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paranumre • 8 years ago

This is not fraud, it's just "economic stimulus". What's the matter with you people?!!!

lcj240 • 8 years ago

Notice that the original article points out that for dummycrat senator Wyden (Oregon) it never occurs to him that one possibility would be to reduce deficit spending. Dummycrats cannot think that way. (not that repubs are much better)

JonnyCorzino • 8 years ago


Old wood • 8 years ago

When Obama was running for his first term as president, he continually attacked Bush for profligate spending. Once in office he unabashedly commented in an interview that ALL spending was stimulative, implying there was no real "wasteful spending".
If all the money pissed away had actually been spent on infrastructure or even scientific research we might at least have something to build on. Instead it was spread around between financial cronies, entitlement spending and infinite government employees paid to do little but invent new ways to spend. The only thing that kept them from simply burning the money was their climate change agenda.
We live in a world run by believers and those who believe the most passionately seem to take top seat. Rationality is a pipe dream. Desperate times really reinforce this.

B Wilds • 8 years ago

In November of 2014 the national debt was poised to pass the 18 trillion mark. As of this morning the National Debt Clock shows 398 billion dollars has been added to the total and the amount owed continues to grow. A major concern for this writer is that in 2017 entitlements are poised to balloon causing a massive spike in government spending.

The myth that and a scenario of growth coupled with a falling deficit will allow us to outgrow many of the problems we face brings with it a false optimism and hope. The fact is we are mired in the mist of the greatest government debt bubble in the history of the world. More concerning this subject in the article below.


Paul_Morphy • 8 years ago

If you claim "back pain" and do not have a degree, Timberlake believes you are disabled.

If you do have a degree, but are buried under debt from student loans, you are still disabled. Timberlake loves to play rainmaker with Federal tax dollars. He is a general in the free shit army.