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I Built This • 8 years ago

The Leftists always lie. Truth is anathema to them. And, in their diseased little minds, the ends justify the means....so they lie.

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
-George Orwell

Churchillis1 • 8 years ago

BTW, the entire "white privilege" nonsense is one big fat hate crime hoax of it's own. Seriously, these racists damn an entire race and say that even if they have ZERO proof of racism, you must be racist.....just because you are white. Well, I happen to be of European descent, and I speak for an awful lot of us when I say "F. U!."

WeCanWinThisFight • 8 years ago

...This is the same Left who condemns Western civilization for slavery, when every civilization before had slavery and the West ended it.

h/t Observer98

peakpower • 7 years ago

That is the most succinct encapsulation of the truth about slavery I have ever seen.

WeCanWinThisFight • 7 years ago

Thanks -- I thought it was good too and I wish I could take credit for it, but alas, the credit belongs to Observer98.

qz • 6 years ago

The United States was shamefully late in abolishing slavery.Our very wealthy country certainly could have afforded to abolish slavery, and preached values that were contrary to slavery, but was very slow to abolish slavery. Many much poorer countries that had been part of the slave trade ended slavery decades before the United States. One such country was Haiti, who was retaliated against with embargoes by the US after their own slave population rose up and took over the government.


NotSure • 7 years ago
Ragnar__Danneskjold • 8 years ago

I just read about half of the articles and nearly all of them end with the liar not facing any charges a few simply got probation.

Maybe it's time to start charging people?

PapayaSF • 8 years ago

There is an argument for punishing hate crime fraudsters with the exact penalties a real crime of that sort would have received.

badbruce • 8 years ago

No, it's time to start seriously kicking some asz. If these lefty's learn that a pound of flesh will be taken for each hoax hate cime they'll stop doing it. If they think nothing but a slap on the wrist is going to happen they'll continue to do it. This ain't rocket science. Let the beatings begin.

Roch Yang • 7 years ago

I'm sort of in agreement with you. The Bay Area of California is full of these scums.

denis urbano • 8 years ago

A man in a race to the white house claim that Bill C was making fun of him because he was black. Another man, now in the White House, claim people hate him because he is black. A man in the White House claim people hate him because is black and that's why they are asking for his Harvard transcripts. A man in the white House claim people hate him because he said that could be my son and later you didn't built that.

GiantSlayer • 8 years ago

BLM 2nd greatest hoax of all time....

badbruce • 8 years ago

The commies in American are not only instigating this nonsense they're laughing and slapping eachother on the backs all of the way to the next hoax crime.

val • 8 years ago

I know this comment will not help us unite (sorry) but i think the GOP acts exactly the same. The entire Washington D.C. establishment from both parties could easily blend right in at San Quentin.

jack anderson • 8 years ago

But, but , crime does not pay!!

BeeDubya • 8 years ago

Why does the left lie so much? Fabulist Journalists Glass, Erdley, Juan Thompson, etc. It seems ingrained, right? Activism finds lying acceptable - remember that. When you meet or deal with an "Activist" they are totally fine with Lying to advance the "Cause".

Lovekraft • 8 years ago

Journalism today is about virtue-signalling to the select group, and click-bait.

Ethics in journalism.

Disappointed Horse • 8 years ago

Conservatives don't lie? I think it's more of a "people are terrible, regardless of ideology" thing.

Geeman: • 8 years ago

No, conservatives do not need to lie to advance their agenda. Commies need to lie because no one with a brain would willingly subject themselves to be ruled over like sheep, sheep with empty stomachs

Obvious Turtle • 8 years ago

Lying is encouraged in all Marxist theories, which now dominate the left. Lying to further The Cause is considered a virtue.

Hisdoulos • 8 years ago

In the Muslim religion too, its called Taqyi. I think the democrats are so in to no morals or ethics for them, they can break any moral or ethical code they want now with impunity.
Just look at the two leaders of their party Obama and Clinton talk about ethically impaired. Corruption par excellence and that seems to be fine with their followers.

