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Ikerism • 1 year ago

The best book is also great. have a try.🔥🔥🔥

Highlander Juan • 8 years ago

Americans live on a plantation. Slavery was never abolished by government.

"If you wish to keep slaves, you must have all kinds of guards. The cheapest way to have guards is to have the slaves pay taxes to finance their own guards. To fool the slaves, you tell them that they are not slaves and that they have Freedom. You tell them they need Law and Order to protect them against bad slaves. Then you tell them to elect a Government. Give them Freedom to vote and they will vote for their own guards and pay their salary. They will then believe they are Free persons. Then give them money to earn, count and spend and they will be too busy to notice the slavery they are in." -- Alexander Warbucks

matraya • 8 years ago

Oh yes! The slave owners are covered by the hand out programs...food stamps, welfare, overwhelming regulations to have businesses, to earn a living wage. In other words, the government is the slave owner. When the slaves have an uprising, then police fear for their lives and cut down on the population of the slaves. How nice.

Highlander Juan • 8 years ago

It's not clear to me whether you are being serious or being facetious.

Christine F • 8 years ago

Yes Offer Of The Day by cops < I'm making over $7k a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make away online so I decided to look into it. Welldone, it was a all true and has totally changed my life.

This is what I do, > < Start Work Online

snowdogrob2112 • 8 years ago


Bill Allyn • 8 years ago

Justice System Reform List

America has a serious, institutionalized, systemic law enforcement problem. Over the last 4 decades, our law enforcement has become increasingly militarized, putting every citizen at risk of being shot and killed for nothing more than reaching for their wallet, as instructed, or less. This may increase safety for police officers (debatable, in the long run), but at the expense of making American citizens far less safe, which is the exact opposite of the goals of law enforcement. We need to create systems that bring back accountability within every level of the justice system.

Nationally, we need to:

1. Create citizen oversight committees with powers of subpoena and prosecutorial discretion for every law enforcement agency in the country. A special independent prosecutor must be assigned immediately for officer-involved shootings. Committee members should be randomly selected and replaced often, like grand jurors, to avoid corruption.

2. Require law enforcement officers to be personally insured to protect taxpayers from lawsuits. Too risky for insurance? No insurance, no badge. Insurance could be partially publicly subsidized.

3. Require every law enforcement officer to wear a camera. No camera, no gun. Also, implement GPS tracking on all police cars and cameras.

4. Require yearly psyche tests to screen out potentially abusive officers.

5. Require random drug and steroid tests.

6. All police agencies must keep a database of every officer-caused civilian injury, shooting or killing, and that data must be periodically transmitted to a third-party, non-biased national database.

7. Any officer involved in a shooting must be alcohol and drug tested immediately.

8. Officers should be made aware of studies on abuse of power, such as the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram experiment on obedience to authority figures. Ensure there are clear policies on use of force.

9. More training to deal with mentally ill, or a mental illness crisis unit. More training and encouragement to use peacemaking, conflict resolution, and de-escalation skills. Increase educational requirements, focusing on psychology, sociology, and social work.

10. Create a special number (third party, independent of police) to report police brutality. Victims of police brutality and the families of police shootings should immediately be appointed an attorney to represent their position/case.

11. Create national database of abusive officers, so they don’t just get hired elsewhere.

12. Reverse militarization of police forces. Take away military weapons, APC's, uniforms, and especially the attitude. Police officers are civilians, not a branch of the military. Require at least 5 years between active duty military and civilian police employment. Keep SWAT/military weapons and equipment under lock and key only to be used in genuine emergencies. Quit viewing the community you police as a “war zone”.

13. Prohibit television shows that glorify bad, illegal, or unconstitutional policing, such as “Cops”. Glorifying these behaviors creates a dangerous situation for American citizens and should not be tolerated.

14. Increase community outreach. Hire officers from the community. Officers need to be more in touch with the people they are sworn to protect.

15. End no-knock raids. It is perfectly legal for a home owner to respond to a break in with gun in hand, which gets them killed when the police are the intruders. This makes it unreasonably dangerous on citizens, especially when cops often go to the wrong address.

16. Reform forfeiture laws to protect citizens’ property rights and due process. No forfeiture proceedings until after conviction. All forfeiture proceeds go directly to the victims of police brutality and the families of police shootings.

