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Couldn't agree more Jen. In the high school(s) I've worked in,
It's not about the 97-98% of the school population who will go along and benefit from a "restorative" approach.
Talking high school, It's those 10-20 kids who come to school and have no interest in learning. It's not very politically correct to discuss the fact that it's too late to help some of these students. Our general ed high schools are not equipped to handle these types of students and all they are doing are creating an unstable environment and Infecting other impressionable students with their insubordinate negative behaviors.
Well done story.
This reminds me of the story about the king not wearing any clothes. Suspensions are not only about the suspended student. Suspensions are to demonstrate to the other students and staff that there are consequences for dangerous and undisciplined behavior. Suspensions are also supposed to demonstrate that education and safety are the priorities in the schools. When students who disrupt the educational process, instill fear in students and staff, create an unsafe environment, are violent, sell illegal substances to the other students, etc. are not removed, chaos will ensue. When the rest of the school population understands that there are no consequences for violence, uncouth behavior, weapons, fights, selling drugs, threats, etc schools become inhumane and the children who attend school to learn end up suffering the most. Does anyone care about the students who attend school to learn? I find it sad and disgraceful that I even have to ask that question. I do not need a crystal ball to predict that discipline in the NYC schools will only get worse.