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✦ Björn Free ✦ • 8 years ago

Karl Marx was born after 1776, on May 5, 1818.
Our Founding Fathers never envisioned an evil Marxist, Secular-Muslim President.

Much less an abhorrent man who outwardly flaunts The Declaration of Independence, shreds The Constitution, nor a President that hates America and all she represents.

So the Founding Fathers never envisioned such an Odious EVIL President in the 21st Century who contrives to "Fundamentally Change America" via a philosophy called Marxist/Alinsky dialectics.

TomSJr • 8 years ago

Simply put, OBAMA LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO GET ELECTED. He said marriage was between a man and woman. Then, he changed his mind after he became President. THE SAME WITH HILLARY.

We, the people are responsible for losing our liberties because we were asleep. Either we awaken quickly and try to turn things around, or we deserve what we get.

✦ Björn Free ✦ • 8 years ago

Re: "Either we awaken quickly and try to turn things around, or we deserve what we get."
Not really on board for accepting the responsibility for being lied to by dishonorable men.

Greg May • 8 years ago

When a people are willfully blind, as many American voters surely are, they will accept lies...and then try to blame the politicians who lied to them. Now, do you see how this works?

✦ Björn Free ✦ • 8 years ago

Who determines they are "willfully blind"? That is a false construct.

That is the same philosophy that blames the rape victim for dressing provocatively.

Never mind the rampant Democrat voter fraud.

Greg May • 8 years ago

None are as blind as those that will not see. Can't recall the author of that quote, but it is spot on.

✦ Björn Free ✦ • 8 years ago

We have become a Post-Constitutional soft-tyranny.

~ First they ban the Stars & Bars. THEN they will ban The Stars & Stripes.
......It's coming quickly, America.

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule,
where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.
America was once a Constitutional REPUBLIC.
Celebrate our Country's Last Gasp of Independence & Liberty.

uncorrectedvision • 8 years ago

Nothing soft about this TYRANNY!! People lose their jobs, their property, their freedom to act and speak whenever they openly oppose the leftist sacraments of Illegal Aliens and Same Sex Marriage.

✦ Björn Free ✦ • 8 years ago

"Soft Tyranny" is simply terminology.
Mark Levin's book, Liberty & Tyranny, should be essential reading.

It is a remarkable work on several different levels. It takes no degree of clairvoyance to predict that it will become an enormous best seller and very soon begin to influence the national political debate.

Liberty and Tyranny artfully presents a harmonious marriage of the timeless with the timely.

On the one hand, the book is a thorough yet compact briefing on the major political issues of this era.

Levin brings to bear the principles of the American Founders and Framers of the Constitution (and the great thinkers who guided them), illustrating, dissecting, and explaining our current political arguments, while enlightening the reader with the genuine wisdom bequeathed to all of us -- the sacred trust of the Founders, embodied in the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and Federalist Papers, all of which are quoted and applied with insight and precision.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker....

TomSJr • 8 years ago

I so agree. Mark Levin is full of truth and knowledge. Yes, he is a lawyer, but he is a truth lawyer and there is a difference. I think he would recommend a client to some other attorney if he knew that person was guilty of a horrendous crime, but that's just my opinion. I got upset when they took him off the radio up here in Ohio. HE IS REALLY ONE OF THE GREAT SPOKESMAN FOR OUR TIMES.

✦ Björn Free ✦ • 8 years ago

Except I profoundly disagree with him on Lincoln, and am baffled by his disconnect.
Read: The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War is a biography of Abraham Lincoln written by Thomas DiLorenzo in 2002.

It is endorsed by Walter E. Williams, a former fill-in host for Rush. (And NO! I am a rabid Conservative, and not Libertarian.)

DiLorenzo is severely critical of Lincoln's presidency in a footnoted, researched way.

Buttercup • 8 years ago

Thanks for this referral. Joe Sobran used to rail against Lincoln, but I didn't read any of the books on it.

confederated3 • 8 years ago

Absolutely...have read it 3 times and love it. "Truer words have never been spoken"... or written. Required reading, especially for libtards...if it would make any difference. After all..." liberalism is a mental disorder "...

uncorrectedvision • 8 years ago

I understand the notion of soft tyranny and it predates Levin's great book. When the government directly oppresses a tyranny is no longer soft.

Snitch_in_Time • 8 years ago

To support the sodomite one must surrender 5 essential liberties:

1. Freedom of religion
2. Freedom of Conscience
3. Freedom of Speech
4. Freedom of Association
5. Economic Liberty

Sodomy is the destroupyer of human liberty.

jetthepatriot • 8 years ago

Barry and Michael included

Mickey "the wrench" • 8 years ago

Ah, you are a dangerous radical and terror suspect I see.
Good chance you own guns as well.

