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lanahi • 8 years ago

Donald Trump "The Disrupter"
Excellent video

Tarnsman • 8 years ago

Since technopeasant gave us the Top Ten reason why voters don’t
like Trump here are the Top Ten on why they do like The Donald.

He is NOT a professional politician; voters have learned to hate what a politician sounds and acts like. Some people can’t accept anymore the steady lies and broken promises they hear from politicians. Trump’s brutal honesty is a welcomed change to politics.

He is rich and earned his money through hard work and pit bull determination. Just like how you are supposed to make it in America. That he has made his fame and fortune in the private sector is a major plus in the eyes of many.

They believe he is conservative enough on the ‘right’ issues and that his ‘liberal’ views of some social and fiscal issues align pretty closely to their own views.

The fact that his ex-wives still love and admire The Donald speaks volumes about the private man. His adult children all have led exemplary lives and are a living testament to their father. “Ye shall know them by their fruits” is a guiding light for many voters. That he has had failings in his private life just makes him more human.

The fact that he has through-out his business career advanced women and minorities in his organization who proved themselves through hard work, determination and skill shows that he truly believes that it is the content of one’s character that matters, not one’s sex, color or creed. Just like it supposed to be in America. That his ex-employees speaking nothing but praise about his fairness, loyalty and demand for excellence speaks again about character of the man as a leader. Many Americans want a “fair” but stern boss behind the desk in the Oval Office.

His willingness to use humor and other rhetorical tricks to diminish the other candidates shows that he is a fighter and will do what takes to win. After McCain and Romney voters want a scraper to get in the ring and win

The fact that Trump does not allow other candidates, pundits or the media to bully him into silence using political correctness is refreshing and invigorating. Many voters have come to hate political correctness with a passion and cheer loudly for the man that finally stood up against it

He sees the world taking advantage of America’s generosity and good will. That he believes America’s interests comes first and damn the opinions of the world gets a hearty “Freaking about time!” from many, many, many fellow Americans.

That he opposes America’s futile invention into the Middle East and attacks Republicans in Congress for refusing to oppose Obama’s ill-conceived and often unconstitutional actions gets another hearty “Freaking about time!” That he is not perceived as a “team player” is the ultimate plus in the eyes of many voters.

Trump can win in November. The way he will win against Hillary in terms of strategy will change the course of politics and that of America. His victory will put America on the path back to reclaim its lost greatness.

January8 • 8 years ago

TY! I love Trump's family. Only a winner has a family like that!

famouswolf • 8 years ago

You know what they remind me of? Jimmy Stewart's family in 'It's a Wonderful Life'...like the Palins do.

January8 • 8 years ago

It's why Sarah and Trump get along so well.

lanahi • 8 years ago

Colorado grassroots Republicans to protest party after elites steal all delegates for Cruz.

"Colorado Republicans are planning a protest at the Republican Party Headquarters on April 15, 2016 at 3 PM.

From the Facebook page:The Colorado Republican Party shamefully silenced its voters this election season. We demand that Colorado give the power to vote in the Presidential Primary to the voters. We will exercise our right to assemble and peacefully protest the corruption of the Colorado GOP and disenfranchisement that we the voters have suffered."

Carmtom13 • 8 years ago

Rafael E Cruz aka Ted Cruz repeats the same things over and over again, attacks Trump calls him names and then has the nerve to say that when Trump loses he complains and whines. Cruz should look in the mirror because he acts like a baby when he loses and then repeats the same line that he is the only one who has beaten Trump, hey Cruz how many times has Trump beaten you.....,,a whole lot. 57% of the people of Texas didn't vote for Cruz in the primary there and that's Cruz home state.

lanahi • 8 years ago

Alex Jones speaks about Colorado.

John_Frank • 8 years ago

Nasty, nasty ... tsk, tsk ... but snort ... ROFL.

