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Guest • 9 years ago
Guest • 9 years ago

It's amazing to me that telling any and all people to beware of the risks of HIV is a negative, regardless of your sexual orientation.
The "simplest ways to avoid contracting a serious STD: a) Don't be gay" --- how is that "sparing the feelings of gay men?" This gay man felt like a piece of shit after reading that.

Mike Cernovich • 9 years ago

If you applied the principles here, you would not feel like shit and would understand the sentence was a rhetorical device. Also, this post was clearly written for heterosexual males.

You need to work on yourself before you're ready for Danger & Play.

Guest • 9 years ago

Because gay men are unaware they are at risk for HIV and straight men need reminders they are less likely... The post was condescending, but you're free to write as a you wish. Like you've said, it is extremely unlikely that one article will deter your readers from viewing your page, especially as they're mostly straight bro's.

BigGaySteve • 8 years ago

There are gay guys(called bugchasers) that purposely get HIV so they can lay about all day collecting social security disability & get to claim victim status. I am just lucky I don't have to pay gay alimony for someone like that.

Markku Rantamäki • 9 years ago

millers, chill. That "Don´t be gay" advice sounded just like don´t be a poor black person in ghetto or don´t be born in Africa to place where only help is a bushdoctor. Its your own fault bud. You could have been born in Finland as a straight guy etc. but no. You chose the other way...

Mike Cernovich • 9 years ago

Although gay men, women, and everyone else are welcome to read my site, my articles are written with straight men in mind.

Issues impacting gays, women, people in Africa, etc. are no doubt important and are covered in nearly every other mainstream publication.

So while this isn't a "safe space" per se, I do write with the interests of heterosexual Western males in mind.

Deplorable_Paul • 7 years ago

Thanks for your article. The racial arguments are lies. The incidence of anal sex and homosexual sex in the black culture are much higher than reported. I know this from medical experience. They just culturally assume it to be "normal" and get bent out of shape when they are compared to white norms which up until recently didn't include anal sex or homosexual experience as normal

Benoit Loiseau • 6 years ago

just because you write with a specific group in mind doesn't mean that you should allow yourself to be a homophobic cunt. hopefully you've learned that since 2012.

I_Finessed_Em • 7 years ago

Stop with this comparing blacks/Africans to homosexuals bullshit. It is not the same and it's insulting to an entire RACE of normal beings. Homosexuality is the behavior of sexual deviants. No babies can be made in the process. The gay agenda is brutal, intolerant, and irrational.

St Martyr • 7 years ago

And there are plenty of gay and lesbians around who are Black. Ooops.

Jamie Walker • 6 years ago

We don't choose who we are dickhead.Your post literally has as much logic in it than the a cow being able to breathe under water

SongTalkingMan • 8 years ago

Feelings?! This is the wrong place for you, if your feelings are the most important part of you, then I suggest you should leave completely.

"Don't be gay" means 'Don't do gay sex, and you'll be fine'.

Just like 'don't play with knives' means 'don't play with knives, and you won't get hurt.' Or 'don't play with fire, and you won't burn yourself'.

You see, some things have higher rate of bad things happening to you.

LegallySpeaking • 9 years ago

He should; it is a disease brought on by their engagement in a severe, socially destructive perversion. And he's tried to lie to straight men to get them to save him.

Stop trying to pretend equality.

Guest • 9 years ago

I'm not "pretending equality". You and Cernovich should stop pretending to not be anti-gay. Done reading his site.

Mike Cernovich • 9 years ago

I know writing about the truth will cost me some readers, although I'm not sorry to see someone who can't rationally discuss facts leave. Have a good afternoon.

Guest • 9 years ago

What "facts" Mike? The fact that gay men are at a higher risk for getting HIV than straight men? I'm almost 100% most educated people are aware of that fact. As a gay person who is not even into anal sex and is very cautious with my sex life, the idea that you tell a straight person "just don't be gay" to avoid catching HIV, that's totally unfair. Gay sex doesn't spawn HIV. Gay sex is a common way the disease is transmitted. If two gay men who are negative have sex, they are at no risk of catching the disease. You don't have to be sorry to see me go, judging from the comments by one of your more dedicated readers I'm not sure I'd be welcomed to begin with..