Snitch_in_Time • 8 years ago

I've also been told by my state political leadership that I am dangerous because they cannot control me. Pity.

uncorrectedvision • 8 years ago

One must be forced to surrender essential liberties with every intrusion by the Federal Government into areas of personal conscience, be that over homosexuality, abortion, drug use, sexual promiscuity, sex roles, attire, language, conduct, etc.... The Federal Government is not the master but the servant.

Mickey "the wrench" • 8 years ago

Ever hear of the hired help putting the owners of an estate in chains and locking them in the basement?

TomSJr • 8 years ago

How do you explain the 3% taking away our States' rights against Homosexual Marriage at the Supreme Court? The MAJORITY of Americans have already voted in 40 states that traditional marriage is what they want, yet SCOTUS and those 3% ignored us. THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO REFRESH THE TREE OF LIBERTY. Get rid of this govt and start anew. Not quite sure how we do that, but it should be a grassroots effort and THERE WILL BE DIRE OPPOSITION. Government doesn't want to lose their wealth from us and their lobbyists.

Cruz seems to have it altogether, if you look at the link above, but remember he was initially for the TP and then voted against it because it had some hidden agendas about immigration. Be very afraid of Rubio, parading around as a conservative. Also, look at Carson. I was surprised to see he wants to reduce guns in this country as he has a red circle in that box for 2nd Amendment.

LINK: https://www.conservativerev...

empiresentry • 8 years ago

Good link, BTW
If you click on the buttons, it will take you to the interview and statements by that person.

onecornpone • 8 years ago

Tancredo - a man ahead of his time who paid the price, yet cheerfully soldiers on because he is right.

His words always ring true.

In the matter of GWB's appointment of Chief Justice Roberts...
He got exactly what he intended.
I wondered what the two of them were smirking about during Robert's time of nomination and confirmation. Now I know.

I won't be flying the stars and stripes tomorrow and won't unless and until the demonization campaign against the Stars & Bars is ended and it is restored in its proper place at Confederate War Memorials, cemeteries etc. .

Nor do I need Wal Mart and Amazon to resume selling the Confederate Battle flag in order to honor my forebears who fought against Federal government/elitist banker tyranny via taxation on cotton production.

What next? Will Wal Mart stop selling red and blue fabric and sewing machines?

TomSJr • 8 years ago

I believe that this administration has something on these Justices and this is why they legislate morality from the bench, WHICH SHOULD NEVER BE.

Our INALIENABLE rights COME FROM GOD, not man or government. God created mankind and therefore, freedom comes from HIM and this is why HE gave us free will. But, man believes he has godly rights to do to man as he wishes. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. I don't mind obeying just laws, but I will always follow my conscience - ALWAYS. This Homosexual Marriage bill is not my bill. It is a bill for those who agree with it. And, just like the Abortion bill in Roe vs Wade, I do not follow that bill, as well and therefore, I am not punished for it. However, WE WILL BE PUNISHED for not siding with this gay marriage bill. We will be persecuted for standing on God's word. It is coming. I AM READY FOR IT AND WILL DIE FOR IT.


k962 • 8 years ago

Vote CONSERVATIVE ! Join the CONSERVATIVE PARTY! No more GOP "Democrat lite"

aha! • 8 years ago

Republicans are off my list! (except for Trump).

Snitch_in_Time • 8 years ago

Third parties guarantee failure. Taking over the existing Republican Party would be easier and more effective.

Border Terrier • 8 years ago

If we (conservatives) can't take back and run our own party, what makes us think we can take back and run the country?

I hope we can. Both.

bobdog19006 • 8 years ago

Absolutely right, snitch.

sweptarea • 8 years ago

I'm moving in your direction.

Wow. A month ago I would never have believed that Donald Trump would be front-and-center on my radar. Yet there he is... standing in front of the 14 dwarf repubs.

DonP727 • 8 years ago

There are a dozen good ones. Don't write them all off.

TomSJr • 8 years ago

Good link but not quite accurate. Cruz, after he found out about the immigration policy in the Trade Bill, voted against it! But the MSM won't tell you that, will they?

aha! • 8 years ago

When Scalia lamented "words have no meaning" that said to me that all laws were null and void. I will support my state or any other that chooses to ignore ANY law or regulation issued by the tyrants and dolts in Washington DC.

babydriver • 8 years ago

Obama is the most powerful illegal alien in the history of the US.

gregorio57 • 8 years ago

There's a big problem with the strategy to resist via
civil debate, Progressives are not civil and even worse, not truthful and
logical. They're trying to cheat in elections by allowing non-citizens to vote. That is going to lead to chaos.

Civil disobedience is the most peaceful way to win back our country. Dry up the
money. Christians and their businesses need to plainly state and promote their
values, and only do business with like-minded persons. I'm not saying to
discriminate; just don't support businesses that are not conservative.

