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Dave Young • 10 years ago

Nixon had the strength of character and leadership to resign and avoid destroying the country. Obama has no such strength of character nor leadership. This is no passing of responsibility but what male example did he have (his father?, the Reverend Wright? Saul Alinsky?). If you really want to know what character/integrity a man has, look at his father or important male figures in his life; don't listen to what he says).

StraightGate • 10 years ago

Right, and contrast the way that Republicans responded to Nixon's Watergate cover-up to the way that Democrats 'circled the wagons' around Slick Willie Clinton. GOP leaders, including Sen. Goldwater, confronted Nixon and demanded that he resign or THEY would help throw him out! Conversely, Democrats are STILL making excuses for the adulterous, impeached and disbarred Clinton to this day - and want to run his lying wife for president!

Dave Young • 10 years ago

Yes Gene and I hope you noted the fact that all Democratic senators were called to the White House for a meeting prior to the vote. I call this a violation of separation of powers clause of the Constitution (Executive and Legislative). That is what makes tyranny of the majority so dangerous. The Democrats put political power before truth and integrity. But, as the consummate politician Pontius Pilate said - What is truth? it appears to be relative and situational for the Democrats depending on what suits their purpose and what's in it for them. They pay lip service to Americans. The only reason they promote amnesty for illegal aliens is because it suits their individual self interest, not social justice for these people. I wonder if we will wake up and "get it" before its too late. The ironic thing is that had Slick Willie been removed from office, his sidekick Al Gore would have become president and the dems would likely have had another 8 years in office. Ain't that a scream?
I say GOP should continue to do the right thing and not revert to the same games as God will reward righteousness in the end and punish wickedness.

StraightGate • 10 years ago

Yep; like with Nixon, they should have gone after VP, Gore, too. You will remember that Agnew resigned first!

Francis • 10 years ago

Right. Obongo's has the WORST background and history. His mother was a "loose" and very lowly woman, his father got kicked out of Harvard, his half-brother lives in an old shack in Kenya, his Kenyan uncle is a drunk and illegal, and his aunt is Kenyan and illegal. Obongo's personal records are all sealed up with millions of dollars so no one can know who he REALLY is. Obviously, if there was nothing wrong, he wouldn't be hiding it. Plus Obongo has spent his entire life with Marxists, Communists, radicals, and those who despise white people, like Jeremiah Wright and Joseph Lowery. Bottom line. There is NOTHING good about Obongo.

roguescholar • 10 years ago

You forgot gay Muslim.

PCisillegal Censorship • 10 years ago

Obama needs to be in prison and congress is running out of time to do something about it.

Virginian • 10 years ago

If Nixon had been impeached rather than resigning, that would not have destroyed the country any more or less than resigning would. The damage was already done. I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Guest • 10 years ago
Dave Young • 10 years ago

Everyone must take responsibility for his/her actions. GW Bush did not waste time criticizing Clinton. He moved on and made decisions on behalf of the country. I am not sure that Obama has owned any of his actions. Perhaps a reason why he has taken so few as you point out.

A. Levy • 10 years ago

Richard Nixon was a wide open book compared with the Marxist-in-Chief.

Francis • 10 years ago

Yep, that's for sure. Obongo is as EVIL as they come.

Bob Caps • 10 years ago

No impeachment vote can proceed until there is a sufficient majority to insure it will pass. The democrats are protecting their boy. Come on 2014!

Francis • 10 years ago

Republicans MUST maintain the House and gain control of the Senate. We MUST get Obongo out, out, OUT of the WH! IMPEACH THIS FRAUD!!!

GraceW • 10 years ago

Then what, Biden? He is as bad as Komrade Obama. Those records must be unsealed. Once he is proven illegally in the WH, no impeachment would be necessary. He can then be arrested and every single appt. piece of legislation would be null and void. Wouldn't you love to see the entire DNC arrested for high treason?

Francis • 10 years ago

Yes, I certainly would love to see them arrested. ALL OF THEM!

GraceW • 10 years ago

I might even start watching the news again just to see them dragged out in handcuffs. I would throw a freedom gala

Bach • 10 years ago

The left will NEVER admit to anything that contradicts their opinions no matter how strong the evidence for theirs is a philosophy of feelings, beliefs, and not facts.

Francis • 10 years ago

Yep, that is what's happening. It's like Obongo is their anti-Christ, their messiah, their savior, their emancipator. If a Republican tries to make one itsy bitsy criticism about their little Obongo, they start snarling and attack you like a pack of wild, vicious animals. It's like a sick, tight. Obongo is their walk-on-water, do-no-wrong leader. He is their Jim Jones, their Marshall Applewhite. Too bad that the followers can't see how destructive Obongo really is and that he is using all of them. They are like suck-up zombies obeying Obongo's every word.

