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richard40 • 8 years ago

Trying to denigrate Trump by criticizing his position on immigration will actually make him stronger. That is because Trump is exactly right on immigration, and the country, at least the middle class, knows it, and also cares about the issue. RHINO open immigration supporters like Mona have not realized that yet. Keep it up, and JEB wont have a chance, and Trump will win.

Its Ironic because on this same site is an article talking about how appeasing an extreme group just makes them have contempt for you, and here Mona is, once again pushing the line that we must appease the extreme Latino pressure groups to get any repub elected.

nadadhimmi • 8 years ago

Yeah, yeah yeah, we need Jeb. We need Pataki. Blah blah blah. How many times do you moronic Republicans have to lose Elections? To hell with you. Your own voter base HATES YOUR STINKIN' GUTS.

iopiopiop • 8 years ago

Just wanted to follow this link over and read what some were writing a month ago. Isn't it funny that the appeasement and being polite as the way to solve the issue discussed here is the same one Obama is using with Iran with the same results. Appeasement is weakness and only results in more demands Mona.

phadrasjohnston • 8 years ago

Mona didn't get the memo. Repubs aren't going to support amnesty sweetheart. The days of repubs like you Mona are over.

RCB53 • 8 years ago

Mona's solution for immigration "problems"... let's keep talking (like we have been talking for the last 15 years or more). Mona, who funds your paycheck? And do you leave your front door unlocked? Let's talk about it.

johnt • 8 years ago

I'll take a guess and say that Trump is a spoiler . He alluded to a third party ticket, I daresay a little early for that don't you think, but certainly making a gift of the WH to the incompetent sow Hillary Clinton. As I said, a guess.

Iben_Hadd • 8 years ago

......"Just when the Republican party needs finesse and sensitivity when discussing immigration".
"Finesse, sensitivity, compassionate conservatism has all but finished the Republican Party as a national party Dear, Mona.
Trumph leads the "I'm Mad as Hell and I'm not Taking it NO MORE Party".
14 other people may have a chance to get the "Mad as" party votes but at this point I don't know who it is and from you article you don't seem to care.
Maybe you can get McCain or Romney to run and lose again, they seem to have the attributes that you require.

sobi • 8 years ago

Among the many, many gambits to shun Trump, the idea that Trump will put a democrat in the white house is common. The problem with that argument is that there is no difference between a democrat in the white house and a RINO in the white house.

So, so what?

justbobkc • 8 years ago

Hey Mona - have you called Hillary an " oafish egomaniac"? Did you even notice that is EXACTLY what Obama is? He is actually a "narcissistic oafish egomaniac" far beyond Trump's wildest dreams - yet HE got elected President - twice...

Tejano Chimbo • 8 years ago

► Oh, we can't discuss national and international events at the same time

rottenrollin • 8 years ago

Don't blame Trump, he's just saying what frustrated REAL conservatives want to hear.

Blame those sh*tting GOP wussies and RINOs that can't take action without pizzing their trousers, who have left our borders OPEN TO INVASION.

Blame those sh*tting Dems who have WELCOMED ILLEGALS forever and a day, for the cheap vote.

Blame those sh*tting Corporations who have WELCOMED ILLEGALS forever and a day, for cheap labor.


Tejano Chimbo • 8 years ago

► What corporations are to blame?

garyw631 • 8 years ago

It is not my job to educate dummies like you. But you just look at the donor list for your favorite RINO and work from there. rotenrollin has it totally right and you must be one of Boehner's root kissers..

johnfarant • 8 years ago

I wish I could be disappointed by yet another conservative commentator, when the heat is on, blabbering the narrative of the bad guys once again. But, I am sadly unable to use the word when it has become particularly on your site such a familiar sight. Really, don't conservatives have anything better to do than to do the Democrat liberal's dirty work and thus make it exponentially harder for other Republicans to do anything but spout the enemy's lines on such issues. BTW, I'm a Scott Walker fan , but doesn't anyone recall him wondering out loud whether we should curtail LEGAL immigration let alone illegal? A good point that many Americans are legitimately concerned about and should be supported rather than attacked, not least of which because it is a winning position , worrying about the concerns of the AMericans who actually elect presidents.

Obamunist_Party • 8 years ago

Trump is 100% correct. Why is the GOP arguing? The Trump haters should stop arguing. Shut up. He's right about Mexico. They are sending us their garbage. Mexicans who have their act together are not paying coyotes to sneak them into the US.

Jeb Bush says he's going to drive turnout. Yep, his Open Borders/Amnesty surrender stance will drive voters to stay home and watch TV rather than watch his train wreck.

rottenrollin • 8 years ago

Trump's right.

