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The Chaldean residents did not move out from the 7 Mile area because they fell on hard times, they moved out because Black crime ravaged their communities. The store owners stayed as long as they could with hope things would change and new development would bring new Chaldean immigrants to the area. It never happened. Chaldeans are living the American Dream with much prosperity from West Bloomfield to Sterling Heights and every place in between.
Yea right!! You must be drinking...
The vegas casinos came to one of the poorest cities in America not bc of poor Blacks, but bc of wealthy Chaldeans who are extremely cash heavy bc of their stores.
That being said, the casino ALWAYS WINS, and Chaldean wealth has been virtually decimated. Gambling addiction, divorce, suicides, foreclosures, bankruptcies....you name it. Chaldean women work at the damn dollar stores to make ends meet. Sad, but no community has suffered more.. and a lot of them lost their stores bc of bad financial decisions caused by gambling at those fuhkin casinos
wow that is one of the biggest loads of shit i have read in a long time. a real reach. both high on racism, bullshit and the logic of a 16th century village idiot.
If I am drinking, you must be inhaling. You are obviously mis-informed of the successes of the Chaldeans. As for your casino reference, all people are exposed to the detriments of a casino addiction if they are so vulnerable.
Misinformed??? Over the past year or so, I've been to 3 Chaldean weddings and 3 funerals. My daughter is going to her Chaldean friends wedding next April. I've had close Chaldean friends my entire life and our kids are doing the same now. So there is definitely no misinformation here.
And your comment was about the "exposure" to gambling addiction and mine was about the RESULT of gambling addiction. And you only think these things affect all people the same bc you are not 'personally' aware of any differences. But I am personally aware of the difference between a poor addict and a rich one, and even those of us in-between... and trust me there is CERTAINLY a difference. (Exhaling now actually :)
so then all your chaldean friends can say the black community is decimated with dope, drugs, booze, gambling, welfare, violence,fighting cops, assaulting fast food workers,committing hate crimes and all sorts of stuff. thats a mighty big fat brush you paint with there, sport. klan with a tan
I lived in Chaldean Town for a long time and was in and out of there even thereafter. Everyone wants to make racial statements about blacks, Chaldeans, and whites. The problem was crack. That's what destroyed the neighborhoods.
This area (all areas) of the city needs as many people as possible to contribute to its re-visioning and rehabilitation. Heavy deliberate reinvestment and more jobs are needed, and fairer wealth distribution. Less roadblocks to starting small businesses in the city.
I blame Wall St.
Seriously, can't blame hem.
50 years of 100% pure democrat rule and lyndon johnsons war on work programs....its logical conclusion right before your eyes
Do you think Detroit's problems stem more from center-left city government, or from the combination of (i) the general flight of industry from the west to the far east, (ii) the tendency of the margins in manufacturing to decline over time, (iii) white flight following the race riots, and (iv) a history of political corruption?
Would a similarly corrupt center-right city government do better?
Well just have a look at the Red states. Are they in any way a shining example of prosperity??? No. Not in the slightest. They are primarily in the south and are mostly poor as shit. These states also rely alot more on gov assistance than blue states. Just Google and see for yourself.
And never forget.....both times our great nation has found itself in financial ruin/collapse Repulicans were in charge. The Great Depression and The Great Ressesion (and some argue the R was worse)
Didn't blame em GP, just said they were in charge.... That's. Just. Facts.
Call it a coincidence if it helps ya sleep better Dog :)
Is there a difference between the words "implying" and "insinuating"? Because if so I'd like to say I was doing the latter just to be difficult. If not, fuk it you're right I was implying.
But hey GP, if you have any suggestions on how to better phrase the "coincidence" of Republicans being at the helm during the two worst financial disasters in American history without assigning blame I'm wide open.
Bc after all.......they were.
Little known or perhaps more well known now is The Fed had a huge responsibility for the Great Depression. It was young and reckless and made some real poor decisions.
No doubt. And Hoover and his administration did a bunch of super dumb shit too.
