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Actually, science is based on consensus. That consensus is based on repeatable, demonstrable experimentation. But, at the end of the day, our idea of what a "fact" is is still based on a consensus.
The idea that science should never be "settled" enough to take policy action is exactly what the tobacco industry promoted for decades as they argued that the connection between smoking and cancer was not "settled". It was self-serving obfuscation, and many people died as a result. The same thing can be said for Mr. Sowell's argument here. Our understanding of climate change is more than sufficient to take aggressive policy action, and scientists who are engaged in the area should be required to disclose potential conflicts of interest.
Be fun to see the reaction of those demanding donors be known when it comes out anti-fracking scientists were getting their money from Saudi Arabia.
Good points all, but your underlying premise is mistaken in that global warming, climate change or whatever today's euphemism is, has anything to do with science. Science is a smokescreen. The real agenda is to establish a global governance body populated by elitist technocrats who would regulate global economic activity down to the minutest level.
This is the left's ultimate wet dream and no matter how much evidence piles up against it, they will never let it go as they have no better chance to get their nightmarish utopia foisted upon us all.
Don't forget all of their so called science comes from computer models. In other words, garbage in, garbage out.
The nightmare of Soviet genetics was finally undermined by "pure science" when even the most ardent Communist hacks had to admit that "class struggle" probably wasn't what motivated plants to grow.
The politicization of genetics in the Soviet Union probably cost the nation a lost decade or two, but the weight of evidence against Lysenko and his ilk couldn't be denied forever.
So-called "global warming" has everything to do with science. Unfortunately, it's bad, pseudo science, and it needs to be unmasked. To beat the other side, we need to know the science better than the other side.
Very well said.
For nearly a quarter century, the NAACP was led by Walter Francis White. I doubt someone like Walter Francis White could get elected leader of the NAACP today, since his 15.625% (5/32) would likely not be enough to satisfy the arbitrary racial standards imposed today.
Agenda for the 21st century, Agenda 21 & sustainable development.
I've been interested in physical science since I was very young so it really angers me when I hear of people trying to stifle the search for knowledge for PC or political reasons.
It is no less objectionable than the past and present rejection of science and knowledge by various religions.
The fact is that government funding worldwide for pro global warming, pro climate change, pro climate disruption or whatever the hell the zealots are calling their massive pro power-grab now far outstrips any private funding that might support scientists who hold skeptical views.
The pro GW crowd have proven faulty, secret-source-code climate models, the cherry-picking of data, the lies by omission and many other blatant, unacceptable practices and methods in the process.
I dearly wish more people would take a peek under the hood of the giant global warming machine.
Ironic considering their habit of harping on the Inquisition as evidence of the evils of Christianity.
The left Iives in irony, but never looks in the mirror.
There was never a scientific consensus, liberals via Academia and the media decided the science was settled but professional scientists were't allow a voice. Climate Change has been debunked, a small group of radicals and their political puppets are clinging to the shards of what little is left of their global hoax. The money has dried up and it's not coming back.
The "consensus" is a CON!!
Why should we be forced to pay for "solutions" to a problem that doesn't exist?
Because those who make the promises need to distribute something or the will end up looking like Sen Reid.
Or worse - they'll have to find a REAL job.
Great Britain's a wonderful case. The Islands' industry and civilization account for 1.5% of anthropogenic CO2 -- and they're going to wreck "transform" their economy to get that down to 1.1%.
worked with Galileo....
Don't despair Mr. Sowell, there are a lot of people reading your words on those electronic devices.
Grijalva and his fellow global warming zealots couldn't care less about science. This has nothing to do with the environment or science. This is sheer intimidation, shutting down scientific inquiry ("deniers," evoking the Holocaust deniers such as the Iranian mullahs), in order to achieve government control of the energy industry, energy intensive manufacturing, all on the fast track to government control, if not ownership, of major sectors of the economy.
Socialism, ultimately, Marxism.
Just ask Maxine Waters.
Presupposing you can get a coherent answer out of her. One of the biggest idiots on Capitol Hill.
Only because Cynthia McKinney is gone.
Barbara Boxer continues to give Maxine Waters a run for her money for Dimmest Bulb On Capitol Hill, though.
What Feingold lacks in intelligence, she makes up un obnoxiousness.
Don't forget to include Nancy Pelosi.
She's not as plumb-dumb as her occasional gaffes might suggest.
(Ran into her at a garden party at a friend's house this past Sunday....)
No she isn't dumb, evil is a better description.
If I tried to describe her qualifications for public office, I'd be immediately labeled a "racist".
If http://vvattsupwiththat.blo... is true, and I see no reason to think it isn't, this post is somewhat ironic, no?
So rather than openly troll, you link to a satire site that falsely uses the name of one of the most well-known climate sites on the internet.
And on that site is a snarky troll-comment about this article.
So, you're just wanting to troll NR but are trying to sneakily avoid getting banned for it.
You know what I have to say to that?
This is Mnestheus' Disqus profile https://disqus.com/by/Mnest... . I don't see anything in the first 20 or so comments that would get him banned. But some seem on the edge.
If you are interested in NRO comment policy http://www.nationalreview.c... . And it is enforced by commenters and readers.
Is this the same William Connolley who censors people on Wikipedia for having the wrong opinion on climate change?
No, because its impossible to censor on wiki; it just doesn't work that way. I'm https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... if that helps you.
Baloney! I saw what you did to Benny Peiser regarding to rebuttal to the Oreskes paper. You wouldn't allow anyone to post personal stuff about her but you did allow and promoted personal hits against Peiser and Lindzen.
That's hard to understand. Got anything more specific - actual links, something coherent?
Wiki is a jewel, because its structure allows for BOTH fraud AND censorship. You are a fool if you don't know this, or a mendacious troll if you do, and are trying to misrepresent it.
He has special status in the climate realm with Wikipedia that allows him to edit wiki postings.
You realise that remark makes no sense at all, don't you?
So destroying the Medieval Warm Period page isn't censorship?
You have a unique view of the world, and by that I mean broken.
Another round of the MWP wars, how exciting. The page is https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... . It doesn't look destroyed to me. But if it does to you, well, anyone can edit it. Do you have something of value to say?
DId I say that it hadn't been put back together, no thanks to you?
When are you going to say anything of positive value here? All your contributions have been negative so far.
The wiki MWP page has been substantially unchanged for a fair while now; you can see the history if you like (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/.... Since it was never destroyed, it was never "put back together". You're just making things up.
Since it isn't true, there is no irony involved.
In what respect do you think it untrue - do you disagree that NR are censoring comments on this thread? You're arguing that the screencapture is faked, perhaps?
Not at all. See dagny's reply below; we've learned from hard experience to give trolls (which granted are left-wing roughly ninety-eight percent of the time) short shrift.
The one thing one can ALWAYS assume is that a modern liberal is nothing more than a Fascist. That's why they so admire Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Argentina and other such low level countries. Freedom and liberals contradict each other. This filth from Arizona should be impeached, and then jailed for extortion.