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NAVY66 • 9 years ago

You are asking for trouble if you wear this shirt and anyone who does is just trying to provoke an incident. Wearer beware!

YoonYoungJo • 9 years ago

Officers should shoot the people wearing these shirts on the spot!!! Wearing a shirt that appears to have a gun holstered is the SAME as having a real gun that's holstered!!! There is no distinction between real, imaginary and fake.

bikesnguitars • 9 years ago

yes there is, that's why they each have their own word..

Ibeanta Darwin • 9 years ago

It's not a real gun. It is color on a t-shirt. Maybe you have some kind of cerebral problem if "There is no distinction between real, imaginary and fake."

William • 9 years ago

That what it's saying. It is not and should not be against the law to have a real gun. That is what the 4th amendment is all about...the right to arm yourself. The law is not and will not be there to protect you all the time. Sometimes the government is the enemy and that is what the Constitution also says. It is against the law to shoot or arrest a person for carrying.

Martin Wolfson • 9 years ago

Second...you mean the Second Amendment. You make me weep for the future of this country, but not as much as YoonYougJo.

BIZAAROLAND • 9 years ago

That guy in N. Carolina who killed those kids had a carry permit; probably got it sight unseen. Where else can anyone get a gun, carry it around legally, and use it to shoot people you don't like, or just have a disagreement with.. is this a great country or what!

reallybizarroland • 9 years ago

On the other hand, you might be driving down the Dan Ryan some night and get a flat tire. Now Obama's peeps would take that to mean that they were entitled to your car, your possessions and your teenage daughter.

Unless Smith & Wesson were riding along with you. Is this a great country or what?

William • 9 years ago

Shooting classes and law classes are required to get a concealed carry permit. Some states permit concealed carry without a permit and that is more keeping with the Constitution.

Unconcealed carry is legal just about everywhere in the U.S.A. I got my first rifle when I was six and so far have never shot anyone...I have capped a lot of gophers and jack rabbits, a few deer and other critters. Deer make good eating.

It also helped me score expert on all the rifles I qualified on in the military. A lot of the city folk don't know how to shoot at all...even after the military says they trained them. No law says you can shoot people with them unless they are threatening your life.


This "city folk" had never shot a real gun, prior to 2 years ago. My future brother in law wanted to show me up since he's been hunting throughout childhood. Funny thing is, at about 75 yards out, I was a better shot.

Tikka Bolt • 9 years ago

Yep, he's among the 1/5th of 1% of CCW holders that will get convicted of a crime. The rest of the CCW holders are much safer to be around than are members of the general public. And yes, this IS a great country!

the Jug • 9 years ago

Fantastic country being run by tyrants and swindlers.

Tikka Bolt • 9 years ago

do you mean the looters, rioters and other career criminals? They're not running the country yet, but if given the opportunity they would.

BIZAAROLAND • 9 years ago

Americans need guns to be safe. Its for our own good.

reallybizarroland • 9 years ago

2013 - 10,076 drunk driving deaths (this doesn't include bathtub drownings or falling down stairs….)
2007 - 9,000 shooting deaths (this DOES include drug dealers shooting other drug dealers - take that out and we're probably talking less than 1,000)

So your push to ban guns is misplaced. You're far more likely to be hit by some drunk careening through your neighborhood.

LBJ • 9 years ago

T-shirt ? I'll stick with my Cabot 1911

maggiwood • 9 years ago

I would worry more about the men who shoot first and ask questions later. Just think about it, some teenager is walking down the street with this a paranoid person sees it and kills them, because they were 'scurred'! (yes I misspelled that on purpose)

NIKADEMUS • 9 years ago

It's "skeered".

William • 9 years ago

depends on what part of the country you are trying to be uneducated and ignorant from.

TACOHEAD • 9 years ago

Oh, jeez...

AG99 • 9 years ago

How insecure do you have to feel to wear a t-shirt like that?

William • 9 years ago

Since everybody's talking about them getting shot by accident because of the T-shirt, maybe it is ,"How secure do you have to feel to wear a T-shirt like that?" Do you happen to have a problem with insecurity?

DCBS1 • 9 years ago

Not very.

Guest • 9 years ago
bobinatlanta • 9 years ago

If any cop tells me to "Stop" Or says "Show me your hands", or "show me your concealed weapon permit" , I am going to follow his commands and argue later. As for suing, give it a rest. If he is fooled by a momentary view of that t-shirt or has a reasonable suspicion that you are armed, he is in the right.
Don't make a police officer's life more difficult than it already is. They put their life on the line every day for us!

BlackAngus • 9 years ago

Unless he claims he "felt threatened." Then it'd be your estate suing the living poo poo out of him.

William • 9 years ago

We are imagining the existence of a very, very insecure cop. If he is that insecure he shouldn't be a cop and maybe that is what the Ga. law is telling him/us.

DCBS1 • 9 years ago

That is exactly what he/she will put in the report to cover up anything that he/she needs to cover up.

libertyanyday • 9 years ago

its even cooler when u can walk INSIDE the state capital with a 357 displayed on your hip, a REAL one. guess what state??

William • 9 years ago

I'm sure it is more than one, but it sounds like Arizona to me.
Good Ole Batt Masterson, Doc. Holiday and the O.K. Corral crew. Whoops... that was the illegal enforcement of gun control...right? Makes you suspicious when someone wants to be the only armed person in the room..doesn't it? That is a good reason to feel insecure...GET THE POINT ?

Chico Lopezinski • 9 years ago

Does it rhyme with Lexus?

SimmsAK • 9 years ago

New York?

the Jug • 9 years ago


Arthur Hamlin • 9 years ago

No, Vermont's State House is one place you can't walk into with a gun.

whocaresqq • 9 years ago

It must be nice being able to enter restaurants with rifles and wear shirts with a photo-realistic guns on them without worrying what will happen to you. #blackpeopleproblems

DCBS1 • 9 years ago

Just so you know, we can't either.

whocaresqq • 9 years ago

From all objective data it seems you can...

William • 9 years ago

And black people can and do too...The same law is for everybody...the problem starts when a person of whatever color pulls the gun and threatens to miss use it. Keep the gun or rifle holstered or pointed down except in emergency and you should be alright. If it's concealed carry, keep it concealed and no one will know the difference.