Bob Caps • 10 years ago

Go read Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and you will understand Obama and his tactics. You can also look up Barry's relationship with Alinsky. You may also like to learn about Hillary's relationship with Alinsky. Makes for very interesting reading.

Voters Revolt • 10 years ago

What is hard to understand is that with such an 'closed-off' and 'hostile' approach to journalists, why does Obama still get such massive support from liberal leaning news outlets? Wouldn't their ethical pursuit of the truth in the face of such massive coverups and blocking of free information flow outweigh their need to protect and defend what they see as a liberal president? At some point a line must be crossed and the news organizations either see themselves as actual honest-to-goodness news organziations or simply as propoganda units for a president who despises them and blocks their every move.

commonsense405 • 10 years ago

"Wouldn't their ethical pursuit of the truth in the face of such massive
coverups and blocking of free information flow outweigh their need to
protect and defend what they see as a liberal president?"

You'd hope so, but I think standing firmly behind "their guy" outweighs the ethics of fair reporting. It has less to do with supporting his political philosophies (which we've now seen can change on a dime) and more to do with exchanging political favors that perpetuate their mutual power.

Dave Young • 10 years ago

I've always wondered that too. It's all about sales and money which come from high ratings/readership, and high ratings come from juicy news regardless of the truth. And many people really do want to believe. The editors, writers, and readers are a self licking ice cream cone. Its an endless loop. They are so caught up in their greed that they don't realize that they don't realize they are hacking on the bottom of the boat they are on also.

Francis • 10 years ago

Why does Obongo continue to get massive support from the msm? I would bet that Obongo has blackmailed them and made threats. That is how he operates. Obongo isn't presidential material. He operates like a gangster in the Mafia world. He is an extremely dangerous and evil person, and people should be very afraid. Just when you think that Obongo couldn't get any worse, he does.

Dave Young • 10 years ago

I agree, see my post above for my take on the answer.

ohmama • 10 years ago

Barack Obama leaks classified info when it is convenient for him, otherwise he goes after whistle blowers with a vengence, anyone who might leak info that might make him look unfavorable. Barack Obama makes Richard Nixon look like a choirboy in comparison.

dakotajames • 10 years ago

as he leaked information that endangered as 'collateral damage' the Navy Seals teams... I would so much for justice on that, as well as justice for Benghazi and fast -n-furious and...

Dave Young • 10 years ago

Right, please read my take in post above. Truth to Democrats and especially Obama is relative, situational, and what suits their person convenience and agenda.

chuckinva • 10 years ago

Look if it were in their best interest the Obama administration would tell you that the sun does not rise in the east. You cannot "fundamentally change" America against the will of the vast majority of American people and do it out in the open. Secrecy and stealth is the Obama way.

Even when they killed bin Laden, the body was buried at sea out of the sight of any prying eyes and I am not talking foreign eyes.

The Obama administration wants to manage all the news and frame everything their way, with little or no opposition. It is good for us average Joes that we have the internet.

Dave Young • 10 years ago

You know, we never did see Bin Laden's dead body did we? Bush Administration showed us the bodies of the Hussein sons as proof. These liars offer no proof; only their arrogant assertions.

commonsense405 • 10 years ago

This was facilitated in large part by the media itself, which turned a blind eye to every contradiction and simply distributed the WH narrative on everything for four years.

Without any accountability from media it's no surprise that Obama's actions have completely departed from his campaign promises and that the WH has worked hard to conceal that. The only shock is that Obama has turned out to be more like Bush Jr. than any of us could have imagined, and that some are still able to deny this despite a now-indisputable record on domestic spying / drone assassinations / foreign intervention etc.

StraightGate • 10 years ago

There is no "Bush, Jr." but there was "Al Gore, Jr," son of the late KKK leader, Sen. Al Gore, Sr.

Chairface_Chip • 10 years ago

Want to know what's really scary? This, to the Obama administration, is called being "transparent".

higgy01 • 10 years ago

I guess Mr. Wolfgang and the writers of the report don't realize we are witnessing the most transparent administration in the history of the country, just ask Pelosi, Reid and the king himself. In all seriousness, I suspect the report does not go far enough in describing the secrecy and dictatorial control of Obama and his miscreants. It seems the lemmings that surround king tut, including those in congress, are either programed to make certain responses or are afraid to say anything but the WH dictated party line. Obama may not be bright enough (he does seem to be ruthless enough) but his inner circle of Marxist gestapo, Jarrett, Gibbs, Axelrod, and a few others collectively are.

