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MekongDelta69 • 7 years ago

Yep - Never miss an opportunity to make sure you somehow link AmRen to the KKK.

Dr. Rieux • 7 years ago

Not to worry, given that most now trust used car salesmen more than they trust the mainstream media, all publicity is good publicity.

White Male • 7 years ago

Note how our views must always be labeled "extremist" but can never be printed because they know we make too much sense.

Dr. Rieux • 7 years ago

I console myself by recognizing that truth ultimately always wins out. It's the thought of the countless innocents who always suffer because of leftwing schemes that saddens me.

Yes, White Nationalists hold extremist views such as: 1) being allowed to remain a majority in our ancestral homeland and nations which we founded 2) not being discriminated against in our own countries 3) demanding equal media coverage for racist hate crimes against Whites. Yeah, we're pretty extreme that way.

Cheri Rodriguez • 7 years ago

Even without The Klan, Neo-Nazis, The AB, White Nationalists and Confederate Flag waivers, Trump still wins the election. 99% of Trump voters don't belong to any of those groups but The Left would like the world to think they do.

White Male • 7 years ago

I wish more of them did. Implicitly, many if not most Trump voters have realized that diversity is not a strength. They're not yet pro-white, but they're fed up with anti-white politically correct hypocrisy. Thus, we align ourselves with Trump not because he is one of us, but rather because we can use him to get to them.

clare • 7 years ago

I have to agree with you there. Just today I had to call Uber to get a ride to the airport and, as a result of asking the driver "gently leading" questions, discovered that the guy is a Trump supporter. He's not a race realist (yet), but was very clear that his reasons had to do with runaway immigration, Obama's obvious disdain for America, and the feeling of being betrayed by both political parties.

Of course, I directed him to both Amren and VDare. Hopefully we'll soon add another seld-identified race realist to our ranks.

If only the country were as racist as the left paints it to be.... If only...

Anglokraut • 7 years ago

The media loves to find a link to Amren and JT, even when there is none--remember that nut-job that shot that Congresswoman from Tucson? American Renaissance was actually trending on social media until the media had to admit they had nothing.

sane whiteguy • 7 years ago

Never try to deny or links to the....


Instead feature the Ramones

The KKK Took My Baby Away


JohnEngelman • 7 years ago

and neo Nazis. That was a slander against Jared Taylor and American Renaissance.

Guest • 7 years ago
A. Alexander Minsky • 7 years ago

Some leftist groups face similar situations. The Socialist Workers Party would have disappeared years ago, if it weren't for the informants and FBI agents that ,barely, keep that organization afloat.

belajadevotchka2 • 7 years ago

Who was that guy a few years back? Hal what's-his-face.
He was some loud mouth agent provocateur.
Somebody help me out here?!?!?!
I could easily google this, of course. I just want to see if anyone else remembers this creep.

Johnny D • 7 years ago

yep, its ridiculous

Tannenbaum • 7 years ago

Any rational adult who pays attention to an ultra-leftist propaganda organ like VICE has too much time on his/her hands.

Anglokraut • 7 years ago

My boyfriend likes their exposes on China, and I think they did a story on poor Whites getting their health care out of an RV, but that may have been the producers way of laughing at dying Whites.

belajadevotchka2 • 7 years ago

Have you seen VICE Guide to Liberia? The full documentary is on youtube as well as some other gritty VICE Guides. They're like tour guides for people that want to go to 3rd world hellholes and get robbed-rapped-murdered for an authentic vacation. They're actually not bad and they don't try to paint a nice pic of the place. But anyone says they are our equals- show them VICE Guide to Liberia.

Samuel Hathaway • 7 years ago

Never heard of VICE until now. If the name is anything to go by, I'm afraid to ask what it's about.

GenX in Oz • 7 years ago

All I know about VICE is Gavin McInnes was one of the co founders and for a while it was cutting edge with street cred and a reputation for covering issues around the world others wouldn't .
Now Globalist, no borders Disney corporation are part owners of it and Gavin is rich, but is still flying the flag of truth in other vehicles.
VICE's Left wing bias is very clear for all to see these days, even looking at the comments on the Youtube video or the VICE article above, they are filled with people bemoaning their progressive bias.
Their official stance is the tired, anything positive White=bad, anything non-white=sympathetic.

Steve • 7 years ago

What other vehicles? Just curious, as I"ve heard he was kind of bought off so to speak.

Guest • 7 years ago
Anglokraut • 7 years ago

Under the bed, and hidden in the trees; they're very sneaky like that.

Charlemagne • 7 years ago

Associating "Neo-Nazi" with images of well dressed men, organizing peacefully, and speaking smart and coherently, will only serve to make the term "Neo-Nazi" meaningless, just like "racist" and "sexist".

