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Annakis • 7 years ago

Most of the Trump voters I know start their sentences with 'Ah geesh Edith...' or 'Shutup Meathead...'. They are very much racist and feel they are victims of all sorts of agendas by all sorts of people who seek to take from them whatever they have. At least the Trump voters I know.
And it appallingly amazing that these people are being convinced that their economic situation created by the wealthy elite and capitalism is to be blamed on other people. When these are the very same people that vote and act against their self best interest by voting conservative which keeps the money flow away from them and keeps our standard of living in decline, is just mind boggling. They are so blind to what they are doing to their greedy/racist selves.
Nice article.
We are in for a bumpy ride.

rdl42 • 7 years ago

A few weeks ago Bernie Sanders made a statement, which I'm surprised hasn't appeared in this thread yet, that raised eyebrows. In answer to someone seeking advice on becoming the second Latina senator from her state, and prefacing it with "you're not going to like this", he said "The Democratic Party needs to move beyond identity politics". That lead to parsing of his words on left-leaning sites. "Does this mean the Democratic Party should give up on fighting for the rights of minorities, women and gays?" even though he said specifically he did not mean that. "Maybe he is confusing 'identity politics' with 'tokenism'.

My experience with Sanders' words is they do not need parsing, they are always pretty clear. Whether the correct term is identity politics or tokenism, they say to me that assuming "second Latina senator" would necessarily represent progressive values is every bit as bigoted as Trump claiming an American judge of Mexican ancestry could not render his case fairly. "First woman president" didn't cut it. The sound of the glass ceiling shattering didn't resonate. Now What?

Meanwhile, on the right: Paul Ryan, who expressed doubts he could work with Trump, is now gloating about "unified Republican rule". Mitt Romney, who publicly accused Trump of being a phoney, is now up for a cabinet level position. This reveals a very different strategy from the left, and shows why liberals, progressives and Democrats are very unlikely to rule for a long time unless they get it together and find common cause, form coalitions and unite around issues the general public can relate to. The notion that the country is hamstrung by "political correctness" did resonate. Like statements by the devil, it's not a complete lie but contains a grain of truth.

lifelonghuman • 7 years ago

Certainly not an academic treatise. Glad I gave up my subscription to Race and Class. I switched to Victimhood and Martyrdom.

MooseMalloy • 7 years ago

How much does the DNC pay for this drivel? Whatever it is, it's too much.

Cloudchopper • 7 years ago

Will that wall of solidarity include Asians, Blacks, Latinos, poor Whites, American Indians, Muslims or just ivory tower white professionals?

rdl42 • 7 years ago

"A given society is racist, or it is not." Questioning whether one
region or class is more racist than another is the product of people
"incapable of straight thinking."

Bullshit. Talk about false dichotomies.

basarov • 7 years ago

Slogans, anti-intellectual drivel and utter stupidity---why waste words on such idiocracy?

DofG • 7 years ago

We cannot solve the problems of democracy if we don't where it comes from, nor how it was intended to work. Because we believe that democracy came from Greece- that's a lie! If you believe that a republic was designed to protect the "minority", that's true but which minority? If you think that the Washington Monument is an obelisk (tekhen) for its architectural design you would be wrong. This can go on. But the point is that a democracy, being a high order design of Nature, can never be successful when the body politic is being ruled by the falsification of consciousness.

Because what good is it to have these gadgets, and gizmos, of technology if we don't know that the same rules that make them possible also apply to ourselves! And that's the disconnect! when the ego in Man defer to his own devices. And what politician, or cleric, is going to truly educate the body politic when their industry depends falsity?

rdl42 • 7 years ago

As Yogi Berra is alleged to have said, "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice but in practice there is".

Theoretical speculations like this article solve nothing.

DofG • 7 years ago

It may not solve anything but acknowledging that a problem actually exists is a start towards its solution. Unfortunately, too many Americans in their "Elysium delusion" have pretended all is right in our "United Fakes of America" when the evidence has been clear for a long time. But that's what delusions are for- to pretend that we can be first among planetary equals- to pretend that the UNI--verse is NOT a single object!

icallbs • 7 years ago

This is completely unconvincing. The author strings together a lot of blather, trying to sound smart, but lacks any facts or evidence. He even lacks a coherent point.

The only thing that is clear is that he is trying to perpetuate the failed identity politics that his masters want him to spout.

Boris Badenov • 7 years ago

What's worst than Racism.
People who Cry (wolf) Racism.

Kalen • 7 years ago

What you could not read in this article is that promoted by the oligarchic elite so-called identity politics, embraced by both parties, is a politics of division mostly a class division within all identity groups, that enables emerging of new, subservient to rulers, elites within each identity group to usurp a voice of the rest of their group.

So Black elite usurps voice of all blacks, Hispanic elite usurps voice of all Latinos, white-supremacist elite usurps voice of all whites, religious elites usurp voice of all religious people, trade union elites usurp voice of all workers, native American casino elites usurp voice of all Indians, progressive elite usurps voice of all progressives citizenry, LBGT elite usurps voice of all LGBT community etc., while a “rainbow coalition” of ruling oligarchic elite usurps voice of us all.

