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David C Roach • 9 years ago

Google doesn't Lie. Lawyers lie for a living. A 4th rate freshman 101 poly sci adjunct professor at a 4th rate back water diploma mill- well- its he said I said.
I did my homework; but due to lawyerly legalisms and minutiae of laws that an average American isnt privy to because we arent lawyers- well- a technicality. BUT IM RIGHT. and the record shows it..
The Matter at hand is PERJURY - lying- by candidates- by signing documents they either didnt know were false; wrong; or incorrect/ inaccurate; or in the Mayors case- intentionally wrong all over the place.. in several places..
Many of the documents in question- are not accessible by the general public; but the ACEB can subpoena them if it chooses to which to date it has not; nor has the Mayor and others volunteered to produce them to the public.
heres a link: read it for yourself..
also- there is also other evidence in other posts as well.
read it for yourself. THEN DECIDE. WHOS RIGHT..
see link in above story to roach 4 mayor blog

Kenneth White Jnr • 9 years ago
Guest • 9 years ago

what makes this a ballot proxy war - and not just a concerned candidate
with standing filing in support of another candidate already
disenfranchised by the ACEB- is that said candidate is holding the ACEB
by the balls and all the other candidates by the throat by stipulating
recension of said 40+ complaints if original disenfranchisement is
resolved prior to the day of common selection by Primary Voters, that
technically qualifies as blackmail even intimidation, even though there
were already stipulated conflicts of interest by the Judge whom recused
himself on grounds and pushed the hearing date back a week.

the ACEB need overhauled? Yes a long time ago. But filing as a threat
to warrant an untimely outcome in a separate case and also questionable
due process is my concern and should be every other Citizens as well.

But, Burgess said the Allen County Election Board mishandled complaints
filed within that deadline by Democratic mayoral candidate David Roach.
The board held a hearing on February 18 in which it did take one
candidate off the ballot and dismissed the rest of the complaints. Roach
is now appealing in court. On Facebook, Burgess wrote to the board, “if
you are willing to engage and settle the matter of Roach v ACEB before
the primary” then she would drop her complaints against the 27

willing to withdraw them even though they are valid because I believe
the Election Board will be more vigilant in the future, but this other
case needs to stop being in legal limbo and needs to move on,” Burgess

you should have either a. not dangled the carrot of recension or b.
waited til after the primary and filed direct charges of perjury.

Kenneth White, Jnr.
Secretary, Libertarian Party of Allen County.

David C Roach • 9 years ago

and your 2014 tax returns; and ALL your City govt account emails as well-
seriously- theres a long "rest of the story" here.

Russell Duritz • 9 years ago

Another democratic pawn trying to clean the slate so that she can feel some sense of accomplishment. If only she had the intelligence to come up with a better plan.

Guest • 9 years ago

Wait, she's complaining about people not following the rules... but yet she herself isn't following the rule by turning in the complaint late.... not voting for her, she seems a little crazy if you ask me.

KiramanKatibin • 9 years ago

Well we know not to vote for her psychotic stalker self. What a creep.
Her crooked Democratic self is trying to be Obama's IRS and Justice Department all in one! Targeting her opponents like a certain community organizer does. Hmmmmmmm.
It's the progressive/socialist way.
Sad. Very very sad.

Vinnie Garbone • 9 years ago

Sort of how republicans are going after Rand? Could it not be a tool of all politicians? Maybe the problem isn't one politician or the other, but politicians themselves?

Cassie • 9 years ago

If your going to file a complaint then do it before the deadline and send it certified mail. Then neither side can fool around in this monkey business. I agree with Downs.

Andrew • 9 years ago

Gina Burgess needs to get a hobby and leave politics to the grownups.

Elmer Fudd • 9 years ago

Wow, a democrat that seems to be concerned about fair elections. Hey, was that a pig that just flew by?!

Chris • 9 years ago

I saw the same pig flying the other day. But the IRS and ATF denied it was a pig and asked for my tax returns and gun registrations before telling me that my ammo was now illegal. No wait it isn't illegal no wait it might be illegal. The democrats can't even stop contradicting themselves long enough to invent a story even idiots like their liberal lemming supporters could believe.

Guest • 9 years ago
Hubert J. Farnsworth • 9 years ago

Man we may not agree on everything...but considering the Bushes have had some sort of power for about 70 years starting with good ole Prescott Bush. Yea. That presidency was handed to him by folks more powerful than the President that's for sure.

Elmer Fudd • 9 years ago

You bet it was legit, all the way to SCOTUS. What a shame that the demoncrats couldn't suppress enough overseas military votes. Don't be such a wimdit, Rill.

Elite_troll_level 1000 • 9 years ago

No it was the sky falling. Global warming is making you see things again.