NoMosqueHere • 7 years ago

The correspondent reports that 300 neo nazis and like minded others attended the Amren conference. I didn't see a single neo nazi speaker or participant in the pictures or videos taken at the conference. No Heil Hitlers or nazi salutes on display; and no speakers advocating Nazi policies. No advocacy for policies aimed at physically harming blacks or others. So how would she know her conclusions are true?

A. Alexander Minsky • 7 years ago

She also didn't bother to report that there were Jews attending the conference, and that previous AmRen events have featured Jewish speakers. I guess including those inconvenient facts would have lent too much nuance and complexity to her report.

GenX in Oz • 7 years ago

Poor old Amren gets the short end of the stick coming and going in that regard.
The Neo Nazi's shun and slander Amren for not blanket discriminating against Jews, then publications like VICE shun and slander Amren for being Neo Nazi's.
Can't win.

A. Alexander Minsky • 7 years ago

It was also interesting that even though he appeared on the screen, these folks from Vice didn't mention Mexican speaker Fernando Cortes. Once again, we can't allow for a bit of complexity to mess up a simple narrative and morality tale.

Pushed to the limit • 7 years ago

You can't have a White org. and jews too. They will twist it to their agenda. It's the main reason I don't donate anymore.

A. Alexander Minsky • 7 years ago

Yet, AmRen somehow manages to muddle along sans your donation.

Pushed to the limit • 7 years ago

Muddle is all they're gonna do, engleman.

Sue • 7 years ago

They've never needed facts before, why start now?

GenX in Oz • 7 years ago

Don't forget about those wacky eugenicists.
Heaven forbid anyone should advise the r-selected rabbit people to slow down, or to at least be financially prepared for rearing their own off spring.
Funny when I think of a creepy eugenicist these days, instead of the stock standard, cookie cutter Josef Mengele types coming to mind, the first guy I think of is that Dr. Kermit Gosnell from Philadelphia.
He truly was a butcher murdering his own people in the most callous witch doctor manner, for profit. I can imagine him getting the "don't blame the player, but blame the game" defensive response.(Shoulder shrug).

Robert Binion • 7 years ago

The somewhat ominous musical overlay would not be my choice for a report on the Amren conference. In Taylor's dulcet tones I hear Ravel's shimmering concerto for piano in G, or "Nights in the Gardens of Spain" by de Falla, or maybe Dvorak's invigorating Op. 97. It strikes me how tone-deaf is the Left, and how afraid of those who would seek delight.

LHathaway • 7 years ago

it was an unfriendly report.

GenX in Oz • 7 years ago

I attended a design conference once (la dee dah), where they had a sound engineer use the example of the 1970's Jaws movie to illustrate how psychologically manipulative a musical soundtrack can be, by the showing the exact same scenes with and without the score. Like the classic Psycho film, you realize that there was virtually no screen violence, but the horror came from the viewers own internal sense of impending dread, exaggerated by the soundtrack.
Great to see 'impartial' journalists using the same tricks.

Andrew Flanders • 7 years ago

They keep trying to say white advocacy is a bad thing. As far as I'm concerned, it's the only good advocacy.

Emily Anderson • 7 years ago

I don't think it even matters which kind of racial advocates are good or bad, the problem is that ONLY Whites are prohibited from advocating for our race. They don't even attempt to hear our points, we get BANNED and shouted down and accused of every terrible crime imaginable even though everything we are saying is factual and we aren't threatening anyone. Compare any Amren conference to what you hear at a BLM or LaRaza meeting and it is obviously absurd to call US a "hate" group.

Johnny Squire • 7 years ago

Maybe we should respond to every accusation of hate that we love our race, our culture, and our civilization more than any other. Just say love when they say hate.

Emily Anderson • 7 years ago

black advocates = fine.
Hispanic advocates = fine.
Arab advocates = fine.


The Sage of Main Street • 7 years ago

Why do you even care what our enemies say? That gives them credibility. Eliminate the class that put them in respectable positions.

Emily Anderson • 7 years ago

I'm in no position to eliminate anyone, unless you mean from my sphere of perception, and I have in the past shut myself off from the main stream media and pop culture in an effort to ease my anger and frustration, and after a break I decided i would rather monitor them than ignore them.

Guest • 7 years ago
Anglokraut • 7 years ago

It's not extreme when you agree with the position. That's true for both sides.

TruthBeTold • 7 years ago

"nonetheless hold extreme views"

Extreme view: we want to be left alone.

TruthTeller • 7 years ago

Extreme view: one standard for admission to a college.

Cornelius • 7 years ago

true equality...........level playing field.......no more affirmative action

Thewaytobeginistobegin. • 7 years ago


Johnny Squire • 7 years ago

The repeal of the CRA of 1964.