For instance, I stopped supporting my local public radio station in 2008, when it
became clear that NPR was just the 'Obama' channel. I no longer buy yogurt from a company, that featured two lesbians in a commercial, for my daughter. I buy spaghetti products from a company in which the CEO expressed his support for the traditional family. We eat at Chick-Fil-A at least once a month. Pay attention in the news and you will know who to support or not.

Mickey "the wrench" • 8 years ago

NPR ... National Propaganda Radio.
I supported the local public radio station, even donating over $1,000 to help renovate and build a new broadcast tower. Then their station came out big time for gun control in the Clinton years. I knew most of the DJs and other folks who worked at the station. Their station manager did a commentary segment in which he complained about the "knuckle-dragging Neanderthals of the NRA" and fired most of the Conservatives on their staff about the same time. I confronted him in church that Sunday and told him "Well sorry Art, I was one of those knuckle-dragging Neanderthals of the NRA who wholeheartedly supported your station". That was the end of that.

HHAMM • 8 years ago

Posted by someone that uses their BRAIN!

cheechakos • 8 years ago

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

"The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves."
George Washington

cheechakos • 8 years ago

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
--Samuel Adams, speech at the Philadelphia State House, August 1, 1776.

"If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government."
--Alexander Hamilton Federalist #28

"A government resting on the minority is an aristocracy, not a republic, and could not be safe with a numerical and physical force against it, without a standing army, an enslaved press and a disarmed populace."
--James Madison ,Source: The Federalist # 46

TheLastPlainsman • 8 years ago

When the law of the land no longer supports the majority, how can it be the law of the land?
It is the law of elitism, authoritarianism, and tyranny.

Great article, Tom. When Boehner and O'Connell have promised to crush conservatives and the Tea Party we know the Republican party, as it exists today, is finished.

By supporting Obama at every turn, they have revealed themselves to be traitors to the people who elected them.

Time to push the "eject" button on all the liars in Congress and start over with a clean slate.

Ling • 8 years ago

Time to eject yourself from our civil society. Good day.

Troll alert!

lookinoutforu • 8 years ago

The "civil society" that allows criminal illegals to remain in country? That "civil society"?

W.a. Thomaston • 8 years ago

First….the TPP must be stopped.

This is not a trade deal…it is a globalist coup.

While we are divided and distracted….

America’s sovereignty… literally our ability to govern ourselves on “all” issues right and left – Republican and Democrat...local, state and federal….

….will be signed away “ without our consent” in a few short months.

“Together”…all parties, races, creeds, religions, persuasions…

The final Obama-Trade Vote is in the Fall!

Together, “We” can still win and they know it.

"Those who want to reap the benefits of this great nation must bear
the fatigue of supporting it."

Thomas Paine

Republican Senator Jeff Session’s Blistering “Unanswered Letter” to President Obama blasting the TPP:


The Anti-Statist • 8 years ago

Now we'll see a clear delineation between the weeny-apostate "Christian Church" and the real Christian Church with the threat of removal of tax exemption if a church refuses to also spit in the face of God as SCOTUS has done, lest they adopt SCOTUS' heretical, bio-absurd redefining of marriage. The apostates will cave immediately. The REAL church will stand firm and refuse to pay the taxes.

Buy guns and ammo!

2thegates • 8 years ago

The student store at my school sits as a sad reminder of the federal governments ability to destroy freedom. At lunch time it was filled with students getting snacks and candy bars but since those became "verboten" it sits virtually empty all the time with only clothes to sell. The students used to sell candy bars all around the school to raise money for their clubs but that too is "verboten". I don't know how they even raise money any more. The states have sold their souls to keep the federal dollars coming and as a result our rights as a free people are slowly becoming "verboten".

AlvaJane • 8 years ago

"More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.

Since then I have spent well-nigh fifty years working on the history of our Revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.

What is more, the events of the Russian Revolution can only be understood now, at the end of the century, against the background of what has since occurred in the rest of the world. What emerges here is a process of universal significance. And if I were called upon to identify briefly the principal trait of the entire twentieth century, here too, I would be unable to find anything more precise and pithy than to repeat once again: MEN HAVE FORGOTTEN GOD."

-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

suspicioua • 8 years ago

And with good reason. The communists have been working assiduously to undermine the moral fabric and social institutions of this country for at least the last 75 years. The gay movement is a fig leaf designed to facilitate their attack on the first amendment and the church. Once God has been eliminated from the public square, he can be replaced with the new religion-- communism. It's not really about gays. The communists couldn't care less about gays. The gay movement is simply a means to an end. Watch.

AlvaJane • 8 years ago

"Polymorphous Perversity"