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MekongDelta69 • 7 years ago

I hope ALL the Section 8 welfare blacks get to movein with the Hildebeast.

silviosilver • 7 years ago

Diversity is a dish best served cold, eh?

Guest • 7 years ago
IstvanIN • 7 years ago

As my grandfather used to say FDR and Eleanor loved blacks because even if they lived next door the blacks house would be so far away they wouldn't see them.

Deacon Blue • 7 years ago

I see what you did here.

No, but they'll have to face their neighbors who don't.

hondo • 7 years ago

Again with the magic dirt!

TruthBeTold • 7 years ago

You'd think by now with every failure someone might re-evaluate the 'magic dirt' theory.

Anna Tree • 7 years ago

Indeed... People's characters (and so DNA) make the ZIP code rich or poor, not the contrary.

Question Diversity • 7 years ago

But then the Clintons will move from Westchester County to suddenly whitened and gentrified Brooklyn, which is where her Presidential campaign HQ can be found.

And that's the point of all this. The goal is to unload ghetto blacks from urban cores so that SWPLs and hipsters and white liberals can gentrify them. Especially in the small handful of urban areas that really matter (e.g. D.C., NYC, Boston, SF/Oak/SJ, L.A., Seattle, Chicago), or others that have historical cache (St. Louis, among others). This article mentions "Harvard and Stanford social science research," which means Raj Chetty, who I think is a highly intelligent scam artist who figured out that there was a market for social science research that "proved" that moving ghetto blacks into suburbs (i.e. out of cities) would benefit them, so he did the research, started with the conclusion and fit the data and reasoning around it. Chetty isn't the only one doing this, but he's the most prominent. The Obama administration has him at the WH often, he's high on Hillary Clinton's advisory team, (which would be ironic to most people), and when Jeb! was thought to matter, Chetty was advising him, too, and David Brooks used the space that the NYT gave him to demand that Trump listen to Chetty.

If all the country's billionaires and corporations suddenly invested in the chicken business, you'd suddenly see a spate of medical research that "proves" that eating chicken is the best possible thing for your health.

Well, this research is likely true. I understood from a youtube speech of the "hive mind" guy.

10 IQ points to an individual translate to just a few hundred dollars per year. 10 IQ points for a country translate into thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.

If an 80 IQ person goes to a school financed by 80 IQ neighborhood with 80 IQ incompetent teachers and an 80 IQ principal who embezzles money with an 80 IQ city government full of corruption, then he is screwed.

If s/he has her 80 IQ in a nice safe good environment created by hard working 100 IQ whites, s/he will be better off.

Of course, no one cares that 10 000 Whites will be worse off.

Anna Tree • 7 years ago

So maybe that's the market some patriotic poorer Whites should consider, they may even get a better deal than the hippies.
I don't think Westchester County is voting for Mr. Trump so let them taste what they are forced on poorer Whites for decades.

TruthBeTold • 7 years ago

Here is the Chappaqua NY home of Bill and Hillary.

Hillary has said 'we need to build bridges not walls'.

I don't see any bridges but I do see a fence.

Fed Up • 7 years ago

What you also don't see - is the multi-million dollar security systems!

And yet no security on her server....

JohnEngelman • 7 years ago

Upper class liberals suffer from what George Orwell called, "money sheltered ignorance." Working class whites are forced to pay the price for the ideals of upper class liberals.

Michael Whalen • 7 years ago

I thought Bill and Hillary were broke when they left the White House.

Guest • 7 years ago
hondo • 7 years ago

Hillary is on the campaign trail - the pool is in use TO PARTY!

dd121 • 7 years ago

It seems that no matter how you poke Americans they don't seem to react.

Jim Bob Lassiter • 7 years ago

AFFH is also supported by the National Assoc. of Realtors, The National Assoc. of Homebuilders and The National Assoc. of Mortgage Banksters.

Alden • 7 years ago

Wasn't this what all those fair housing and employment laws passed in the northern and western states from about 1945 to 1955 supposed to achieve? Wasn't this what the 1964 civil rights law was supposed to achieve? I hope that the same thing that happened to all those lovely Maryland Prince George county suburbs happens in the Clinton's neighborhood.

JohnEngelman • 7 years ago

Sometimes that is what it takes.

Cornelius • 7 years ago

Does this mean integration didn't really work very well?