The sole purpose of it all is, so poor and working people have no voice at all, insidiously gagged by their own kin, brothers and sisters who sold out cheaply for a silver coin to ruling oligarchic class as a repugnant slave master surrogate within their own flash and blood communities.

It is all aimed to conduct clandestine vicious and brutal class war between defenseless working people and armed to their teeth oligarchic class and their political puppets under guise of cruel joke of a slogan “we are all together in it”, meaning we are all together slaves of the corporate entity of the USA.

American society was always class society and cast society openly before 1776, and after 1789 partially hidden among white landowners and British colonial aristocracy while raging among poor and colored slaves and later among so-called emancipated and working class, slaves of wage.

Anyone who embraces identity politics, under guise of noble causes, immediate needs or intentions, in fact becomes a willing or unwilling tool in a vicious class war and becomes de-facto true enemy of any lasting social change.

This is exactly what author missed to convey, blinded by the very Identity politics ploy he is enraged the other political side is using and abusing exactly like current administration did, but such a inconvenient truth will be denied by those self-righteous like the author who refuse to acknowledge the fact of their own futility in embracing Identity politics as a pathe to any lasting social change.

One of the clearest illustration of failure of identity politics in the outgoing administration LGBT identity politics, total failure as a enhancement of civil rights for entire community which considered LGBT rights as a measure of progressive political development withing entire society. In fact opposite happened.

LGBT community is not really progressive or they really care about civil right or fairness of all, they are just as divided along class lines as the rest of society. And that’s the undisputed fact.

It is absolute imperative that people recognize that and move beyond sexism, genderism, sexual orientationism, racism, white supremacy, ethicism or whatever discriminative notions some puny political stooges are peddling and realize that there is no other fundamental division within the society but classism/elitism, a division between rich and their cronies/security apparatus and the rest of us, slaves of this oligarchic regime.

So let’s not be afraid to say that the attitude of gay oligarchs like Cook and his particular influence peddling for unpaid taxpayer money is abhorrent and anti-gay, precisely anti-poor working class gays and straight.

Most of all it is an imperative we have to eradicate the all powerful oligarchic gay mafia as any other mafia including white supremacy mafia that took over parts of government and corporate world and subdued it for their own selfish purposes, no matter who will be hurt by it, gay or strait, since it does not matter in the oligarchic world where money only matters.

And we have seen this sexual-orientationless classism also within the political duopoly farce where Log Cabin republican gays were the most vicious persecutors of their gay peers for being poor and/or representing different political persuasion.

Gay (LGBT) oligarchs are as disgusting and straight or white supremacist oligarchs for no other reason but how they exploit us and steal fruits of our labor with impunity.

But this is another inconvenient truth author do not want to admit and by that reducing this piece from potentially important contribution to broad political dialogue into a meaningless partisan whining of a looser.

Erik Kennedy-Mcdonnell • 7 years ago

quite right. but don't you think real classes can have a beneficial social function? or do you believe a 'classless' society ideal? I don't. I just don't think it's intelligent to organize people by how they imagine themselves. discrimination, I believe, ought to based on behavior and merit and other relevant physical realities, not on superficial attributes or imagined orientations.

Guest • 7 years ago
Erik Kennedy-Mcdonnell • 7 years ago

but aren't economy and politics comprised of actors and actions? – these are "behavior" and "relevant physical realities." so I do agree. or I don't take your point. ?

Kalen • 7 years ago

What I am saying is that the most uniting of all is the class politics 99% vs 1%, other politics like identity politics is dividing us much deeper like partisan division approx. 1/3 Reps, 1/3 Dems, 1/3 independents or race say 20% blacks, 30% Hispanics, 5% others and 45% whites. Or single issue politics like oil and coal politics divide us, coast versus the rest etc., Elite 1% can set us up against each other if we buy into identity politics but have no power if we embrace class politics because they are would have been unable to pretended to join our causes i.e strip them from their $billions earned by exploitation of 99%.

Erik Kennedy-Mcdonnell • 7 years ago

I understand. you are right.
when there was a respectable and traditional socialist left in America, they called out divide-and-rule identity politics as a diversion. no longer does the West have such a left.
ironically, it was the post-war, communist-weary left and its new social marxist ideology from Europe which took hold as the form of sexual and gender identity politics of today in the West.

floyd gardner • 7 years ago

thanks. I wasnt sure there still was a Log Cabin R group. I thot the D Party had usurped it.

rightyb • 7 years ago

fake news!!!!! gotta luv it. are you on crack? the foundation of the democrat party is racial politicts. without it there is no party! we got rid of the biggest racial hater and divider the country has ever seen. madrassa barry! weve moved past racial progressive social justice communism and we went back to character and hard work. good riddance!

jeff725 • 7 years ago

Breitbarter...that figures.

rightyb • 7 years ago

you get 3$ an hour from soros to troll? still ,yet to hear a single fact histroy or logic that supports your commie loving nonsense/ 100 million killed under communism. move to china and work for a dollar a day bro. oh that right...you just want other peoples money and to sit around and hate those who provide you with your life!

