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MiscellaneousSoup • 8 years ago

Sounds like a good book.

Andrew LH • 8 years ago

I totally agree, and am heavily biased.

Nat • 8 years ago

How does one get involved in short story anthologies?

Andrew LH • 8 years ago

If you're asking "as a writer", a good way would be to sign up to something like The Grinder (or, if you have some money to spend, Duotrope). Both are services that keep track of when magazines and fiction sites are looking for material - even temporary markets, like anthologies. You can also use them to keep track of which stories you've sent to which places.

The Grinder is free, and I see it has an "Only Anthologies" option on the advanced search, so that's all you really need.


If you're asking "as an organiser or editor", that's not so easy (not that it's easy as a writer either!). In our case, when Nila started nearly four years ago she was building on existing relationships with a community of writers who were eager to take part in the project - so we had a relatively controlled environment to begin practising in. It's only now, three anthologies later, that we've invited non-forum members to submit.

However you do it, there are lots of tasks involved: thinking of an interesting theme; announcing it to the world; reading all the submissions; editing with the writers who you chose to include; creating a cover, and the book itself; setting up supporting things, like a website and social media. And that's just *before* you finish the book - after it's out, you need to actually try and get people to read it (nightmare)!

All that costs time and money, and there are no guarantees that you'll see that investment paid back in a hurry - but it is really rewarding nevertheless.

Nat • 8 years ago

I should've specified asking as a writer LOL I was on my phone sorry. This is great! thank you so much!