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Jorn Jakob Albert Boor • 7 years ago

I have known about a patented therapy and cure for several years now. For 60% pseudo cancer. MS. Lime. HIV /Aids. Zika. Ebola. Etcetera. . The love of money is the root of all Evils so..... NOW you know in detail what the results are when money sets the standard for priority. But letting the tears sadness sense of injustice and unrighteousness go and get free of those feelings... "Don't push a good Man up to the point where he doesn't give a fuck anymore" And you have utterly nailed it! So congratulations to humanity! With tears in my eyes I salute you. You made me proud!

jay weston • 9 years ago

Does it also help with weight loss... Caust it looks like that is what Kim Jong-un really needs right now.

FrankenPC . • 9 years ago

You beat me to it. Of course, his supreme a-hole isn't actually overweight, he's gravitationally superior.

Jhale • 9 years ago

Being fat is not a bad thing. He probably chose to be fat.

JDSH1989 • 9 years ago

Back to Tumblr with you.

Ag Ponzio • 9 years ago

Keep dreaming 'murrica!

Hodar • 9 years ago

But wait ... if you order now... they will throw in a free set of Ginsu II steak knives. Slice through bricks, cut through imperialist American tanks, then slice cabbage paper thin. Peel Grapes, skin ants and trim up that sidewalk. Act fast, supplies are limited.

Guest • 9 years ago

It does!

Ian Summerfield • 9 years ago

Sounds like a script from Red Dwarf, only side effective is that you only get to live for 4.7 days after taking it.

Jonathan • 9 years ago

The funny part is, NK state media will shamelessly quote your article as fact. Norks are immune to sarcasm, probably due to exposure to Kumdang-2.

Hermit • 9 years ago

did they really think anyone would believe this? lol

Kim Collins • 9 years ago

to get rid of cancer all you have to do is to extinguish Monsanto and stop poison the people in the food, water and air. We don't need a drug to fight another drug - just get rid of the poison that they feed us to make money!

FourEyedGeek • 9 years ago

Are you serious?

Jhale • 9 years ago

What sounds so ridiculous about that? Monsanto does poison the food supply. One of the ways that tumors form is that they are used to seal off chemicals to dangerous to be immediately handled by the liver and such.

FourEyedGeek • 9 years ago

I don't know anything about that firm or its activities, so I'm not even going to discuss them.

I do know that cancer is found in people all around the world in people of all ages and occured well before that firm existed as the ancient Egyptians and Greeks described cancer. So stopping 'poison' is not the answer, mutations of cells during their creation or repair can cause cancer cells to appear. So preventing damage is a good idea, but I don't see how any current organisation could have caused cancer thousands of years ago. Also damage to skin from sunlight causes most cases of cancer where I live, sunlight isn't a poison.

Cancer in the bones of a 3000 year old body: http://www.bbc.com/news/sci...

That shitty thing known as cancer has been around for a while, also affecting children to young too have absorbed enough 'poisons'.

Dani PandaSaurus Rex • 9 years ago

Anti GMO nut who wants to end world hunger and loss of crops from drought but thinks GMO's are going to cause major DNA changes in humans. Same sort of people who think vaccines cause autism and everything can be cured by taking cordial silver and urine, while forcing their kids to get really sick by having pox parties and meningitis play dates.

FourEyedGeek • 9 years ago

Ahh, it is about GMO, cheers. I was actually watching this when your message came through, it is about a anti-GMO leader who has changed his mind after he studied science:


Dani PandaSaurus Rex • 9 years ago

Lynas I'm guessing? The biggest issue I have is that, the minute the turn coats do this and state emphatically that they were wrong and x, y, and z are actually good for you, the anti-whatever croud just shout out that they've been paid off, of threatened. I remember once reading from an anti-vaxxer that A doctor who once agreed with wakefield and then looked at the data and decided that MMR doesn't cause autism, had in fact been murdered and had an exact double take his place. You just can't win with them unfortunately. The scientist come out in public with half truths, or theories before testing, studies before peer review, and they don't seem to realise that a fair few will pay no attention to their retractions.

The 'Anti' Movement is very much a religion to these people, unfortunately.

FourEyedGeek • 9 years ago

I'm seeing that more and more myself, damn shame that in a time where knowledge can be spread so easily that ignorance seems to be growing among 'educated' people. Or maybe it isn't growing, but they have a better ability to spread their opinions.

Yes it is Mark Lynas.

