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Tesla_X • 7 years ago

This article conveniently leaves out the $5 BILLION DOLLARS IN SUBSIDIES he's received to keep 3 unprofitable companies going.

Please put into the timeline where he received PUBLIC MONIES to support his activities.



Mike Troy • 6 years ago

Hahaha. Talk about being a jealous hater. LMAO Tomorrow when you and he wake up, he will be Elon Musk and you, well you will still be you. Have fun with that.

Tesla_X • 6 years ago

I am quite happy about that.

I do not make a living scamming subsidies from poor people, and I sleep quite well at night.

Elon meanwhile can't figure out what to do at an elite scummy sillyCONvalley sex party.

qui boner? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Oscar Alfie • 1 year ago

This article conveniently leaves out the $5 BILLION DOLLARS IN SUBSIDIES he's received to keep 3 unprofitable companies going.

Has Elon Musk Invented Anything? Read here about all the details of Elon Musk. Check out his greatest inventions and his updated lifestyle.

Alicia • 7 years ago

There is an interview with Barbara Walters in which she says he made $307 million from the sale of Zip2 and $1.5 billion from the sale of Paypal. These are different than your numbers. Which are correct?

Lucky Bhumkar • 8 years ago

Very impressive..!

Shin Hyoung Joo • 8 years ago

I'd like to translate this flowchart by Anna Vital to Korean , for people in South Korea to be inspired from Elon's life. I'm currently registered as a Amara.org translator (http://www.ted.com/profiles.... How can I get a permission?

Please contact me via:

Guest • 8 years ago
Photo Boy • 8 years ago

wow you sure found some real flaws in Elon with these minor nitpicks. Paypal isn't even what Elon was trying to create. If Elon got his way, Paypal / X.com would have been drastically different. You can't argue with current battery technology, but I bet Elon is actively working on a completely new battery tech, at any rate he found a way to make a viable alternative to the internal combustion engine, which is pretty amazing, and has already pushed the car industry to rethink its approach to the market while also revolutionizing the fuel distribution network. Lithium mining might be devastating, but look at all the contamination from leaking fuel storage at gas stations around the world...cleaning that up, will be far far better for our world. Lastly, what have the russians done for the space industry lately? Elon has single handedly dragged the Space industry into a new era, while NASA and the Russians are going backwards. Pretty awesome to witness this modern day Alexander Graham Bell, or better.

Guest • 8 years ago
Photo Boy • 8 years ago

SpaceX hasn't even sent a person to space yet, but you are arguing that they should be winning all contracts against a Nation State that has essentially bottomless pockets and has been putting people in space since 1961 (55 years). When did any Nation state try to launch and subsequently land a rocket back on earth for re-use? SpaceX is fundamentally trying to change how we go to space, and they already have. They are the first commercial space venture to make a viable company with a solid future ahead of it. Russia is still flying the same technology to space for what 30-40 years? Once SpaceX starts flying manned missions these Russian contracts will suddenly be worth a lot less...I'll bet the Russian ride to space becomes a lot cheaper after 2017...And pretty sad that NASA has to rely on buying engines from their old enemy.

I doubt the big car makers are dismissing Tesla as all hype. Suddenly 35k for a Tesla isn't just for the rich, the Model 3 is going to change the game, and that price point will drop much further, while many of the current limitations are overcome. This is the same technology curve that we have seen play out with PCs, TVs, etc, etc. When the first very expensive and underwhelming desktop computers hit the market in the early 80's, I'm sure you dismissed that technology as a passing fad for the rich. You then further dismiss Tesla based on the limitations of battery technology. Elon is a chump because battery technology isn't going to replace big rig diesel engines anytime soon? Really that's a pretty weak argument against Tesla.

Even if SpaceX and Tesla both fail, Elon has already accomplished more than pretty much anyone alive today, and I'll bet he would rise up from the ashes and build some other completely new and disruptive technology. Although given the current pre-orders on the Model 3, Tesla is only going to get bigger and stronger, and same goes for SpaceX

Guest • 8 years ago
Photo Boy • 8 years ago

2017 is a big year for Elon, I hope he pulls it off and cements his legacy.

If I was NASA I would likely hedge my bets and go with the Russians until SpaceX can prove the Falcon Heavy will get the job done. The fact that he had to build his own space program from scratch is even more impressive. If he was able to use the Russian rockets, imagine how much further he would be in his quest to put men on Mars.

As for Tesla, that is the whole point that he pushed the carmakers to get their act together and the fact that the Chevy Bolt was reborn is because Tesla forced their hand. They killed the electric car, remember. Now Tesla has forced the automakers to bring back electric cars, and that is a big part of Elon's mission.

Oil prices will rise again, and in the meantime the fact that Tesla is a toy for the rich makes that whole cost of fuel irrelevant. The rich folks who are buying Teslas want to feel good, not weigh the cost of gas vs. payback period on the cost of expensive electric car. Where I live you don't have to wait, the charging stations are plentiful and ready to use for the most part. But again comparing these early days to telephones....originally they had to run a line between every house that wanted to connect and talk to each other, resulting in hundreds of wires running in every direction, filling up the sky with ugly poles and wires. They eventually came up with a better solution to use a central office to provide switching capabilities and the technology became much more viable and was able to become mainstream. We are still in the infancy stages of this new network of car charging. Who knows where will be in 2025, but hopefully the world will be a better place, and I think Elon will deserve some credit for pushing mankind to think and do things differently. That's pretty cool

Kjell Didriksen • 8 years ago

Also remember that a Tesla owner normally always can leave in the morning with a full charge without the need for waiting for a charge.
Superchargers is fine on long trips, and usually will take a shorter time than the time the driver itself need at a stop.

Common Sense • 7 years ago

you actually think that the technology with Apollo was so great it went to the moon successfully how many times? Why wouldn't they use that design again and start building those rockets in mass? I mean they apparently made it to the moon several times successfully.

It's so illogical and plain for everyone to see its laughable. If they had the technology to get on the moon they'd be doing it all the time. They would build structures on it. They would have private trips there for billionaires by now. It's such a hoax it's ridiculous. The US military spends $600B a year you don't think they'd gladly give up $200B to get to the moon and start building bases? Of course they would, but the technology doesn't exist. You can clearly see the technology doesn't exist. They had rockets that went to the moon in the 60's and early 70's but they have numerous failures of launches in the 90's and 2000's?

In the 1960's for the very first time ever they did it in 8 years but in 2004 George W Bush said they would send another manned mission to the moon in 2020, and then unsurprisingly Obama decided instead on a robotic mission to Mars.

At what point do you realize they can't go? 2040? 2060? I mean we should really start trying and admit Apollo was a total fraud.

Mike Troy • 6 years ago

LMFAO!!! Nothing but a jealous, hating loser ass. When tomorrow comes, he will wake up and be Elon Musk, you will still be you, LMAO

Guest • 6 years ago
pilot • 6 years ago

Tesla has announced 18-wheeler- and have you seen the recent Falcon Heavy launch?