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lis • 9 years ago

No one can hide from the truth! People need to know what is going on. Had Mr. Kiraz not been flagged by these two psychopaths and instead it was an ordinary person-would the PM ban the media? When the Soma tragedy occurred, the media was not banned. When Elvan died, the media was not banned. What is the difference now?. With all due respect to this unfortunate man who died so violently, his death being used to propagate their agenda. Who will they blame next? The real problem here is that the police officer (s) who targeted Elvan have not been brought to justice. Horrendous as it seems, this situation could have been resolved one year ago. Why were several prosecutors appointed this case, if they already know who tear gassed the boy. Mr. Kiraz died in vein. How many more people have to die,before they give up the cops who co-created this problem with from blessings the then Prime Minister Erdogan.