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Evan3457 • 7 years ago

Tell me again, alt-righties, how Israel is the evil party in this fight.

Evan3457 • 7 years ago

If you ask anyone on the left if Dept of Child Welfare should take away this child from his family, they'll just reply: "Why are you such an Islamophone and a racist"?

(Yeah, I know; there is no such thing in the West Bank and Gaza.)

ozconservative • 7 years ago

Reason 4937 to respect the IDF.

Bob332 • 7 years ago

The way these POS animals work, I figured the little boy was rigged with a bomb. They have ABSOLUTELY no value for life, even their own!

Norris Allen • 7 years ago

Obama says muslims want what everyone else wants to raise their children in peaceful co existence .
Lie number 10001 .

rightwingterrorist • 7 years ago

I call BS!
Israel is surrounded by those assholes.
They know what they're dealing with.
Simply muslims acting like muslims.
Willing to sacrifice their children for politics.
Like our Kahn family.

grambo1776 • 7 years ago

wait libs use kids as pawns in the USA too

jainphx • 7 years ago

How can you have so little regard for human life that you are willing to sacrifice your own son? That is the sickest thing I've ever seen in my 70+ years. The IDF should have given the kid some candy and then horse whipped his father, stripped him nude and made him walk back to where hr came from.

Bob332 • 7 years ago

With an IED up the father's ass.

A man .. the DeplorAble • 7 years ago

The muslame that killed the people in France.
He "targeted" the children.
He waited until the street were filled with children, watching the fireworks !
It's what "Islame" does !

Snake Plissken • 7 years ago

More like "do it TO the children" . . .

A man .. the DeplorAble • 7 years ago

"It is easier to savage a civilization than it is to civilize a savage."
A culture that makes suicide vest in children sizes.
Forfeits any claims of their innocents !

Aldo • 7 years ago

What utter filth. To call this piece of shit a troglodyte would be an insult to prehistoric cave men. No shame and ZERO honor.

Uncle Monkey • 7 years ago

What's really sad is you know those soldiers had to size up if it looked like the kid could be hiding explosives. They probably would have had to shoot him if he'd have been dressed up like it was Minnesota in January.

Aldo • 7 years ago

Right, or carrying a small backpack.

Alexxthegreat • 7 years ago

Their children, their women their cattle, their sheep. the rocks on the ground...the wind....
ALL HAVE THE SAME EQUALITY in the minds of these sub humans.....
Please Lord...just a small squadron of B-1's....fully loaded......Please.

Occasional Reader • 7 years ago

That abusive Pali dad should receive a swift visit from CPS. Wait, sorry; I mean FMJ.

Altair • 7 years ago

Were there true justice in the world that asshole would have been the one to catch a bullet. Without him the kid might have a slim chance at what almost might be a normal life. But now he will grow up into a suicide bomber before he reaches puberty.

chuck_in_st_paul • 7 years ago

somebody should have popped the dad

Occasional Reader • 7 years ago

The Palis love their children, too. Oh, wait... never mind.

Dindoo Nuffins • 7 years ago

Love to use them as props for anti-Israeli propaganda. And they do it because the Western media swallows it hook, line, and sinker.

Donthepit • 7 years ago

Will the msm show this?
GOD. Please meet me in dc armed if Hillary gets elected.
We are doomed if we don't stand our ground as Americans.

rightwingterrorist • 7 years ago

Take care of your own AO, and the world will turn.

Commander Obvious • 7 years ago

Not only are Palestinians inbred, they have, due to their geographic location, bred with every other kind of inbred Muslim in the world.
They are damaged genetically.

SWDC • 7 years ago

BINGO defectives children and all

eaglesoars • 7 years ago

What was it Golda Meir said? Something like "We'll have peace when they love their children as much as they hate ours"?

Evan3457 • 7 years ago

Which is, roughly never ever.

Moshe Ben Avram • 7 years ago

As much as we love ours.

Donthepit • 7 years ago

Just wow.
Remember the DNC convention when you vote.
Not one American flag.

gastorgrab • 7 years ago

Shoot the father.

SWDC • 7 years ago

and the child both non are needed and both are costing time and money

KCNYC • 7 years ago

Obama was 'Shaken to his core' once, when he couldn't find his Selfie Stick.

obamasucks • 7 years ago

Next time the dad will strap a bomb to his kid.

That's how they roll. Their hatred of the Jews exceeds their care/love for their own children.

HARP2 • 7 years ago

They are like democrats...fucking pigs.

louisiana_mom • 7 years ago

He can't collect the Palestinian version of the lottery until his son gets killed by Israelis....

And I'm suppose to have pity for these fucking barbarians? Really?

Guest • 7 years ago
SWDC • 7 years ago

Their young do not matter for they breed like rodents expecting to lose a few if not a dozen prior to adulthood.

CassandraBird • 7 years ago

they explode so young now a days

Brookly Red • 7 years ago

should have given the kid a Hershey bar and shot the father in the gut with a rubber bullet

Norris Allen • 7 years ago

Maybe a little lower .

Logic_Mine • 7 years ago

Rubber? Hell! That kids would be better served if the guards shot the father with full metal jackets!

"Yeah kidd, I shot that man bit he was NO FATHER, c'mon, let's go to your NEW home!

Perry • 7 years ago

Obeidallah Goes Berserk After CNN Guest Recalls Khan Ties to Clintons


Elwood 27 • 7 years ago

Well, if you can't dispute the facts with other evidence, attack the source like a 3 year old child. Typical lib...

buzzsawmonkey • 7 years ago

Bibi hopes that the world believes in the sanctity of childhood and the preservation of innocence. That was only ever true in Western culture, and Western culture is rotted through with Leftism.

Children are now parts to be marketed, or sex toys to be groomed, under Leftist ideology. And their lives are far less important than the opportunity to create dead Jews.

JCM • 7 years ago

BLM and Pali kids. A individual only is worthwhile in their utility to the State.

A 4 year old dead at the hands of an IDF soldier, a dead black kid at the hands of a cop. Now they have utility to the cause.

mrtazman • 7 years ago

Yet nobody is shocked over obama paying off iran an extra 400 million or commuting these sentences! But we hear about trump not bein mentally stable by the most unstable panty waste to ever be prez! So lets get upset about a palestinian whose culture has Their version of mickey mouse calling for 5yr olds to kill jews and christians! What a shock!

Philip • 7 years ago

Confirmation that Arabs rely on the humanity of Israeli Jews and the IDF. Confirmation that Arabs mock us for our humanity. The Arab father risked nothing by daring Israeli soldiers to shoot his son. He knew they would not hurt the boy. Perhaps he would like to repeat his theatrics with the IS or Fatah.

Oxco • 7 years ago

No words........

Guest • 7 years ago
Elwood 27 • 7 years ago

Wow! You're being generous. I'd say it's closer to 50.