17. End drug prohibition/war on drugs. Use harm reduction strategies.

18. End private prison industry.

19. Create a national organization dedicated to these ideals.

Gary Williams Jr. • 8 years ago

all great ideas, but as with all dictatorial tyrants, the only way they will ever give up "their power" is by force. the govt, i.e. congress is equally guilty by proxy. they have known all along this "problem" exists. and they do nothing. every single member of law enforcement, all prosecutors and judges, from the locals, to the supreme court are guilty of allowing them to walk. when they know damn good and well they are as much of an animal as anyone on death row. if not more so.

Bill Allyn • 8 years ago

Yep. All very true. But you'll for sure never get what you want if you don't if you don't even know what you want, so I created the list, so that people would at least see there might be another way.

Highlander Juan • 8 years ago

I understand why you developed the list as you did, and you offer many good suggestions, but remember that we have thousands of police departments and tens of federal police agencies. We can't get the feds to abide by the Constitution or the laws that exist - how the hell are we going to get the local PDs to do that? It is easier to simply shut down the local PDs and get the county sheriffs to abide by the Constitution. Oath Keepers and CSPOA exist for a reason, and if your local sheriff isn't a member, you should not re-elect him. In law enforcement, there are some good guys. It's sad that they usually don't run the police departments.

I suggest that all controls of the police start at the local level. The people have to retake control of their own communities. What would happen if the police were simply disarmed? What would happen if a requirement for becoming a police officer was that the applicant had to have worked as a paramedic for three years prior to his application? What would happen if the people were armed and there were no police at all? What if, like Max Nebraska (see YouTube video), there was no local government? If government is the use of force and violence by one man to control another man, why does any man need government at any level?

We don't want bigger anything. We want smaller everything, including any form of government. Everything big I have seen has turned out to be bad for the people, and that includes big government, big business, and big religion.

It should be disquieting for you to know that the Pentagon is expecting and preparing for societal breakdown in America. Look at Jade Helm. It's happening for many reasons. It really is time for the people to act like adults and resume control of their own lives and their own communities, before the police and military initiate martial law. The answer to our police problems are found outside the current corrupt system - not within it.

Bill Allyn • 8 years ago

"It is easier to simply shut down the local PDs"

How does one go about doing that?

Highlander Juan • 8 years ago

Stop funding the PDs. This typically takes city government to do this, and they are often hesitant to do this because the PDs account for so much revenue to the city coffers.

Teresa Roberts • 8 years ago

It's unclear whether you have a life or not.

Tre Roberts • 8 years ago

Thank you for being awake! I hope you'll sign and share my petition and will start one of you own.

Highlander Juan • 8 years ago

And you think petitions work and shunning the system does not work? You might want to re-look at the problems and reconsider your position.

Tre Roberts • 8 years ago

No, I think we have to do both. I believe in multi-pronged approaches. We all have our part to play.Thanks for asking and not just assuming.

Patrick H. • 8 years ago

Mom was Right never talk to strangers. Police are strangers.

Highlander Juan • 8 years ago

Another fine observer in life was Ayn Rand.

“Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against – then you’ll know that this is not the age for beautiful gestures. We’re after power and we mean it. You fellows were pikers, but we know the real trick, and you’d better get wise to it. There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, rulers make them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now, that’s the system, Mr. Rearden, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.” --- ATLAS SHRUGGED

Tre Roberts • 8 years ago

Fuck Ayn Rand. Atlas never shrugged. You don't save the world by shrugging.

Highlander Juan • 8 years ago

Tre, you're sounding pretty ignorant. Too bad you believe in attacking the messenger, rather than attacking the message.

All cheap shots aside, try to think about these things more seriously. They are important to all of us. Become part of the solution and stop being a part of the problem.

And, with regard to your shot about how shrugging doesn't save the world, it has been observed that when a government's approval rating by the people gets down to around 15%, that government fails. Every time you vote, you are telling the current regime - 'I approve of you and what you are doing.' Stop supporting the system if you don't accept it.

matt • 8 years ago

Ayn Rand idolized leaders of industry, seeing them as the virtuous caretakers the government could never be. She was blinded by her faith in her ideology. At least government has to appear to have the greater good in mind, corporations don't even attempt to look like they care about the masses. Ayn Rand was a tool for the corporations who hated those pesky regulations keeping them from dumping toxic waste wherever they pleased.