Mexico's just doing the same thing Castro did with the Mariel (?) Boat Lift.


Charles Lufkin • 8 years ago

Charen has long been an amnesty,cheap labor pimp shill.Neo-con warmonger.Does anyone think mexican immigrants are the best and brightest?

Randian • 8 years ago

You're so right, Mona! Finesse and sensitivity has worked amazingly well for us. President McCain and President Romney have done fabulous jobs. USA!!!

Obamunist_Party • 8 years ago

Good one. Use finesse and sensitivity as you hand over the keys to your house, your car, your job and your daughter

Randian • 8 years ago

Thanks. And that's exactly what will happen if we get stuck with another GOP Nancy boy.

BoomerSooner • 8 years ago

Actially, Mona, the dems and the left stream media are hoping for a Jeb nomimation. The Bush name alone is kryptonite.

rottenrollin • 8 years ago

So what's going on with that? I agree totally with what you say. And the Gutless Ole Party has got to know it. So WHY DO THEY PURSUE THE BUSH DISASTER? (and he's a disaster, win or lose).

To pursue the NWO? Or What?

Can't figure it out.

Guest • 8 years ago
rottenrollin • 8 years ago

"I'm sorry I need to terminate you if you don't get out of our country right now, Illegal".

Is that sensitive enough?

tanarur • 8 years ago

Just like the so-called "extremist" political parties in Europe, the only thing that makes Trump viable is the absolute cowardice displayed by the so-called "respectable" political parties. Why the Democrats are willing to do it is clear, but Republicans need to step up and address the hard issues facing America, or go away and make room for people who will.

guyco • 8 years ago

Yep, and you better get used to it GOP. We are mad as hell and will not take the cowardice PC crap any longer!!!! Trump is not a politician and simply speaks the truth. I will support him and Ben Carson and Carli over some worthless pol any day (except for Rad Paul--another doctor. No more RINOS!

bc3b • 8 years ago

Mona the Neocon - a social liberal who loves seeing other people's kids go off to fight her wars,.

DKB123 • 8 years ago

Here's a whopper:

"In 1960, half of the U.S. workforce consisted of high-school dropouts. Today, it’s only 6 percent."

I'd put the high school dropout of 1960 up against the 'imbeciles with diplomas' we are kicking out today.

Most of the millenials I interview could use a few years cleaning toilets .... good Lord.

I'm sure the Chamber has an entire website dedicated to "statistics" proving that we absolutely have to have 30 million more maids, landscapers, nannies and fruit pickers for our 21st economy to survive.

Idiocy on parade ....

DKB123 • 8 years ago

Can we be serious at least for a moment Mona?

Republicans in Congress are going to do absolutely NOTHING about any Iranian deal ... any more than they are going to do anything about the budget or the federal judiciary or Benghazi. And if someone were to suggest a vote on something with teeth (Ted Cruz perhaps) said Republican would be lambasted as a bomb thrower and putting a mean face on the party.

The only thing Trump might be crowding out are some meaningless show votes by Republicans carefully crafted for the rubes back home designed specifically to have no possible real impact.

Concern that our fearless congressional leaders are being side-tracked from their laser focus is laughable ...

bc3b • 8 years ago

Can anyone tell me what today's GOP stands for? Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Paul Ryan don't even know what they stand for until Thomas Donohue of the Chamber of Commerce tells them.

rottenrollin • 8 years ago

Gutless Ole Party.

Gutted Ole Party.

Ghoul Ole Party.

I'd love to take Mitch, John and Paul to the range with me as targets, individually or collectively.

Wishfully thinking

Oliver Felts • 8 years ago

'finesse and sensitivity.......'-what rot! Bias unending NRO.

GRob80 • 8 years ago

I turn on the news and see flags and soldiers and monuments under attack because we choose to honor those on the losing side of a war. The world rejoices when SCOTUS legalizes clear perversion without even the pretense of legal justification. Winning isn't enough for the progressive agenda. They demand total annihilation and humiliation and a thank you when it's done from their enemies. I don't think a grown-up discussion is possible in this country anymore.

Charlie6 • 8 years ago

"finesse and sensitivity" in the blood sport of American Politics? Play hockey with a croquet mentality and you'll get your head and other body parts handed to you. RINO's inside the Beltway along with the poo-bahs of the RNC have become the DNC's willful little b!t*ches. NRO is not too far behind.

nogo • 8 years ago

"if the question is: Why can’t we get more oafish egomaniacs into politics?" ..then surely the answer has to be Netanyahu - a world class "blowhard with all the nuance of a grenade." "In any case, crude and vulgar people always preen that they are brave truth tellers"...Bibi, take a bow!