Guest • 10 years ago

"(he does seem to be ruthless enough) "

It's a genetic predisposition enhanced by a lifetime of psychological conditioning.

Impressive, ain't it?

Francis • 10 years ago

The Obongo administration isn't just the worst since Nixon. Obongo IS the WORST. The ABSOLUTE #1 WORST and the most evil, racist, uncooperative, tyrannical, destructive, and arrogant administration ever! Nixon was a saint compared to Obongo, and Nixon finally had the character to resign.

StraightGate • 10 years ago


Eliza97 • 10 years ago

the first president to deliberately and by plan try to destroy this country, the first and only president to openly dishonor and show no respect for the GREATEST military in the world, the only one I know to openly be anti Christian. AND WHAT has given FREEDOM to us ? Christianity and the US MILITARY. The dems should hide their faces in SHAME.

Daniel Buff • 10 years ago

Not one liberal comment on here. Hmmm. Fishy.

Guest • 10 years ago

Look again.

Virginian • 10 years ago

I wouldn't hold your breath for one.

nwcolorist • 10 years ago

The Obama's administration is becoming so dysfunctional, it's almost impossible for even the far Left to back him. At what point will that support finally give way?

Richard Hellstrom • 10 years ago

The Nixon administration was one of the most open forms of public disclosure that abided by the laws of the FOIA and PA that's ever existed. Your not going to have any further disclosures like open experimental ( Pandora ) murder and drugging of college children with LSD , that was processed under the Nixon administration. Even the WW2 experiments like the HREX documents have been re classified. They have also either removed or moved the DOE human experiment web site that noted that their were 3.2 million cubic feet of human radiation experiments that hadn't been destroyed. Everything discrediting our government has been either destroyed
or re classified ! Their still covering up WW2 with book censorship - Try buying a John Loftus Book in a new or used book store........
" " Quote - { }
Info like " ,{ How the VA hid away about 50 "shell shock" (PTSD) World War II Disabled Veterans in a secret mental ward above the Federal Prison whom the VA had lobotomized (50 still alive there in early 1970s, out of its 1,000s of VA-lobotomized Veterans nationally) - then lied to their families about them honorably dying in combat
or how - How the CIA planned to use the Gay Drug to permanently convert Fidel Castro (and other communist leaders) into 'raving homosexual maniacs' so Castro would be more easily overthrown } " , will not be disclosed under our new government. You can't Watch Dog liars ! You can only let lying dogs lie !

Bologna Sandwich • 10 years ago

If the CIA and the Obama administration are going to require
CIA agents and participating on ground contractors from the Benghazi attacks to
sign NDAs regarding talking to the Media, they better as well require them to
have no contact with family members, co-workers, wait staff, bankers, grocery
clerks, etc. because nine out of 10 people have and use at least one or more of
the social media venues such as Facebook, twitter, gmail, etc... As we know,
Social media provides the world’s largest platform for voice. Let’s hope they
defined “NO chatting with the MEDIA” in that NDA.

pgillenw • 10 years ago

I had to giggle a bit. When I worked at any large company. in Silicon Valley and the management team said "no there were not going to be layoffs" that translate into "yes there will be layoffs". It was always true. If Obama speaks transparency, which is what he did then it follows "no transparency".

Speaks with forked tongue don't you think

Guest • 10 years ago

WOW! If I were the Nixon estate, I'd be considering legal action for such a libelous comparison!

crazierprofessor • 10 years ago

Owe'Bummer's "most transparent administration ever,"
like most of his claims,
exist only in his own delusion.

Steve • 10 years ago

When a person does a lot of wrong things they will have a lot to hide.

martykayzee • 10 years ago

For the latest from Obama, send cashier's check or money order to "U.S.-Iran Invasion Battle Plan" Box 690096, Los Angeles, CA 90069

raymondvilla • 10 years ago

The world is watching america struggle to come to terms with the worst leader in the history of the world ever. Wait, I know there's been some beauties, but he hasn't finished destroying america, yet, so he may even eclipse Pol Pot. Who knows what is to come, but I agree, it gets worser and worser. Dad role model? Apparently he had marshall davis who tried to do a commie coup on Hawaii. The Dems, so on the nose to ordinary americans, that they have to truck in millions of beggar voters. Comment Francis, do agree, but we cant blame his poor halfbro for living in a shack. We can look at the tightfisted, miserly, snouts in the troff Obama's and wonder why, they cant stretch to a nice home in a nice part of the Kenya nation for the clan. Oh, sorry I forgot. That's why Barry and clan went over there, so he could tell poor Africans they don't need nice things.