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Natsu Dragneel • 8 years ago

so.....Lukas Walton was not mention? he is currently 29 as of now---April 2016 (birthday in May) thus leaving him the youngest of the bunch. He is also the richest...his grandfather founded Wal-Mart leaving him 10.4 billion when he died. i think he deserves to be in the discussion....

5150mr • 8 years ago

You mean the cute blonde girl who's picture was the face of this article isn't even part of the story?

Twentieth Century Fox • 8 years ago

I'm - in the bank, plus a 35 dollar ISF,lol.When I get through paying bills and I think I can breath a little, the car breaks down, can't miss work so I had to rent a car,which is going to keep me in the hole because my, on a fix income Dad loaned me the money, so now I really feel like a loser,I'll pay him back frist.Even tho things are real bad right now,I'm happy,I have two healthy children, I have my Dad,I have a job,home,car,a ex-husbands lol,good friends two dogs and a cat.I'm Blessed,life is what it is, you do the best you can with a good attitude and sense of humor.I make time go feed the homeless and when I can't go my friend and I put our money together to get water and bananas,and she will go pass them out.Even if everything that can go wrong goes wrong,I have no answer for that.I just keep going,even when I cry,I'm still thinking of a answer and push through it.I'm in a home not sleeping in the streets like so many.Try and find good things around you.Help you, then help others.when I get better,I want to go read to the senior citizens that are in senior homes and go help them,it just makes you feel better .The billionaires are people like us, except instead of a minus or negative in their bank account they have a lot of zeros, but they have a problems, like who likes them for them,and im sure when they give back they feel better , you don't have to be a billionaire to give back you could just read or spend time with someone , just be a good human ,money can make you comfortable, but after you have gotten all the material things, travel the world and gave to the poor now what,?So if you are rich or poor try to have peace within, nothing is better than having peace within yourself ,now I'm done eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and all is well for right now.

Tanya Gilbert • 8 years ago

I myself am a disabled Army combat veteran. My activities are somewhat limited, but EVERYDAY I try to do something nice for somebody else that's in need. Even just speaking a few kind/inspirational words to a person that's hurting can make a difference.
So....I guess what I'm trying to say is, I agree with EVERYTHING you so very well wrote. We don't NEED billions,millions or even thousands of $'s to be rich!! Just by knowing I made an attempt to brighten up another person in need & possibly was a life changing moment for another. It's enough for me.
Our world NEEDS more people in it that are selfless & genuinely care about others. Quit thinking it's about how much $ you have that defines who you are. I applaud you & all that you & your friend do!!!

Twentieth Century Fox • 8 years ago

You got it right

Florence Perez • 8 years ago

& here I have around $800 left from my income tax & $80 bucks in cash that my mom gave me 😥 -if I didn't have my income tax my account would def be in the negatives 😂😂 so if any of ya'll are ever feeling generous, feel free to send some my way #BrokePeopleProblems

Guest • 8 years ago
bentley • 8 years ago

Moderator, please!!

Laurette Shaw • 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing!

dalancroft • 8 years ago

As for Hughes, I would say: Not anymore. Theranos is going to crash and burn (my wife is a Ph.D. scientist in the drug discovery/development field). Her wealth will crash with her. She's Steve Jobs without the chops to actually bring anything tangible to the market.

Good traveler • 8 years ago

What about a law distributing anything over let's say $5 billion of any one persons or married couples wealth to help those who earn less than let's say $40,000. Too socialist for you?

Mad Mad News • 8 years ago

Theft is theft regardless of how the pie is sliced. Why don't you give the government the power to take 90 percent of your wealth and give it to the illegal aliens living in San Antonio. That's only fair, right?

Scott Glover • 8 years ago

why not get a job and earn your worth so you can leave it to your children ... you must also understand there is overhead in distributing other peoples wealth around and that is the con of socialism

KINGSAW • 8 years ago

You sound crazy

RalphJ_Kramden • 8 years ago

Lovely, just lovely. Now, just for the sake of balance, can you give us the 10 poorest youngest persons on Earth? Or is that too anti-capitalist, too Christian, too humane for you? Capitalism is even worse than feudalism, at least in feudalism the nobility had some responsibility towards its serves. Marx was and is correct.

cezar211091 . • 8 years ago

Marx's idea of an egalitarian society was a very noble one, but will never work. we've had several regimes that prove just that. my own country, Romania, for example. too many phychos used the pretext of socialism to live in luxury while the rest had to be happy with little and live in fear. shut the hell up because you don't know what the heck you're talking about.

bentley • 8 years ago

Good grief. It's an article about something, not something else that you want it to be about.

Capitalism is awful... except when you use a computer made by capitalists to type up your churlish anti-capitalist nonsense. But other than that you eschew capitalism... except for every time you open your refrigerator (that works) or get in your car (that works) or buy a shirt (that fits right and is made well) or a roll of toilet paper (that doesn't feel like sandpaper and that is also actually on the shelves) or buy music (without censorship) or answer your phone (on which billions was spent by capitalists to develop it for you), or any of the other thousands of things you do every day made possible by capitalism.

I can't imagine where you got the laugh-out-loud idea that feudal serfs under their barons and monarchs had it better than you, but again, you can choose to live like one because under capitalism you HAVE a choice.

It wouldn't kill you to read jetinhouston's post a few times. You can keep your Christians.

bentley • 8 years ago

Hey, everyone - I just realized this guy is the same nutjob who posted a bunch of inane religious rants a little while back. Don't engage. It's like arguing with a drunk.

dalancroft • 8 years ago

"Poorest youngest"? Aside from the preschool level sentence construction, I would just say: visit any refugee camp or remote village in the Sudan or Somalia.

dalancroft • 8 years ago

"Poorest youngest"? Aside from the preschool level construction, I would just say: visit any refugee camp or remote village in the Sudan or Somalia.

MANthrax • 8 years ago

Even "IF" Marx was correct you can never get past "Power corrupts". So it can never work. Even if you won the lottery and found a truly altruistic leader the system would succumb as it has in every case so far.

Troy • 8 years ago

If you guys don't like seeing who the richest people are, don't look it up. Plain and simple.

iomega311 • 8 years ago

No, they literally cannot give a list of the 10 poorest youngest persons on Earth. Literally.

jetinhouston • 8 years ago

How is being poor Christian? How is being poor humane? I get your a pinko anti-capitalist, but don't lump Christianity and humane with being poor. Yeah, Marxism is so great. To keep the concept of Marxist/Socialism developing, Hitler killed 10 million, Stalin 30 million, Mao 60 million. All Communist dictators have been mass murders because they have to put down the people that know that system will not be sustainable. Capitalism is the only system that allows people to become successful on their own. Socialist Europe, if your a son of a garbage man, you become a garbage man, if your the son of a rich man, the system is designed so that your also rich. Only in capitalism can you grow up poor and become rich!

Blaqjaq • 8 years ago

Please do us all a favor and move somewhere else.

politicviewer • 8 years ago

I remember Zuckerberg retaining people's personal data as Facebook property like a frikin socialist world order crp. Like they really need my personal photos likes/dislikes etc....

corners • 8 years ago

its because the public hasnt figured out our contact information is now worth something in 2015.

Jim Shaw Atlanta • 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing

Brian Smith • 8 years ago

why not offer the same list down to young millionaires and subtracting inherited monies? maybe some useful information could be gleaned.

venice dhliwayo • 8 years ago

i wil on that list in the next six years .......watch out for Mr Venice