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KA • 7 years ago

Excuse me while I laugh.

Alexandro Davila • 7 years ago

Klayman, let's hope it's just your life that's in mortal danger. You are truly a stupid stupid man. You peddle lies, paranoia and inhumanity. You are a disgrace.

tinkrbel • 7 years ago

U seem to be confusing Larry w obola. O lies eveytime he speaks, inflames hatred & racism and is inhumane to LE merely trying to do their jobs. He is not just stupid, he's down right evil. U r pretty stupid if u believe otherwise

GalSal • 7 years ago

Thank you Klayman. His election was stolen. He never did have a mandate from the people. It was all a contrived deal. Romney the bought and paid for puppet was told to take a fall, that Obama was to be elected to finish up what democracy we had left. Trump needs to be put in and Obama, Clinton's, and Bush's sent to jail. They all serve the same masters.

River Lightning • 7 years ago

Seeking to overcome 'world government' "Individuals"
with the legal ways that 'world governments' provide,..,.....

I'm not convinced that a devil would be president if he
knew that he could be removed and CONVICTED by the use
of a Constitution that couldn't be breached.

The Kingdom of Father Almighty has plenty of Righteous legal ways to
ENFORCE whatever should to be ENFORCED.
Who believes it ?

Red Ruffensor • 7 years ago


Captain Crunch • 7 years ago

Per my comment below to DE:

We have ALREADY gone over the cliff, and in fact with blindfolds on, much like those...ah...'happy' fellows in the Mid-East, thrown off buildings with blind folds on!

The only things we don't know are 1) how deep the ravine is we are falling into and 2) how much time we have before we 'hit'...and when we do it is going to be and UGLY site and sight!!

The decimation of our once great Republic, and the world in general, is IN free fall and there is not one 'political' party that is able stop it!!

The ONLY hope is The ONE, and I pray that He does not delay His coming prior to that impact, but if he should, you BETTER believe in Him whom you have heard but hath not seen, as He SHALL BE, and IS your ONLY salvation!

Maranatha, brothers and sisters!!

GalSal • 7 years ago

The New World Order is behind all the things going on. They support fascism and will destroy what ever and whoever stands in their way May God save America!

GoldenRudy • 7 years ago

Larry, you know that your name is now on the Obama "list". Probably in bold print. The same "list" Erdogan is using today to round up any and all opponents to his regime. Thanks for the clarity and saying what many are thinking out here in the weeds.

GalSal • 7 years ago

It is coming here. What Erdogan did to his opponents. Our military needs to do their jobs.

infrahuman • 7 years ago

Larry, thank you for your unbridled candor. Few prominent 'patriots' including generals, whistle blowers, members of prior administrations are willing to call a spade a spade (no pun intended). This was my recent commentary regarding statements by John Bolton who tepidly said Obama's heart is not in defeating ISIS & Islamic terrorism.

"Even John Bolton, who I admire, disappoints. Mr. Bolton, the 'heart' (if one exists) of the non-citizen, Muslim/Marxist terrorist and mass murderer in the White House is 100% 'in it'. He is a MUSLIM. His top advisers are Muslim Brotherhood operatives. His raison d'etre and life-long goal is a sharia-compliant, Islamic Caliphate. I can't believe that even you are an 'apologist' for this sub-human POS."

You ask what we can 'legally' do to remove this monster from office in the next 6 months. Is there an answer? Had WE THE PEOPLE organized into massive, mobile boots-on-the-ground protest groups (A Tea Party with Balls) across the country (much like what Obama is doing with Syrian & Somali 'refugees') we could have at the very least forced RHINOs out of office, and/or intimidated them into doing the 'right' thing. Boehner would not have retained his speakership. Obama would not have been given carte blanche to destroy the country.