Michael Cohen @MichaelCohen212
Let's cancel any potential reruns of these "Munsters" and stop them from destroying our country. #Trump2016 pic.twitter.com/OB0WotowXv

John_Frank • 8 years ago

My apologies if the following has already been posted:

In the Republican Primary: Donald Trump for President

chzn2bfree • 8 years ago

Considering DT's his son-in-law is the publisher, one can understand he favoritism....

John_Frank • 8 years ago


When Mark Levin falsely attacks Donald Trump do Cruz supporters write the same thing, given his familial and financial relationships, or do they just cheer?

The snide attacks of Ted Cruz, the ongoing slime being thrown by the CruzCrew and all the supporting PACs, along with the continued psychological operations ...

Truly amazing what is going on. Just imagine if people had put this much energy into defeating the Democrats.


January8 • 8 years ago

Interesting how the Cruzers hide their snide comments under the mantle of Christianity. It is particularly loathsome. As are they.

Truth • 8 years ago

Even he gets it

Rove: Trump will get 90 of 95 delegates in New York

Read more: http://www.politico.com/sto...

January8 • 8 years ago


technopeasant • 8 years ago

What the media doesn't want to acknowledge:
That since Trump's WTA win in Arizona, Cruz's attempts to win unbound delegates from Colorado, ND, and Wyoming, his desire to co-opt Trump delegates for support beyond the first ballot, and his constant attacks on Donald Trump for whining is nothing more than a grand, drawn-out Hail Mary attempt that has little chance of succeeding

January8 • 8 years ago

Cruzer Luzer.

Craig Phillips • 8 years ago

He just keeps pressing on to the higher calling of the...


Guest • 8 years ago

Ted Cruz is a liar, a sneak, and a corrupt fraud and should drop out now, there is no pathway to the Presidency. He was elected to the Senate, and if that is not good enough TOUGH!

technopeasant • 8 years ago

The top 10 reasons many Republican voters hate or resent Donald Trump and won't vote for him :
1) That he is NOT a professional politician; voters become accustomed to what a politician Is supposed to sound like, espouse, or to act. It's difficult for some people to accept such brutal honesty from any politician.
2) He's too rich and the attitude of some that think Trump earned his money illegally or through unethical business practices
3) They believe he is NOT a conservative and that he is pulling a scam so that Hillary can be elected (the Manchurian Candidate premise)
4) His 3 marriages and his admission of adultery. Unlike Jerry Falwell Jr., who said he's voting for POTUS and not for a Pastor, other Christians cannot compartmentalize their decisions in this manner. Some even view him as evil or the anti-Christ.
5) His snide, off-color comments about women.
6) His constant belittling of Cruz (lyin' Ted) and Rubio (little Marco) and other candidates that have left deep wounds with their supporters
7) The perception that DT is a bully.
8) That globally he is seen as an embarrassment to the USA because of his attitude and his policies, especially in building the wall and how he wants to talk foreign leaders
9) They don't agree with his stands on the issues including his opposition to the Iraq War and attacking Republicans in Congress so viciously for going along with Obama. He's perceived as not a team player.
10) Trump can't win in November. Or the way he might win against Hillary in terms of strategy may not be palatable to some GOP voters.

John_Frank • 8 years ago

Notice that all of this has to do with 'tone' and not 'substance.'

Interesting (sarc) psychological operation being carried out by Trump's opponents.

In the meantime, during March month:

a. How much money was stolen from the US Treasury as a result of fraud?

b. How much money was spent by the US Government in training Afghan forces now deserting to the Taliban?

c. How many Americans were killed or injured as a result of a crime committed by an illegal alien who should have been deported?

d. How many Americans lost their jobs due to outsourcing as a result of the trade agreements entered into by this or previous administrations?

Those are just four issues that come to mind. There are many more.

