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jorgaone • 8 years ago

Trump certainly had to win here--the fact that he buried the others wasn't a surprise either--glad he's still on top!

BH • 8 years ago

You're right, no surprise. NYers are liberal, so they voted for the most liberal candidate.

Carol • 8 years ago

New Yorkers are smart so they voted for Mr. Trump.

Guest • 8 years ago
Guest • 8 years ago
Robert Zraick • 8 years ago

I agree completely. Republicans have been anything but conservative in recent decades. They have betrayed their constituents over and over. They are just another variation on the Big Government Democrats. If they were smart of ethical, they would get behind Trump, but idiots like Mitch McConnell would rather lose the election than give up their gravy train.

Guest • 8 years ago
Robert Zraick • 8 years ago

I agree. The people get the government they deserve. But people are starting to come to their senses. It is a process. The process has begun. I have never seen an election cycle to equal this. We fell for a "Hope and Change" slogan which turned out to be a lie. But for the first time in a long time, there is some real hope now. No matter what happens, things will never be the same again.

Guest • 8 years ago
Robert Zraick • 8 years ago

Thanks for the link. I read the article. It was rather biased against Trump. It is difficult for me to take seriously an OPED piece which is so blatantly biased. Saying things like Trump will support white working men is just the attack strategy of grossly misrepresented Trump attacks which have been going on from the first moment of this primary process. In implies he is racist and sexist, which I do not see he is any of that except in the propaganda attacks.

And to have that video piece just as a statement of where will you move if Trump is elected, is a further indication that it is a biased attack piece.
I am a retired American Citizen living in Fiji. I came here because I was hired to teach and have been here for 12 years. During that time, and living outside of the constant propaganda bubble, I have been horrified to see what I consider a decline in our country. If I were in that Video, and asked the question, I would say, if Trump is elected, I will consider moving back to the U.S.!

But I have a different view than many. I do not think the Government should be so big and promise to take care of me from Cradle to Grave. I would rather they leave me alone, stop stealing from me and let me be free to take care of myself.

I am not as worried about Trump as President as some people. I don't agree with all of his policies. But his worse policies are better that the best of the entrenched regime of both parties. You know the old joke about the guy who us helping a friend with a stubborn mule. The guy has tried a carrot and a stick and the mule refuses to move. So the friend picks up a two by four and swings it as hard as he can to hits the mule right between the eyes. The other guy asks why did you do that? He replies "Well, first you have to get their attention."

If nothing else, he has sure gotten their attention.

Guest • 8 years ago
Robert Zraick • 8 years ago

Your comment made me laugh. Thanks. There are many great things about living in the U.S. There are many things which are not easy to get in Fiji because it is in the middle of the ocean and things must be imported. I am going to apply for citizenship here. I can qualify and I will keep my U.S. citizenship as well.

Fiji is a pretty poor country and people struggle here in poverty and live in squalor. But most are very good natured. Most of the population here is black, either islanders who are Negro, or Indian (from India) and none of them can understand the American blacks.

I am in a very tiny minority and am referred to as "European". In Fiji "European" means white, no matter where you are from.

Probably my best path is to stay here and visit the U.S. periodically. I do not like our present government. I also do not agree with those who think that the government is the country. I think that if I am critical of some of our citizens, it is because they have abandoned the principles of our foundation, and adopted the"progressive" view that even our Founders were evil.

As for me, give me liberty or give me death.

I also agree that there are some signs that not only are more people waking up, but that even some of the media is starting to see things a bit more clearly.
I hope Trump gets the nomination and debates Hillary. If that happens, I will stay here, get a box of popcorn and watch what will be the battle of the century.

Purely selfish on my part.

Guest • 8 years ago
Robert Zraick • 8 years ago

I have a daughter. She is almost 50. I am 70. She decided 25 years ago not to have any children, because of exactly what you brought up. I respected her decision. I was laughing at you comment because of the truth of what you said, and I knew you meant it. Perhaps 25 years ago, I began to see that the U.S. was in decline because of our government. I remember thinking that I just wanted to be left alone by the government. That is all I wanted from them. I also started to consider leaving the country. I was not certain where to go.

