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corona8 • 9 years ago

An excellent article. The only issue, most commentators miss this point while stressing the "One Rank", is there are special parity based considerations for ranks given based on time bound promotions as time periods specified for such promotions have reduced drastically over the years.

By that criterion, yesterday's Maj retiree with more than 26 years of service = today's Col retiree with same years of service.

That is one one consideration no legally sound resolution of OROP can avoid taking into account.

More details here http://goo.gl/bPaaIs

K.S. Murthy • 9 years ago

Will CAT judgment in your case ensure that this benefit will be made applicable to all persons retiring from civil departments?

M. Raju • 9 years ago

Good to find that OROP is applicable to civilian pensioners also. But the govt took so many years to implement it for army and how many years it will take to do it for civilian pensioners?