Jhale • 9 years ago

I think that he actually has good ideas. Specialized fertilizer could mimic chemotherapy drugs. When the topsoil was rich, things like platinum (which is used in many chemotherapy drugs) were stored in biologically useful forms for our plants. The way the Native Americans matured lands like the great plains gave those lands healing powers that we no longer have available, but could recreate with Fukuoka style farming.
Governments don't want people thinking that they can get closer to the real cure for cancer so that they would never recommend fertilizing special herbs like the North Korean leader has (despite him most likely promoting a false cure).

GayHitler • 9 years ago

Gay Hitler approves this new drug.

CarGuy • 9 years ago

Order now and you will have a once in a life time to tour the concentration camps!. Even better, be IN the concentration camps. Marvel in the glorious camps when you will be subjected to work 24/7. It gets BETTER! You will also have 24/7 security monitoring your every move, even when you poop!. That's SECURITY! Act now and you will be entered into a very limited, exclusive tour of all the concentration camps where your last stop will be your new home. Along the way you will witness all the torture and hanging of those who tried to leave but failed.
All this can be your when you order the Kumdang-2! ACT NOW!

dr • 9 years ago

You guys might want to check your romanization of halabeoji. Halapoji doesn't mean what you think it means.

Firefishe • 9 years ago

... And never mess with a Sicilian when north Korea's on the line! Hahahahaha X-)

The Real Diogenes • 9 years ago

"Yes, it even cures chemical addictions."

But what if you get hooked on kumdang 2?

Another dose of kumdang-2 cures that!

Crypto Guru • 9 years ago

it could well be possible if you lookup what I have been posting on neuspirit.org and all of it for free.....

Vance Edward Williamson • 9 years ago

You miss typed the address. You should have typed www.fullofshit.com

Crypto Guru • 9 years ago

That's what happens when the mind is full of negativity, even if the address is www.bepositive.com it goes www.benegative.com Just a thought friend. Love and Peace to you.

Ag Ponzio • 9 years ago

Game, Set & Match.

FrankenPC . • 9 years ago

It's a shame it also doesn't fix obesity.

shay r • 9 years ago

Look apt least their someone trying to cure it other living lavish on everyone donations. I can't helped what kind of man he is but that's his uprising and tradition not our. I don't know who's worst him or us we have all this equipment Harvard and Stanford brains and it just took and it just took some Korean with fertilizer and medicinal

Ag Ponzio • 9 years ago

WTF are you speaking?

Dani PandaSaurus Rex • 9 years ago

You do realise this isn't real? It does not work. It is north korean propaganda, made more to keep their people in line. And US and UK and other FREE World scientists are making amazing progress with treating aids and curing cancers, but real progress takes time, money and a hell of a lot of brains, something of which all is in short supply right now.

NotTrustingAnything • 9 years ago

Of course Dear Leader never goes to the bathroom, he keeps it all inside himself. He's quite literally full of crap.

NecroCannon • 9 years ago

I can finally look beautiful like senpai?? Sugoi!

Ivanho4 • 9 years ago

Kim loves to inhale copious amounts of cheese in his palace down by the river. Miracle cure? How about miracle bullshit?

Dan Keller • 9 years ago

I think the reporter really nailed it on the head -- by mistake with this sentence:
"There really doesn’t seem to be anything that this wondrous concoction — made from a mixture of ginseng and rare earths elements like platinum and gold — can cure."

TapaTap • 9 years ago

Supreme leader Kim Jong Ding Dong is not fat. His body contains the life energy of the sun which he then transfers into the earth to keep it spinning on its axis and revolving around the sun. Sumpreme Leader Kim Jong Ding Dong does not eat to become fat, energy molecules are naturally attracted to his superior DNA from which modern man was born.

Hermit • 9 years ago


anon • 9 years ago

Check out the copiously-stocked, liquor cabinet, behind the Labcoats

Kipali Kana • 9 years ago

Can we have this KUMDANG-2 thing on the market quickly. Many lives are gone. North should pity the rest and put up the thing on the market. The quicker the better

Of course we can't. Don't you see it's only for North Koreans?

Kipali Kana • 9 years ago


Hermit • 9 years ago

lol this idiot really thinks the drug works/exist

Guest • 9 years ago
Jhale • 9 years ago

Someone does not like to read....

Daniel Paiva • 9 years ago

Is this for real?

Josefreak Salem • 9 years ago

Yes it is. And Bigfoot was the lead scientist.