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Damien Quinn • 8 years ago

Meh, the bombing in Brussels is the responsibility of the people who planted the bomb. Sure, the US is an imperialist war machine but any nation is only responsible for it's own actions. You might point a finger at them for setting up, training, arming, provoking and facilitating these extremist groups but not for actually planting the bombs.

Well, unless one of the US alphabets is directly responsible for recruiting and organising the cell that carried out this particular bombing, which is certainly possible.

Eric Mcoo • 8 years ago

Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq

The war on terror, that campaign without end launched 14 years ago by George Bush, is tying itself up in ever more grotesque contortions. On Monday the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same rebel groups the defendant was charged with supporting.

The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The defence argued that going ahead withthe trial would have been an 'affront to justice' when there was plenty of evidence the British state was itself providing 'extensive support' to the armed Syrian opposition.

That didn't only include the 'non-lethal assistance' boasted of by the government (including body armour and military vehicles), but training, logistical support and the secret supply of 'arms on a massive scale'. Reports were cited that MI6 had cooperated with the CIA on a 'rat line' of arms transfers from Libyan stockpiles to the Syrian rebels in 2012 after the fall of the Gaddafi regime.

Clearly, the absurdity of sending someone to prison for doing what ministers and their security officials were up to themselves became too much.

the guardian

Okydokyartichoky • 8 years ago

I must have blurry eyes this morning because this article is nuts. Who does all the bombing, not the US, they are all connected to Islam or what am i missing.There is a comment below about n country needing money from us, hmm last time i checked we are still giving countries money we dont have.

BuzzCoastin • 8 years ago

Who does all the bombing, not the US, they are all connected to Islam or what am i missing.

you're missing the continued bombing of small brown people
that started with Vietnam & Laos
and continuing now in a Muslim kuntery near you
brought to you by Uncle Homeland's Murdering Band

and let's not forget the fire bombing of Dresden
or Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Who does all the bombing, not the US
what are you smokin'?

Okydokyartichoky • 8 years ago

i wish i was smokin, i do not disagree with you at all, but im speaking of present. I have learned how evil Govts can be aka NWO. I should have clarified, thank you

InfvoCuernos • 8 years ago

Listen to all this horseshit. Like any of us plebs have any control over the situation. We're all just throwing money and children into that sandy little corner of the world.

Gabriel Parra • 8 years ago

Brussels actually is sending kisses to America for protecting her against th e evil Muslims while the US in planting democracy in all the Middle East.

Javari Nama • 8 years ago

The US is another way of saying Israel. Israel = Satan. period.

BuzzCoastin • 8 years ago

given the evidence from the past
it would be hard to believe that the CIA wasn't intimately involved
especially since terrorism & torture are the mainstays of the CIA
either that
or we're paying too much for "intelligence" & "security"
and we should switch to ADT

Michael Olcott • 8 years ago

well feel free to send all of America's equipment & personnel home and not accept another cent from us....oh nm? yeah thats what i thought.

Dimi • 8 years ago

You just assume you know the answer without actually asking anyone. What does that prove?

Michael Olcott • 8 years ago

who should i ask, some cultist who is not only allowed but required to lie to me? frack that! there is no reasoning with fanatics who believe in some mythical entity regardless if the believer is a xtian,muslim, or magical flying spagetti monster.

Damien Quinn • 8 years ago

You sound a little fanatical there yourself Mike. I'm actually not sure who you directing your venom at.

tontinecoffeehouse • 8 years ago

Time you won a vacation trip to visit the head choppers of Saudi Arabia, my friend!
All expenses paid, of course, except for the payment to the guy who chases your rolling head for pick up!

misinformation • 8 years ago

Why the name change, searge?

Guest • 8 years ago
misinformation • 8 years ago

Listen sonny. You and all the rest of the disinfo sheeple are just know-nothing shills. Got it dood?

Michael Olcott • 8 years ago

fanatical because i choose science over mythology? its not venom,just fed up with all of these religious people from all the cults who think they can impose the teachings in their books of magical thinking upon the rest of humanity. now are there some good things one could take away from each of these books, sure but goodness and morality is not exclusive to them.

Damien Quinn • 8 years ago

I'm not even sure what "choose science" means. Science is just a method of investigation, what would choosing it entail? You seem to see it as an alternative to mythology. Mythology clearly has nothing to do with investigation, the fact that you place the two in opposition to one other suggests you've misunderstood the purpose of one or the other.

Not that that has anything to do with the fact that your comments sound a bit fanatical. I'm just observing that you display an intolerant attitude towards perspectives other than your own in that comment. This intolerance is one of the hallmarks of fanaticism.

Other hallmarks include the irrational belief that people holding different opinions from you automatically want to impose those beliefs upon you, the insistence that other people behave badly because they don't believe as you do and having trouble discussing something without reference to your beliefs.

Now, just to be clear, I don't mean to suggest that you are fanatical, just that your comments sound a bit fanatical.

Michael Olcott • 8 years ago

tbh i think you know well what i mean and you are kinda trolling me,lol. thats fine.have a great day. ( my first comments were as i was waiting for that first cup of coffee so i had few filters in place on my thoughts. but i DO reject religion's illusion and you cannot be aware of world events and think that fundamentalists are not trying to impose their beliefs upon us through violence and legislation)

Damien Quinn • 8 years ago

Challenging your propositions is not trolling you Mike, trolling is when you try to provoke a negative emotional response in people for absolutely no good reason, except perhaps bolstering your self worth by attracting some attention, like when you use "xtian" instead of christian. If I was trolling you I would have said something like;

"vote? get real, you're only just turned fourteen, shut the frack up or I'll tell your mother to take away your internet privileges the next time she's wiping my........."

You have a great day too now.

HP McLovincraft • 8 years ago

trolling is the go to word for lazy thinkers.

misinformation • 8 years ago

Depending on the topic, 'conspiracy theory (or theorist)' may also suffice.

misinformation • 8 years ago

To be fair, Christians may take offense to your lower case c and consider that trolling.

misinformation • 8 years ago

"fanatical because i choose science over mythology?"

Not mutually exclusive.

Dimi • 8 years ago

Is that your world view? That anyone not living in the US is a "fanatic who believe in some mythical entity regardless if the believer is a xtian,muslim, or magical flying spagetti monster."?

What you are expressing is exactly what this piece is about: imperialism, as in believing that anything the US (or the West) does is by definition good and helping the poor, undeveloped, uneducated, barbaric "other".

Most people out here in the world didn't ask for US or Western maoney nor need it.

Michael Olcott • 8 years ago

not my world view,only my view on the lies that religions have spewed for thousands of years. being politically correct just enables the radicals of any cult to hide in our midst. i agree the USA has done some really shitty things throughout our history and would not blame the rest of the world if they said take your bat,ball and just go home. i would be fine with that and that is one of the things i weigh when i vote. help yourselves so we dont have to !