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Bleu Rose • 4 years ago

Here you go again trying to prove he wasn't born in Hawaii which indeed he was.

John Bails • 6 years ago

10641 the file number is out of order with nordyke twins born the next day with 10637 10638 how did that happen? Oh yea obum took a dead baby's bc or I should say bill ayers did because obum was incompetent to do anything. Bill Ayers who also wrote obum's books and wiped his ass.

The pixels on her signature are perfect black only a computer does that.

Eight years of massive fraud and the fbi failed yet again. They all knew.

Rooster Cogburn • 6 years ago

It's good that some folks had the nerve to go get true experts to check this, even knowing it seems that all anyone might of needed, was a magnifying glass. But no matter how much evidence you pile on the desk, someone will come out trying to ignore or hide the truth!

Why can't the liberals at least apologize to America for this?? And will the government pass a law to make sure that from here out, the folks running for President will be vetted?? And it wouldn't hurt if we vetted some others!! Do you think the government would wait 2 years for us to show a birth certificate after getting a drivers license?

Hal von Luebbert • 7 years ago

Actually (statistically, that is), those "odds" - that a
"hand-placed" rubber stamp wouldn't stamp at the same angle are much better than
fifty-fifty. The "forensic expert" isn't expert enough, apparently, that
he asked or learned who used the rubber stamp.

gman8336 • 7 years ago

Lame story that isn't worth your time. I'm 49 and did not vote for Obama either time but this story is for conspiracy lovers and haters.


Guest • 7 years ago
D Barnes • 7 years ago

Here are the facts. The state of Hawaii has declared that both the short form.and long form birth certificate they have on file is legitimate and confirms that Obama is a US citizen.
The birth certificate from the Whitehouse is a digital copy of a digital copy sent to the White House from the State of Hawaii.
So when people like Arpaio are saying the birth certificate is forged, please explain how you determine a document is forged from examining the digital copy of a digital copy of a digital.copy?

Guest • 7 years ago
D Barnes • 7 years ago

I haven't ran away or disappeared, just don't see the replies to this comment section.
Anyway the following is a direct quote from just one of the Hawaii officials who saw the birth certificate.
“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”
If what the Whitehouse released was different from what Hawaii released to them, why then didn't anyone from Hawaii say that it was different from the one they examined.
The one on the Whitehouse website was free to everyone to view, even the state of Hawaii.

gman8336 • 7 years ago

So that fact that the State of Hawaii says it is authentic is not enough ?

Guest • 7 years ago
D Barnes • 7 years ago

The State of Hawaii confirmed that they sent a copy to the Whitw house and they confirm that the original is legitimate and legal.
What more do you want? So you believe the state of Hawaii has not seen what the White House put on their website?

gman8336 • 7 years ago

And here's the factcheck article:

Guest • 7 years ago
gman8336 • 7 years ago

LOl. No I have grown tired of how far some are willing to go to keep believing a conspiracy theory. Hey, it can be entertaining I know. I've been there. I used to even go along with this but I have accepted the facts and you should too.

gman8336 • 7 years ago

Here's the Snopes article as well:

Guest • 7 years ago
gman8336 • 7 years ago

The State of Hawaii confirmed the authenticity so doesn't that settle the matter?

gman8336 • 7 years ago

This lame story has been debunked. And I never voted for Obama.

AnswersFromGod.com • 7 years ago

Perhaps it is finally time for the congress to do its constitutional duty and impeach and imprison the traitor in chief?

Of course, the FBI could also redeem themselves by doing the same.

Cecilia Robarge • 7 years ago

Even the Jewish scientists know that the birth cetificate is a fraud. Why can't the US government admit this since they also know the facts???? I hope President Trump informs the world about the fake president ovomit. amen And to think that some folks voted for obola and did it twice. WOW!!!!

Luisa • 7 years ago

Why the democrats wants to go after Russia so bad. It is foolish to want to start trouble with another nuclear nation without cause or reason. The DNC was hacked by this disgruntled Bernie supporters after Clinton the cyndicate knifed him in the back.

Luisa • 7 years ago


CatherineST • 7 years ago

World Nuts Daily, you guys have already wasted 10 years of your life on this made up story. How much longer are you going to continue? I would think you would be preparing for Marshall law right now since Obama only has 24 more days to take your guns.

Guest • 7 years ago
MPH • 7 years ago

Like many Democrats, she won't bother to try to explain it. SHE DOES NOT CARE. See, Democrats don't care about Bill Clinton's rapes (to the point of attacking his victims), or Obama not being eligible for the office (not to mention what he's done there), or Hillary's millions of felonies (in the third debate, when she announced to the world our attack response time, every person who heard it is a felony count - she simultaneously committed millions of felonies with that one act), because they have the "correct" political views. And to Democrats, that excuses anything illegal that their politicians do. Having the "correct" political views "trumps" everything else.

Guest • 7 years ago
MPH • 7 years ago

So what you're saying is that alleged poor, but apparently legal (no criminal charges that I know of or that you mention) behavior by someone you don't like "legalizes" illegal behavior of someone you do like?

robert flores • 7 years ago

Nice to see someone challenge, question, investigate and present facts by several experts.