rightyb • 7 years ago

keep talkin dude. if you dont see who divided the nation and which party lives and dies by counting gays and blacks, i cant help you bro!

the best thing about libtards is that the more they talk the more you can see what a useful idiot is.

jeff725 • 7 years ago

And if I keep talking, what are you going to do about it?

rightyb • 7 years ago

just let you keep publishing your commie lazy american-hating psychobabble for all to see bro.

jeff725 • 7 years ago
rightyb • 7 years ago

enjoy people reading and learning about how the mind of a fool works.

rightyb • 7 years ago

good riddance progy commy. its over. youre going to have to get a real job and out of your moms basement. hope thats ok snowflake!

jeff725 • 7 years ago

I don't respect threats, only action. Don't sing it, BRING IT!! Try to kick my ass......if you can.

rightyb • 7 years ago

who said anything about kicking your ass bozo. having to survive in the real world ought to be hard enough for a snowflake.

jeff725 • 7 years ago

Just as I thought; another conservative keyboard coward. I call you out, you back off. You talk the talk, but you can't walk the walk.

rightyb • 7 years ago

asswipe what you want me to come find you and kick your ass? what a loser. living in your moms basement living off other peoples money is perfect for you to go through life. a bloodsucker. of course you want communism. you want other peoples stuff casue youre a lazy shit who didnt acheive anything.

jeff725 • 7 years ago
Collectivist • 7 years ago

And 'right' smack into the arms of a not-so-new white nationalist saturated predatory capitalism. Communist Revolution is the only solution.

rightyb • 7 years ago

then head over to cuba my man, wes about to enjoy the best economy the worlds histroy has ever seen. and its only for americans. not scumbags like you. youre going to have to get a job or starve in a real country bro. enough govt checks and victim coddling for you snowflake!

Collectivist • 7 years ago

I'm retired, you s.o.b.

rightyb • 7 years ago

yup... exactly. dont work. hows that pension im paying? you retire at 45 w a 100k a year for clockin in and out of 9-5? you would enjoy a commie nation. youd have that job and that house and not have to worry about competing or producing a good or service that anyone wants. enjoy the taxes i pay to you for a job that should have never existed. you must be of the right victim class.

Ray Lapan-Love • 7 years ago

We can't afford crack anymore, the 'sequestration' cut-backs have taken a toll. But, now we have hyperbole and alarmist rhetoric, and lots of theories on how the world is about to end. So, we get high now on bald claims and fear. So, it seems your kind has taken enough, can you not give us our fake news and just leave us alone? We need it now more than ever.

rdl42 • 7 years ago

At least we're getting legalized marijuana..

Guest • 7 years ago
Ray Lapan-Love • 7 years ago

Reading the comments here does eventually bring out my humorous side. Your comments for example can be especially amusing.

Guest • 7 years ago
Ray Lapan-Love • 7 years ago

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to use in Chicken Little in an insulting way, lol. Where would the world be without you and the other foil-hatters who never seem to stop making dire predictions? It takes all kinds, right?

cuja1 • 7 years ago

Dig deep and find this is a rerun of yesteryear when Wall Street, & wealthy helped put Hitler in power, & now Trump.

Aquifer • 7 years ago

"At present, the far right seems to have done a better job of understanding the crisis and figuring out how to build coalitions that can exploit the new situation. "
Frankly this is the one thing in this rather disjointed, confusing narrative that I can nod my head to ...

DHFabian • 7 years ago

This mess gets more convoluted by the day. Think about it. Not everyone can work (health, etc.) and there aren't jobs for all. The US shut down/shipped out a huge number of jobs since the 1980s, ended actual welfare aid in the 1990s, creating a poverty crisis. The last I heard, there are 7 jobs for every 10 jobless people who have the means to pursue one (phone, etc.). The majority of US poor are white, and this has always been true. This makes sense since the majority (currently, 63%) of the population is white. One thing is certain: our current treatment of the poor is just as hellish regardless of color.

We've watched in recent years as race has been used to "divide and conquer" the poor.This makes sense. Rev. Martin Luther King used to point out that most of the poor are white, explaining why it's in the best interests of the poor of all races to stand together to push back, for their own survival. This gave rise to the powerful Poor People's Campaign of the 1960s, able to shine a spotlight on the significant shortcomings within US capitalism. Then came Reagan...

floyd gardner • 7 years ago

This unification of Poor People was one of the "crimes" of Dr King, for which he was executed. [His other capital crime being his linking civil rights movement to anti war movement.]

WimminRHuman • 7 years ago

Dr. King was assassinated the moment his Poor Peoples' Campaign and support for Basic Income started gaining political traction. This isn't that convoluted; the 1% ruling elites have Always defined the suffering of common peasants as their own private political power. The more we suffer, the more power They Think They Have. It explains a lot. This is a historical playbook. We've all been here before.

floyd gardner • 7 years ago

There could be no extreme wealth without extreme inequality.

jan • 7 years ago

Week after week articles, news media promoted Trump and all we heard about Hillary was the freak-in e-mails and Benghazi saga because key republicans and their shills know the public is stupid enough to believe anything if you repeat it often enough.