JohnEngelman • 7 years ago

Through its expansive “fair housing” policies, the Obama administration wants to ensure that poor minorities, who have historically clustered in low-income urban neighborhoods, can avail themselves of the better schools and greater safety of high-income suburban locales.

- Howard Husock, City Journal, Spring 2016

As the percentage of "poor minorities" increases, the quality of the "better schools" will decline. Those schools, and the now safe tony neighborhoods will become dangerous.

Deacon Blue • 7 years ago

And as the percentage of the population of melanin heavy minorities increase and school test scores decrease, the disingenuous progressives will once again blame Whites or a "lack of Whites" and this game of geographical musical chairs will continue.

Jane • 7 years ago

A real estate investor who knows in advance what little moves are next in neighborhood change could make quite a bundle.

Michael Christopher Scott • 7 years ago

Not my neighborhood. I've driven people out before, and I'll do it any day of the week, and twice on Thursday. I just screamed out the window at some renters "Shut the m***er f***ing dog up" about 30 seconds ago. It was not a request. I don't "ask". I issue orders which must be carried out instantly and without question.

I hate renters.

Marksyard • 7 years ago

I just toss a cheeseball with a few sleeping aid pills in there. Takes a few minutes but the dog sleeps all night long.

They also fail to mention that this fair housing policy was integral to the real estate bubble, that eventually led to the economic downturn of recent times, when it burst.

Deacon Blue • 7 years ago

"As HUD puts it: “No child’s ZIP code should determine her opportunity to achieve.”

Should read, "As HUD puts it: “No child’s DNA code should determine her opportunity to achieve."

TruthBeTold • 7 years ago

Short version: 'DNA is everything'.

hondo • 7 years ago

That's it! Blame the Postal Service! I knew those guys in those goofy short pants and sun helmets were up to no good! Many of them even got the steering wheel on the wrong side! What scum!

Cornelius • 7 years ago

So blacks go postal because their zip codes are not correct?
or something
some zip codes can't read as well as others?
it's all so confusing.

Guest • 7 years ago
Most Deplorable1 • 7 years ago

Some. While others are "oppressed"

gerald carbonneau • 7 years ago

The purpose is to increase social tensions by surrouning poor people with the affluent. Envy and resentment will drive them to be the polls.

Howard W. Campbell • 7 years ago

"As HUD puts it: “No child’s ZIP code should determine her opportunity to achieve.” So, I guess all the dads in my neighborhood growing up were lucky because zip codes weren't around in the 1920's and 30's. Never mind that some grew up in near Dickensian poverty and spent their late teens/early 20's serving in the military during WWII. At least these men took advantage of the GI bill and made something of themselves. I can't think of any doctors or investment bankers, but we did have a couple of attorneys, two school principals, a number of small business owners, insurance agents, a couple of retail managers, and a smattering of various white collar type jobs. There were also a few blue collar guys who worked their way up to management positions with companies in town.

My mom had relatives in Alabama that didn't have electricity and running water on the farm until the late 30's and probably had atrocious housing. From a financial standpoint, growing up, my mom wasn't a heck of a lot better off than the blacks who lived a few blocks away. The dads in my neighborhood had their own version of AFFH, it was called hard work and thrift. Redlining existed when that neighborhood was built, but we all know the reasoning behind that decision. If a large part of the population acted like Dr. Walter Williams or Dr. Ben Carson, nobody would think twice about black neighbors. "Underwriting standards be racist yo!"

As for my wife's grandparents, one set came from Eastern Europe, the other from Southern Europe. One grandfather worked for the Railroad and three of his sons worked for Gary Steel at various times. Two served in WWII and my father in law just missed out on Korea, but was drafted soon after that war ended. The other grandfather spent 40 years at Gary Steel. Some of the kids, all of the grandchildren and a few of the great grandchildren have attended or graduated from college. None of the progeny either family has been incarcerated. I guess that while they were being called greenhorns and forced to anglicize their names that the pavement on their street wasn't suddenly rising up and shooting them out of the blue. I found the house my father in law grew up in on google maps; it looks like the rest of Gary. The only thing holding it together is the overgrown weeds.

I wonder who will be the Judge Leonard Sand for Westchester county?

archer • 7 years ago

My grandfather had a friend from the "old country" that owned a fairly large dairy farm in the Hudson valley in New York state, I visited them twice with my grandparents, they still didn't have indoor plumbing in the '50's and still used an outhouse. But they worked hard and ate like kings with everything made practically from scratch.

