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Zamboni ice • 7 years ago

Seems like this is one of those fires that they must attack from behind as well as clearing barriers as wide as possible along the frontal flanks.

Phil N • 7 years ago

Clearing a fire-break on a 300 mile long fire, in a very remote area, is just a tiny bit of effort. There may not be enough fire fighters in north America.

Alex Stockdale • 7 years ago

Is the quotation of Melissa Blake correct? I think she meant propitious.

israeli virus • 7 years ago

A fire in canada is a climate change issue?
I suppose with enough effort theres always a way to blame tennis shoes and chicken mcnuggets for climate change.

"This weekend’s Nevada Democratic State Convention looked like something out of a Donald Trump rally..."

Maybe becasue its the same liberal nutbats causing all the violence at both of them.

Prop Dog • 7 years ago

Never miss a chance at a liberal bash

israeli virus • 7 years ago

I am what they made me.

...do you see how easy that is?

Robert Pollock • 6 years ago

N. Americans in particular and Canadians are one of the least informed countries regarding climate change. Pew Research, this year. Despite being wealthy and educated, there are too few stories anywhere being published about it and the USA will be one of the least impacted (in the beginning) countries due to it's geographic location, not in any extremes. (Death Valley and the low deserts excepted)
Canada's North however will be horribly changed quickly, you won't have to wait.
Goto the US Forestry service to learn exactly how Climate Change and our uninformed methodology up to now for fighting forest fires has to be completely re-thought before we're inundated with more fires, or run out of money to fight them.
If you live near fuel, I would only put slow or non burning materials on the exterior.
You laugh now, but remember these words this summer as the first of a few rage across Canada. 2 week drought is all that's needed.

Guest • 7 years ago
Mike Bromley • 7 years ago

Shhhh! Truth is hard to swallow! Easier to blame climate unicorns.

qman • 7 years ago

If ever we needed a helping hand from God, it is now ...so I wouldn't be making fun of the Apostle John "fever dreaming" up Revelation. The Apostle John was not dreaming. You had better get ready because we are living in the last days and things will be far worse for mockers. He saw the real deal.

Robert Pollock • 6 years ago

An Ark is a good idea but there won't be any religious nuts on mine.

Guest • 7 years ago
Mike Bromley • 7 years ago

Wow. Nice alarmism!

dusty rhodes • 7 years ago

dont matter. this is just the beginning of that not happening climate change. the good news is, none of you under 30's will live to see 50. welcome to dystopia. this is our last stop....

Mike Bromley • 7 years ago

Wise words. "That not happening [sic] climate change" What? What has been happening since the atmosphere formed billions of years ago? Quaff the elixir!

israeli virus • 7 years ago

I'm totally into climate change!
As long as we blame it on the source,
and not the result.

MegGuest • 7 years ago

Thanks for this update. For some time beyond media headlines on this I kept an occasional check but have not done so for a week or more. The fire's in a region near where I lived (in NE BC) for several decades so the forest is familiar to me. BC is one of the provinces that so far as I know may not be sending extra fighters to Fort McMurray due to multiple fires across BC, including the nearby BC region. (Similar weather conditions in BC, especially NE BC).

Some info and good news: I caught one interview with a Canadian forestry person who addressed a couple of points I'd wondered about. One is/was concern for wildlife loss. The particular type of fire is erratic in direction - I think the forestry person used "sketchy" or "patchy" to describe this. It's also typically very fast moving. .Many animals can fly or walk to untouched sections not far off; smaller creatures can sometimes burrow or go underground as the fires may move fast enough that temporary safety works. He added that multiple factors, including el Nino and many years with out such a fire are contributors as, of course, is global warming. He did say once conditions are right and a fire gets started in the boreal forest it's historically the case it may have to burn itself out, due to speed, size, and location. He mentioned a fire from the mid 1950's that burned for several months - I think may have said until snow season but it's been awhile since I heard the interview. He also said - as many of us know - that the renewed growth from widespread fires is critical to create abundant foods for wildlife. Moose, for example, go after 'shrubbery' level growth; a very mature forest will not support as many animals per acre (or hectare!)

More problematic: He did not address a concern that passed through my mind: "What if extended drought is a new normal and regrowth does not thrive as well as has historically been the case?" I've also been very concerned since tar sands development began to boom as the Athabaska river and watershed have been negatively impacted much much more than many in Canada or the rest of world realize.

Mnestheus • 7 years ago

Large as " 500,000 hectares .... a very big fire" may seem, the Fort McMurray conflagration remains roughly 100 times smaller than the great Siberian fire that swept uncontrolled over a region 2,500 kilometers wide in 1915.


James Thornton • 7 years ago

Nero Trudeau is apologizing for something that happened more than 100 years ago, his wife is crying because she doesn't have enough aids. he is "defending" Nickelback and is trying to pass a law to allow people to kill themselves. Meanwhile fire so large it creates it's own lightning to start more fires is burning his country. This is what you get with the regressive left and so called social justice warriors the wrathful hand of God. Are you happy now Canada?

Mike Bromley • 7 years ago

“The plume of smoke above the fire had lightning coming out of it, and that lightning was hitting the ground and starting new fires,” says Fairweather. “I had never seen that before.”

This is known as a Pyrocumulus or Pyronimbus cloud. The same phenomenon as volcano clouds yielding lightning. He may never have seen it before, but that doesn't mean a damn thing.

James Thornton • 7 years ago

A wildfire displaying characteristics of a volcano doesn't mean " a damn thing". Wow man, just wow.

ijc • 7 years ago

Standard phenomenon for big forest fires.

James Thornton • 7 years ago

that the point it's a big forest fire and Nero seems like he couldn't even be bothered

ijc • 7 years ago

Not sure what point you are trying to make. Big forest fires often generate their own weather which is one of the aspects that make them so difficult to control. Combined with forestry practices over the last few decades and warm weather with little or no precipitation there is very little chance of this fire being controlled. Strange to say that is probably a good thing for the forest. IMO fire fighting efforts should be restricted to trying to protect property.

Cynthia Medeiros • 7 years ago

You all live in fear, that's no way to live. Make a differences, stop worrying. Life will play out the way it will play out.

Robert Pollock • 6 years ago

Wrong. We have to fix this or die. You can die, I'm getting to work.

Guest • 7 years ago

The US should sue Canada for all of the global warming pollution. How could Trudeau say no?

Peacesound • 7 years ago

Why can't we come up with a better way to put out fires???? Even with what's available now could work, such as using a system of tanker-rigs filled with water dispatched to the fire. How smart are we really?