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Guest • 9 years ago
LubecLou • 9 years ago

Total baloney. The article doesn't say what you claim it does; it merely accurately describes the foundations of modern capitalism. Your kneejerk clueless ahistorical understanding is typical of your corporatist ilk. The wealth accumulated by the US in the 20th century sprang from exploitation of resources at the point of a gun and the fact that Europe , Russia and Japan were decimated by WWII, while US assets were untouched, allowing the US to seize markets.

Henry22 • 9 years ago

Well put.

Guest • 9 years ago

To be wealthy, you must have those with little or NO pay working for you. Many corporations are now having their employees taking salaries. Guess what happens? Those employees on salaries get to work many extra hours withOUT pay. That is one of many ways that those big corporations abuse their employees.

End result = the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer.

rr02 • 9 years ago

Then become one of the rich. It's easier than redistribution and much more satisfying/

Guest • 9 years ago

You mean becoming a slave owner myself and beat the h*ck out of people for not working for me for free? rrO2, from your previous post, I thought you said you were a Christian. If that is how Christians act, I want nothing to do with Christians. NO wander down at the deep south, the slave owners have one hand on the Bible and the other hand on the whip for slaves.

rr02 • 9 years ago

Are you really so phuqing stupid? I mean you cannot be as stupid as your posts but in all the time I have come across your comments they have been just as stupid as this one. You need to go back to advocating for the visible minorities because then you are only moderately stupid.

My suggesting to you that you become rich has nothing to do with slavery; unless that is the only way YOU know. Cure the common cold, truly solve π, figure out why there is air instead of just helium. And quit the forums; you're not smart enough to be here. See if there is a Sesame Street forum for you.
And your advocates are obviously just as stupid.

LubecLou • 9 years ago

"truly solve π" Only a truly phuqing moron would make such a statement.

rr02 • 9 years ago

Oops, an advocate.

LubecLou • 9 years ago

Says the asshat. Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Yankee Oscar Uniform

rr02 • 9 years ago

Back atcha.

re-think your position ? be a christian or jew ,because scripture bears witness against Babylon ( mammon ) and Beasts( 7.5 Empires) Daniel , Rev.17: 18:

Guest • 9 years ago

I am against slavery, but I know many Christians are pro slavery even today! Let me put it this way, nice Christians use good Bible verses and evil Christians use bad Bible verses to suppress other people. So President Lincoln from the North and General Lee from the South are all Bible believing Christians, but they have opposite point of views on slavery.

There is also something I have found. Many Christians believe once you are saved, you will always be saved. You cannot lose your salvation because it is ETERNAL LIFE, i.e. ETERNAL LIFE LASTS FOREVER. THEREFORE, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE YOUR SALVATION. However, those "Christians" do whatever that pleases them because there are NO consequences to their actions.

Corvus2 • 9 years ago

You're drinking the kool-aid, easier to become rich? Phhfffftt! The 1% don't want you in their club. More likely to get struck by lightning...

rr02 • 9 years ago

You don't know what you're talking about.

Corvus2 • 9 years ago

Really? why don't you educate me then, Einstein.

rr02 • 9 years ago

Because you're too closed minded.

Corvus2 • 9 years ago

Totally untrue and it doesn't let you off the hook...

rr02 • 9 years ago

Sorry, no time for you. I'm busy with more theories on relativity.

Corvus2 • 9 years ago

Sure you are... ;)

rr02 • 9 years ago

Honest, really, I am. You can ask anyone.

Roger Komula • 9 years ago

The right will only respond to this like it did to Obama's "You didn't build it" speech - they think infrastructure, like the federal highway system, just magically appears.

RGAX • 8 years ago

Mostly built on the back of exploited new immigrants from Europe and Asia.

rygittins • 8 years ago


Henry22 • 9 years ago

Not sure what you mean....please expand.

wedfsw • 9 years ago

Most ALL nations in the Americas had slavery and ALL that did outlawed it after the US. Is Brazil "rich"? the Caribbean? the north was far welathier than the south and yet it grew no cotton but rather became welathy through industrialization. Southern riches were concentrated in the hands of an elite few and not widespread throughout the population.