Alexandra1973 • 7 years ago

Magic dirt theory. Access to better schools? And why, pray tell, are those schools better to begin with?

I think we all know the answer to that one.

SickOfGroids1 • 7 years ago


Bud • 7 years ago

3. Cleanse the cities for the NPR crowd.

2. Foist Chicago's welfare bill onto Boise.

1. Always the real goal - destroy white communities and cause them the most pain.

Time for a Whexit referendum.

LHathaway • 7 years ago

"No child’s ZIP code should determine her opportunity to achieve"

Shouldn't that be 'his opportunity to achieve'? I thought the golden rule of social-justice was that the face, and the voice, of colored angst always had to be that of a black male of color, or boy of color. While the face, and the voice of defiance, regarding oppressed and devalued women, always had to be that of a White woman?

Get your stuff straight 'social justice' warriors.

voiceofstl • 7 years ago

I love it! Now the rich can truly enjoy diversty they say is so good for the rest of us.

Diversity Heretic • 7 years ago

The HUD program basically aims to relocate blacks from their crime-ridden communities because highly affluent white communities are built on magic dirt that will transform the blacks into astrophysicists, neurosurgeons and hedge fund managers. HUD Secretary Julian Castro might as well hope for intervention by fairies and leprechauns.

archer • 7 years ago

Wow, "magic dirt", of course that must be the answer, thanks.

Diversity Heretic • 7 years ago

Steve Sailer used the term first over at Unz Review.

archer • 7 years ago

Every time I hear "better neighborhoods" and "better schools" I have to laugh. What makes a school better is the question that should be asked, is it the blackboards, the desks or the students willing to sit and learn without fighting and disrupting the rest of the class.

guest • 7 years ago

I grew up in Detroit, and personally witnessed the destruction of a once-great city. There are a number of reasons for Detroit's decline that have never been explored or discussed.
1. "Blockbusting" by greedy real estate agents. Real estate agents would send out postcards with the following: "A new family is moving into your neighborhood. If you want to sell your house, please call me at xxx-xxxx". A "new family" was a euphemism for black families, and was used to "encourage" whites to sell their homes.
2. HUD (Housing and Urban Development) speculators and real estate hustlers conspired to buy up" and raze the best houses on every block, in certain sections of the city. Quite often, "shacks" were left standing while decent housing was purchased by HUD and razed. This was done purposely to depress property values, to make it easier for speculators to purchase properties at "bargain basement" prices.
I realize that items 1 and 2 counteract each other and are at cross purposes, but they were a reality in 1960s Detroit.
3. The 1967 riots did much to push whites out of Detroit. A little-known aspect of the Detroit riots was the application of spray-painted words on the exteriors of black-owned businesses. The words "soul brother" was spray-painted on businesses owned by blacks so that the "angels of death" (actually rioters) would spare them from destruction. Whole business districts around the city were destroyed, never to regain their former selves.
4. The election of Coleman Alexander Young, Detroit's first black mayor, who was overtly racist to Detroit's white citizens while "getting along just fine" with the "movers and shakers" (big business people) of the day (as long as the campaign donations kept coming in)....
5. The abolition of the STRESS (Stop The Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets). This anti-criminal program was put in by mayor Young's predecessor and was quite successful in "cleaning up the streets" of criminals. In this program, police officers would disguise themselves as vulnerable old people and walk through neighborhoods as "decoys". Predatory criminals would attempt to rob these elderly citizens and quite often, were dispatched to "the great hereafter". One of Young's campaign promises was the abolition of the STRESS program as too many of "his people" were being eliminated. Upon the election of Young, the program was disbanded.
These are 5 reasons for this once-great city's demise.

David • 7 years ago

I think Westchester County is about to emerge from this seven year Consent Decree. Home Rule has saved us from most of the micromanagement HUD wanted to do, but we built the housing on the required schedule. In Chappaqua the approved project was on an uninhabitable little triangular patch of land bordered by a busy street, a freeway, and the commuter train line. Not sure if they've broken ground for it yet.

It's my impression that we were a test case and now the plan is to "roll out" this program to more communities. They'll probably target ones that cannot defend themselves via home rule.