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bruno west • 9 years ago

Judge Thank you for being a true voice for Our Bill of Rights.. The Constitution is the only thing that makes America exceptional not the fools in the republican and democratic parties.. America has not had a Constitutional friend in the white house in over 100 years... I am sickened by the fools who see this as the republicans vs. democrats when its really big government against the Bill of Rights.. Both parties give you bigger government, more war, larger debt and less Freedom.. But rather than standing up for the Constitution the fools want to stand up for their idiotic political party ie its your guy's fault not my guys...Meanwhile we lose more Freedom regardless of which party is in control..

bruno west • 9 years ago

Judge perpetual war is destroying our Republic both Constitutionally and economically.. Every war we fight grows government, takes away more Freedom in the name of safety and increases debt.. We are still paying off our WW 1 debt, more war is treasonous...

ramrodd • 9 years ago

The US Constitution has been violated by Potomac drinking politicians for 100 years..

Doug Huffman • 9 years ago

Fine column Judge. TWT should splash it like a headline, like the headline announcing the President's resignation. MOLON LABE applies to much more than arms.

DigitalDust • 9 years ago

What if...(insert anything)?

Doug Huffman • 9 years ago

Dusty must be a Randian objectivist that thinks "A is A" conveys more information than "What if...(insert anything)."

chuckinva • 9 years ago

"What if the administration of President George W. Bush was so embarrassed that Sept. 11 happened on its watch that it fought a useless public war in Iraq — which had nothing to do with Sept. 11 — and a pernicious private war against American values by unleashing American spies on innocent Americans as to whom there was no individualized probable cause so that it could create the impression it was doing something to keep America safe from another Sept. 11-like attack?"

Your Honor, I object. This calls for supposition. You cannot know what was in George W. Bush's heart. Embarrassment indeed. Judge please be honest about your feeling toward Bush. I have read the you believe that the government was involved in carrying out 9/11. Was George W. Bush the mastermind of this attack on America so that he could invade Iraq. Judge was would be the his ulterior motive for the invasion? What would we gain?

Your knowledge of the Constitution is impressive, but your constant Bush bashing is not!

bruno west • 9 years ago

Did you read the article he also bashes obama.. Its not about a person bush bad , obama good its about this government vs. the Constitution, its about Freedom vs. soft tyranny... The neocon defense of bush and his merrry band of fools is what is tiring..

chuckinva • 9 years ago

I did read the article. By problem is not that he is chastising Bush for the methods he used after 9/11, but he cites motive which is unfair. He cannot know Bush's motives, which I believe to be honorable.

I am not a Neocon. I am a life long conservative.

mocanic • 9 years ago

The Patriot Act should be repealed. Passed during a dramatic time in our history and pulling at the heartstrings of our representatives to secure America. Kill it now.

bruno west • 9 years ago

It should have never been passed but I agree kill it now but neither party will..

bruno west • 9 years ago

Well that's good... But bush and his band of fools were/are neocons... Like he, the Judge, don't know bush's real intention neither do you.. But we all know the disastrous results of the accomplished mission.. The Constitution harmed by the patriot act and isis on the move..

Longchile • 9 years ago

I think you are right. I believe Bush is a patriot and a good man of principles. He might have been wrongly advised in some areas, maybe, but I always had the impression he had America's best interest in mind.

bruno west • 9 years ago

Well I guess we can excuse all stupid and evil acts one does if they were doing what they Thought was right.. Those in power should be guided by the Constitution not their feelings.. That's why the Founders Wrote it..

Guest • 9 years ago
bruno west • 9 years ago

You are correct both sides are destroying the Constitution...

chuckinva • 9 years ago

Thank you for understanding by issue with the Judge's article. I have no doubt that the Judge has a good heart. but he uses his considerable megaphone to make assumptions about Bush's motives for his actions after 9/11 as if he did not have America's best interest as heart.

This is not the first article penned by the Judge to do this and I feel the need to tell him that he was not in GW's shoes and did not have to make decisions to keep us safe from further attacks. I would like to ask the Judge about his theory of the 9/11 attack and what he would have done under the same circumstances that Bush found himself.

Longchile • 9 years ago

You're welcome. I totally agree with you. I like the Judge most of the times, but as it happens with all people we like, we do not always agree 100% with all they say and do, and that's fine, because no one, but ourselves :-) .., agree with us, all the time.
I think no one can predict what one will do in a stressful situation and I think President Bush acted accordingly. In any case, I felt much safer than what I feel this President is (not) doing in our present and real danger.
It is very easy to judge someone's actions from afar. There's always those who 'are generals after the war'...if you know what I mean. As far as the Judge's 9/11 theory, I hope is not that of many crazies who think it was 'an inside job.'

Christie • 9 years ago

Correct me IF I am wrong; But Bushes decision was made from faulty intel from a chap from Britian, who killed himself because of guilt????

There were WMDs as they were used AGAINST the people. Weren't hundreds of thousands killed by WMD's ?

Then Hillary and Obama all voted on going to war. Wait a minute; my bad again. Barack probably voted PRESENT

313Kriss • 9 years ago

WMD's were used against the Kurds.

Longchile • 9 years ago

Read my post again...

Bisley • 9 years ago

All this is happening, and all this is evil, but without a majority of people in government who understand and respect the Constitution, it will continue. At present, maybe ten percent of Congress, no one in the White House, and less than half the judiciary would qualify. God help us. We're going down.