Truth • 8 years ago

It's a good thing this guy is not officially connected to the Trump campaign-this is just looney tunes mad. Frankly he's an embarrassment
"Trump Ally Roger Stone Writing Entire Book Alleging That The Clintons Secretly Murdered JFK Jr. "

lanahi • 8 years ago

I do believe that about LBJ, not the Clintons...although they might have all wanted to "get rid of' JFK for not being progressive enough.

I don't ordinarily like conspiracy theories, but you can see lately how desperate some people are getting about Trump, and we haven't even begun to see most of it yet: When people are that desperate, they will do anything.

John_Frank • 8 years ago

Why don't we wait and see what Stone writes in his book before simply condemning his hypothesis?

People forget the claim about Bill Clinton helping George H W Bush in Iran Contra?

John_Frank • 8 years ago

Were are you getting that nonsense from?

To suggest that Roger Stone is looney tunes mad is bizarre.

Truth • 8 years ago

It's his bizarre nonsense not mine-its tin foil hat bonkers
Stone: JFK Jr. “Was Murdered By The Clintons Because He Was In The Way”

January8 • 8 years ago

I wouldn't put it past them. The Clintons are evil.

Truth • 8 years ago

Oh Roses

January8 • 8 years ago

Well, they are, Parks. :)

Guest • 8 years ago

Media Matters?.....LOL

John_Frank • 8 years ago

Tin foil hat bonkers? That is good psychological operational language to debunk someone.

You do know that MediaMatters is a Clinton / Soros operation?

Of course MediaMatters wants to debunk Mr. Stone.

People do so at their peril, because more often than not he is right.

As to the book that Mr. Stone is writing concerning the death of JFK, Jr., why don't people wait and see what he writes before suggesting that he is nuts.

Truth • 8 years ago

The premise in nuts. JFK Jr was an inexperienced pilot who got confused whether he was rising or falling in dense fog.I suppose his wife and her friend were acceptable"collateral damage" to Bill and Hillary.
Even the Clintons can't control the weather on a flight path

January8 • 8 years ago

That was her (Carolyn's) younger sister and it was a double tragedy for their mother. Very sad.

Truth • 8 years ago

Yes a family tragedy added to a seeming endless list

Craig Phillips • 8 years ago

While somehow possible that to get the weather changed, they might have co-opted God, it's not probable....

../because "Ratfail" cruz already beat them to it and has the deity sewn up...

... or at least you'd assume so the way his people talk.

Truth • 8 years ago

Cruz accomplished this all those years ago-he is diabolical indeed. (You mustn't bring in satire to such a serious conversation btw).

NB In passing I'm guessing your ex was Tainui

excopconservative • 8 years ago

It would also be "nuts" to ignore whatever evidence Stone has. This possibility was discussed at the time and JFK Jr's death was very convenient to the Clintons. It's quite possible that he would be the one running for the Dem nomination now were he alive. We have to ask if we are really convinced that we know what actually happened to Vince Foster.

January8 • 8 years ago

We might not know what happened to Foster but "Arkancide" was coined for a reason.

chzn2bfree • 8 years ago

Not too difficult to see why he's confused....

myfairlady • 8 years ago

So now Cruz is calling the Trump voters union thugs. This should go over well with some voters. I guess New York values didn't get him in enough trouble.

TheBlaze ‏@theblaze 8h8 hours ago
Cruz: Trump campaign operatives acting like "union thugs" over convention, delegate woes http://www.theblaze.com/sto...

Guest • 8 years ago

This is from that lunatic Mark Levin type tactics.....its the Constituuuuuution, ahem, more like Constipaaaaaation!

lanahi • 8 years ago

Gingrich on Lou Dobbs calls Trump "a total new force in American politics...and that rattles EVERYBODY in the establishment!"

Newt interview transcript on the merits of Donald Trump:
Newt was funny and blunt

Q • 8 years ago


myfairlady • 8 years ago

FOX Business ‏@FoxBusiness 6h6 hours ago
.@GovBrewer: "The bottom line is: we believe in a vote.. they should be counted, and the people should be heard." pic.twitter.com/NgEzLINPA6

Victoria Richardson • 8 years ago

You got that right Governor Brewer. I know the voters of Colorado should be very ticked off.