"the Republican party needs finesse and sensitivity when discussing"...Iran and Gaza. "It’s a complex subject that deserves grown-up discussion" — exactly what Charen and her Israel claque preclude.

rottenrollin • 8 years ago

Go, Bibi.......tell ALL your naysayers to go BLOW themselves.

Not Chicken Little • 8 years ago

I have always respected Mona Charen but I can't help but disagree with her.

I think most conservatives now realize that no matter what we do if we support Republicans, it won't make any difference in their behavior, witness the 2012 elections.

The Republicans control both the House and the Senate, they have the power of the purse, and what do they do to stop Obama? NOTHING.

I will no longer waste my time and my vote choosing between DemocRAT and DemocRAT Lite - they are both heading over the cliff. I don't want to go over the cliff - I want change, and obviously what is needed is RADICAL change - how sad is it, that RADICAL means FOLLOW OUR CONSTITUTION and our laws and practice LIMITED government!

malikknows • 8 years ago

Et tu, Mona? Wow, say this for Trump, he is ripping the mask off lots of supposed conservatives.

Sorry, Mona, but immigration is a simple thing. Enforce the law and control our border. Trump gets this and if current trends continue he could ride it right into the White House.

bc3b • 8 years ago

Mona was never a conservative. She's a neocon. Big difference.

Alice P Jones • 8 years ago

I did not see this earlier today, I have been wondering all day where is the daily NRO "We Hate Trump" piece?

texanfree • 8 years ago

Exactly, the Captain, and this author are playing right into their hands. Speaking the truth is creating a problem in both parties. May the truth set us free of these corrupt politicians and their minions in the press.

Richard_Iowa • 8 years ago

Ms. Charen wrote, "Trump’s smear about Mexican immigrants ..." indicates that there are low information people, apparently including Ms. Mona herself, who either when listening to or reading Mr. Trump's statement were unable to discern that he explicitly referred to Mexico, i.e., the Mexican government and not legitimate Mexican immigrants. The Mexicans whom she refers to as immigrants are principally criminals that Mexico does not want to deal with by incarceration, so they send these individuals up north to the governmental suckers who will feed, house, clothe, provide medical care, provide with cell phones, and turn loose so that crimes are now committed against Americans rather than Mexicans. And, this administration is buying into this claptrap because it fits in with their socialistic narrative.

Toppins • 8 years ago

Nice conspiracy theory you have there. How does that explanation jive with the fact that most migrants crossing the border nowadays are refugees from Central America? Did Mexico kidnap them and send them north too?

Richard_Iowa • 8 years ago

Trump's comments were restricted to Mexicans as were Ms. Charen's. My comments also dealt with Mexicans, not the overall demographics of those illegally entering our country, including likely terrorists from the Middle East.

bc3b • 8 years ago

Mexico has very strict laws regarding illegal immigrants ... unless they are just passing through on the way to the US.

The Captain • 8 years ago

No. The lack of courage and leadership by the Republicans plays right into Democrats' hands.

dirtbag66 • 8 years ago

I love "sensible" conservatives like Mona, who still seem to think it matters whether Republicans or Democrats control this or that corrupt branch of government. Let's review the bidding.

Exhibit A: The GOP won both houses of Congress based on promises to repeal Obamacare and curtail immigration. Instead, the GOP Congress has done nothing on either front.

Exhibit B: Conservatives got kicked in the testicles twice in the past three weeks due to two SCOTUS decisions each authored by ...wait for it .... two different GOP appointees!

I refuse to vote for any GOPer who refuses to promise to shutdown immigration cold. And I don't care if that candidate is lying or not. Stopping third worlders from coming in is the only issue that matters anymore, since we've lost everything else.

As for Israel, I no longer care about it, either. My own country has become a cesspool, yet some conservatives are more obsessed about whether Iran says nasty things to Bibi than whether our own republic survives.

physicsnut • 8 years ago

thanks !

Dantes • 8 years ago

"It’s a complex subject that deserves grown-up discussion — exactly what Trump and his claque preclude."

Oh, please. Get off your high horse and take off your blinders. The complex subject of immigration is not so complex as you make it out to be, and in any event, it is the fact that Obama, the Democrats, and the Beltway RINO Republican establishment have failed to have a " grown up discussion" on immigration up to now, instead preferring to tell the American people to shut up and let them decide what's best for us.

Now Trump has sparked just such an adult discussion, starting with the excreble sanctuary city phenomenon. You didn't start it, and neither did your room of "grownups". Jealous much?

Guest • 8 years ago

Look, obama needs these people. What we have here is a dem voter drive. Of course, Mona is an idiot. Who pays for their foodstamps, housing, welfare, and healthcare. We do. Maybe Mona should have some of these to move in with her and see how she likes them.