RCB53 • 9 years ago

What if Osama really blew up high rises in NYC? What if Osama didn't leave a forwarding address? What is you swore to defend America from all enemies foreign and domestic? What if Osama was just getting started? What if Osama had a safe haven in Afghanistan? What if Iraq has nothing to do with this conversation and you know it, so why did you bring it up? What if liberals want to encroach on civil liberties everyday which you don't seem to care about? What if you were the commentator equivalent of Rand Paul just looking to get some attention and a buck or two?

bruno west • 9 years ago

Who defended progressives ? The Judge didn't... No one mentioned Rand Paul but funny how you equate him to The Constitution so do I...

JohninRedding • 9 years ago

A lot of what ifs Andrew.

Craig1748 • 9 years ago

Now how to we undo what both Bush and Obama have done??

bruno west • 9 years ago

Elect people that put the Constitution First.. People who will not give us more war, bigger government, more debt and less Freedom... Stop the demented loyalty to political parties and foreign allies and put America and the Constitution First...

313Kriss • 9 years ago

The first part of your statement is correct. Having said that, no one knows before the election what situation they will find their self in. Did Bush know 9-11 was about to hit his door step ? Did Roosevelt know Japan would bomb Pearl Harbor ? More debt is related to too much spending. Every state wants its perks. Who has the courage to say no thanks, this year I'll pass. The US Constitution is a beautiful document written by wise men who knew Biblical truths. Our Republic is as strong as its citizens. Right now there are many who want a socialized form of government like Europe and just as many who want the current economic system of capitalism - with free markets and less Government interference - . We cannot have both. Capitalism encourages individual freedom to succeed. Socialism discourages individual freedom and wants to level the playing field to scorched earth. Perhaps, we need more than just two political Parties. How come some states won't allow a non Party designee to vote in the Primary election. Shouldn't everyone get to vote. Maybe, we should also consider that states are no longer jerked around to designate voting districts that favor one Party over the Other. Yes, we need to preserve the Constitution but we also need to change the country to be less politically driven.

gtrpunk • 9 years ago

What if Rand Paul wins the 2016 Republican nomination? What if he asks you to be his VP? What if you said yes?

traveler1978 • 9 years ago

no government likes freedom, government craves power, that is why we have the constitution that we have, but sadly we have lost the history that gave us that constitution. This country was founded on maximum freedom of the individual, combined with maximum responsibility for your own actions, government was to be a sort of framework, guidlines, not an over reaching nanny putting the individual in a playpen, with approved toys. Sadly we have willingly traded the freedom and responsibility we were endowed with, for the safety of the playpen.

BringonDrLiberty • 9 years ago

What if the entire article was redacted so I couldn't read it?

Necron 99 • 9 years ago

What if the Constitution had a mechanism that allowed a free people to defend themselves without all the useless and illegal spying by a compassionate government?

Guest • 9 years ago
bruno west • 9 years ago

The fools on both sides choose party over Freedom.. Morons...

Gil G • 9 years ago

It looks as though the judge has mastered Glenn Bleck's "just asking questions" method.

Guest • 9 years ago
bruno west • 9 years ago

Well said Doc...

savedbygrace • 9 years ago

Politics is like a noxious plant in your living room. You've been told it needs to be there to protect you from dangerous critters by steadily emitting lethal poison but it also makes life in your home far less enjoyable than it otherwise could be and sometimes even downright miserable. But for some reason you feel compelled to water and fertilize it even though no one is actually forcing you to do so. It would not occur to you to question this arrangement because you were born into a home with such a plant in it, as were your parents and theirs, and they all took good care of it. This plant seems to be as much a part of a home as a dining table, refrigerator, etc., and it never crosses your mind to quit watering & fertilizing it to find out if you could actually live without it, let alone be better off. And here comes ein Deutscher Herr Doktor by the name of Hans-Hermann Hoppe who shows that having such a plant in one's home is not only unnecessary, but actually a bad thing. And that watering & fertilizing it to keep it healthy & growing is one of the most stupid things a person can do to himself and his family. Just [DON'T] do it! (Take that Mr. Nike:)

BTW, it took a very noxious imperialist plant in India about 10 years to wither once the people stopped watering it on advise of a certain Mr. M. Gandhi:)

Guest • 9 years ago
bruno west • 9 years ago

You mean 4 times when they did it with FDR. ?????????

Mamatex • 9 years ago

History is rife with "what if" moments at which point one must consider the intent and agenda of the individuals involved. To me, there is where the similarities between the Presidents diverge. Of the three, only one is an alleged Constitutional Lawyer.

Stephanie Wilson • 9 years ago

foreigners are not covered under the fourth amendment judge, get lost!

bruno west • 9 years ago

If the foreigners are on U.S. soil yes it does.. But we know now thanks to Snowden that all Americans are spied on.. Pathetic...

Stephanie Wilson • 9 years ago

we spied on them overseas. if here, bush got a warrent

bruno west • 9 years ago

Steph the whistle blower Snowden has shown this governments disregard for the 4th Amendment and it started even before bush.. But bush was just as guilty as those before and those after.. Rather than defending bush I wish you would defend the Constitution.. But we can all have our opinion..

Stephanie Wilson • 9 years ago

bush did not violate the constitution. if he did, i would be all over him.