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6655321 • 11 years ago

Once I got Tor running, I realized it was a) Slow and b) full of CP. Not something anyone wants to be associated with if MIBs come knocking.

Dubiaku • 10 years ago

It is no slower than the regular web. You probably used one of the
overloaded and free portals. Buy an access location and you will see a
big difference. Being 500 times bigger than the internet, huge numbers
of people, including many who otherwise would have on censored internet
access, use it all the time.

the cube • 8 years ago

so what are the chances of getting caught?

C. A. • 11 years ago

Why in the world, if we know the links, they just don't bring down those harmful sites?

0x00ninja • 11 years ago

if you are talking about the unknown web it would have been nice if you would've talked about different DNS-Webs like OpenNIC for example too. There are many hidden networks beside the onion net that are never mentioned anywhere but are much bigger and easier to access then onion....

Dubiaku • 10 years ago

TOR is the biggest by several orders of magnitude. And it doesn't need a set theorist to see the glaring flaw in your statement that networks inside of TOR are bigger than TOR itself. If you are going to make unfounded claims based on your personal fantasies, it would be wise to avoid such fallacious reasoning.

Charles Bundy • 9 years ago

No condescending hubris on your part eh?

Jasg • 11 years ago

The deep web is a community, similar to the Amish, who believe that by avoiding technology they can live a unified life of simplicity where rules are established by the many, and enforced by the few. Connecting through the TOR network does not grant anonymity. These servers are allocated a range of I.p addresses that they allocate to their users. Although the encryption and re-encryption of the data sent and received does make things difficult to decipher in regards to what has transpired, if someone was to step out of line, following the I.p trail isn't that difficult. On another note, as demonstrated by T.P.B, I.p addresses as well as activity is cached and sometimes deliberately recorded. Put 2 and 2 together and you start to understand that the "deep web" isn't the deep web at all but rather a substrate, that now uncovered, will push this culture deeper underground.

Dubiaku • 10 years ago

A "community"? Now I've heard everything. So they are basically Amish arms traders and credit card thieves, in among child pornographers and those with otherwise censored access? What an interesting bunch of buddies they are! The parties must be really interesting to attend. Do they have a secret handshake?

Apparently, you know nothing about the TOR from a technical point of view. If what you said were even partially true, why did the FBI have such a hard time? Do they hire only idiots? And do you really believe that a TOR would routinely use caching web servers? You need a serious brain scan, bud.

Guest • 11 years ago

Yeah, users do enough harm on the surface. Probably shouldn't turn them loose in the deep web. I mean hell, I'm a industry professional and I know to tread lighting down there, users will get into trouble.

ururururu • 11 years ago

Ok, fine, keep your masturbation circle session private, prick.

Anand • 11 years ago

is deep web good or bad?

Dubiaku • 10 years ago

Very good. It allows us to find a place to be anonymous and send anonymous instant messages in this age of spying. It also allows those under repressive governments and censorship access to the true news and information about the world.

Guest • 11 years ago

It depends on the user, if you are in the deep web avoiding cp and shit, it's decent,but if you go there and find drugs, and all kinds of shit, it's bad,really really bad.In conclusion, it brings more harm than good.

tracraeb • 11 years ago

very bad and dangerous except of the information of wikileaks :)

qazxcdews • 11 years ago
Fyasko • 11 years ago

I dont think that they should be telling people howto connect.....

jasse85 . • 8 years ago

So im guessing there are tons of asians on the deep web?

The wizard searcher • 8 years ago


The wizard searcher • 8 years ago

I just thought of something about this deep web method why don't they use it for more things for
Revolution infect we all need this though for more critical revolution yet for consoles like video games
Engines and more because the engine its million times fast though by every company could use it
And by making very big videos games out their I know some company could pull this of and another
Thing it could work out really extremely awesome with super computers just by combine if someone
Actually make out of video game engine then things turn out reality of big global truly video games
That video games doesn't end just supper massive video games and this thing could workout movies
To have the movies more epic yet to if this engine that so powerfully they should update this along with
Mods for video games and mods are rare though to its true like the elder scrolls 5 skyrim that game has
Mods to well I know everyone knows about mods I'm just getting ahead my self that's all well mods are
The best with video games like mmorpg games to deffently and Sony should some how get hold of it
For the new play station 5 console for the playstation network on psn have Sony use the power of
Deep engine along with psn playstation network to download all kinds of goodies like movies video
Games RPGs game shooting war games hunting games and even much more yet to and even ummm
Horror games alien invasion games to and um um what else is their oh yeah that's right
Modern warfare games to yup mhghmm yup and even have it on maps to that would be awesome
To have it on netflixe also and I know about the world going to here people are making places like
The Area 51 their making big giant underground elite city's they look like feature city by right beneath
Our feet about 30 miles into underground if I where you don't go to these places you will lose everything
And even your or wife or husband and your love ones all these places are true they know aliens taking
Over our world so far they changing us like them with big eyes but mostly look like human being and
And theirs something else it's avatar project its the name of the company they are turning people into
Gods yup it's true look it up or search it like www.avatarproject.com or just avatar project androids
People and theirs more I really know something else theirs a very big giant centipede down in south of
America this stuff it's actually all from lost tapes animal planet it's all about monster creatures big foots
Titan big snakes.

Yuna Utada • 8 years ago

I got hacked today by just using deepweb for the first time. Wasn't looking at anything out of sorts since I had been watching Youtube's Deep Web stuff before downloading Tor. I clicked 'Confessions' just to read what people wrote and its was...seriel and pedophile related. Then all of a sudden my mouse stopped working, the screen started blinking and then I knew I was getting hacked. So I hurried and turned of my laptop and ran to unplug the Internet's DSL. So far...I'm safe. So I've learned my lesson and will set up sandbox with alot of security if I decide to go back in.

Truthasaurus Rex • 9 years ago

Just use the stupid regular web like everyone else...If you're doing things deemed illegal on a forum like the internet, you're a friggin idiot! NO FEAR!


Margus Waffa Meigo • 11 years ago

Hmm.. is not using tor something like labeling yourself "look at my activity on internet o agency people as i look something i should not - who else uses this tec then people like us.."

Besides, if enough computers (10,20% ?) in tor network is owned by  some agency - would it not make it more easy - as the tec ones have should be able to fill in caps with ease for what its needed, or not ?

charles porcaro • 11 years ago

Then there's the whole IPv4 IPv6 thing that are two completely different networks...

Hotboy4cam • 11 years ago

deep web?? Please can't you use Darkweb as anybody else...

Nikunj Bhatt • 11 years ago

Why I am not able to open this URL provided in this article?:

I tried to open it without using TOR, is that the reason?

Mohamed Zaffry • 11 years ago

u need to be connected to the Tor network to see .onion domains

gehaxelt • 11 years ago

 You are only able to connect to this url using tor, because it's an .onion-domain.

coffee0101 • 11 years ago

this site was temporarily down at two week ago. so if you cannot connect, you should wait for few days. and he has some service onionbookmark ,his blog"My hidden Blog" ,and so..
these service find TORDIR. and these onion drug sites are false.if you want to get real drugs,goto TORDIR's BlackMarket.