We did nothing. Even if by some miracle there is an election in November & Trump is the victor (despite rampant voter fraud, death threats, and a suspect vote counting system) the Progressives/Fascists/Socialists/Communists/Globalists are not going away. If we do not organize we will eventually become slaves living under the jackboot of a totalitarian elite. Hopefully if Trump is elected and holds to his promises, he will be the catalyst to get the majority of American's to organize into 'freedom fighter' cells that cannot be ignored or defeated.

To paraphrase deceased Black Panther Leader, Stokely Carmichael: it is never a question of right or wrong; all that matters is who has the power to make the definitions. Unlike all the ORGANIZED minority groups, backed by a corrupt government, who now rule overs us; We have no POWER. Power To The People is a reality only if they are willing to organize to take it and retain it. Passivity is death.

Lemonjello the Deplorable • 7 years ago

There is no guarantee this piece of filth will step down, or that there will even be an election in Nov. I am with you.

Tatiana Covington • 7 years ago

Oh hell, just let Trump take over right now!

Tumbleweed7 • 7 years ago

Far and away the best possible solution if American Citizens would stand up and force the issue but it's not likely to happen with the country in the current state of chaos.

sam johnson • 7 years ago

Would China or Russia place a Bill Smith or a John Hansen in power? They are far too smart for that. But Americans on the other hand.... There, I just lost 70% of the USA populace. Any wonder we are finished? And I do mean finished

sam johnson • 7 years ago

MR hussein is not an American, nothing USA about him. He brought with him his 3rd world ways. He has never did one thing to benefit this country since his arrival, rather he has only raped it since day one. However, if Americans are actually stupid enough to vote this miscreant in, then Americans fully deserve what they are getting. A peoples ignorant enough to vote this in, are a peoples too stupid to survive.

GalSal • 7 years ago

He had a alot of help in doing it. Don't blame all this on Obama, it started decades ago. You can put the Bush family into the mix of what is going on. Bush helped Obama get elected and wanted him to get elected so Jeb could be the next president. The truth is coming out and it will eventually.

Tumbleweed7 • 7 years ago

Here's part of "the truth". The reason congress won't do anything about the vote tampering and voter fraud. https://fellowshipofthemind...

Voco_Veritas • 7 years ago

Mr. Klayman, it is not a question of what We the People CAN do but what we are WILLING to do. We know that nearly everyone in government is corrupt or too cowardly to do their sacred duty so what must happen is for We the People to use the Constitution to arrest Ovomit, Hillary, and other criminals in office. If convicted, they must be punished to the fullest extent of the law, including execution for treason. Anything less won't change anything.

Chris Farrell • 7 years ago

But Larry..., President Donald J. Trump could, and I pray to God will, prosecute the Manchurian Muslim ***and Messiah to Marxists from Mombasa for having criminally usurped the office of president of the United States by means of fraudulently representing himself as constitutionally eligible to be president while knowingly not so as well as for the ongoing cover-up of his criminal usurpation of the presidency which has already been proven by Sheriff Joe Arpaio's volunteer Cold-Case Posse which is commanded by Mike Zullo to be a fact.

A big part of the problem is that the obamasequious Islamo-fascist facilitating Liberal-fascist lame stream media simply don't care about facts. But Donald Trump is one of the only figures who has stood up in the past 8 years of Barry's illegal administrations and questioned the purported authentication of the 'Empty Chair's' asserted constitutional eligibility.

Dr. Terry Lee Lakin is another who in honoring his officer's oath to defend the Constitution requested authentication that his orders to redeploy to a combat theater of operations had in fact originated from a legal commander-in-chief and just look how the US Army crucified the former Army surgeon's career even imprisoning the former Lieutenant Colonel and dishonorably discharging the honorable Dr. Lakin.

GalSal • 7 years ago

There are other people Trump plans on bringing charges against. He lost friends on 9/11 and knows who is responsible. He knows a lot of many things. It is why all the bought and paid for crooks are crying out at the top of their lungs against Trump.