It reminds of the story about the "Kings Clothes? The king would show up in public and the people would say aren't the kings clothes stunning and all would say why yes when in reality they were afraid to say: No because he was really naked.

That is what the Media has done to Americans. They tell us what is right and wrong and what is cool or not and what to believe, and we just believe and parrot what they say, never challenging. Now the media has us fighting against each other instead of the media and our government.............

TruePatriot999 • 7 years ago

What's this "we" ***? WE do not just believe the Lame Stream Media, WE do not just believe whatever the Govt. tells us. WE challenge the BS that "THEY" are trying to feed "us"!!!
It is the sheeple and moron Dems that accept the BS hook, line and sinker!!

Jariah • 7 years ago

Obama is a pathetic liar.

jackw97224 • 7 years ago

No doubt in my mind; obumma is a liar, a fraud. a comrmie/socialist and criminal and should be impeached, tried, convicted and sent to the boobyhatch prison for the balance of his life. Likewise pelosi et.al. should be sent off to the same prison.

Micah Chastain • 7 years ago

I can only hope and pray that after Obama leaves office, there will be an investigation into his REAL background and REAL qualifications, so that maybe once and for all, we can persuade Congress to clarify the definition of "Natural Born Citizen" so that we never ever have another foreign-born, anti-American President in the White House. I hold Congress just as responsible as I do Obama and his "agents" that facilitated this hoax, which, as I have ALWAYS said, will go down in history as the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people. Congress knew, and should have stopped it - but they wouldn't even impeach him no matter how many acts of treason he committed. They're all just as guilty as he is.

AnswersFromGod.com • 7 years ago

The Constitution already defines who is qualified to be president, and B.O. is not qualified. A problem is that the congress appears to be full of traitors, since it was their job to deal with this over eight years ago, but they just kept taking their taxpayer funded salaries (and, possibly, kickbacks), benefits, etc. and failed to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

One problem with this nation is that we already have too many selectively enforced laws, we do not need more. Indeed, the government needs to return to constitutional principles and stop imposing laws that attempt to infringe upon our God given rights. A case in point is the fact that the congress certified B.O. as president without evidence of his constitutionally defined qualifications to hold the office of president. Then, when this qualifications were challenged, they did not bother to correct their error by impeaching him.

capoprimo • 7 years ago

Every individual who had contact with and in any way obscured the truth or facts regarding Obama birth ought to be prosecuted and if convicted made to serve the sentence without pardon or probation and every penny of any fines paid in full. This travesty of justice must never again be repeated!

Ozarkian • 7 years ago

Over the last 30 years, I have hired thousands of immigrants for various companies. I have never seen a social security number issued to a nonresident without it being fraudulent. Obama never lived in Connecticut and would not be able to get a number assigned from that state PERIOD. His handlers could not hide this fact so they changed how the numbers are assigned after they were in charge of the office. Obama's SSN is a fraud. I have seen thousands of fake cards over the years and this does not happen. His number was not assigned in his childhood nor was it issued through immigration. Anyone saying different is wrong.

We should not be asking if this happened. We should be asking why and how it was ignored by the press and the elites. How much of our press, judicial systems, and political parties are being manipulated?

B Skinner • 7 years ago

Press Manipulated? THEY are the ones doing the Manipulation!!!

truthandjustice • 7 years ago

The press are globalist lackeys. Sold out a long time ago.

NUTN2SAY • 7 years ago

I wonder who and how much money was made pushing this stupid birth certificate crap?

Brine1 • 7 years ago

I don't know. But, I do know that HIllary spent $1.2 billion in her losing effort to become president

Rejento • 7 years ago


Grace Larson • 7 years ago

I think Obama is/was a Saudi plant put here to destroy this country. Had Hillary got in and continued Obama's plan America would have become as bad off as Venezuela!

PJ • 7 years ago

Rather preposterous Notion Jake???? Jake the purveyor of fake news and the ignorer of factual news!!!

islamroastschildren • 7 years ago

Obama lied to Harvard and Columbia that he was a foreigner for the purpose of getting free tuition and 'status'.
This FINANCIAL FRAUD is in DEEP need of being exposed while OBAMA is still YOUNG enough to JAIL. Hope President TRUMP will order the schools to fess up.

B Skinner • 7 years ago

I don't think he lied about that. He WAS a foriegner!! STILL IS!!!

samiam • 7 years ago

where do i sign up to make a donation to Sheriff Joe and Zulo to continue this investigation all the way to the supreme court if necessary ? What will be the likely punishment ? ***

Guest • 7 years ago
Doug N • 7 years ago

I think he will be very busy especially if we have to figure out how to restructure our lives if the dollar bubble bursts.

samiam • 7 years ago

i agree with you 100% . If Trump wants to have a real lasting legacy he can do nothing more than to just expose this shadow government we've been under for god knows how long.

Doug N • 7 years ago

He is not a JFK