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cactuspie • 7 years ago

I wish someone would contact them with a predator drone. Don't forget the double tap.

doot • 7 years ago

i wish that idiots would stop sending death threats on the internet and wondering why they end up in court.

cactuspie • 7 years ago

As far as I know the military are the only ones to use predator drones and, as they are clear to always tell us, in accordance with the law. But the personal insults and lower case "i" really give you credibility. When can I expect to hear form the courts?

SticksInMyCraw • 7 years ago

Thank you TruthOut! You should do more of this!

How about organizing a flash mob at Wells Fargo's corporate headquarters?

BellsNwhistles • 7 years ago

Capitalist, the system can do the same thing to your home! The pipe can go right through any place just like the tractors driving through the sacred grounds. Capitalist can flush there toilets into our water, take our homes, drug test us, kill us for pot and profit by it all.

trillion1 • 7 years ago

Like congress these companies don't give a crap what you think.You want their attention don't vote for them in the first case and don't do business with them in the second case.

Glenda Madden • 7 years ago

I just tried to email Citigroup. that address is no good.

Glenda Madden • 7 years ago

As a Citigroup customer, I wrote to them through my account online. I hope others will do the same.

Michael Valentine • 7 years ago

The pipe line was approved by a Democrat led EPA. If the banks won't listen and they won't, vote for a party that isn't corrupted by corporate money, Green Party and Jill Stein.

cactuspie • 7 years ago

The EPA is neither Dem or GOP led. Its "captured" and corporate led. And voting is just political masturbation, a placebo for the masses until we get rid of unaccountable e-voting systems.

SticksInMyCraw • 7 years ago

And exactly what will that change?

A flash mob in front of Wells Fargo's corporate offices -- or ten of their corporate offices from coast to coast -- would be much more effective.

The Green Party in my state (of which I am a member) can't even maintain a functional web page, much less be trusted to competently re-invent federal government. I wish that weren't the case, but it is. And the 0.36% of voters who cast votes for Stein in 2012 accomplished nothing (although, thank god, they didn't facilitate the election of Mitt Romney).

In contrast, citizen activists could raise a ruckus TOMORROW if they'd put down their Twitter and Facebook for long enough to do so. Unfortunately, that seems to be the only place to find Occupy Wall Street activists these days -- on-line, blogging from their basement apartments. Who would have guessed that drum circles would turn out to be so ineffective?

trillion1 • 7 years ago


Guest • 7 years ago
SticksInMyCraw • 7 years ago

That's what they said about the British in India until Gandhi and his followers made them listen.