I came to Fiji just because I needed a job after the aftermath of 9/11 bankrupted me. I remember thinking that while banks and big corporations were being bailed out with my tax dollars, no one was bailing me out. Getting stranded here may have been the luckiest thing which could have happened. I had intended to come back, but by the time I had worked myself to get back on my feet, I also had seen a decline and a downward spiral of our country. I had a view from outside the propaganda bubble and constant brainwashing by the government and the media, not to mention seeing a terrible change in the things being taught in the government sanctioned education system.

I spent several years trying to explain what was happening in the U.S. to curious people here in Fiji. They saw the decline as well, and asked how the people of the country could allow it to happen. I attempted to explain that the people were just not being told the truth and that it was not the people, but the government which was the cause. But watching Obama being elected for a second term, made me realize that the people has gone mad as well. Not all but enough. We now have people who no longer care about peace. People who condone torture. We have not seen an end to war in one form or another for the last half century, and we have not won the peace or any of the wars for all of my adult life.

Not all the people are crazy, but just a large majority who confuse government with country. People who think we need to crush the rest of the world by military force, who use terms which did not exist when I was growing up. Terms like collateral damage and pre-emptive war. These are terms to cover the real meanings of killing of innocent people, and imperial aggression.

Now I see that my country is bankrupt. I see that we have lost our freedoms and have done so because of a promise of security which has never been achieved. We have lost the respect of the rest of the world. We have abandoned the idea of spreading American ideals by example. Now we want force it on other countries by military power. Now that we have lost the rule of law and use a democratic concept to achieve mob rule, I see that the normalcy bias has made the failure immense. People think that what we have today is nothing to be concerned about because it is "normal".

But it was not always this way. I would really like to move back to the U.S.A. But I just don't know where it is.

And through all this, I still love what our country was once and what it should be, but it is not. I will continue believe in what our country was and may be again. Even if it must completely collapse under the weight of its own insanity and folly, so that the real America may rise like phoenix from the ashes.

We can not continue on this current path.

Guest • 8 years ago
Robert Zraick • 8 years ago

I can't give up all hope. This election is the possible beginning of a rebirth. It certainly will change things. Perhaps I am less pessimistic than you are. The U.S. could have a financial collapse, which will end the current government. People will have to start at the local level, and education could have a renaissance. I also think that the New World Order will attempt to consolidate the world under one central tyrannical world empire. But all empires eventually fail.

In any case, there is truth and it exists as documents in many forms. I think the truth of the American experiment is powerful enough to emerge again. After all it did happen once. And it could happen again for the same reasons.

But I certainly admit that we are in for some dark times.

Guest • 8 years ago
Robert Zraick • 8 years ago

I have certainly enjoyed reading your posts. I agree that the situation is dire. It is obvious from where I am viewing things and I do make it back to the States from time to time.

I look at things from a philosophical perspective. I have long been aware that we are headed into a new dark age, as the pendulum between Aristotle (the Scientist) and Plato (the Mystic) has been swinging back from the age of enlightenment and toward the new dark age. Using this as a gauge for understanding what is happening is helpful to me. Granted, it is a bit of an oversimplification of a complex set of issues.

I do not anticipate a reversal of the swing except in the broadest sense until there is a new philosophical awakening. It will not happen in our lifetime.
There are many who believe that we are doomed because they believe that man is basically evil. It that were true then there would be no hope. But I don't believe that man is basically evil. I think the man is basically good, especially on the individual level. You seem to favor the idea that the inevitable result of what is happening will be a Hitler. But why is it not possible that a George Washington or Thomas Jefferson could also be a possibility?

In any case we who are living now, most likely will just have to make the best of it,

Guest • 8 years ago
Robert Zraick • 8 years ago

I think you just nailed it. Thanks

Morris Louis • 8 years ago

Despite winning around 60% of the vote in New York, Trump still faces the prospect of a contested convention in July.

The probability is neither Trump or Cruz will manage to win a clean majority ahead of the event, opening the way for a contested convention.

mocanic • 8 years ago

If Trump shows up at the convention just shy of 1237 delegates and is ahead of Cruz by at least 150, it should go to Trump. If they try to wrangle it away, it will spell doom for the Republican Party.