I_Finessed_Em • 7 years ago

Point is gay and bisexual men spread it, not the straights. And the straight black women are poor victims of cowardly men who are too afraid to live their perverted truth.

St Martyr • 7 years ago

What about in Africa? Are you know saying ALL men in Africa are gay??

thaddeusbuttmunchmd • 7 years ago

I'm a physician. AIDS in Africa is a Perfect Storm caused by several different converging factors. First and Foremost, are the aforementioned Genital Ulcers. The Classic one is Syphilis. This Chancre lasts for a few weeks to months. If a man has it and has sex with an HIV+ woman, he can easily get infected. But Africa has Other ulcerating STDs as well, such as lymphogranuloma inguinale and Chancroid. In the West, these are easily treated with Tetracycline. In Subsaharan Africa, however, they go to Witch Doctors or don't seek care at all because of Abject Poverty. They also have differing sexual practices, such as using plants to dry a woman out. They like their sex "Hot, Dry and Tight" over there. This can obviously cause lacerations. A Second problem over there is that Hospitals are like Medieval places to Die. They don't change out syringes or IV tubing. When vaccines are given, needles aren't changed out. This was a MAJOR factor in the spread of Ebola as well. Do you wonder why the Haitians had it so much?? Well-they Also are a poor country. They made money donating plasma to hemophiliacs. Some were already infected from Africans. When needles were shared-it spread horizontally among donors, and also vertically among recipients-chiefly US Hemophiliacs. And my fellow American physicians arrogantly assumed that Only Anal Sex spread the virus. "The Blood supply is perfectly Safe." This had Tragic consequences.

I would now like to call attention to the spread of AIDS among male homosexuals in America. The story is not as simple as you may think. There is a Biphasic period after infection. First-the titer in your blood goes way up, and you may feel a little sick-like The Flu or Mono. Ironically, for a Fatal disease, everyone recovers from this early phase (several weeks long.) Even with HIV-the body is initially able to repress it. The Problem is that the person is Highly infectious during this period. If they are sharing needles in a drug house, or having promiscuous sex in a bathhouse or on Fire Island during this time, they will infect others. The titer of virus varies Widely by age. A teenage boy may peak at 100,000 virions/ml, where as a 45 year old man may have titers as high as Fifty Million(!) Then, for from two to ten years (longer in younger victims) they are Fine. I think the asymptomatic carrier is somewhat of a myth, because, again, their titers are quite low during the long Latent phase. A second problem is that, even when the blood tests finally came in in 1985, an infected person can test negative for several weeks after infection (because the tests are to an antibody to the virus-not the virus itself.) Some patients got infected blood because of this. It is a Known Fact that there were a handful of infected homosexuals in NYC in the Early Seventies. BUT the infection didn't really take off until 1980 onward. We know from stored blood samples that only about six percent of male homosexuals in NYC were infected by 1980. By 1985 the Vast Majority were-Ditto with the Heroin Addicts there. IMHO this could only be the case if those in the early phase of actual AIDS were spreading it. The forty one Gay Men initially identified with Kaposi Sarcoma did (relatively) well-even in the Bad Old Days. "Only" twenty percent died from 1981-1983. When you have Kaposi your T Cell count is already moderately low, and you have a high viral titer-maybe one million/ml. But they were still walking, talking and you-know-what elsing in the bathhouses. A Shining Example of this was that SOB Gaetan Dugas-the Gay Canadian Air Steward. He had sex with hundreds of men from the time his Kaposi lesions were diagnosed until maybe late 1983-when he was Too Sick. He Died in 1984.

Fed up with laws • 7 years ago

Keep telling yourself that, how do you think the AIDS virus came about to begin with? I'll give you a clue, the first two gays that created it, neither had it till they did.

You may as well say something like, if I put two slices of fresh mold free bread on a plate, neither will mold because neither has mold, I assure you, they both will mold if left sitting out, and keep taming the taint or having oral sex, and it will eventually catch up with you, mark my words.