GoldenRudy • 7 years ago

The "DD" that Dr Lakin received just may be a true "Red Badge of Courage" in the years to come. Matter of fact, I know it will be hailed as such.

I couldn't agree more.
Well said, Mr. Klayman.
God willing we'll get a Christian sympathizer in the White House in January after this failed fairy.

Gary Dickson • 7 years ago

Mr. Klayman, Mr. Obama himself might very well take your designation of him - that is, the "Muslim King" - seriously.

CC • 7 years ago

Author states: "Unfortunately, they did not devise a viable constitutional method to remove from office a corrupt, criminal, traitorous and destructive president like the Muslim King."

SURE THEY DID! It's called impeachment!
But they did not devise a method to remove from office a corrupt, criminal, traitorous and destructive FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to include not just the president, but the great majority of the Congress (both parties) and the Supreme Court EXCEPT the one they described in the Declaration of Independence, to wit:
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

GalSal • 7 years ago

We are headed to civil war if this does not stop. I declare I think the people in power would rather nuke us than give up their power. Desperate people do desperate things. The next few months are going to be crucial.

Avenger • 7 years ago

The method they devised can be found in the 2nd amendment ... get your states to secede and lock and load. Time to overthrow this corrupt tyranny and reinstall our Constitution (with term limits on all jobs and bureaucracies ... voter ID and paper ballots with #2 pencils)

ProgsRaMenace • 7 years ago

Imho, since it was the States who created the Federal government to protect their rights and their freedom and their liberty and their sovereignty, imho, the Governor of Texas needs to unite the States, convene a convention, reclaim their rights and their power and prepare and implement the plans to shutdown the DC Crime Family and restore the Republic. It will be very messy but it needs to be done.

Jane Dough • 7 years ago

We could replace the President, all 535 member of Congress and all nine Supreme Court jurists, and 99% of our government wouldn't change a bit.

The massive entrenched bureaucracy, overwhelmingly Democrat, is what's mostly running our sorry little lives, and nobody has any intention of losing their job.

GoldenRudy • 7 years ago

Just look at the Democrat statements during any of the recent Congressional hearings in the past for verification of your statement about the entrenched Democrat machine. They are not interested in truth but continuation of their rule.

John C • 7 years ago

Replace the enemies of the people all of them and you/ they could put in place new laws that would oust the bureaucracy and then replace them with patriotic Americans

GalSal • 7 years ago

Most of our neighbors would do a better job than what we have right now. The whole of Washington has become corrupt.

Guest • 7 years ago
GalSal • 7 years ago

It seems to be coming to this. They will bring in foreign troops to rein us in I suspect. But history shows people in nations love their countries and will fight tooth and nail for freedom.

NavyBlue1962 • 7 years ago

I've written both my senators (both republicans) about introducing impeachment bills against Obama. I've received no answer from either.It seems to me that the 2nd amendment is what we have to look to. Congress is frozen with fear.

GoldenRudy • 7 years ago

"frozen with fear" Well said and accurate, IMO.

justjim65 • 7 years ago

One wonders what Obama was thinking when it looked like the coup in Turkey would be doen and Erodgon tossed out?

GalSal • 7 years ago

If Obama supports the likes of Erdogen in office who plans on torturing his own military then God help us all. Erdogen has said those who opposed him will pay the highest penalty. He probably plans that for us. Be prepared for the worst but pray for the best.

justjim65 • 7 years ago


jj mann • 7 years ago

Klayman, your delusions knows no bounds. Obama won the election fair and square, TWICE!
You are not ousting him in January, that is his time in office and there is not a damn thing you can do about it. I am not saying this as supporter or a detractor, just facts. Open wide and swallow hard.
Focus on the coming election, the results might send you into ICU.

Jane Dough • 7 years ago

"fair and square"

I do not think those words mean what you think they mean.

GalSal • 7 years ago

Hundreds of precincts with over a 100% of the vote for Obama. That is vote fraud. Voting machines compromised. This is what is going on all across the world, The globalists installing their puppets against the will of the people. Do you really think Erdogen won fair and square. No!

