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ThomofWI • 8 years ago

P O A C H : Promoting - Only - Amazing - Candidates - Honorably, is there a problem here? I see none!

cottontail • 8 years ago

So teachers may improve their skills and outlook in order to get "poached". Sounds like we now have a race to the top instead of a race to the bottom. And the problem is..............?

wink • 8 years ago

Well the problem is that the better, more qualified teachers that actually like to teach will end up making more money while the jaded, lazy-assed ones with seniority won't be able to make the top rate just because they exist. How fair is that?

FlameCCT • 8 years ago

Notice that Tony keeps using "if this...", "if that..." and numerous hypothetical calamities; primarily because the factual data does not support his doomsday, chicken little whining.

wink • 8 years ago

Poaching teachers? After the way they disgraced themselves protesting I suppose it was inevitable but honestly I didn't even know there was a season on 'em. Is there a bag limit? Is it gun only or bow too? Can we still bait 'em with Walker signs? It worked in Jefferson.

FlameCCT • 8 years ago

Black powder? Can disabled use a crossbow? Curious minds want to know so they can make hunting trip plans.

Wonder if I can talk JJ Watt into inviting some Texans fans (aka me) back to WI for hunting season. ;-)

wink • 8 years ago

As far as I know crossbows are legal for deer and the teachers aren't near as dear as deer.
I'm not sure about the black powder though. Not that there would be an issue with muzzle loaders or in-lines but I'm not sure we can refer to it as "black" powder any more.

Giving this season more thought it occurs to me that bore spears would be appropriate.

FlameCCT • 8 years ago

Has to be doe season though as Progressives have no huevos!

wink • 8 years ago

Somebody must have poached their huevos.

Madison • 8 years ago

This is the result of act 10. A good teacher gets rewarded with better pay and the bad teachers get their just reward-lower pay.
Consider this:
If the average cost in Wi is about 13k to 14k per student, and the average class size is 15.1 We have about 195k to 210k per class room and an average of about 54k per teacher, what is the other ~ 140k to 155k per class room being spent on?

Numbers from Wi public schools at a glance. Numbers from Tony Evers.

Guest • 8 years ago
Madison • 8 years ago

Run the numbers. 150k times 12 grades times three class rooms per grade equals about 5.4 million dollars per year over and above teacher salaries. Why aren't the teachers getting any of it?

Guest • 8 years ago
IdiotBuster • 8 years ago

You're nothing but a simple-minded troll. You respond 5 days after the fact and spew nonsense, ignorance, insults and names. Funny how when u can't play with the big boys in the arena of facts and reason, you roll over and resort to victimhood status (claims of "...belittling, name calling...")- see other threads . "Predicted doctor shortage because the beat and brightest {are} looking for better pay"? LMFAO.

Madison • 8 years ago

I have no problem paying good teachers more, and lousy teachers less, if at all. One thing you need to remember is that a teaching degree is about the lowest degree given. The union spent all of it's time and resources protecting the garbage, and also taking money from the best to pay the worst. The best don't need organized crime to "protect" them. That's like a business owner paying the goonions to protect their windows. The goonions do not, never have, and never will have the best interests of the teachers, students, or taxpayers in mind. It's all about money and power for themselves. Looks to me like all the best teachers that don't need or want your goonion protection bailed when they had the chance.
As far as your comment about doctors, is there a chance that this is a result of Democrat policies------Obama care in particular? You yourself referenced the best and brightest looking elsewhere because they can make more elsewhere. The best solution is get government out of the class room and out of the Dr's office, and take the goonions too.

Guest • 8 years ago
Madison • 8 years ago

The best and brightest are going after the big money.
So what you are saying is that they are going to join the Trial Lawyers guild-an arm of the Democrat party- and sue the hell out of the remaining doctors, or they are going to start advertising for dog bite cases and snowy sidewalks in a blizzard.

wink • 8 years ago

"what is the other ~ 140k to 155k per class room being spent on?"


FlameCCT • 8 years ago

And in certain districts, Big Union 1%ers!

DM • 8 years ago

Simple enough to downsize a school district. Take out the football and other teams. Just have Gym class for the exercise. History classes can be taken out. There is the History channel and PBS has plenty of history programs. Only clean the bathrooms every day, not the classrooms & hallways. Snowplowing is required. Wisconsin has snow & cold which is an expense. Florida schools need air conditioning. Somebody needs to be in charge of the school during the day during the school year. Buildings need maintenance such as repainting, fixing doors, etc. Kids can bring their own food in; don't know about the poor, perhaps donations or dumpster diving behind a restaurant or bar.

Blue Steel • 8 years ago

Classrooms only get cleaned twice a month.

JB • 8 years ago

Of course! Let's have the children and taxpayers be the cushion for bloated administration, bureaucrats, union "representation", waste and inefficiency. The doom-and-gloom, sky-is-falling narrative as a result of those proposed "solutions" has worn thin. Really thin.

JB • 8 years ago

That's also quite a run-on, only quasi-coherent sentence from our "top educator". He's also incorrectly using the term "poaching", which is defined as an illegal activity. C'mon, Tony- the paranoid, hysterical, inflammatory blame you ascribe to Act10 is so 2011 and quite frankly intellectually dishonest.

JB • 8 years ago

"Poaching"? Sounds like some districts have found a better path to excellence that the laggards would be wise to emulate or surpass. After all as servants to the community, they owe it to the taxpayers AND the children they teach, not the institution that for decades has generated overpriced underperformance.

Wintermute • 8 years ago

Well, Tony, the idea is to weed out the loser teachers who "exist on the backs of children" - to use your language.

If we understood you right, you want to prop up the incompetent teachers and drag all teachers back to the mediocrity on union membership.

Maybe if schools didn't spend so much on fluff programs, administrative bloat, and conferences, then they'd have more money to spend on good teachers.

All-in-all student education under DPI has suffered for years. The sooner you're gone, Tony, the better.