

It's hard to work a job on a completely empty stomach.

Jopin Klobe • 8 years ago

Word Saver ...

"Bob Woodward Gushes ... Interminably"

LMK • 8 years ago

this guy has been a hack for 30 years who has been trading of on watergate his whole life

Not Sure • 8 years ago

I have never understood why those with the money and the power blame those that have no money and no power for a system that the wealthy created and control.

Minnieindenial • 8 years ago

They are gathering the fruits of their long-term plan of indoctrination via corporate controlled media and establishing educational agenda via charter schools as well as textbook lexicon so no one knows enough to question.

CafeenMan • 8 years ago

To keep the people without money or power going at each other and their eyes off the people with the money and the power.

It's just a distraction tactic. They loot the treasury and take over the government while we fight over stupid shit.

Kmom4kids • 8 years ago

Ya,just listen to the nasal out criminal. Once a rightie always a liar,cheat,and twisted purveyor of facts.

pm28 • 8 years ago

woodward is the dean of the inside the beltway common speak where republican narratives rule the headlines. Its sad

Thats That • 8 years ago

I'm starting to suspect that Woodward isn't a great, down the middle, journalist but someone that found out Nixon was baning his wife and wanted to get even.
Otherwise woulda excused and ignored Watergate.

lornejl • 8 years ago

" a real Conservative, the 'big ideas person.' He vibrates reasonableness "

You can sense him getting an erection just talking about Ryan, gross.

Bomb Explosive Expert • 8 years ago

Fixing reforms means banning US corporations from off shoring jobs and cash

ExPFCWintergreen • 8 years ago

Here's the thing: people like Woodward are DESPERATELY dependent on something, ANYTHING that runs even vaguely contrary to the status quo, even if they just have to pull it out of their ass to find it. It's "bold," it's "fresh," it's "a challenge to the conventional wisdom" -- or at least they think so. What it really is, of course, is unadulterated, 100 percent, USDA Choice Village bullshit.

Birder143 • 8 years ago

He is a LEECH and that is all. He has to suck the blood out of any idea that helps anyone else raise their standard of living by getting a job or a better job.

sailor1939 • 8 years ago

As one of many who once admired Woodward, I just wish he'd shut the fuck up and go into a quiet retirement before he completely destroys his legacy.

Edwin • 8 years ago

------ And Ryan really wants to conserve, wants to fix the government.
He talks about big ideas, he talks about things that are deep change,
deep reform, and so, you know, it's a moment to be optimistic, if that's

WTF?!!? "He's going to fix the government." Guess he's gone senile.

peterjohn936 • 8 years ago

They disgust me. The people who collect social security and medicare paid for it themselves. So what they are talking about is stealing people's social security and medicare. Next they will want to steal people life insurance money and annuity.

negoldie • 8 years ago

Doesn't the word "entitlement" mean you are entitled to your SS and medicare.
From Webster: entitle, to give a RIGHT or claim to.
I'm not sure even that giant intellectual brain of Paul Ryan can look it up. Maybe one of his interns could.......geezus fucking christ.

Again from Webster, entitlement; a government program providing benefits to members of a specified group.
If that's what the republican thugs want to do let's cut Ryan's entitlement!
Never heard him say a word of intellectual insight. I can't confirm that he even balances his own checkbook. His wife probably has to do it.......it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

Easy_to_Refute_Wingnuts • 8 years ago

Every time Woodward opens his mouth or releases another book, he proves that Carl Bernstein was the only journalist covering Watergate.

Greta42 • 8 years ago

"WOODWARD: Well, no, by anybody's definition, but apparently as an agreement with them. And remember, those people are true conservatives in their own eyes. And Ryan really wants to conserve, wants to fix the government. He talks about big ideas, he talks about things that are deep change, deep reform, and so, you know, it's a moment to be optimistic, if that's possible."

Woodward leaves no doubt about who was the brains during the Watergate investigation - It was Bernstein, not him. I wonder if he's on the R payroll to actually propagandize for them about how great it would be to take away social security, Medicare, Medicaid, Disability, Food stamps, WIC, and any other social program they hate because the poor need them.

I know I won't be buying his books.

Elenchus • 8 years ago

You couldn't unify the GOP with a truckload of Crazy Glue and ten miles of rope.

Cath • 8 years ago

Woodward always was a Republican even in the Watergate days. That story was just too good to pass up.

Birder143 • 8 years ago

I would not be surprised to wake up one morning and find that a person who has been out of a job for a while and is financially hurting goes up to an IDIOT like Woodward and DECKS HIM....