Maroons like you used to claim "socialism" when you spun your yarns about "Democrat rule" always ignoring that socialism means the central ownership of the means of production which Detroit NEVER had. The means of production in Detroit was always privately owned so whatever failures existed in Detroit, existed there.
here is some reality to put a fire blanket on your emotional yet fact vacant response. call it communism or socialism lite if you will. but when the government is your mommy daddy and has your piggy bank under their control, this happens. democrat run and rule over the most dysfunctional areas of the us. blacks and whites in "poor" areas used to be morally and socially better adjusted.
look what lyndon johnson said would result in the black vote for the next 100 years once he passed his war on productive people back in the mid 60's. the black and poor white demographics dropped in all the categories you dont want them to like illigit child birth, unemployed, illiteracy and lower graduation rates, divorce etc. etc.
as much as you would like, you cant blame evil corporations, mean white folks. you cant blame the construction of highways so those crazy klan white people could all sell their homes at a loss and drive an hour to work. baltimore, south chicago, philly, newark ,new orleans etc. etc. etc. all 100% democrat and union controlled. inhabited by many many people on all of those programs. terrible crime, rape, murder etc. etc.
and those cities cant use the auto industry leaving as an excuse. they all have different industry yet the common thread is the same 100% pure democrat rule. using "poor" as an excuse is b.s. plenty of "poor" are decent people that dont rape kill and let their property go to shit. they dont expect free this or free that and many are too dignified to demand even free water.
look at wayne county and detroit, same old school union mentality and democrat corruption. all politicians are slimy but dems have a habit of taking too much and not running their business as well. look at the fire department article, ficano, the prison, kwame, conyers, dia, water department all totally f-ed up and still have incompetent clowns with hand in the cookie jar.
and again the common thread is 100% democrat and union ruled. this will blow your top and i know you hate you some l brooks patterson. call him a pri-ck or drunk. he has faults too but he handles business and oakland is attached to the auto industry and wayne county. a conservative might take a bottle of expensive booze or have a pergola built by a contractor. a democrat will take much more (fincano kilpatrick,conyers etc. etc.) AND let their blindly loyal voting block have a shi-it pancake.
if i am at a casino i know the odds are stacked against me and ill probably pay more than i take in. but, i also need to have the maid stealing my things, my car getting the wheels stolen and having someone steal my credit card number. see the difference? lyndon johnson is the biggest source of oppression and essentially a slave master. obamam has raised the bar and expanded it. we now have the most hooked up and fat "poor" around and its in every major democrat ruled city.
so call me a "maroon" and follow up with a bunch of drive bye "hey you are a dumbass and corporate slappie" but i challenge you to actually refute it with facts. the real problem is coming because obama has imported tons of illegals and they are not high tech hard workers. the poor that think they have it bad now are in for a rude awakening because they are about to be kicked to the back of the handout line.
marxism doesnt work. the guy was a bum and couldnt keep a job. funny how he also had a cool idea of how awesome it would be to take other peoples money and give it to people for doing nothing. your argument is like saying the ford family is the best football organization in the country because like they have been around a long time and like they are good and stuff. all the while ignoring their 50 year run of failure.
at what point do democrat expect different results? their flagship cities dont seem to function real well
both doing well but oakland and other tentacles of san fran would have a guy like you for lunch. also the worst parts near boston and majority of them are in or near the projects. guess who started those and why.....another failed experiment
so your little snippy insults simply further prove my point that you are probably a very angry lefty that demands tolerance and acceptance for your lifestyle choices. all the while you freely toss out insults and snide comments when your emotions get you all a flutter.
so you love san fran because rent and living costs are sky high. do you also love how you can see a bum fellate another homeless guy by a dumpster? a liberal sanctuary city where a multi felon illegal that has been deported several times, can take a gun and blow away an innocent girl walking with her dad?
i could post the fbi crime stats with pie charts and easy to understand graphs. you would plug your eyes and ears and hit me with a hitler or klan response, just like the simple minded, i am always correct, thats not what i meant..... clown below
I laughed soooooo hard at "smacks of paranoia and poor education"... Jesus Christ that was just so damn funny to me. Talk about hitting the nail on the head!
His childish tantrums also have a slight odor of prescription drug abuse so dont wanna forget that.
Don't leave the republicans out of this. They're just as bought off as democrats. Corporations have ruled this country since good old Reagan took over then Clinton came and stuck the knife in the heart of the middle-class with NAFTA. All the good manufacturing jobs left Detroit and the rest of Michigan along with all those middle-class jobs and money to spend. I grew up in a black middle-class neighborhood you know what wasn't there, rundown burnt out houses and crime. These politicians are bought off by corporations the republicans just do a better job of pulling the wool over your eyes. They have you mad at the downtrodden instead of the ones you should be mad at. It's simply astounding how people listen to someone who has his best interest at heart but not yours. Both parties are bought and paid for and we're the ones suffering.
I hope your neighborhood hollows out.
stop being racist
Looks like the newer immigrants learned how to abandon Detroit just like those whose names end in "ski" did before them.
This area has been ravaged by fires in the past year. It's becoming one of the most targeted arson areas. Great look at a once-wonderful area.