Steve Van Halen • 7 years ago

He meant "fair and square" by dead voters, people voting multiple times and "lost" ballots from our military.

Dennis Horne • 7 years ago

I've been calling for his impeachment for years. I hope other journalists follow your lead. We need to stop being politically correct and become morally correct!

Donna Mohler • 7 years ago

Who ligitimised him on the 2008 ballot? Nancy Polosi did.why would she risk signing that document if she didn't know it to be true? I believe Ann was a surrogate mother,and was paid to take him to Kenya, pretending to be his mother. Back in the 60'S abortion was illegal, if a girl got pregnant she answered for it, unless higher powers interviewed. There were unwed mothers homes all around the country then, a LOT of teen pregnancies! Catholics then didn't believe in abortion, legal or not. As for him, I can't wait until he leaves office, he is despicable!

kibitzer3 • 7 years ago

Good call, Larry. We can't wait that long. The Usurper and his handlers are too likely to orchestrate a 'state of national emergency' event to give him the Opportunity to declare martial law, and thus do away with the Constitution in one fell swoop that way, rather than by the death of a thousand cuts that he has been subjecting it to. So: What to do. Answer: We need a short lesson in plain English, and then go from there.

What am I talking about. I am talking about the citizenry recognizing the definition of a 'natural born citizen' that there is overwhelming historical evidence - including its being taught in the universities of the day - the constitutional Framers were going by when they put that eligibility requirement in their contract for that particular office. It is from the definitive tome of the day on such subjects, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations'. Quote (from Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212): "The natives, or natural born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens..." So there is no question about his usurpation of the office; vested interests (in both major political parties of our day) to the contrary notwithstanding.

So all that needs to happen is that he is arrested - by oath keepers - and held for trial (on a whole host of charges by now, including fraud, perjury, and treason); the sitting Congress is dissolved, for not doing its constitutional duty in regards to a rogue executive; and an Officer of The People is appointed by the oath keepers, who will call for elections within a time certain, and in the meantime, clean out the executive branch of the federal government of its infestation of termites. And this way, all of the legislation that the Usurper has signed into law, and all of the E.O.'s and P.D.'s that he has issued, and all of the appointments that he has made (including to the SCOTUS, and lesser courts), go with him, into the trash bin.

And we start anew, in alignment with the founding principles of this special nation.

GalSal • 7 years ago

Our congress and Obama has heaped abuse on us time and time again. I have never known such awful abuse at the hands of your own government. False flags, riots chaos. When will it stop.

Jane Dough • 7 years ago

Yeah, let's do that coup thing. After all, it worked so well in Turkey.

You start, I'll be right behind ya.

kibitzer3 • 7 years ago

Yes, it does seem a bit quixotic, doesn't it. And normally, I might agree with you. (Although, to fight for one's country against despicability, despite the odds, is not a bad thing.) But you see, Jane, this is not a 'normal'' situation. This is the end of The Play.

Things have been brought to their Completion. The battle is now global. And either the Dark wins the world. Or the Light wins. And the Light wins. For, that is the way things simply Are. Much to the annoyance, and frustration, and resistance, of the Dark. But there you go. That's life, in this universe.

I can't speak for any others, of course. But then, when you have attained the consciousness level of a Creator, I would think that it would be a safe bet to go with the Light. Since everything is made up OF Light. Its absence being non-substainable. A shadow; nothing more. Of the real thing. The All That Is.

And by the way: It would not be a coup. That has already taken place. It would be a counter-revolution. A setting back to rights, of the federal constitutional republic of the united States of America.

Constitution and all.

GalSal • 7 years ago

Actually, the coup d etat took place under George Bush Jr. when he stole the 2000 election. You don't steal an election to do good things. He set all things up in place for Obama. The Clinton's, Bush's and Obama all serve their master, Satan.