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Geheran1958 • 7 years ago

As a shameless advocate of big government, a HRC presidency will end up being an even bigger government. Her school solution response to big problems is an even bigger government. That's like inviting pyromaniacs to put out a fire.

Regular_Listener • 7 years ago

Thumbs up for Ian Bremmer, an interesting guest who packs a lot of info into his quickly spoken comments.

Regular_Listener • 7 years ago

What do Clinton and feminists mean specifically when they say they want to ensure equal pay for women? They say that women and men should be paid the same for the same "jobs." If so, that is already the law and has been for a while - no need for anything to be done there. But she says she wants to take action. So what kind of action are they talking about? Gender quotas for jobs? Requiring employers of female dominated positions (such as secretaries and teachers) to pay their employees more because they are doing the same amount of work as men who are being paid more? Or could this just be lip service to ensure that women come out and vote for her, with no major moves actually on the agenda? This is all very fuzzy to me, and it seems like it could be a veiled misandrist effort. It is stuff like this that makes me hesitant to pull the lever for Hillary.

Geheran1958 • 7 years ago

Good point. Maybe it's just another excuse to add to an already bloated burocracy to insure that the laws are 'properly' enforced.

Regular_Listener • 7 years ago

A tip of the hat to caller Nathan! His call was witty, but also insightful - he points out things about Trump that make a lot of people queasy.

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

No democratic socialist will have any problem imagining a Hillary Clinton presidency. The Clintons were pioneers of neo-liberalism decades ago. Hillary is the clear choice of Wall St. and the Pentagon. But the bipartisan attack on working class Americans and a continuation of a belligerent foreign policy will surprise no critical supporters of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders.
All this reaction will be covered up with homage to effete identity politics. It seems that the Democratic Party in a few weeks has revived the Cold War with Vladimir Putin's Russia. What is its case against Russia ? Military belligerence toward NATO ? A lack of American style democracy ( as observed in the DNC Wiki-leaks ?)
Putin sees Hillary as the face of World War III . And Putin -no fool - is right.

Goturback • 7 years ago

If Hillary is elected, will she be our fattest president. It looks like she's giving Taft a run for his money. Does the WH still have his tub?

Regular_Listener • 7 years ago

If America wanted someone slim, it could have gone with O'Malley or Paul or Bush. America wants a president who looks like America - a fat, red-faced white person (lol).

Ron Ruggieri • 7 years ago

Young American soldiers sacrificing their lives for another stupid war will look up in adoration at the picture of a fat old woman in the military barracks: THEIR Commander in Chief.

art525 • 7 years ago

As opposed to slim trim Donald Drumph?

zantimisfit • 7 years ago

Much of it depends on what kind of congress she gets. She might get the Senate (which will be enough for her to cause all kinds of damage) but she probably will not get the House. Either way HRC will continue to play the race card, the victim card, the rich-are-too-rich card, immigrant card, BLT?QGXYZ card. There is no end is there?

hennorama • 7 years ago

Frank Luntz weighs in:

"Real talk: That was the most effective speech I've ever seen from Hillary Clinton."

"Republicans won't like Hillary's speech, but the content, language, and delivery will have an impact on undecided voters."


Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

Who cares what Frank Luntz says? every word he says is a lie.

art525 • 7 years ago

It takes one to know one.

zantimisfit • 7 years ago

Oh, it is not. He's a pollster for cryin' out loud.

Guest • 7 years ago
dave • 7 years ago

Who's broadcast were you watching?
I watched NBC'S and in every cut to Bernie I saw, Bernie looked to be seething with anger. I only caught the Clinton speech toward the end though.

Guest • 7 years ago
dave • 7 years ago

NBC didn't show any Bernie 'protests'. I suspect NBC was strictly sticking to the DNC's "unified party" message.

Following Clinton's speech Andrea Mitchell did claim she was "on the floor" with some Sanders supporters behind her and said even the Sanders supporters were rejoicing Clinton's speech.
That's about as close as NBC came to showing any opposition to Clinton.

Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

all those balloons are going to end up in some ocean dump site. I bet the balloons from the last two conventions combined will cause the extinction of at least a couple sea creatures.

Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

Katie Perry's pyrotechnics went off late.

Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

Typical Hillary Clinton turning her back on everybody and looking at herself on camera.

Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

They look like Russians up there, that Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton are very Soviet-ish, imo.

art525 • 7 years ago

Wow your comments just get more and more stupid. They looked Russian huh? Your comments have as much substance as anything that comes out of Trump's twisty little mouth. Hey did you see the videos if Trump frolicking with Russian leaders on the news this morning?

Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago


Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

"america is great, because america is good." umm... okay...

Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

-Fear Russia
-I'll Create Jobs
-Women are awesome!
-Things will be more "affordable", thus there will not really be any reform whatsoever. It will still be a private, unregulated market that is based on Darwinism. Survival of the Richest.
-Patriotism is nothing we should be touting when wages have been stagnant since the 50's, thru both of these current parties. We're in more wars now than ever. We're closer to Midnight than we were during the Cold War. etc. We shouldn't be bragging or arrogant about anything right now.
-The Religious Zealots and Minorities being used as political props is sickening. Absolutely and totally sickening. It's soulless really.
-We need to reform our education system, ASAP because these people, overall, are not intellectual thinkers, They're CEO's and Lawyer's looking at the world thru accounting records rather than eye to eye contact with another person.

-This Culture.. we don't have one. We're obnoxious and stupid. that's what we're known for in other countries. Being idiots. I hate that. how do we fix all this? Is it even possible or should I just kill myself? This is depressing.

art525 • 7 years ago

Did you see that Drumph just hired 78 foreign workers? I am surprised by your self awareness when you said that you are obnoxious and stupid. They say that acknowledging it is the first step toward fixing it.

zantimisfit • 7 years ago

"It will still be a private, unregulated market that is based on Darwinism. Survival of the Richest." Honestly, First of all markets are regulated. Try to get a real estate license. Second, this unregulated market has given the U.S. the highest standard of living ever in the history of the world. Oh, but what about the poor? Everyone has poor people and we in America do more for ours than anywhere else in the world.

Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

a real estate license pre or post housing bubble? It's all about context and patterns that have played out over the last 50 to 100years. It's really the only way to look at this system. You cannot break it up by single years and you can't really even break it up by presidents you have to do it by decades to see the cause / effect of what that president even did. Like did Clinton or Bush leave us stable or did it crash when they left because of whatever reason? People really don't look at things longer than a decade. If they did they'd see these patterns. And the families involved in the policies that created those patterns. Then you can evaluate the congress from that period of time too and see if it was the problem or the supreme courts rulings or the executive branch. the "free market" and "economy" it's like nature at the moment. It is unregulated, or poorly regulated imo. Money is allocated horribly and we don't even get told where our tax dollars go. For all we know it could be to the banks to gamble with rather than the infrastructure and schools. and that's the type of stuff we're up against. Privatization v. Public. Public is always cheaper because we're worth way more collectively than separately. Unless of course you are in the upper 25percent of this country.

zantimisfit • 7 years ago

Oh, dear. You are ever in need of an education. 1) my point about the real estate license is that when I was getting my license, I found it to be the most regulated area of our economy. 2) If you want to go back and look at what has caused us to be where we are, look at the all that social legislation signed by congress during the Johnson years. Very little of it has worked and we are in deep, deep debt as a result. Black families are far worse off because of what LBJ did. 3) Public is always cheaper? No way! It only LOOKS cheaper because someone else is taking up the slack in payments. The private sector ALWAYS manages their resources better than the public sector.

Sebastian Melmoth • 7 years ago

Amazing. Is Hillary giving tonight's speech for free?

Salty • 7 years ago

Will she release the transcript?

art525 • 7 years ago

Will trump release his tax returns?

Salty • 7 years ago

He should. ...don't know if he will... (I am not a Trump fan...)

Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

"get back in the game", "deal me in", etc. I get the cards and gambling references in regards to "Trump" but should the DNC really be using Trumps name in their pitch to nominate Hillary? This helped Trump. Not sure how it wasn't going to tho.

Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago


Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

Jill Stein and Green Party, here I come. Goodbye Democratic Party, Forever.

jeffet68 • 7 years ago

Jill Stein? You mean the same Jill Stein who can't get elected in her own state to anything other than the town of Lexington Town Meeting Representative for 2005 and 2008.
That Jill Stein? The one who lives in lily white Lexington? That Jill Stein.
The one who's Green Party is only on 15 state ballots for November?
That Jill Stein. Who's entire campaign is about ego and nothing else as recent BS she's been pulling has shown.

