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treb072410 • 9 years ago

Thanks for sharing Lisa! Very useful and informative..

Salman Sharif • 9 years ago

Great article Lisa :) we can also use hashtags to the description of pins to gain more exposure on Pinterest. I have experimented with hashtags on Pinterest for quite some time and it is giving me nice results.

LisaDJenkins • 9 years ago

That's a valuable point, Salman, thanks for sharing it with us. Glad you stopped by to read and comment.

Mehedi • 9 years ago

Great article. Thanks for sharing Lisa!

Kelly Atkin • 9 years ago

Lots of great articles all in one place. Very useful. Thanks Lisa.

Antonio Calero • 9 years ago

Great article Lisa. Pinterest is one of the pending subjects for my biz: I've delivered a lot of training and coaching on the subject, but somehow I have never focused too much on the platform for my own brand... So your article is a timely reminder :)

LisaDJenkins • 9 years ago

I'm happy to hear this nudged you a bit, Antonio, and am excited to see what you do on Pinterest for yourself. Thanks for reading!

Sure Profits • 9 years ago

Great articles on Pinterst. I have just began to explore the platform to use it for business so this information comes in handy at the right time. It is also good that there are so many interesting articles in one place. Good job Lisa, thanks for sharing.

marzi • 9 years ago

Thanks Lisa it was useful and informative, mind if you keep it brief next time? Several questions at the beginning of each paragraphs is a bit irritating.

Erik Carr • 9 years ago

This is a very good resource, Lisa! I run the Pinterest account of a manufacturer that has products sold in the U.S. and in a few foreign countries. I started using Promoted Pins at the start of May to drive more traffic to the manufacturer's website. However, our website does not sell the products we manufacture on the website. Instead, the website has a directory containing links to all of our retailers' homepages. Based on what I just described, what would be the best way to utilize Promoted Pins in order to most effectively determine if the pins are successfully sending traffic to the retailers' websites?

Meg Glasgow • 8 years ago

Lots of terrific insights. I'm excited to put these ideas into action!

Mohit Bajaj • 8 years ago

Hey Lisa,

Very informative article...I've been trying to use pinterest for a while, but haven't gotten much traction yet. I had a couple questions

1. If the business is B2B, but the customers of the business are likely to promote their businesses on Pinterest, can Pinterest be used effectively? (For example, a garment manufacturer in Bombay, India, whose customers are clothing retailers and fashion brands)
2. Is it advisable to link Pinterest to facebook and twitter? I find that sharing straight from Pinterest to Facebook hides large parts of the image. Is there anyway around that?

Vinod Kumar • 8 years ago

can i create pinterest paid ads in India? because i read on Pinterest sites that we have to US business account for running paid ads????????

please suggest me.????????

LisaDJenkins • 8 years ago

Hi there, Vinod - thanks for reading. At this time, Promoted Pins are available to U.S.-based business accounts. You can read more about that here: https://business.pinterest....

Matt Smith • 8 years ago

So this is for 2014, has there been an update as of recently?

Grace Duffy • 8 years ago

Sure! You can find our latest articles and updates on Pinterest by following this link: http://www.socialmediaexami...

Hope this helps!