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Monte McKenzie • 8 years ago

Germany would be more helpful if they simply abstained from this mess and used their good offices to help re-establish a government control of all of seria under any president or ruler the use economic power to effect the policies of that regium in power anything else simply adds to global warming and produces more of what merkle and others in Europe are girding against "refugees" form war not from Assade the current president of Syeria!
War is never the best answer.

xvtc+1 • 8 years ago

I dont think that germany should get involved either but i cant recall this site producing articles like this about russian involvement.

ThorsteinVeblen2012 • 8 years ago

What is the legal basis for Germany or any nation to send troops or fly over Syria? Isn't it an act of war?

SCJ • 8 years ago

I think, Yes. Even Russia, but at the same time Russian presence is not illegal according to international law, I think? The Syrian government welcomes the Russian intervention from the air. I do not think there is a ground presence currently except on their military base. All other actors would be considered invaders even if it is mainly in Syria's air space. Yet we also have supposed migrants from outside Syria fighting with rebel groups who are from France , Germany, Russian balkans and who knows where else, mostly of muslim or M.E. decent, their actual national citizenship would possibly be in question also. The US history is riddled with war and lies for aggression, but since Bush 1st Iraq war and Clinton with Yugoslavia seems ever more insane and then again more insane. Can the abyss get any darker . I suppose when foreign ground troops are on the ground , then something has got to give. . Foreign soldiers dying matters, loss of arab life has no meaning. As an Amerikan put it to me over the Afghanistan invasion, " they have been living in the dark ages long enough, they have to be bombed into modern day society." One could say thats why they are fleeing into Europe so they can live in modern day society.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

From W.B Yeats written in 1919

The blood-dimmed tide has been here for some time.

Think • 8 years ago

This German intervention in Syria bodes very ill for the region and indeed the world.

solerso • 8 years ago

The US is driving its NATO stooges to war. WHERE is the anti war movement in the west ? It sold itself cheaply to bourgeois liberal party's like the Democrats..

HoHoHum • 8 years ago

"WHERE is the anti war movement in the west ?"
Simple. Addicted to the TV and "SMART" PHONE.

dannyfree • 8 years ago

No, the former "leaders" of the Iraq war protests were largely co-opted by support to Obama and now to Sanders and Clinton as lesser evils. The same goes for the "leaders" of the "Occupy" movement.
The working class is willing to fight but needs revolutionary leadership which is the aim of the wsws as seen in the struggle against the UAW company agents. perhaps you have not been following the coverage. Check out the articles on the opposition to all the contracts at the "Big Three" automakers, and the support generated for the wsws backed Auto Workers Newsletter and the call for the organization of rank and file factory committees. Log on to wsws.org and search for UAW.

Ron Ruggieri • 8 years ago

I am bemused by all these former colonialist European powers ganging up on barely identifiable ( from the air ? ) " Islamic terrorists " with their round the clock bombing campaign of poor, miserable Syria-and bombastically making it sound as glorious and patriotic and world saving as the famous Battle of Britain during World War II.
With good sense Pope Francis speaks out today about the New Colonialism. Almost 60 years ago the French writer Albert Camus said that he would like to love both his country and justice-but French atrocities in the Algerian civil war were making that quite difficult.
Working class people should believe that imperialist arrogance will save the " civilized " world from Islamic terrorism ?
And the French president, Francois Hollande, calls himself a " socialist " ? It seems that betraying the ideals of socialism - like international class solidarity- is nothing less than a lucrative for-profit industry in the " civilized " world.
I recall Leon Trotsky writing about truly exquisite French hypocrisy . Yes, " if lies were made of dynamite, the whole world would blow up ".
To be sure, the French " way of life " mocks the poor and oppressed just as much as the American Way of Life . Nice to know that former middle class Americans now living in their cars still enjoy the same " way of life " as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and the Ayn Rand fans in the Republican Party.
Don't let a little thing like the class struggle spoil inspiring patriotic drivel.
And let's keep an eye on those " good Germans ". I associate them with Bertrand Russell's " Nice People . ( from " Why I Am Not A Christian " )

dannyfree • 8 years ago

Are you suggesting that Pope Francis represents any path that socialists can support,? If so, in my opinion you cannot be a socialist.
The class struggles international, Marx nailed in when he and Engels exclaimed "the workers have no fatherland." Capitalist France, like capitalist United States has a history of workers engagement in the class struggle. Do not dismiss the French working class, Just go back and review the events of May-June (general strike) in France and the role of the leadership (Stalinist led unions and Social Democrats among others) in betraying the workers movement.
I notice that you correctly denounce the Republicans, Trump and Hillary Clinton but say nothing about the wolf-in-sheeps-clothing campaign of Sanders. designed to maintain illusions in the Democratic party.
What gives?

Ron Ruggieri • 8 years ago

Apart from insipid and soporific internal ideological quarrels in the socialist movement the only criterion for judging any self-proclaimed SOCIALIST is where he or she stands in the everyday class struggle. I have never in my life endeared myself to any ruling class elites.
I have no intention of voting for Bernie Sanders or suggesting that serious socialists support him. I extend " critical support " to ANY human being who talks sense and tells the truth about issues critical to working class activists.
If you think the Catholic Pope or some compromised capitalist politician can never talk sense or tell the truth , how can you ever reach out to ordinary working class people ?
I think all forms of identity politics should be avoided in the socialist movement.
Is SOCIALIST a patented brand name- YOUR intellectual property ?
Should not the working class pass final judgment on its own would be voices and leaders ?
Also, I will leave Catholic Church bashing to the New Atheists. There are few " socialists " among them. They prefer Ayn Rand to Marx, Lenin, or Trotsky. Prove me mistaken here ?