Tre Roberts • 8 years ago

wow. you assume so much. for one thing, I vote 3rd party, so I'm not supporting the system that I don't accept. I'm not voting for the jerks with low approval ratings, the masses are.
Also, don't call me ignorant then chide me for being insulting. I didn't insult the poster, I insulted Ayn Rand. p.s. Fuck Ayn Rand. Friggin' tea party precursor. Have you watched an interview with her. If not, do that and get back to me. You may find you agree. Here, don't let me influence you, pick one yourself.

actionjksn • 6 years ago

I do construction and have looked at the Bureau of Labor Statistics on most dangerous jobs, I'm in like the top 5. So when I see the cops barely cracking the top 15, and these assholes demanding extreme reverence because of how extremely dangerous being a cop is, it about makes my head explode.

Bruce • 8 years ago

"A viscous cycle indeed."

Thick and syrupy, even. "Vicious?" "Vicious cycle" is a thing.

Tre Roberts • 8 years ago

grammar cops are so much less annoying when amusing. thank you.

Bruce • 8 years ago

If you're a writer and you're loose with the language, you fucked up in what... third grade? In ways that have been fixable, always. It's like having "I'm a dumbass" written on your face in sharpie and re-applying it every day.

Bruce • 8 years ago

Protip: People who assign that title are the annoying ones. "Not being retarded" is always a worthwhile skill.

Patrick H. • 8 years ago

Instead of saying Corporations, we need to say corporate citizen. Puts things in perspective. Spread the word.

Mike Adams • 6 years ago

You need to fire your editor. This sounds and looks like a fourth grader wrote it. It's a good article but you sound like an idiot.

Christina Rae • 7 years ago

The case regarding IQ happened in Connecticut (New Haven, CT) and not NYC and not with the NYPD.

Exchange War • 7 years ago

The biggest reason to not trust the police (or any state agent) is because it's not a voluntary service. Nobody contracted them in a voluntary way, so why trust an imposed monopoly?

Jim Kennedy • 8 years ago

When a CEO can rape his toddler daughter and not get jail time because he would not "fare well in prison", tells you who really run this country and who have been put in charge to control THEIR population.

Travis Worthington • 8 years ago


matt • 8 years ago

Good article, but there aren't more prisons than there are schools. The link posted said there were more prisoners than school teachers, which is still pretty crazy and depressing. The worst part of the system is the incarceration of low-level drug offenders, the low-hanging fruit of victimless crime. How insane is it that some guy getting caught with a gram of weed could end up sleeping next to murderers and rapists. I guess it makes sense if our goal is to turn first time offenders into alienated criminals that cannot survive outside an institution.

David Fischer • 8 years ago

When we created this group that we call police, the idea was to assure public safety and to moderate crime. Today this has become an independent national team of assassins and public control agents, not unlike the 1930's Germany. Here the targets are the public and the poor, who ay rise up in revolt if left unchecked. This premise is why we spend money on storm troopers to stop us at every possible excuse and violate our sanctity and block our egress to profess our constitutional rights. We are the victims of overzealous political controls and politicians using the police as private armies. Left unchanged we face a future of police powers that will cripple our constitutional rights by allowing exceptions to be the rules for police.

Captain America • 8 years ago

All are 14th and 15th amendment slaves based on your all capitalized name and the unrevealed contracts that tie into your birth certificate and fictional strawman name.

The bankruptcy of 1933 changed EVERYTHING and via the unrevealed contracts of your drivers license, SS card, Birth certificate (of ownership) means that you are obligated to obey whatever "law", really policy, they see fit to implement.

America stopped being free after the Civil war and they've been slowly tightening the noose ever since. They're now ready to close it completely and totally cut off the air supply of everyone.

We've not HAD freedom since 1871 at best. The police are a private army and have been at war with you since President Roosevelt, under color of law, altered the Trading With the Enemy Act, effectively declaring all Sovereign Americans to be enemies of the state.

The significance of this is that, as a corporation, the United States has authority to implement laws for "We the People of the United States" but no more authority to implement its laws against "All The People" than does MacDonald Corporations, except for one thing-the contracts we've signed as surety for our "Straw-man"...