ANYONE who applauds the suffering of hard working people in this society deserves to have their butt kicked. HARD.

John Smith • 8 years ago

Woodward displays a curious physiological phenomenon. As he ages his brain shrinks and his asshole enlarges proportionally. As a result he spews thoughtless shit everywhere he goes.

Tommie • 8 years ago

The poor, the poor, is that all the right thinks about when it comes to their pockets, at the start of this country, "Americans" only care about profits, then they invite the tired and the poor to come here and now they are whining about it, GIVE ME A BREAK! To get their country back, i guess you have to start somewhere!

Jack Millwater • 8 years ago

To the conservative way of thinking, it's okay to fuck over the poor, because they're already fucked. If you're getting raped, what's another inch? (I know that's a terrible example, but I honestly think that's the way conservatives think) On the other hand, if a rich person has 5 houses and has to maybe sell one so that they can help ensure the general welfare of the populace as a whole, well that's tantamount to herding them into a gas chamber.

NuEra! • 8 years ago

Easy to gush when you aren't poor.....

Lionel Richards • 8 years ago

Woodward is an old true dumb-ass conservative ... let's put our hopes on the youth of america, or these old bastards will sink us all ...

wstockwin • 8 years ago

"Ryan really wants to ... fix the government ..." What in hell does that mean? As someone who has never had a job outside of government, who has never drawn a paycheck that didn't come out of taxpayers' pockets, what are Ryan's qualifications for "fixing" the government that has worked just fine feeding and clothing him and his family for years?

James Ratliff • 8 years ago

Woodward another recipient of wing nut welfare. When you get on the grift you are there until you are of no use to the 1%!

RandyBastard • 8 years ago

Woodward has always been conservative. That's why the Washington Post put him on the Watergate story with the younger, less experienced, liberal reporter Carl Bernstein. Carl had gotten the ball rolling, but the Post didn't want to trust the 'kid' so they put the 'old man' on it with him.

If you read the stories from back then you can tell he was writing from the perspective of a conservative. But he was a reputable, dependable reporter who valued the truth over politics.

I do agree, he's gotten more kool-aidish over the years and I no longer trust everything he says. But in the interest of accuracy I thought I'd point out his history.

As you were...

mary5920 • 8 years ago
Guest • 8 years ago
Miz Julia • 8 years ago

GOP mental ward sums it up nicely, ha!

Hey friend. I saw your post to me the other day. I got a coupla posts off yesterday at the other asylum (Media Matters - aka troll central) and never got 'round to writing you back ( as yet). Anyhoo, I was summoned to my sister's house to help her out whilst she undergoes dental surgery tomorrow. Impacted wisdom tooth- yikes. Anyway, it was a long drive today and I hadda make meals for my man before I left so he won't starve No kidding. One time I was gone for a week and he lost 4 pounds. ;-))

I will be back soon to write you. I've also been travelling and haven't been around much. More later, sweet p'tater. lol. Man, listening to liberal talk radio in the car today was fun after that debate last night. ;-))

mary5920 • 8 years ago

Hi congero, great to hear from you. Yes the pundits take the political theater as all important over any substantive discussions over policy. It's really sucking in a lot of people who should know better. [I don't like the political calculations that Hillary does, deliberately misunderstanding a comment from Bernie, but that's pretty standard stuff.] I'd rather hear a lot more about the gun regulation proposals and the pros & cons of those.

I'm happy to report that I've never watched Mourning Joe and the foil. It sounds like a HANNITY and colmes deal, eh?

Meanwhile the Republican clown car continues, in Boulder. Hearing this a.m. that Chris Christie isn't happy with his hotel accomodations. Apparently a large toilet is the centerpiece of his room, while the other better polling people have luxury suites. LOL

Guest • 8 years ago
mary5920 • 8 years ago

Oh, wow. It shouldn't be a surprise but that's just amazing. Chris Matthews thinks that O'Reilly is "somewhere in the middle"?!
Loved the snarky analysis of the debate by driftglass.

Guest • 8 years ago
mary5920 • 8 years ago

Oh, the humanity. I'm so glad we ditched cable. Oh yeah, all those "liberals" on the television, spouting beltway wiz-dumb, such as who looks presidential or whether someone made a zinger, or how "bold" someone presents a tax plan that will ruin the economy.
Be well, too.

RandyBastard • 8 years ago

Interesting. Have you ever seen the movie Havana with Robert Redford? An overlooked gem as far as I'm concerned. And I love the character of the 'newspaper reporter' everyone suspected of being CIA. I won't say more because it involves the climax of the movie, but suffice to say it's a good tale.