Guest • 7 years ago
Fed up with laws • 7 years ago

I will.

Guest • 7 years ago
Fed up with laws • 7 years ago

I am too. What do you think causes AIDS? It sure isn't straight sex. Your reasoning and comprehension skills are lacking, as is your judgment.

NASCAR drivers do many races, but if they continue to race long enough some of them get killed eventually, and even if some of them don't, that don't change the fact that racing is dangerous and can get you killed.

The fact is, AIDS exists and is carried and transmitted by the gay community. Keep doing what you are doing, see what happens.

Guest • 6 years ago
Fed up with laws • 6 years ago

I know what AIDS is, and if your Grandmother has it, she got it from a blood transfusion or else she slept with a sexual deviant, and last option she herself is a sexual deviant, no other way she got it.

I never asked you hat AIDS is, I know exactly what is, I asked you what do you think causes it. Your little straw man story is minutia, answer the question, then we can talk.

"To which revisions but with zero evidence have been made to the official story"

O', there is evidence.

"Yup, it's all the queers and blacks fault...interesting narrative, where have I heard this before?"

Probably from you. I never said it's the black man fault, I said homosexuals, but since you brought this up in your post, there are a shit ton of black homo's. Blacks will sleep with anyone and anything. If you need proof or evidence of this, I will gladly educate you, just ask.

Oculos_Prime • 6 years ago

Oh no, I'm good thanks. Glad to know yet another person doesn't let their stupidity get in the way of their ignorance.

Fed up with laws • 6 years ago

Yes, you are good and stupid. You don't even know what causes AIDS, well I will give you a clue, it's not straight sex between straight people.

Oculos_Prime • 6 years ago

It's not gay people fucking monkeys
either, anal polyp. That's where the African American comment came from. I'd say you can go ahead and shove your ignorant head back up your ass but it looks like you're still full of shit.

Fed up with laws • 6 years ago

Oculos Primed, I don't care what you think, I can't take anyone seriously who can't even figure out what sex was made for them. I'm done here, it's a wast of time and I said what I came to say.

Guest • 7 years ago
Fed up with laws • 7 years ago

I didn't ask you how it got transmitted, I asked you, what do you think causes it? The truth is, gay sex is what causes it.

"Shocker, I know, but heterosexuals get AIDS too.."

Outside of a dirty needle or a bad blood transfusion, both of which come from you faggots, there is no way a straight person can catch it. Make no mistakes about it, you are the source. We could also, small chance catch it from a cheating partner that is Bi Sexual, but again you people are the source.

Say whatever you want, but the fact is, this disease originated with your kind sleeping with monkeys, and I hope it takes all of you out, the world will be better off.

You people spread it on purpose, straight people are no the ones doing that.

Guest • 7 years ago
Fed up with laws • 7 years ago

I think you're a little light in the in the toes, twinkle toes. My Mother had a gay hair dresser for awhile, but he's dead now, yep in his late 30's and he caught AIDS and died, maybe you can be next, who knows.

You have no idea how many gays die every day from this, no idea. They don't put in the paper you died of AIDS when you die of AIDS, they put something like, "He passed away in his sleep", or "Mr. M died of natural causes", etc, yea natural to his sexual preference more like it.

Yea, I took the red pill alright, and you sucked down the blue one. Anyway, I am done here, you'll find out soon enough how it actually goes down.

Guest • 7 years ago
Fed up with laws • 7 years ago

Naw, all the experts are dead, like her hair dresser. I'm just an expert at avoiding it, which you will never be.

Fed up with laws • 6 years ago

Me M, you are arguing minutia. Straight people can catch AIDS one of 2 ways, a blood transfusion or by sleeping with someone like you. Blood transfusions don't cause Aids, neither does straight sex, these are transmission methods that ignore how it came about to begin with.

"Gay sex doesn't CAUSE it - anal sex is just one of many ways to transmit the disease."

Yea it does, and what cause it and how you can transmit it is 2 different things, none of you can say anything but gay sex doesn't cause it, which is BS, and why you can't come up with the right answer.