Robert Zraick • 8 years ago

Don't waste your time. This guy sings only one tune. Ignore him until after the convention, unless you like reading propaganda.

Centralcoastwine • 8 years ago

Great news for Trump! Slither away Cruz and just drop out Kasich!

June Smith • 8 years ago

Cruz is so corrupt - I hope his sleezy tactics backfire on him.

Darren35 • 8 years ago

Me too. The little weasel Cruz snuck out to California and tried playing kiss up to my state. Hope he gets a B*slap at the ballot box along with LOSER Kasich.

Guest • 8 years ago
Bacchusloveswine • 8 years ago

WTF are you talking about? Cruz has no shot in an blue or purple State in a general. He'd, literally, get his butt kicked more than Romney did in 2012.

Robert Zraick • 8 years ago

And who do you think can beat Hillary? No one running except Trump. The Republicans may try to bring in a Ringer. They will confirm why they should be rejected as true conservatives. Spit away.

Centralcoastwine • 8 years ago

You stay on Cruz's side. You people 'spit' on fellow citizens?

Bacchusloveswine • 8 years ago

Cruz would get his as * kicked in a general. It would be a bigger thrashing electorally than 2012

Lilyfromthevalley • 8 years ago

Good for Trump! Time to put lyin'Ted and cheatn' Ted in his place, finally, last place. As for Kasich, he needs to go home now.

John Doe • 8 years ago

Kasich is just pocketing cash at this point. He's sickening to me.

Darren35 • 8 years ago

I hope Ohio throws out Kasich when his term comes up.

cats1cowboy • 8 years ago

Kasich is out in 2019 because Ohio has term limits.

ZoobileeZoo • 8 years ago

When people are ALLOWED TO VOTE; Trump Wins!

apotropoxy • 8 years ago

Trump lost in his own home borough.

Maine is Cold • 8 years ago

What? Da Donald always wins!

terry7289 • 8 years ago

awesome.... bring it on clown... the clown will be crushed by Hillary in November....

Culdees2020 • 8 years ago

Actually, he's still losing the vote of Republicans. He barely got 500,000 votes last night and still unfairly, using RINO Trump logic, got more delegates. The only bright spot for conservatives is if RINO Trump steals the nomination with his heavily Democrat help those same Democrats voting for him now will help Hillary crush him in November.

ForePar • 8 years ago

He did win his normal lower-fifth uneducated poor.

ZoobileeZoo • 8 years ago

Sure, lets vote for Sanders who said "Food lines are a good thing".

DrRisk • 8 years ago

He also went to the Soviet Union on his honeymoon, where they have loads of experience with food lines and shortages.

ForePar • 8 years ago

Sanders is an old fool with a following of sophomores and Unicorn idealists. He's got as much chance of being President as Trump.

ZoobileeZoo • 8 years ago

Well said! However; we have to try something different. Hillary was a disaster with Benghazi and has too much baggage with her email scandal. Also a more disingenuous person one cannot find (Too bad Bill Clinton can't run again!). Ted Cruz looks and sounds like he should be performing faith healings in a traveling tent ministry; not to mention his 'weaseling' away the primary from the people of Colorado and Wyoming.

The more that 'establishment' types hate Trump; the more support Trump garners. Trump is the American people giving the proverbial middle finger to the Federal Government; a Government that many Americans feel is utterly overbearing.

ForePar • 8 years ago

Sorry, after the last flopped effort by the House Hero Patriot Caucus, I don't do Benghazi anymore. No one does. Not even Howdy Gowdy.

June Smith • 8 years ago

Trump will top out at 90 delegates ... maybe more. And tonight, I'm doing the happy dance.


Darren35 • 8 years ago

I'm doing the Snoopy dance right now. Now Cruz is whining that Donald Trump can't run a lemonade stand. #WhiningTed!#

June Smith • 8 years ago

Curz won 0 - ZERO - ZIP - NADA - delegates in NY .... wohoo

Bacchusloveswine • 8 years ago

There isn't anything sweeter than seeing that clown Cruz get his as * kicked.