Q • 8 years ago

We are.

January8 • 8 years ago

Outrageous that this has to be said.

Q • 8 years ago

Yes, it is OUTRAGEOUS!

Q • 8 years ago

Thank you, Governor Brewer. You are right. A handful of Colorado Republican "leaders" denied roughly one million Colorado Republicans their right to vote for the presidential candidate of their choice, at the party caucuses this year. And that's the TRUTH!!!

heypaisano • 8 years ago

Today a New Jersey Judge ruled on Cruz's eligibility to be on the ballot, This decision was a non discussion since it was placed in the hands of the New Jersey Lt Gov to make the final decision…. please read and see if you notice why Judges refuse to define Natural Born….

HAMILTON — Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas meets the criteria for a “natural-born citizen” and can run in New Jersey’s Republican presidential primary on June 7, an administrative law judge ruled Tuesday.

Judge Jeff Masin’s decision now heads to the desk of Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, who in her capacity as secretary of state can choose to accept the opinion in full or in part, or reject it.

Victor Williams, one of the two challengers who questioned Cruz’s eligibility to run in the New Jersey primary, said he had “full confidence that Kim Guadagno in Hamilton Township will do the right thing and reject Mr. Cruz’s falsified ballot petition and certificate.” If she fails to do so, Williams said he would appeal.

Masin heard arguments Monday from Williams and attorney Mario Apuzzo, who represented three South Jersey residents. The two argued that because Cruz was born in Canada, he cannot be a natural-born citizen, one of three constitutional requirements for the presidency.

Cruz, 45, was born in Calgary, Alberta. His mother was born in Delaware and was a United States citizen at the time of his birth. His father was born in Cuba. The GOP primary candidate has said that a child of a U.S. citizen is automatically granted citizenship at birth and is therefore “natural born.”

In his 26-page opinion, released shortly before 6 p.m. Tuesday, Masin called the question a “legitimate subject of legal and historical debate.” As the U.S. Constitution does not define what is meant by “natural born,” the meaning must be deduced by looking to English common law, Masin wrote.

In the 18th century, the British Parliament declared that all children born abroad to fathers who were natural-born subjects, would themselves be natural-born subjects.

“This then was the law of England, as it would have been known to the Founding Fathers,” Masin wrote.

With regard to mothers who are natural-born citizens, Masin said, “the equal protection element of the Constitution would properly override any common law based discrimination.”

Though he rejected their arguments regarding Cruz’s eligibility, Masin ruled the challengers did have standing to bring their cases and that the secretary of state has the legal authority to consider the matter. Shalom Stone, who represented Cruz on Monday, had argued that only the Electoral College and Congress could decide the issue.

The issue of Cruz’s citizenship has been raised by his main Republican opponent, Donald Trump, in this year’s highly contentious primary campaign. It has also been the subject of a number of legal challenges throughout the country. Judges have already rejected several because the challengers were deemed to lack standing. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court last month upheld a trial court decision that ruled in Cruz’s favor.

Guadagno, who must now decide the matter, was Governor Christie’s running mate in the 2009 and 2013 elections. Since ending his own presidential bid, Christie has endorsed Trump.

Williams said Monday that he supported Trump. At least one of three South Jersey challengers, Fernando Powers, also said he supported Trump.

The only good thing out of this is that someone was actually ruled to have standing…. this is the one thing Cruz did not count on, for if Cruz would be nominated the Democrats have there open door to file suit after suit and Cruz would be tied up in courts throughout the rest of the campaign.

What I found interesting is that this Judge gave credence to the fact that a child born on foreign soil would be considered Natural Born based on the Natural Born status of the father. Thus making Cruz a Natural Born Cuban, along with Natural Born Canadian and a Natural Born American.

No wonder this Judge passed the buck to the States Secretary of State!

This issue will not die !