Guest • 8 years ago
Geeman: • 8 years ago

Conservatism is about small government and individual responsibility.

Disappointed Horse • 8 years ago

That doesn't sound ridiculous at all... *cough* ACORN video.

Mark • 8 years ago

What Geeman is trying to suggest, and what you're misunderstanding, is that most conservatives are not ideologues. They do not have a specific ideology. In fact, we're very fractured and those who do hold ideological beliefs are the minority. Among us are classical liberals, libertarians, neoliberals (ugh), neoconservatives (ugh), social conservatives, natural conservatives, paleoconservatives, the religious right (ugh), the list is long.* What we do have in common is the belief in self-determination, personal responsibility, limited government, and equal opportunity before the law (not equal outcome). These are natural laws--laws and rights driven by nature--and not laws and rights dictated or granted by the state. In short, this is the antithesis of political ideology.

Many conservatives are incredibly informed because many need to research, have empirical data to counter any false accusations and assertions that the left constantly throws at us.

To tie this into the article, the victimhood mindset is based in Marxism. If you're oppressed, then there must be an oppressor. And the more allusive the oppressor, the better. Once you can get those to believe that they are systematically oppressed, then it must be government and more government to step in and rectify the problem by persecuting the oppressor. Damn rich people, white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy, etc... amirite?

*Don't gripe if you got an "ugh". Work with what we have in common.

Alky • 8 years ago

If a Conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a Liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A Liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A Liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

A Conservative will let you live your life as you see fit.
A Liberal wants to control every aspect of your life.

A Conservative that hears something that he disagrees with is open to discussion and debate.
A Liberal that hears something that he disagrees with will use any means to shut down debate.

A Conservative compliments you on your choice of a carry piece.
A Liberal calls the police to report a dangerous criminal and starts a panic.

Mark • 8 years ago

Yip. Pretty much. It's amazing how true liberalism is now conservatism. That individual liberties are now under the tent of conservatism. That freedom of speech is now protected by conservatives.

I am now among your ranks.

badbruce • 8 years ago

Welcome home brother ;- )

artiefischel • 7 years ago

I just can't do it. I've been a liberal all my life, and I'm not going to give up now. Besides, I refuse to let those progressive totalitarian bastards win.

Mark • 7 years ago

Also, liberalism was never an ideal in the Democrat party.

Look up the "new left". "Liberal" Wikipedia will show you all you need.

Mark • 7 years ago

Align with your allies. Today should have taught you something.

WeCanWinThisFight • 8 years ago


What an outstanding comment Mark.
Thank you!

John Galt • 8 years ago

adding to your reasons why we must remain more informed is because we recognize so much deceit, even among our alleged media "allies".

Mark • 8 years ago

Perhaps we should go galt.

strych9 • 8 years ago

Well said Sir! An up vote for you because I can't give you more than one.

[Edit] The only thing I would say is that the whole victimhood thing is pure BS. 99% of these people don't actually believe what they say, they just want other people to believe it. Hence all the hoaxes.

You can see this at universities. The students "protesting" generally don't believe a word of what they say. They want to regulate speech on campus and they've found that saying "I don't want to hear things that I don't like" doesn't get them very far. However, whenever someone says something that's a buzzword for the administration they get attention. "Safety" is one of those words. They're coached to do this by Lefty professors.

I mean look at these people. They'll say it's a "spontaneous demonstration" but they show up with silk-screen printed shirts, thought out chants and high end flyers from someplace like Kinko's!

badbruce • 8 years ago

Well said, TY.

VictoryInChristβ™‘ • 8 years ago

The athiest conservative ( double ugh).

Disappointed Horse • 8 years ago

The fact that the heavily edited version was presented as news. It was an embarrassment for the media.

I sympathize with your distaste, thanks for the disclaimer though.

