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AndrewF • 9 years ago

This is pretty poor reporting, its widely known and accepted that the early versions of Android lollipop have this problem and in fact Samsung are the very first to roll-out the latest release of Lollipop to address the issue

Kwaku Israel • 9 years ago

That's not true, where did you get that from? I have an HTC one and had lollipop since February3rd & never had that problem. The problem is Samsung isn't used to making high memory devices. This is there first non sd card devices and they rush things as usual. That's why they always have problems.

AndrewF • 9 years ago

Google "Android lollipop memory leak" and while you are doing that try "Samsung memory manufacturing" I'm really happy for you that you like the HTC, nice phone. I use a Sony Z3 and like it, just find lollipop laggy and can't wait for the bug fixing updates.

thereasoner • 9 years ago

You are both right. It is an Android 5 issue but HTC did delay the update for my HTC ONE M7 and fixed this problem before releasing it. The rest of the stuff that you said about Samsung however makes no sense whats so ever.

bradavon • 9 years ago

Like Tablet means Apple iPad, Android means Samsung Galaxy. At least to some.

reggjoo • 9 years ago

Wow, major problem? C'mon, really? All this is a software config problem, specifically managing oom, and when memory's released.

Mpompi Lougano • 9 years ago


Robert John Hebert • 9 years ago

My Samsung Note Edge has memory management issues as well and the screen often goes black or programs quit or text won't scroll or data won't load. For months I though it was due to mobile data issues with VerizonMobile, now I believe it is Samsung's faulty memory management.

The Pursuing Bear • 9 years ago

A bigger problem is that a recent update broke the "Ok Google" from any screen option, making the phone effectively useless as a handsfree device. Very annoying, and Google are being frustratingly uncommunicative on the issue on their support forum.

Guest • 9 years ago
C.P. Garcia • 9 years ago

Hmm.. SO which top manufacture phone comes with a 5000mAh battery ? Hmm ZERO.. Even the "Droid Turbo" is only 3900mAh..

jazzplayer • 9 years ago

guys if some of you still use samsung s5 pls let me know do u have the problem with your device since lollipop update? My phone getting hot and camera doesnt work unless i restart the phone.

Leonardo Calegari • 9 years ago

Same problem with my Edge. If I download more than 3 videos on whatsapp at the same time, the system crash. Waiting for the update.

Cakefish • 9 years ago

This is an issue that stems from Lollipop itself. I have the same issue with my Nexus 5.

Sum Talukdar • 9 years ago

Easy fix with an update!

thereasoner • 9 years ago

Agree with others on here, it is a LP problem. My Galaxy S6 hasn't given me any problems yet but I do notice that it's a bit of a Ram hog in its current configuration. Samsung will sort it out, my old HTC ONE M7 ran great on 5.0.2 but then HTC took the extra time necessary to fix the problem before releasing the update, missing their self imposed deadline in the process.

Kevin Dimov • 9 years ago

The issue is not only with filling up the RAM. Frequently used apps should remain in the RAM. Mine force closes my WhatsApp purging it from the RAM even though I have plenty free. This causes the app to be started fresh every time, causing delay in it for up to 5 seconds which is noticeable. Same with other regularly used apps - settings/gallery/s planner. And WhatsApp takes just some 80-100Mb of RAM ! With 1 - 1.1Gb available the phone should not FC it !

Cakefish • 9 years ago

I have the same problem with my Nexus 5. It's a problem with Lollipop itself. 5.1 improves it but doesn't entirely fix it. Still waiting for 5.1.1.

Kevin Dimov • 9 years ago

God I hope they sort this out with 5.1.1. It has been too long with having this bug around

Joe • 9 years ago

Yeah google really needs to make sure that its fixed in 5.1.1 cuz otherwise I don't know wtf I am going to do.

Kevin Dimov • 9 years ago

Same here.. stuck with a brand new flagship, that has bugs .. who will ever gonna buy it from me ?

PaulinVite • 9 years ago

I have both the edge and S6 it's a lollipop problem. My nexus 9 is a piece of junk google are still trying to sort it. IMO Samsung will sort it shortly, Samsung phones seem to be the only ones that continually sort out android foibles.
Apart from lollipop it blows the competition away even my iPhone 6 plus is eclipsed by the S6

Comment_Cop • 9 years ago

Gimme all your chicken.

Wardroid • 9 years ago

non-issue/click bait here. this is normal/expected for android. im still planning to get one this month. stuttering/micro-lags/software aging is part of android in general. nothing like a quick factory reset wont fix. s4 has this and s5 (if you are abusive enough), dont expect this to change anytime soon.

Wardroid • 9 years ago

also this phone is still a lot prettier compared to iPhones :P

jonmorris • 9 years ago

Isn't this why Samsung is already rolling out Android 5.1.1?