These contracts binding us together with the United States and the bankers, are actually not a party-in-interest with us, but with our artificial entity, acting as a transmitting utility, or as they term it, the office of " person," which
cleverly uses the same descriptive alphabetical denoted letters as the name given to the living breathing people, privately at birth, but with one difference - the form of identification changes the symbolic alphabetical spelling with ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

THE UNITED STATES as a corporation, created in England, came under the jurisdiction of England. This entitled England to create laws as England saw fit to do, establish those laws in THE UNITED STATES and everyone who at that time was a 14th Amendment Citizen were subject to obey those laws. This also placed the Congress of THE UNITED STATES above that portion of what we think is the Constitution, not under the authority of the Constitution.

The bankruptcy of 1933 changed EVERYTHING and via the unrevealed contracts of your drivers license, SS card, Birth certificate (of ownership) means that you are obligated to obey whatever "law", really policy, they see fit to implement.

You've only been TOLD that you have freedom, that you're innocent until proven guilty and all that other BS for the past 140 years. America stopped being free after the Civil war and they've been slowly tightening the noose ever since. They're now ready to close it completely and totally cut off the air supply of everyone.

Admiralty/Maritime law, Common law and the Sovereign

The UNITED STATES is a Corporation - There are Two Constitutions - Sovereignty

Police Officer Kidnappers- Child's Father Puts Cops in Their Place

Highlander Juan • 8 years ago

From a review of the comments posted, they range all over the place. The problem that the American people have, in general, is that they are poorly educated. OK - get the government out of the education process. In a country with 2 million laws, it can hardly be argued that the people are free, nor can it be argued that the people should know all the laws. Cops and lawyers don't know all the laws.

Officer Friendly is not friendly, nor is he the most mature guy in the room. He's also not a nurturer - he's a tyrant. He's above the law and is protected by the government when he breaks the law. Few examples of police misconduct ever get prosecuted. All of this spells danger for the average citizen.

You want to change all of this? Get government the hell out of our lives. Government does not represent the people - it never has. Government represents the moneyed elites and the big businesses. If you remove the government from your lives, you remove their enforcers from your lives. Every day we experience the joys of anarchy, where no force and violence are used on us, and where we deal with other humans and their businesses on a voluntary basis. The adults in the room know very well that no one wants or needs force and violence used on them - that force and violence always comes from organized gangs, and in today's world, that comes mostly from organized cop gangs. Think about it. Make the changes that will stop the madness. Remove government from our lives.

If you want to learn some more about anarchy and how it works, watch some Larken Rose videos on YouTube. 'What Anarchy isn't' and 'The Tiny Dot' are both good videos, and there are more. Think about these things. Become the change that you want to see.

Tre Roberts • 8 years ago

Please sign my petition demanding global changes in our hiring, training and retention practices.
Good cops should not be unicorns. Let's create a workplace where they might thrive.

OscarALoving • 8 years ago

.......... I like with filmingcops..... < I'm making over $8k a month working part time. I kept hearing other people tell me how much money they can make away online so I decided to look into it. Welldone, it was a all true and has totally changed my life. This is what I do, > Going Here

seatac88 • 8 years ago


Tre Roberts • 8 years ago

oppressed populations don't get good educations
or good nutrition
that's how you control a populace.
things are exactly as our overlords intend them to be, so get used to the misspellings and grammatical flaws or join us in working for MORE TEACHERS, FEW COPS

Michael P. Molloy • 8 years ago

I think you meant the NSA, not the TSA, in #11

Anon • 8 years ago

For the love of god, proofread your posts before you post them! Several times throughout this article the word "then" is used where it should be "than" not to mention the numerous other spelling and grammatical errors... It does great disservice to your credibility when things like that are prevalent in your article. Learn to proofread or hire an editor.

Tre Roberts • 8 years ago

for the love of god, work for better education funding instead of huge cuts of federal budget going to wars and huge cuts of municipal budgets going to cops. MORE TEACHERS, FEWER COPS

74hodag • 8 years ago

I know this sounds petty but, please, learn the difference between "than" and "then". Otherwise, I love your site.

Tre Roberts • 8 years ago

If we funded more teachers and fewer cops, your dreams might come true.

Michael Swenson • 8 years ago
robyn • 8 years ago

Even though they might not have to answer for their actions now, they will probably wish they had when they die and go on to a higher court than here on earth, I'd hate to be a cop facing judgment at the pearly gates. Part of me wishes I could witness a few of these bastards on their judgment day.

Macorichi • 8 years ago

Sadly this justice will prolly never happen