I'm not in the Democratic party but Jill Stein is a joke now and any relevance left her after the last time she ran for president. In 2012 Stein received 469,501 votes, or 0.3 percent, according to the Federal Elections Commission.

hennorama • 7 years ago

Not really a fan of retired military officers getting involved in politics, but Gen. John R. Allen, AO, USMC (Ret.) is one helluva rousing speaker.

Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

He was horrible and the opposite of the vibe this country needs. Patriotic is fine if we're succeeding and doing well, but we're not. Horrible education system, Horrible healthcare system, Horrible Every System. We are not #1 and haven't been for a long long time. It's more of that blah blah blah. Your time is spend better doing literally anything.

dizzy7 • 7 years ago

Sounds like the perfect candidate for you is Trump, not Stein. He has exactly the same apocalyptic view of the country that you do.

art525 • 7 years ago

You are SO right! Same stupid meaningless blather.

hourly_PA • 7 years ago

That view is not rapture with Tide commercials.
Tide commercials is what you enjoy, so go for it.
Apocalypse Now will wake up some and put others to sleep.

Sarah O'Reily • 7 years ago

The entire Democratic Pitch is for us to Gamble. I don't like gambling. Gambling is what caused the Housing Bubble. And what will cause the second one after Hillary leaves office. Greenspan and Bill Clinton KNEW the market would collapse and told people to spend. They created the pain. Bush simply gave that domino the last little nudge it needed to fall.

nj_v2 • 7 years ago

What to expect from the Corporate Queen President?

More lack of progress of global climate change. More fossil fuel use. Obama extended.


Oil and gas industry events 'polluting' Democratic convention, say activists
Environmentalists say panels sponsored by the main fossil fuel lobby group undermine the party platform’s stance on energy and climate change

Oliver Milman

Thursday 28 July 2016 09.00 EDT

A series of events sponsored by the oil and gas industry are “polluting” the Democratic national convention with climate denialism and should be boycotted by leading Democrats, according to environmentalists.

The American Petroleum Institute (API) has underwritten five events hosted in Philadelphia during the convention by media organizations Politico and the Atlantic.

The events, which promote API’s Vote4Energy campaign, provide delegates and other attendees with literature and signage extolling the benefits of oil and gas drilling.

While both Politico and the Atlantic said that API, the US’s leading fossil fuel lobby group, does not hold any sway over the content of the panel discussions, green groups claimed the events have allowed the denial of climate science to seep into the Democratic gathering.

“These polluting events have a complete disrespect for the scientific facts and we are very concerned about the influence that fossil fuels have here,” said Brad Johnson, executive director of Climate Hawks Vote, a political action group which has a 10,000-strong petition urging Democrats to boycott the events.…


Goturback • 7 years ago


Julain Assange • 7 years ago

Clintons will say anything to get elected.. and go back to pursuing their own agenda, which is to pad their own portfolio as much as possible.

nj_v2 • 7 years ago

Criticisms from right wingdings like you aren't worth the electrons it takes to generate them.

nj_v2 • 7 years ago

Foreign policy; not so progressive. Dems like to bomb them some sh*t, too… Don't wanna be out-toughed by the Cons.


"Most Progressive Dem Platform in History" Hawkish on Foreign Policy

The Democratic Party platform may indeed be, as some have proclaimed, the “most progressive” in the history of the party—at least on various important domestic issues. But some of its foreign policy planks reflect a disturbingly hawkish worldview consistent with those of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Declaring that “we must defeat ISIS, al-Qaeda and their affiliates,” the platform calls for the United States and its allies to “destroy ISIS” strongholds in Iraq and Syria. There is no acknowledgement that these strongholds are in heavily populated urban areas, thereby risking large-scale civilian casualties, and no mention that the rise of these extremist organizations are a direct consequence of previous U.S. military interventions in the region.

Regarding Iran, while there are many legitimate criticisms of that country’s reactionary regime, the platform appears to go overboard with its accusations, such as the claim that “Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism.” Many analysts would give that designation to Saudi Arabia, with whom the platform says the U.S. should “strengthen its security cooperation.”

It also says the party will “push back” against Iran’s “support for terrorist groups like Hamas.” While there was a brief period of some limited past Iranian support of that Palestinian Islamist organization, there is no apparent evidence that it continues. Indeed, there are major tensions between Hamas and Iran, including support for opposite sides in the Syrian civil war. (By contrast, there is fair amount of evidence that Qatar—a U.S. ally—does provide support for Hamas, but there is no mention of that.)…