Robert Higgins • 9 years ago

The Industrial revolution in the North was fueled by the textile industry that depended on cotton from the South. W/o slaves and the southern cotton industry the North would never have become wealthy in the first place. Your comparison to other countries, in the Americas, doesn't really make sense. Much of the the wealth created by slavery, throughout the Caribbean and South America, sent back to Europe- which is became very from it's colonies. Southern cotton companies were consistently some of the best performing stocks on Wall Street which made many Yankees and Europeans investors quite wealthy. The North was not wealthy independently of the south and this country would be nothing w/o slavery.

rygittins • 8 years ago

Nice points. I would add though that it is probably not fair to reduce northern industrialization and wealth to imported cotton alone. More importantly, many of these comments fail to distinguish between early industrialization - during the period of slavery - and late nineteenth-century industrialization. And while late-industrialization surely depended upon the production of crops under the near slave-like conditions of share-cropping, it had a much larger and diverse foundation than early industrialization. And was a period of exponentially greater economic expansion.

Spencer McCormick • 9 years ago

"Land Grabbers" May I suggest that the professor give "his" land back to the Indians. Chances are, the house he lives in is on land previously controlled by a tribe of Indians. Is he willing to move out tomorrow and repatriate that abode? I think not. What would this country by if the Indians still controlled this land? A whole lot different! If he is not willing to accept that "difference" he should "sit down and shut up".

Edward Shaw • 9 years ago

1804 - Haiti
1811 - All Spanish colonies except Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo
1823 - Chile
1824 - Mexico (full emancipation)
1825 - Uruguay
1830 - Mexican president Anastasio Bustamante orders the abolition of slavery to be implemented also in Mexican Texas. To circumvent the law, Anglo colonists convert their slaves into "indentured servants for life"
1836 - Republic of Texas is established. Slavery is made legal again
1851 - New Granada (Colombia)

1853: Argentina
1854: Peru
1854: Venezuela
But then, I'm sure you've heard of Wikipedia

Queen Mennon • 9 years ago

and what the heck did Black people get for all that work? NOTHING

Guest • 9 years ago
Queen Mennon • 9 years ago

you are all aliens who don't belong here. this country is too good for you. it truly is, and I know it precisely because I have the blood of its slaves in my veins. you will not be victorious here.

geezerpk • 9 years ago

Those seats on the back of the bus can be damn comfortable. :-(

Queen Mennon • 9 years ago


Spencer McCormick • 9 years ago

Sorry Black activists. Your people must reform from the inside out. The white guy can not do it. When an infection heals, it does so from the inside out. The white guy did not force anyone to have a 75% unmarried births in the black community. Without responsible fathers, it is a uphill battle. Look around.

Queen Mennon • 9 years ago

that is not the way your society and economy is set up. it is not set up for Black men to be responsible husbands and fathers. capitalism claims to promote self-sufficiency but it really does not. this economy is about maximum profits for minimal costs. it wants you to work for it and not for yourself and your families.

rygittins • 8 years ago

Is the economy setup for black mothers to be responsible mothers? Seems to me they are probably the demographic most discriminated against in our country. But they also seem to raise the majority of black kids on their own and through the help of other women in their families and communities.. None of which is to say that there isn't real structural racism facing black males, but it is to say that there is of course a cultural element and one that needs to resolved from within, lest broader society be accused of paternalism and cultural imperialism, or whatever other critique the Left has of the "State" when it attempts to intervene, even though the Left paradoxically protests that the government isn't doing enough.

Henry22 • 9 years ago

So we should reform the way government gives handouts?

Queen Mennon • 9 years ago

what R U talking about? bank bailouts? corporate welfare? public-private partnerships? R those the handouts you R talking about?

Spencer McCormick • 9 years ago

A transparent attempt to make us feel guilty for being white Europeans. The "people of color" in this country will have a much better quality of life if they stop shooting each other.

In scripture ( which is the wisdom of the collective conscious AKA " word of god )...Babylon ( mammon ) rides the 7-8 beasts ( empires of history ).. Daniel +.Rev.17:+18:...so some very RAINY year sometime soon we will culturally understand this and reject both of them....however do not equate crony capitalism ( our systems ) with Calvinist free enterprise

Spencer McCormick • 9 years ago

The world is the way it is. Some socialist can not change it. Money talks and (blank) walks. Work hard and stay out of trouble, you can succeed in America. I am proof of that.

Corvus2 • 9 years ago

Wow, proof that some white guy can make it... whoop de doo.