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Marcus Colone • 8 years ago

Wikipedia has it right: Mylo Xyloto is a concept album and a thematic rock opera.[5] The album tells the story of a war against sound and colour by a supremeist government, set in the world of Silencia, an Orwellian
society. Silencia has been taken over by a supremacist government, led
by Major Minus, who controls the population through media and
propaganda. His aim is to take sound and colour off the streets in hope
to draw away "feeders", creatures that use such energy to hunt its prey.
The album follows Mylo, a "silencer", who is one of an army tasked to
hunt and track down "sparkers", people who harness light and energy and
use it to create sparks, comparable to graffiti
in real life. He comes across Xyloto, a sparker who is the most wanted
by Major Minus. Through Xyloto, Mylo discovers his sparker abilities and
his affiliation with the Car Kids, a major sparker faction founded by
Mylo's parents Aiko and Lela.

Read the lyrics start to finish and you'll see this is in fact what it's about.

cintaamor222 • 9 years ago

- myloxyloto - Without doubt this word is derived from the Aztec language. Xolotl is the aztec God of fire, sickness and deformities. He is depicted as a monster and guards the Sun through the underworld when the Sun goes down at night. Also known as "the shapeshifter", Xolotyl is the nefarious double of Quetzalcoatl, the aztec God of new life/creation. Think Satan => God. Chris Martin's comment about growing a musical toe?? Well, this could perhaps be a related reference to the axolotyl - a Mexican (aztec) salamander who has the ability to regenerate its limbs when a limp is cut off. It can only be imagined what kind of progress 21st century military research has made in trying to reproduce and augment this natural phenomenon. Only an insider could know I suppose. Axolotyls are reptiles, but they are colloquially described as "walking fish". The "walking fish" connection, if intentional, may refer to Dagon, the (walking) fish God of ancient Mesopotamia. This ancient "walking fish" God Dagon is still honoured (whether intentionally or unintentionally) by the open-fish-mouth hats worn by officiates in the Catholic church. In any case, it must be an Aztec connection because those particular kinds of syllable clusters are only found in the Aztec language.

i love coldplay • 8 years ago

Oh please why everybody has to connect some people's song with satanic, demonic and other crap things? Xylo could be taken from xylophone, it is a musical instrument. Cmon. Dont ruin it. I think the music in this album is super great dont ruin it with this kind of stuff.

samahita__ • 8 years ago

K. Cool.

crazeyzaney • 9 years ago


crazeyzaney • 9 years ago

mylo is a great musician

AlexDeLarge • 11 years ago

It means "Apple tree"

duh • 11 years ago

It's probably something satanic. Straight up. That's why they don't want to give it out.

cintaamor222 • 9 years ago
TheyWereAllYellow • 11 years ago

Mylo Xyloto is a strange name. I've always wondered what it meant. What language? Google translate helps... NOT. I am a big Coldplay fan. But HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH Miley Cyrus in greek xD HAHA

coldplayfan1 • 11 years ago

im confused by what he meants lylotoe or musical digits maybe he means its digits for music on a lylotoe prob not though

Theferg • 12 years ago

This is all news to me - I was 100% sure it meant Miley Cyrus in Greek, as Mr. Colbert pointed out.

TheyWereAllYellow • 11 years ago

HAHA! Miley Cyrus?
Mylo Xyloto? NOWWWW i know where you get it from xD