It's hard for me to think of systematic injustice as a made-up thing when there's evidence that it exists (the gender pay gap, latent bias in the criminal justice system, the influence of money in political elections, to name a few). It's not rich people, white people, male people, or any people that is the bogeyman, the "oppressor" is modes of thought and behavior, mostly subconscious.

Mark • 8 years ago

The gender pay gap has long been disproven. Yes, men in general earn more than women (in aggregate) but they are not paid more. Contrarily, there's even plenty of evidence that many women are favored and paid more than their male counterparts (I'll leave this to Milo. He's much more fabulous). There is also no evidence to support the claim that there's bias in the criminal justice system. What seems like overrepresentation of specific demographics is neutralized when you account for the crimes committed by said demographics (e.g. the majority of the crime is committed by 3% of the population). Why certain demographics commit more violent crimes is a very, very long and difficult discussion. One which I would be open to having if you're sincere and honest.

I get what you're saying about subconscious thoughts. However, that's a dangerous road to go down. It's akin to social engineering. Conservatives believe that natural law, not government, fixes these discrepancies. For instance, racists are not publicly welcomed anywhere, and racist thoughts can only foster in private (there's a reason the KKK wore hoods). Those who do unjustly discriminate do so at their own peril (i.e. capitalism is blind.)

Relate this to all the mistakes you've made in your life, all your transgressions. Was there not a proverbial and intermediary force to correct them? Whether it be your conscience, loss of finances, karma, and/or social exclusion?

Given that you live in the freest country in the world, do you think government is able to be just and moral? If you think corporate America can't, what makes you think government can?

Rpaddy-not spam • 8 years ago

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John Galt • 8 years ago

Mark, with due respect, you are wasting your time explaining to anyone who still believes there is a "gender pay-gap" and "latent bias in the criminal justice system". Anyone still clinging to these clearly and easily dismissed myths is not one open to reason.

Mark • 8 years ago

Perhaps so. You never know. I enjoyed commenting about it at least.

TJG • 8 years ago

But it's always worth the correction, even on a discussion thread. Never let a blatant lie stand without challenge, that's how lies get repeated often enough to become societal "truth".

badbruce • 8 years ago

Couldnt agree more. They take any no responce as in being in agreement and then take liberties to go that extra mile. Pretty scummy bunch.

nashusa • 8 years ago

the gender pay gap DELIBERATELY excluded the facts that men work longer hours, and take less time off .
And women often drop out of the workforce for years to raise children
Of jobs that take less education men work the most dangerous jobs which pay more to compensate for the risk. Off the top of my head I believe the stat is about 97 percent of work related deaths are men. If the genders were switched you have to be intelligent enough to know the left would have made such a statistic a battle cry and it would be repeated in the press with the frequency of propaganda. EVERYONE would be able to roll the stat off their tongue as common knowledge. So that tells you the left has a hierarchy when it comes to having value as a human being.
When it comes to women vs men, women matter, men don't.

Mark • 8 years ago

The influence of money is a legitimate concern -- why do you think Trump is so popular? There has been, for far too long, crony capitalists who dictate and even write legislation, who have pre-selected presidential nominees, who have been given voice over the American people. This is changing. I'd encourage you to take a serious look into Trump's policies. :-) Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.


Hey, I had to plug him somewhere.

Watchman • 8 years ago
It's hard for me to think of systematic injustice as a made-up thing when there's evidence that it exists (the gender pay gap, latent bias in the criminal justice system, the influence of money in political elections, to name a few).

Uh aside from the influence of money in politics, those things don't exist and ARE fabricated. What is true injustice is the fact so many people believe such nonsense that isn't even supported by facts such as the rape culture and 1 and 5 women are raped on campus and so on. Perhaps you should watch, the following:


MyMamaBear • 8 years ago

Blah, blah, blah....you said NOTHING..... Prove systemic injustice bimbo. My horse is smarter than you are.

KillTheDemocrats • 8 years ago

you mean, the ACORN organization that was shut down by the government and fined hundreds of thousands of dollars?