"If an HIV infected heterosexual person, who might have gotten it from a
drug needle or blood transfusion, has sex - guess what? Their partner is
at risk of contracting the disease"

No shit captain obvious, you still ignore what does cause it, you can't keep how it can be transmitted separate from what causes it to begin with. You are just like that other idiot pole smoker.

"but heterosexuals get AIDS too." Yes, from needles as we already talked about, but needles don't cause AIDS idiot, they transfer them.

"If two HIV negative gay men do not have HIV, them having sex doesn't
just spawn the disease. They can have sex all night long and be
perfectly healthy."

Yea, that's what the first 2 homos thought too that caught it, you will eventually get it as your immune system weakens trying to fight off semen and shit from other men.

BigGaySteve • 8 years ago

No risk unless your boyfriend is cheating on you while you are at work.

I_Finessed_Em • 7 years ago

I like this guy👍. No homo....

LegallySpeaking • 9 years ago

Yes, you are. Claiming that homosexual pairs are the same as normal, healthy heterosexual couples is pretending equality. They are not equal in the least.

Homosexual sex is disordered deviance. It is bad for the people doing it and bad for society as a whole. It is correlated to high rates of mental problems, criminality, anti-social behavior, and suicide; note that these numbers do not change even if a locale is "gay-friendly," thus proving that it isn't straight social pressure causing gay problems.

You can take the red pill on homosexuality, or you can put your head back in the sand. Your choice, just as acting out on homosexual deviancy is a choice.

Mike Cernovich • 9 years ago

Banging a lot of girls is bad for society, too. Whatever. This isn't Sunday church service. We've all heard these same arguments beaten to death, anyway. Sort of a boring discussion.

Guest • 9 years ago

All that hate isn't good for your health. Later dude.

LegallySpeaking • 9 years ago

Homosexual behavior isn't good for anyone's health, including society's . And tolerance for such disordered behavior is bad for your own.

You can live in denial all you want, but you can't force me to live there with you.

Take the red pill.

Guest • 9 years ago

No thanks.

LegallySpeaking • 9 years ago

Remember then that you are choosing denial of reality---because the truth makes you uncomfortable. You are not following logic, you are using your emotion --your attachment to the pretty propaganda of the pro-homos---to override your logic.

But reality will not go away because you wish it away, Tinkerbell. And you hurt yourself and society by doing so.

Guest • 9 years ago

What reality am I denying? I am aware gay men are at a higher risk for catching HIV. The only denial I could make would be denying my innate sexuality. Would you condone gay men marrying straight women? I'd find THAT to be more destructive to society than gay couples living their lives together. Thanks for calling me Tinkerbell too, speaks volumes.

LegallySpeaking • 9 years ago

You deny that homosexual behavior is bad for society and for its participants. You also deny that society should discourage such behavior. Those denials are ridiculous on their face and fly in the face of logic.

No one is born gay; all people are capable of all sorts of deviant and normal sexual behavior. That it is "pure nature" is a lie by the homosexual lobby that you swallow without thinking (heh).

Women and men so mentally diseased who cannot control such deviant, disordered impulses --- mostly due to abuse as young children by other disordered individuals, as well as pro-gay propaganda in media, and associated mental disorders---should be put into sanitariums to prevent others from being assaulted by them (especially children, who, if sexually abused, are overwhelmingly abused by same-sex adults---i.e. those acting on homosexual desires). Those who can control their impulses ---i.e. the majority of those who claim they are "gay"---should not engage in homosexual behavior, and if they do, be punished by law--imprisonment, chemical castration, etc.

That you want children abused because you don't want to be "intolerant" speaks as to how much of the blue pill you swallow.

Yes, Tinkerbell is appropriate for you. And perhaps one day you'll understand the reference a little better there, Tinkerbell. Hint: I'm smarter than you, so you may have to go look it up.

Mike Cernovich • 9 years ago

This is too preachy. We don't really do moralizing around here.

Aaron • 9 years ago

This article was intended to put straight males, that worry about HIV, more at ease.
I really don't think this is the place for your homophobic rants. Take that attitude somewhere else.